25¢ schedules MONTANA COLORADO KANSAS AWWI'ANA N.D. S.D. N.D. MORN. Iffi'C ffi'ATE STATE m'ATE u. u. State Sept. ll Lincoln U. Wayne Central Bradl.ey SOSC Monta.n!I I.ama.r Concordia Missouri Sept. l2 Teachers u. Tech State Brookings ' SDSC Omaha u. Sept. 19 Wichita NDCJ Aug, N.D. SDU Mankato Brookirura u. State State Calif. Wes tern SDSC sou Sept. 26 Morn. Aug. IS'l'C NDU N.D. Poly State Brookiw:ts State Oct. 2 Drake SDSC rizona Adams Oklahoma Oct. 3 A Sioux SDU NDU Morn. N,D. State State State $a.Us State N.D. Panhandle Colorado IS!C SDSC Iow. Montana Missouri Aug. Oct. l.O A&M Grand Valley State u 1"n,-J,-<1 State State NDG Oct. Idaho Colorado Kansas U. st. N,D. SOSC Isr::: Morn. l.7 State College Norberts state Brookings Utah Oct. 24 Col.orado Iowa Morn. ISI'C WashingtoI SDSC Aug, NDU State Mines state u. Brookings .N.M. rnrc SOSC 31. NDU Iowa U N,D. Montana Aug. sou Oct� Higb.].Ands State State Sioux u. City Marquette Nov. 7 Montana Idaho Oklahoma Morn.• · SDU SDSC u. State BrookingE NOT, 1.1. Idaho State San Diego sou Nov. M1Ei"sour1 Col.ors.do l.4 u Stat.a Nov. 21. Nebraska table of contents • page 0 p pone n t' s sched uI es ----------------------------------------- 2 GeneraI info rmat ion --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Coochin g staff- ----------------------------------- • ______________________ 6 Prespects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Roster of players__________________________________________________________________ l 0 Player sketches ------------------------------------- ___ _ ______ 11 South Dakota State College football records_____ ________________________ 16 Officials for 1959 home games____ ____________________________________________________ 17 Record against 1959 opponents___ _______________________________.------- - 18 SDSC record in North Central Conference footbalL--------�----------------------- 20 Conference records held by South Dakota State College_______ ____ _ 20 NCC football championships__________________________________ ______ 21 1958 all-conference team___________________________ ________________ 21 19 5 8 f1n a I NCC summary------------------------------------------------------ _____· ______ 22 Record by season _______ ________.____ _________________________________ 24 1958 season--- --------------------------------------------------------------- 28 1958 season's record _______________________________________________________________ 28 19 58 indiv id ua I statistics_________________________________________________ 29 19 58 team stati sti CL ----------------------�---------------------------------------- 30 Press and radio information ______________________ 31 1959 football_ schedule--------------------------- __________________ 32 Ticket prices ____________________________ __________ -------------------------------- 32 Finest Home Schedule in. History A waits State Grid Fans, But Some Wonder - - • Why Play Maior Teams? The 1959 football season promises to be in a major sport is the basketball' victory of a memorable one for South Dakota State South Dakota U. over Wisconsin several College, even before the kickoffin the ini­ years ago. tial game. State College athletic teams often in­ State grid fans have awaiting them the clude several major schools on their sched­ most attractive home schedule in history, ules. While the Jackrabbits have won few including a visit by a Big Eight team. The of these encounters, they have managed to Kansas State Wildcats will tangle with the scare some highly-touted teams. Perhaps Jackrabbits Saturday night, Sept. 26. the most memorable grid victory of this The six-contest home slate also includes variety is the 13-6- verdict over Wisconsin Montana State, Colorado State, South in 1935. Dakota University, North Dakota State Some fans wonder outloud whether and Iowa Teachers. North Central Conference members Kansas State's visit marks the first time should include such major schools on their that a Big Eight club has played at Brook­ schedules when chances of a victory are ings and very like! y the initial visit by a relatively small qr whether they should Big Eight team to a North Central Con­ play only on their own level. A question ference gridiron. This distinction will be in return might b�, "What is that level?" short-lived, however, -a.s Iowa State plays Ralph State's entor, be Ginn, grid m �� South Dakota U. at Vermillion two lieves that is more there to gain than t� weeks later. -: lose from an occasional venture into the North Central Conference teams have big-time. He recognizes, perhaps with not been particularly successful in their greater reason than most, some of the pit- excursions into the ranks of big-time ath­ falls. In his first season at the State Col- letic teams and it's a great day when a loop lege helm, he watched All-American Ray member succeeds in defeating a major Evans lead Kansas to an 86-6 slaughter of oponent in a major sport. Even bitter con­ his undermanned club. In 1956 he suf­ ference rivals cast a bit of envious admira­ fered through a 60-0 lacing meted out by tion toward a team which grabs such a Arizona to his injury-ridderi team. plum. However, in most of the games Ginn' s Over