», . •'-• ie^E>;.-.-«.»'ii - -^"^ , \ F tr "^ *' :!•-.-,-jpr" o JhtV n"~f"!.;<«*,:.-„' ~**Jfr—fl"Tin** •t;'v^.- 1'g.M hooks'. mer. tt tt & ueUiay! < i"!-.fiH' huul*. Hloti* and defperate .ag that tparitt to .other* wbkb tbe author ail* iaj acnf, Wnft cifave* ffgifhimfelf ? « Whcf the author rf rode? ^ ricarioft ii (layii he) U'whoUy aAneceuiiry to They who t« necefcryto the , I for *<< are Ae *f*rn«nent { and if we cannot .an thj* (eiuence be reconciled to n who. « ibout C«*, who ind whit be i* : tub, the-.' Je, andv, t. •••uWhic . atiouirli. e t if he,: fctbearm* '--*i: t'- .t .t« *T , .^ one or- part with hi* itij? ia his Let. in infilling hii icrlp up both .1 ihouldhe therefore and the- If «hat i* called &*•»« i«> be t-workt,: MA jitrr. it If invulaersWe. a»a iewry attack for the ilfwiB hot add the author*/ trininph. diftance, (MMlr e/ Blti* inftance*, ,to be- it home, 'LINGS, to tbe flnmct of a barbej tea gW***4-«yoT of tbefi kttcr*. n iavolvedof the mat- debttd to though or open civil djfleti ir refpeo- bawl eatoarl* >nger in- ^-7 IT". *7, 'I * i» " w« fciv* redk rttt verted to,, of your parliament, fpr forget the ttBBMa* we are :o enforce quillity ta your.doiDvii more^bk^iA «*^we are——^im.t. inse-i* *.-. £.^^J|ipewn, t|Hn to tbe rnind* of .all jogr tnd feme upon .the. other i bat the gnu body of •ftjaftjri COOMtV, HJVALL., We conceive, that "* »77_ '._«?_ Oeigk, thmfbrt, rtdft tTraciotw fcvtieign toaftetfd the people can pave any inter* kparate from their people, otherwise than to Bunifcft rea«>*t 4d**rUTby th« aflWkionate vWc* of country, er (when fairly undtift ment (although it be k ^^a*tfiaV«*flbt)e«ght4obe * duty and fidelity { IH**«b4* a* w* art for tbb honour 5»nottob*hi»gTned If C*to mayoebeliered', heeea extremely rare, and of our couritry, we dUUMf t>* forgetful of it* peatV ami cbetfcienrioxmV tvl* himielf with thii great body, aad ntceffiryt wVhjwe . concord, ft h therefore-weabbbrtn* Idea of ebcoU- can affure bb reader* that tM gncfie* nitbcrto made perfon* who profcfc nnc«m*aMt ***£ J*>* »"J«*f » ragtng foreigner* to nuKe a drey of thfe .ftatloit and tft cdn«rnin|'him are raw*r anlikky. ^~T- government difovering a tnoaftm. ddmtft im tup da- dependHncirt, ut»6>r tbe mHeraWe and ubcoiered pre­ Great piin* have been taken to engage hint in a opa. cretion 5 urging your neiniAer* to a ceqtbmaace of the text of difcountenancing faCrloh atad fcdhton among teft with oojr.coqinUttte, bat a* nothing ha* been quot- violent meaTuree wbiohi hitherto have pradfeced nan ourfelvet. ed fyo» him wbwh concern* that body ih general, he but calamitou* cffta* i and to winch the ouniter* have Signed by 140. leave* hi*> letter* to anfwer for themklve* |, aa4 if hu (hewn, and ftU14o fhew, a difpofittoa which h doe* not comoicnti on the circular letter to the couifty cpuuait. ' ketn at all necdfcry to ttBulate. tee*' fiodift appear to the public not ^b be ^eli warrant­ Thefe inflammatory ttidnfle*, we notably apprehend, ed, he wUl- rabmit toy their judgment. But- be njida it have a tendency todiftrefc ybarmajefty'*p*tem*l feeling*, rt>B fatt*trt>r*ttit. would be endleft to anfwer all the filly fnriit* and idtaly and by urging coercive race/ore* at alone etfe&nal and •* * : /k" teribble, efkueppooent*) and ha* learned better than proper ih the prefimt difbrder*, to render facb coKef- *i *f i to be drawn from hi* main object, by indulging them ih . jLar-a* your tnajefty'* and the pttbUcfetttom may rhiak thi* way. It would be too great a trefpal* upon the necefiary to make, dUhooeairaWe and unfafe to your ALAS f o o R C A T 01 reader'* patience. He ha* viewed the ground on which majeuy, and thi* nation. L . ,. • *ac* tt>i*ttfr>? Hrut be ftand*, and b not afraid to tread it in the fight of Finding the dangeaou* and £ditiotta attempt* to.em- uttf tbtnfntttd m th l^tiAf»titin f Iftbt ftibw tlie moft vigilant fon of liberty t making that free ufeof barraft your roajetty'* oewctte, a**d'p*evaat the refto- the frtft which it promifed to'him, without the leaft - - ,*. ...•ni 1^_ — ,».»"•-•. ." _— «•.