'I'e’chnlclan North Carolina State University’3 Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXlV, Number 6 Friday, September 10, 1%2 Raleigh. North Carolina Phone 73.2411,-2412 Far‘mers’ net income continues downward trend by David Sneed hadministration came to office .. pro Lack of technology and skill are the News Editor mising to get the government out of main reasons these people are un- agriculture and let farmers produce qualified. Chamblee said. United Press International wire themselves into prosperity . The service reports indicated Wednesday farmers have been producing all right The increased number of people far- that net income for American farmers but not into prosperity . ming caused the price of land rent to will drop to $19 billion this yea Skinner said everybody has go up. As a result. the FHA has reduc- Last year's net income figur wl something to sell so the market is glut- ed the amount of credit and the $24.4 billion. In 1979 the figure was ted. “Everybody‘s bringing in a number of loans being given out. "This $26.6 billion. bumper crop all across the nation." is probably one of the better moves Agricultural students‘ reactions to He said he feels the overstock can't they have done.” he said. the income decrease varied only be taken up this year by foreign coun- “The Americanfarmer is one of the slightly. try purchases. “Not every country can most productive individuals in the Robin Best. a senior in agronomy.w buy our excess." world. For the most part though. he is mentioned the inability of farmers to The UPI report states: ”Bumper comtantly dumped on." Chamblee keep up with the rising cost of spray- crops of grain are‘going unsold partly said. ing and fertilizing. because anticipated foreign markets In the United States. 10— 12 per- “Farmers' prices are going up an have not opened up, or because the ad- ‘ cent of an individual’s budget is spent average of 20 percent a year. and we ministration‘s trade policies have on food. Other countries have percen- just aren't getting enough to cover Robin lest dried up some markets. But John Skinner /./ tages as high as 20—25 percent. lickalemblee that kind of increase." Best said. “They used to give loans to people mainly .: .misguided policies have en- Chamblee criticized ' ment in- Chamblee said. can't do it all himself." he said. Most farmers don't even own their who had no business even being'In far- couraged farmers to produce more tervention in farming. “I believe'In the land so they incur a rent cost right off. "Best said. than they can profitably sell." free enterprise system. but the Chamblee suggested two possible To reduce the surplus problem. “There's 10 people back home John Skinner. a freshmen in the Ken Russell. a junior in textiles. government is placing too many solutions to help reverse the Chamblee suggested making extended (Spivey's Corner) about to go Agricultural Institute. cited problems said he feels the farmer is not the only restrictions on importing and expor- downward trend in net income figures. deals with foreign countries. “Instead bankrupt. and we have some of the Withil'. one that's in trouble. “The whole tin “I think the farmer needs to make of dealing on a year-toyear basis. the best soil in the state." according to Democratic Congress. “It's economy is basically suffering. I’m Chamblee also crititized past FHA wider use of consultants. Farming is government should try to sign Best. hard to get the Democrats in Congress just waiting to see if Reagan‘s plans policy.I think the FHA has put a lot just like any other industry where you multi—year contracts. The embargo The Farmer's Home Administration to cooperate." he said. will be effective." of peopleIn business that did not need have an individual come in and tell you with the Soviet union really hurt us." has caused a lot_ of problems also. UPI's report statesi “The Reagan Crop science instructor Rick to be farmers." he said. what needs to be done. The farmer he said. Placement Response fluctuates as center offers students relay opinions modern jdb of new dining facility search skills by Jeffrey m Sapir. a freshman in criminal justice. Staff Writer Some freshmen resent the man- datory meal plan. by Gina Blackweed General. opinion on State's new din- “I don't like having to take the plan. Staff Writer ing hall ranges from a feeling of ade- I feel bad that my parents have paid If The Career Planning and Placement quacy to better than average. amount of dollars. and here I am pick~ Center has a new and more efficient Tim Moffit. a freshman in en ing at it (the food)."said Kristina way of matching