the span of years, North Central charges have played against major foes, athletic squads have managed to pull such the Jae.ks have made a respectable showing upsets occasionally. In some sports, .such and have benefi.tted from the experience. as North Dakota U. in hockey and Iowa The importance of such fundamentals Teachers in wrestling, conference clubs as speed of the line charge and crispness hold their own regularly against major in blocking and tackling is assimilated schools. Most recent example of an upset more rapidly through experiencing the re- 4 sults than any amount of practice-field nesota pinned an 81-0 verdict on the drill, Ginn says. South Dakotans. By the time that North Although State has had some players North Central Conference competition I'• injured in such games, Ginn thinks that was started in 1922, the Jacks were regu­ as a general rule there is less chance of_ ly playing such team� as St. Thomas, receiving bad injuries from playing good Wisconsin, Minnesota, Carleton, Creigh­ teams than from playing poor ones. ton, Hamline, M�_<;alester -�nd others. The problem of seeking the proper level Another foe to appear on early records of competition in football has been with was Marquette in 1911. After a 30-year the Jackrabbits since the early days and lapse from 1923 to 1953, the Warriors the experience of most other conference have returned to the State schedule twice members is similar to that of State Col­ in recent years. lege. The Jackrabbits played many of their Although it has been more than 20 early football games against city and high years since State has met a Big Ten foe on school teams from Sioux Falls, Water­ the gridiron, Big Eight Con£ erence oppo­ town; Flandreau and Pipestone. Later nents have become frequent in recent sea­ most of their opponents were from the sons. Since 1947, the Jacks have played colleges within the state. The Jacks had Iowa State twice and Kansas once. Kansas only fair success against these foes. State is a newcomer to State schedules this First out-of-state collegiate team to ap­ year and will play the Jackrabbits next pear in the records was North Dakota year at Manhattan. State in 1903. The occasion was memo­ Other major powers have played rable, though not pleasant, as the Bison against State at different times through slapped an 85-0 score on the Jackrabbits. the years. All these games have helped State's next collegiate venture beyond add spice to the schedule for both the· the borders was nearly as disastrous. Min- players and fans. Finding their level of competition is not a new problem forthe Jackrabbits. Back in 1899, this group logged a 55-0 win over Huron College and a 0-57 loss to Mitchell University (DWU) in the course of their four-game season. general inf ormatfon LOCATION: Brookings, S. D. (pop. ATHLETIC STAFF: • � 0,500, northeast sector of the city Athletic Director: Reuben B. "Jack"· MAIL ADDRESS: College Station, Frost (Luther, 1928) Brookings, S. D. Football Coach; Ralph Ginn (Tarkio, 1930) ENROLLMENT: 3,762 in 1958-59 Line Coach: Stan Marshall (South PRESIDENT: Dr. H. M. Briggs Dakota State, 1950) Backfield Coach: Ervin Huether FOUNDED: September 24, 1884 (Yankton, 1943) (classes began) Freshman Coach: Warren William­ NICKNAME: Jackrabbits son (South Dakota State, 1951) COLORS: Yellow and Blue· Basketball Coach: James D. "Jim" Iverson (Kansas State, 1952) STADIUM:-· State Field, capacity Freshman Basketball Coach: Rich­ 10�500 ard Cambell (Peru Teachers, 1950) FIELDHOUSE: State College Gymna­ Track Coach: Jim Emmerich (South sium, capacity 3,200 Dakota State, 1940) Cross Country Coach:Jim Emmerich CONFERENCE: North Central Inter­ collegiate Athletic Conference Baseball Coach: Erv Huether (Member since founding of con­ Tennis Coach; H. B. MacDougal ference in 1921) (Miami, O�io U., 1927) Golf Coach: Jim Iverson CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Wrestling Coach: Warren William­ Football: 1922, 1924, 1926, 1933, son 1939, 1949, 1950, l95l 1954, 1955 1939, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954, Equipment Manager: Johnny John- 1955, 1957 son (South Dakota State, 1927) Basketball: 1929. 1940, 1943, 1956, Assistant Freshman Football Coach: • 1957, 1959 Howard Amen (South Dakota Track: 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, State, 1951) 1932, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1952, Trainer: Wayne Sinning (South Da­ 1953, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1959 kota State, 1953) Baseball: 1959 coaching staff REUBEN B. "JACK" FROST, athletic director Head of athletics and physical education, Jack was formerly bas�etball coach at State College. During his seven years as Jack cage mentor, his clubs won 85 and lost 70. Twice he guided teams into the NAIB tour­ ney. A 1928 graduate of Luther College, he -earned a master's degree from Iowa in 1937 and a doctor's degree in 1958 from the University of Oregon. He coached at Bemidji (Minn.) State before coming to State College in 1947. 6 FROST RALPH GINN, head football coach His State grid teams have won the North Central Conference title six times in his 12 years at the helm.
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