8 THE SUN, SUNDAY. MAY 11. 1913. nr.w. nr.u, t ,000,000 IN L. I. r.T.Tr. at Atcnov. nr.Ai, rr.Arr. at .mttio.s III M IA1I l Ml MOV nr.Ai, kstatk at ArcTio.v. f.htatr at acctio. r.i, ktatb at aittion. CITY IMPROVEMENT. LONG ISLAND CITY t. ti To. to nnild r.Iir TihIii. Receites Full Benefit 1 r C..1 O . I'non whirli $330,000,000 I of the Compllete la to Be Lxpende. i i iM'iniunl Noiir Tluunsoii lUai JUUWciy Oyaiem Kill iictim PropPl'ty. A 5 Cent Fare Over 629 Miles of Tracks While on Present Subway it is only possible to ride 34 Miles for a 5 Cent Fare I FIVE YKAltS M Th?e Lot. Will Be 8 Mmute from Tune- - Square 1. .'. Pornon Says Industrial Governor Hughes iM.iwtli ami Subways Mnkc had the laws changed making it powible. L. I. City ppsirartle. e.ri'vf" the nenon Realty and, i Urf er.irnt I'omnnny. - -- Governor Sulzer ; -- - iA th at urn of ItW.imu.CXK) car- tt.e t.ett mo yo.irv in th develop-- t has had it i : rv city lnt In Long Inland City - ried into practical effect for the benefit of r- fiMry f'liMinR!' where- 50,000 nnn t lw - will tir.d employment Michael 1 all people. j V"C " kea of th company, builder the t .vlrffnr-Bolmo- tunnel from MaLbAVAn tn IOtip Ul.ind City and of nf the present subway pyatem, M Te!rday that thl operntion nlone a Bank failed H When "rr.oAn that hemes tnuat le pro-ride- formerly Recelv-- r durlr.p the next five years within a roach ct hl factory properties for no lew was appointed to dfcpote of the assets. A few , twa IM.O per-.on- nnd that, In his be--- f, the P'. nnn Hill property, which indrriduak with plenty of ready oath obtained the Hrr&n I. Ker'illy will frell nt auction on bargains and made the money. he prer.--'- Saturday. May It, is the mot lojrUw. r" " f t h" homes of the-- worker - r-- h a'? Mrt IKnon eiid that, to his nlnl 'h Thomson Hill property Is the Governor Hughes ot Investment opportunity tnnt ever had the law changed and the State of .. h-- ) preontl to email a well as ,; New York Banking Department takes charge of and Mr Wrn nii not ititere:d financially liquidates all failed Banking Institutions. tr. t . TV mon Hill property He is sl - ! dipoal. however, for it a walk S-- -- than few minute' These Lots Are Same Distance From Herald Srj. aj t'otli St. Bro.idwt.) - u rnfV-- 'wn holdinc. and he believe it Governor Sulzer's in lt will 1k followed by an apart---- t - ordered if t- .ildinc movement which will N administration has that i fe raj id and a- - cre.U a the Indu , AUCTION SALE there are to be any opportunities for making money r.si : th of I.uns Uland City, from ABSOLUTE .h mil take considerable impetus R n cr S'riec from the assets of failed Banking Institutions, all the m ee-- that th opninc of tlm. Bl-- ) ftoW Saturday, May 24, 1913 M..mmstb Ten' should given equal ' I people be an chance. rt . into .ons City which ".w "mt'li-.he- d in fonr tnonthr-- . DUAL SUBWAY STATION ni i i. ii tidn if population into 450 CITY LOTS Department of of New York realize i Man- - Banking the State Mt " tie --t Md of The ,"a- t a demand for npartmMit On Thompson Ave., New 200 ft. Queens Boulevard ZSt' perfectly that such a large tract as 3019 separate ,. w : which will CT&& rreited ca'i..' TRANSIT STATION ON PROPERTY Ac'ual Ccniiric.-- n S ar'cd on Ave. May eh be - 1 'irt.'iildinc of Thomson Hill Dl'Al RPID of the Morris Park Race Track cannot n. Pajcc PrcF-- r' . (s from Minba-un- lots -- New THOMPSON AVENUE TROLLEY CENT PARE i advanc.' in real tc.te Lo-'t- Mnt TROLLEY DIRECT to ; Nlani Ci'y run, on .',:J S'rcC. sold without sacrificing their value. ti mtorefAin Inc KlandCitv IMPROVEMENTS. NO ASSESSMENTS th--- ALL CITY be th largei-t- , but beid J' ir TO1 f t ct - f POLICIES. SiZ.1MAY REMAIN ON MORTGAGE AT 5' U'tnc FREE TITLE . than fifty oth-- r conts-r- Call or U'ntc for BooV.-n-r- s But the property must be sold - L. plant- tliro and Further Par'ioular Bryan Kennelly, "el estate ai'ciioveer. - -- .: .yitiR a total of ;n handi.. ('ipron- Cor'' u I 17 15G Broadway, New Yotls There Is no alternative. f 'iiM-- e m'n ati(i th.