Public Document Pack Planning and Transportation Committee Date: TUESDAY, 24 JULY 201 2 Time: 11.30 am Venue: LIVERY HALL - WEST WING, GUILDHALL Members: Martin Farr (Chairman) Robert Howard Deputy Michael Welbank (Deputy Michael Hudson Chairman) Deputy Keith Knowles Alex Bain-Stewart Oliver Lodge Deputy John Barker Brian Mooney John Brewster Sylvia Moys John Chapman Deputy John Owen-Ward Pollyanna Davies Michael Page Revd Dr Martin Dudley Alderman Dr Andrew Parmley Peter Dunphy Ann Pembroke Sophie Fernandes Henry Pollard John Fletcher Ian Seaton Marianne Fredericks Jeremy Simons Archie Galloway John Spanner Alderman John Garbutt Angela Starling George Gillon Mark Twogood Alderman David Graves Alderman John White Tom Hoffman Enquiries: Katie Odling tel. no.: 020 7332 3414 [email protected] Lunch will be served in Guildhall Club at 1pm Chris Duffield Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA Part 1 - Public Agenda 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS BY MEMB ERS OF ANY PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA 3. MINUTES To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 3 July 2012 (copy attached). To receive the public minutes and summary of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee meetings held on 23 April and 21 May 2012 (copies attached). For Decision/Inf ormation (Pages 1 - 16) 4. TOWN PLANNING AND DE VELOPMENT APPLICATIO NS Report of the City Planning Officer relative to development and advertisement applications dealt with under delegated authority (copy attached). For Information (Pages 17 - 28) 5. REPORTS OF THE CITY PLANNING OFFICER REL ATIVE TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) Broadgate Circle and 3 Broadgate London Planning permission for alterations to and partial demolition of Broadgate Circle. Registered Plan no.: 12/00431/FULL For Decision (Pages 29 - 50) b) St. Botolph House, 138 Houndsditch London Planning permission for the change of use of 194sq.m from retail to A1/B1 use. Registered Plan no.: 12/00432/FULL For Decision (Pages 51 - 60) 6. STATEMENT OF COMMUNI TY INVOLVEMENT - REVIEW Report of the City Planning Officer (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 61 - 84) 2 7. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SC HEME Report of the City Planning Officer (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 85 - 94) 8. REPORTS OF THE DIREC TOR OF THE BUILT ENV IRONMENT a) Bank, Fenchurch & Monument, Liverpool Street and West Smithfield draft Area Enhancement Strategies - Pre-consultation report For Decision (Pages 95 - 138) b) Aldgate and Tower Area Strategy Report For Decision (Pages 139 - 154) c) Allocation of Grants from Transport for London for the 2012/13 Financial Year For Decision (Pages 155 - 168) d) Suggested Response of the City Corporation to the Government’s Consultation on the Relaxation of Planning Rules for Change of Use For Decision (Pages 169 - 178) 9. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS T HAT THE CHAIRMAN CON SIDERS URGENT 11. EXCLUSION OF THE PUB LIC MOTION – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Part 2 - Non -public Agenda 12. NON -PUBLIC MINUTES To receive the non-public minutes and summary of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee meetings held on 23 April and 21 May 2012 (copies attached). For Decision/Information (Pages 179 - 182) 13. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE 3 14. ANY OTHER BUS INESS THAT THE CHAIR MAN CONSIDERS URGENT AND WHICH THE COMMITTEE AGREES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHILST THE PUBLIC ARE EXCLUDED Any drawings and details of materials submitted for approval will be available for inspection by Members in the Livery Hall from Approximately 9:30 a.m. 4 Agenda Item 3 PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee held in the Livery Hall - West Wing, Guildhall on Tuesday, 3 July 2012 at 11.30 am. Present Members: Martin Farr (Chairman) Alderman David Graves Deputy Michael Welbank (Deputy Tom Hoffman Chairman) Michael Hudson Deputy John Barker Deputy Keith Knowles John Brewster Sylvia Moys John Chapman Deputy John Owen-Ward Revd Dr Martin Dudley Michael Page Peter Dunphy Ann Pembroke Sophie Fernandes Henry Pollard John Fletcher Ian Seaton Marianne Fredericks Jeremy Simons Archie Galloway Angela Starling Alderman John Garbutt Mark Twogood George Gillon Officers: Katie Odling - Town Clerk's Department Simon Owen - Chamberlain's Department Deborah Cluett - Comptroller and City Solicitor's Department Paul Monaghan - City Surveyor's Department Philip Everett - Director of the Built Environment Peter Rees - City Planning Officer, Department of the Built Environment Annie Hampson - Department of the Built Environment Paul Beckett - Department of the Built Environment Alan Rickwood - City Police 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Pollyanna Davies, Sophie Fernandes, Robert Howard, Brian Mooney, Alderman Andrew Parmley, Henry Pollard, John Spanner and Alderman John White. 