spom event. Today it is experiencing a resurgence of popularity, wit&!&ack and field events once again beginning to draw record crovf#@andviewers. What's more, classic athletics events have given rise #a few modern offshoots, which make up some of the most qwrting events in America and around the world, (COHIINUED ON PAGE 74) [MULTI-SPORT~MULTI-DISCIPLINEREVIEW * TRACK & FIELD} (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 73) 2 The Great Southwest Track & Field Classic z to Return this Summer T~mltllahlddBngmandtoothmltIs ~W~OhY1~I#cstttisfor~ a vbvedasagddmlne.lhe~~T~%teofNewMexico.7heoomblnatlonofawell- & ReM Classic rebms to Abuqmp~,Naw Mex- orgeniml everrt, filled w#h top tier athletes fmm U1 imforUw342hedftkn'donedIReprembMgh ~thecwntry,thlseventa#owsusthe 3 schodtrackeventsInthe~Thegoeld~opportu~tohlghNghtwrsCat8's~kuty 0 majcrtmckandfleldeventktoprovlde~out- andpmddeq~~fortheunlversltyof - standlngpletlwmlorthetopathWsInttmcoun- NewMexlcq'sakl~O'NeU1,execlWvedkec- m try to partlclpate In an ImrtEatlonal event, Mile tor of d the New sports Sports, Q shawcashgthelrErdentshAmtofcdlsgeeoaches. TheGmtSuWw&Tra&&Rsldassslcwlll Them MexlooSportslUMty Ison board tdeptacedme4-6attheLMversllydNewhlleJdco asWtltlesponsorofWpre%tlgkuseventd andwAbewabcastrrtw.-.can. Three Thousand Years During the following millenniums, a of Athletics number of different running, jumping and throwing contests emerged and became Track and field events have evolved part of the overall track and field event. over the thousands of years since the Today, track and field events include Greeks invented athletics with the first some combination of the following: Olympics. The earliest recorded appear- Track events: 100,200,400,800, ance of the sport was in 776 B.C., when 1500, 5,000/10,000 meters; mile; the only event was a stadium-length 100, 1 10 and 400 meter hurdles; footrace. 3000 meter steeplechase; marathon; WHEN IT COMES TO EXC k. 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 relays field made a significant comeback dur- Field events: high jump, long jump, ing the 2008 Olympics. Several mind- triple jump, pole vault, shot put, discus blowing performances, particularly by throw, javelin throw, hammer throw Jamaica's Usain Bolt, put track and field Decathlon: four track and six field sqparely back in the public spotlight. events held on two consecutive days in Team USA also celebrated several vic- this sequence: 1OOm, long jump, shot, tories, including seven gold, nine silver high jump, 400111, 11 0m hurdles, dis- and seven bronze medals. And if partici- cus, pole vault, javelin and 150Om. pation by young track and field hopefuls Heptathlon: a two-day contest consist- is any indication, Team USA has a bright ing of lOOm hurdles, shot, high jump, Olympic future ahead of it as well. Ac- 200111;second day: long jump, javelin cording to USA Track & Field (USATF), and 800m. the National Governing Body for track and field, long-distance running and race Bevond these classic track and field walking, athletics are the number-one even&, athletics inspired the birth of sev- high school and junior high school par- eral new running sports and events, such ticipatory sport in America. as cross country, marathon runuing and USATF's motto is to make track and mountain and trail running, which have field "a sport for everyone, for life," and become a huge part of track and field they accomplish that with a variety of ini- participation. tiatives: developing grassroots events, such as the Junior Olympics, that create Rack and Field Today increased interest in the sport and develop After struggling with drug-use contro- future Olympians; promoting training and versies over the past decade, track and competition programs (COIITINUED ON PAGE 76) I I I 1 - --- - a kronlcantonlkentlmedina a flexible ndeor a out tennis-football-track & field-gymnastics-basketball hockey-golf-swimming-volleyball-cheerleading lacrosse-racquetball-wrestling-boxing-martial arts team-friendly accammadations nnn 24" A~GA I OhioThr [MULTI-SPORTIMULTI-DISCIPLINE REVIEW TRACK & FIELD (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 75) 17re University of Oregon's Hayard Field, a CrOY5~m stadium mceivcd a va- of stateoff heart 2cpdde-s in 2008, including a rrnv track SU@CLCG, pernurnnzt Irghtsy a board and newly cm&uml in.. for athletes of all ages; and sanctioning more than 4,000 events each year. Track and field also has an interna- tional governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations, which regulates timing methods, main- tains world records and organizes numer- ous events, such as the World Cham~ionshi~~in Athletics. associations that organize local, statewide of July, brings together more than 6,000 HMng the Track and regional competition and training of America's next-generation athletics For track and field athletes, opportu- events across America. The USATF Jun- stars annually. USATF also hosts Junior nities to compete abound. USATF has 57 ior Olympics, held during the last week Olympics in cross (COIIIIWUED ON PAGE 76) [MULTI-SPORT/MULTI-DISCIPLINE REVIEW + TRACK 8. FIELD] (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 76) Sp4rts Ohio - A