-i- 'ifannlif , -- ii livins iu.inT far f:- .111 is is meant by the ... ,.f employment b.'can.-- ! That what i itv liac not nccomnii-ii- - of giving you ! State York During the -t year 480 PLANS FILED IN APRIL. New in Ions "ity tt ir r.ttenti'.n o ap.in-- - KrmarLnlile HnllilliiK ltrior.1 In Future real estate values will . but tin-i- r com- - t4o.rnMnii:r w Iln.-lltim- be determined by accessibility r- - avf failed to produce During the month of Aiirll there wa to the most The opportunity to make money r.., houe even a small important business made nt the Hulldlng Hureau in Queens ii;- - ' : families ho derive centre of New York, Herald Square. -- largest records tn the - tt .tne i local factories on of the burf-nu- . In which there were The sale takes place -- t- the ind'-ria- l advancement of tlte ' u.lil. c f ani the groirsh tliat will , la pl.tn f.'r r." a' ' t.e opening next year of the tir-- t ; f'.matea oo.--t of SI - Cr the ' tiew - ibway sy-n-- m wnuh of the mot.th there ' cmplete operations ' m will - tuougl,' i succeeding days ' :nori Hiil recti. he adderi to tills total nearly " May and , mt'. r e,ght minute-- ot Hr.i.iw,ty tor ,i c 31st m-.t- lepriM-i.tin- the Degnon l).lieve Ixmg millioi. doilar ' fate Mr nrrt in the Club House on the property tr will experience a more raoul cost of additions and alteration .. and a greater n in real installation of plumbing. es'i'- - a.je, than will any other part Tl.i total ha been mad n;. .i 70 m Thlei miureJ W by Lawyers Title hi. & Tnut C. -- cai remia mtrifaft. - 1 U'lleve it the safest and be-- t exclulvel ir the ereetioi. ..f : ( v f any of th live borough-..- " s In the oi.i-allor.- for the moi.Ui wer l . I "Our plan alone un larg number of V.uv duel an such an To Get to Morris Park Race Track, take: '0Ltra;.te improvement as Inc. for prospective re'ide-t- ,.f in, ; r. ve; nn m fartt- - Trains' to ITith Sjtrt or HOt'i S'roet At ;t;tn tak Ven attemptei in eual Tti CiikiiiBvT Vet - Tt. t - bornuch. tn .Morri lVirk tro'l '"i- i.lre. t " t' prip'rti M Mr re co r "'i it. ti.e his'or- vt city W,. V l i.'l.t the The operations for the pat PIT itoih Mret .ii'uiii 1 th Ne Hoiilifi., l,"t.ii Kailrn.irl thrnfi to the if K'arKl w n the improvement of have kept up to the standard f pre I ro rrt hl--- ' i rgie of our profjerty with the eo- -' ' trret. ihnr vious week and the total tlmateii Tl Thli.it Airomie Dnllrnttflc - I - 1 - C..At Vn, , Wt- . frtory building iti the lor jmllI-ovr.m- r J42.'.f-S- Flrti1 rity was , of " ?r X' ii Hii-'c- ii liiulfio or M'.tr l'.irK trnllr r i i tti. mop..r' t J. Company at a oo- -t fig p);,,,, new btiildincs. J, for l 1:1th, , f $ - with hIi KIiati-i- mil i,.n ire. 'inn where 2.1") per-O- h will U T)le innovation Homs 'mii.ni All erncclnivn Rrnnv JIP ki' - liijAM erap.V" Trey nnd their families repre- wnlcri n;is under construction dwel.itu, -- 8 11 - r.t Ht lea.- : ii mo reron who will have in the section .k AJCA" ' i.e y .n Long City for neatly J3oO,uim. tin week applied fur apply to - r...w no accotmnod.it iou permit to erect on Hopklnoti avenue For mmpt and particular Tr. iii.1. which ii. be -- old at and place m the sec-- i l ti Var.dereer ce Davies, 141th St. and 3d Ave., New York City : r r'i r. m very much of the tmn font teen two story brick dwelling. -- tuentv-oti- e irj fth f)r ladwav and l.V,th stn-- 't , at a co! of J4:."C"i and Joseph P. Bay. SI Nassau St New York City dwelling Km olding that part of the i two and a half story frame Af cats r.m ellMcers ' .lw V .nway that whole di-tn- ct j to cot - out rer- - '!ii a g- vin am -- iie;cn, wiiii lonil l. W. r.irpenter ba. taken hungnhm uevel-opmet- it it wier.. thc-e- in Iung Iland mils- to continue the - a- i Itockuway by tl.e elec- KM-IIK- I t Lixik at that section the AMBTMKNT- - TO I.K.T I NKl tl.
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