graduating students tomology. said he feels the dining hall J'asaItis. a freshman in industrial with pmpective employers according is good. “The food is great. and I like engineering. to center director. Walter Jones. the unlimited seconds." “I 'don't like being forced to buy a The Computerized Mutual Mat- “The food is good and the at meal ticket. and I don't like the food." ching Program matches student in- mosphere'Is great." said Jeff Baker.a said Wanda Rhodes. a freshman in terest with employer need. freshmanIn botany. computer science. Others felt similar- Staff photo by Drew Armstrong ly. Did you try it? I'm not gonna‘ try it. Let's set Mikey. in reality student opinion ofthe new dining hall is more positive than This is a “rather revolutionary way . Baker is also pleased with the ser- “The food is OK. but I get tired of it. one would thlnlt. .‘ of approaching the job placement vice. “The people (working'In the din— I don't like having to eat here." said issue." Jones said. ing hall) are really friendly." Baker Jill Strickland. a freshman in Elliot Hunter. a senior in are bad for breakfast. and people bog There is also a problem with “Basically. how this system works is said. engineering. mechanical engineering. feels-the pro down and jam up at the entrance bet- students picking up the wrong book that the student indicates. by com- gram is working out all right. ween the rooms. The beverages are bag outside of the dining hall. puter form. his or hers highest Negative . opinions. however. are The concensus is that the program too close to the entrance. and people Students are not allowed to carry priorities in terms of job type. also present. is generally good. “It still has a few bugs. The food is stop to get drinks and stop things up." their bags inside the dining hall to pre geographic location. and type of "The dining hall is a good idea in not kept hot enough." said Hunter. hor- . “I don‘t like the food..H Li.anda as...I knowI-..)a general." said John Landv. a senior. Most of the complaints expressed said Jeff Amtmann. a freshman in vent theft of glasses and flatware. employer." IVI: v: pvvyav fiaav uvas I: name ouv avvu ' nanouownn the sewpm’steaks...- -- ticulture. “Students should avoid bringing Employers give similar information At orientation. when my parents ate majoring in chemical engineering. "They“‘need to work vat ~a~few 30W“ S—Jug-w‘4‘ Olin is." Ifmgihle 5;.qu mgtnh students with com- here. the food was great. Now the food “The food is basically good. and it hall. things. especially with putting trays At least identify your bag well." said is terrible. It seems like they were try- (the dining hall) is run well." said Lan- “It (the dining hall) has a poor up after finishing." said Jodi Coble. a Louise Flanagan. a workerIn the din— patible needs. in prevet. Two reasons for this new system ing to impress the parents." said Fran dy. design for putting trays up. The lines freshman ing hall. are the number of students that need job placement. and competition with Diner’s Friend gives students placement offices at other schools. -wea.ther Jones said. inside With Mutual Matching the place- ‘Doonesbury' takes vacation. Page‘ - Trooper lacks formation. Page 7. Today — Clear skies with a ment office is able to give employers daytime high in the low 805. lower meal ticket prices the names of interested students over 9. Lows tonight will be near 60. the telephone if necessary. Thus. Grid iron prognosis. Page 8. Weekend Saturday clear to State students can have their - Grant the grants. Page 3. — partly cloudy skies, wrth in- by Jeffrey Bender “On a deposit of 8300. a student will resumes in the hands of these com- creasing cloudiness Sunday. Staff Writer have $315 worth of buying power." ‘from other — The crazy response from Zack's. Highs both days Iow- to said Slone. panies before students Page 4 — Double talk from Winkworth. Page mid-80$, with lows in the low “Diner's Friend." a new meal pro “Promotional events to attract in- universities. Jones said. 9. w 605. gram. is being implemented this fall at terest in ‘Diner's Friend’ will be of- “What we do is. one month before — 0A strikes again. Page 5. (Forecast provided by student State. The program is open to all' fered in the future." said Ran Smith. an employer is here recruiting. we meterologists Joel Cline, Teddy students. including those already in publicity director for "Diner's send that employer a computerized — 6Loverboy concert ranks high. Page - E9 may be licking wounds come Holt, Allan Van. Meter, Donald the meal plan.
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