Four-County Sports Consortium Located in Nartheast Ohio, Sp4rts Ohio - a four- team-friendly accommodations, dining and enter- county consortium - Is poised to make your next tainment options. basebalVsoftballand track & field event one for the ll-teareaproudlyhostskejemts,Mudng:Ohb record books. Boastlng major state unlversitles and Special Olympics, WNY (Protect Our Nation's Youth) numerous college campuses, Akron/Canton/Kent/ NatknalToumament,BqsofSummerFreedomClas- Medina's fields and venues are complimented by sic~,OhioHighSchoolstateSoffballCham- extensive melm systems and specialized com- pionsMps and Mid America Mac Townament. plexes. Additionally, the region's accessibility af- For more information please visit www.sports fords teams the ease of traveling between ohio.travel. country, as well as national champi- its local, state and regional clubs, as warmer months, athletics competitions onships in track and field, cross country well as national championships and the today occur nearly year-round. While and race walking. Junior Olympics. And the Road Run- running events are less common in the Beyond USATF, a number of other ners Club of America (RRCA) promotes winter months, cold weather runuing cer- national, regional and state organiza- recreational running with running clubs tainly has a following. tions create track and field and running in every state and local, regional and na- Marathons and other winter running events throughout the country and tional events. events most commonly occur in states world. The Amateur Athletic Union with relatively warm climates, such as the (AAU), for example, hosts hundreds of Time and Place Callaway Gardens Marathon in Pine track and field events each year through Once an outdoor sport popular during Mountain, Georgia in (CONTINUED ON PAGE 80) iWAYTOTH EC- COM * 1-800- F [MULTI-SPORT/MULTI-DISCIPLINEREVIEW * TRACK & FIELD)- (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 78) January and the New Orleans Mardi Gras Challenge, held January 12, saw athletes Marathon in February. But never under- ages 19 to over 60 running in negative 12 estimate the passion of runners, let alone degree temperatures. their desire for the next big challenge, USATF has established regulations for even in the coldest months and the cold- both indoor and outdoor track and field est places. The Moose Mountain Snow- facilities, which form the standard for .- shoe Challenge in Fairbanks, Alaska, most facilities and events. The organiza- offers a 5K and 8K race, which competi- tion also certifies road and trail racing tors literally run in snowshoes. This year's courses to ensure accurate distances. Indoor Events Today, track and field athletes have a new way to make a living at the sport they love and potential new fans have a chance to see world-class athletes at work. The Visa Championship Sefies is a series of nationally televised USATF competitions featuring Team USA's best track and field athletes. The Visa Championship Series has two seasons, indoor in the winter and outdoor in the spring and summer. According to organizers, the Indoor Series averages more than 10,000 fans per meet, while the Outdoor Series meets are standing- room only. Athletes compete for prize money at each meet, and the top athletes share in a bonus pool of $100,000 to help them on their Olympic journey. Fayetteville, Arkansas is the third stop on the Visa Championships Indoor Series trail. Hosted at the Randall 'Ifison Track Center at the University of Arkdhas, the Tyson Invitational, now in its 10th year, is one of Fayetteville's hardest tickets to get. Event sponsor vson Foods offers a spe- cial extra incentive to competitors with a $50,000 bonus to any individual br group who breaks a world record. Calling itself "The Track Capital of the World," Fayetteville has a long-standing tradition of track and field excellence with 42 national championships won by the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. The University of Oregon began its champion of women's athletics, Tom track and field program in 1895. The Heinonen. University became home to a series of Central to Track Town U.S.A.3 legacy famed track and field coaches, including and future in the sport is the University Bill Hayward, who began the school's of Oregon's Hayward Field. The 10,500- athletics ascension; Bill Bowerman, who person stadium received a variety of mentored countless Olympians and All- state-of-the-art updates in 2008, includ- Americans, such as Steve Prefontaine; ing a new track surface, permanent llghts, cross country coach Bill Dellinger and a video board and (CONTINUED ON PA6E 82) The track and field passion has carried over into other areas of Fayetteville life as well. 'We have a lot of former athletes here who have stuck around, which means we have a huge volunteer base and lots of fans," said Ryan Grigsby, sports market- ing manager for the Fayetteville Visitor Bureau. "Also, our hotels and their staff are very knowledgeable about the track athlete, what their needs are and how to treat teams." Outdoor Events Fayetteville has competition for the ti- tle of track and field's capital.
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