••., SOIUOVJY tmm jMttbtt **y (tnf^atitn. tktn mrt |*cl»ie€re**l ration. of tranquillity,p*riWi «fefc am ea tfeffaMA which Wre*w tfffact it eitbir in frtm or rtar if thy MXT leittt, violation of anyrefolve of thit continent, hitherto made; apalr**-] fill* the minds of your afjcjfty'e .peaceable fubjeft* with Tin* wiltptrttivt tljftlf mtn imJtkltd f»r it t* Witu One fide of a great queltion hat been held up to u*. horror, we are conftralocd, Vrrv rdaSaot^y, with all AU SHAMIMARI, ' We are told that it can never be our intcreft to have L»d black poffible humility and d*ftreac», t»bnr before your ma- any future connexion with Great-Britain, and are preff. [city our faithful lVndmenta«*V 1l*a.oHgjia of tbe ptreient HAM LET. ed immedk ely tb dtclart our total fcparatien, for now «y trouble*) on the meaiare* which MM h«tn» awl ftiU * To write or not to write; that i* the queftioa i* the time- -end tbt timi btu jt*»d M/. Could it be ea- arc purluod, in conlexraraMa* t*M»tt«*hiee t and on Whether 'ti* nobler in the mind to bear pedred that all America would inftantly take a leap in ax*t tbert (» the diimal effcfti whjtb we tttaHttwA remit from Tb' unlicens'd wrong* of furious party./eal, the dark, or'that any whe bad not a predilection for die , (hell retrm them. dt-ftrlne, Or were capable of reaibning upon it, would Or dip the pen into a neft of hornet* tbe ar- ro?ince,iif I*. A* tbe inhabitants of that part «f jont domiaion* And Hill, by teazing, wake them ? To writ«,xto a»> (Wallow it in the graft, withoot wUhing to hear which is the (eat of tbe imperial legiflature. we have a fwtr . \ gumenti on the other fide ? I am fure thi* it the wife ok" due rente of the neceflity ofpreikrvingtbe rapreme au­ No more f And by a finale anfwer end nultitudet of good men. particularly of thoie who may thority of parliament over *li the Bmilh empire i But Tbe thoufand fcorn* and heart-ache* which an author be principally concerned IB deciding the qoetion { and a* I'nalifh freeboiden, who value e«rdDrfe* oaou/ia- I* born to fuffer ' T i* a confummatton wboie carxeA defire it i* not only to know the icnte of eftimible right of grantiaf our own pieye»ryt either by Devoutly to be wifh'd! To write, to anfwer. indlvidaal*, but the clear fcnfe of then condnynpoa ouriclves, or reprelentatives of our own choofiag only, Reply, perchance rejoin aye, there'* the rub I if; without which they could not think theWcive* tt we t.mnot, .without divellieg ourtehre* of every prin­ For in rcpliet, and anfweri and rejoinder*, liberty to rive their deciuan. ciple of equity, jultice, and even of common deceaev, Upon thi. grojind, then, I proceed, aa4 (hall reft cne Who know* what deadly broil* «nd feud* may come, Jtfnttt kfwert to Ibt conlider the complaint* of miiUom.of our fellow-fob, When we have muffled off this mortal zeft caute with my advcrCuie* on tbe prefimt jfa*r«/ (fait overfor jtfts, frparated from u* by an iinmenic ocean, on being whkb, (although I am forty it wa> oeceflary} I have Of mutual forbearance. 1 here'* the curfe be more acceptable to the public, dj) lie n * taxed without any voice, dlr&tyy or indirectly in the That make* calamity of w*rjy %tw. reafon to think, wffl , Jtrong mart*, grant, to be entirely graundW* and the refult of no­ than the milpending time in private akciCation. Thofe Ct'iorv, fin*1 For who weuld beer the fooffiog of tbe times, who oppoie me, may enjoy for a whil^ (perhapa oan^- thing but a taftiou* Ipirit, aiming at the difinember. The TOKY'I hated name, the M*/ V^ruwr, > villainy, the' | uient of the empire. 1 he fabftantial, and not nomina) ' ticed) all the triumph of tbe anfwefi/tbey coay gtvej and if it i* found at left, a* ha* been already hutted, that i be ha* fit- alient of the (ul»je$ in the grant of tUfjr qwa money, When he him/elf might his OMVM/ make part of thi» we can never hold to be a fnvotott* conetrn to KngKIh i have fidd nptbiag to tbe purpofr, titctf- ide ef tht With a dry ijwll? Who wou|d endure this Pain *, be tnogthencd. nfytvamat i* freeholder*: Jt can never be ext^naiaated la one part Thi* foul difcharge of wrttft from Adam'* fon* ^ueftion will $oly ugh and cuw*- of the empire without being endangered in alt» Ana we In any remtflu upon the aamphlet jiefore me, I frail M»r(ball'd in dread array, both old and Young, rft cowder tho«e arguroencTiB, «M«> tbe author ap- look with juft indignation a| the JOrvije. and unmaury Their pop-gun* here, and.there their heavy Cannoa, place*. ipirit, in which the very principle of that (acred right pears to lay hk chief Ttot, » *2d t>2> an oallafibd i- Our labeur'd page* deem'd not worth a Xufh, der four beaik, In bb ooncloaao^ -I- i red long d«» it tieated with fcprn and ridicule, by fcveral pnbuca- Bat that the dread of fomevhiog wotfe to cone, ara ftockinp, 1 tioni induftriouOy circulated j and whi:b, we tm*V re­ It i* tbe cu&xn of .
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