2. DECLARATIONS BY MEMBERS OF ANY PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS IN RESPECT OF ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA There were no declarations of interest received. Page 1 3. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2012 were approved as a correct record subject to the description of the planning application site at Item 5.1 being amended to “33” King William Street. MATTERS ARISING: - Millennium Bridge Inclinator (Item 3) – The City Surveyor advised that the inclinator was operating successfully and that signage would be considered as part of the overall scheme. Reports of the Director of the Built Environment (Item 7) – Members were informed that the outcomes of the resolutions from the annual Wardmotes had been reported back to the respective Honorary Clerks. Changes to the Planning Process under the Localism Act 2011 (Item 8) – Members were advised that, in respect of the update of the Planning Protocol, this would follow once the changes to the standards arrangements and Code of Conduct introduced by the Localism Act 2011 had been agreed by Standards Committee, since those arrangements would inform the detail of the Planning Protocol. It was hoped that a report on the updated Planning Protocol would be brought to this Committee in the coming autumn. 4. TOWN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS The Committee received a report of the City Planning Officer relative to development and advertisement applications that had been dealt with using his delegated authority since the previous meeting. RECEIVED. 5. REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Business Plan 2011-12 Fourth Quarter Progress Report Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment which set out the end of year performance for the Department against the KPIs on the business plan. On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman congratulated the City Planning Officer who had recently been made an honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in recognition of his outstanding contribution to architecture in the City of London. RESOLVED : - That the quarter 4 performance indicators for 2011/12 against the key performance indicators and Service Response Standards and the financial and statistical information contained in the report be noted. 5.2 City of London Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the City of London Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and provided an Page 2 update on the evidence of the flood risks the City faced. The Director of Policy and Performance also provided a brief presentation to the Committee which identified the flooding risk hotspots in the City. In response to questions raised by Members, Officers confirmed that the City of London had put in a bid for funds for a feasibility study to be undertaken to enable the City of London to move forward with some solutions to mitigate the risks of flooding in the City. Furthermore, Officers were working with Thames Water regarding their replacement of ‘victorian’ water pipes with more modern ones. Reference was also made to the impact of surface water flooding and potential damage to infrastructures and Members were assured that this issue would be addressed as part of the feasibility study. RESOLVED : - That, i) the key findings of the SFRA 2012 report be noted and approved for publication; ii) the proposed actions as follows be approved: - • updating of statutory development plan documents and the City of London Multi Agency Flood Plan to reflect the findings of SFRA 2012; • preparation of a Flood Risk Strategy based on flood risk evidence in the SFRA 2012; and • progression of flood alleviation projects in the Farringdon Street and Paul’s Walk areas. 6. REVENUE OUTTURN 2011-12 (Sophie Fernandes joined the meeting at 12:10pm). Consideration was given to a report of the Chamberlain, Director of the Built Environment, Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries and the City Surveyor which compared the revenue outturn for the services overseen by your Committee in 2011/12 with the final agreed budget for the year. The overall total net expenditure during the year was £16.4m, whereas the total agreed budget was £17.2m, representing an underspending of £0.8m as set out in the report. Members were advised that although the Director of the Built Environment had underspends across his services in 2011/12 to enable the maximum carry forward allowable of £500k, these were one-off underspends and would not be on going budget surpluses for future years. Members noted that £182k of carry forward monies were being used to close the budget funding shortfall in 2012/13, for which permanent savings would need to be identified in 2013/14 to balance the future budget.
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