Maritime Patrol Aviation PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE: The Royal Netherlands Navy's Maritime Patrol Group by Marco PJ. Borst The Maritime Patrol (MARPAT) Netherlands Naval Air Arm) led to the cations. The basic training for pilots and Group of the Royal Netherlands Navy is disestablishment of VSQ2 on 1 October navigators for the Maritime Helicopter a part of the Dutch defence organization 1993. VSQ32l took over responsibilities Group (MARHELI) is also partly given which has been threatened with disestab- for P-3C flight training while VSQ320 by VSQ32l/OVALK. Another major lishment plans several times in its exis- remained an operational squadron. Fur- responsibility of VSQ321/OVALK is the tence. The most recent defence white ther reorganizations consolidated the utilization of the P-3C-III/2 flight simu- paper Íbresees a major upgrade for ten of activities of VSQ321 and Opleidingen lators. The Operational Flight Trainer the service's thirleen Lockheed Martin P- Valkenburg (OVALK - Valkenburg (OFT) and the Operational Tactics Train- 3C-II112 Orions. This emphasizes that the Training Unit) into one organization. In er (OTT) are situated in the Sirius mis- MARPAT Group's important national the new structure. which came into effect sion-support center at RNLNAS Valken- and international roles are recognized and after the summer of 2000, VSQ321/ burg. The OFT is in operation for Íbur to be continued Íbr years to come. OVALK is responsible for all training sessions of three hours each per working activities within the MARPAT Group. day. The RNLN P-3C OFT is also being MARPAT's Organization New pilots get their transition training to frequently used by flight crews from The MARPAT Group was estab- the Orion with VSQ32I/OVALK after Spain, Portugal, Norway and Europe- lished on I luly 1971 as the parent organ- they have completed an initial training deployed USN squadrons, since it is the ization for the three squadrons at RNL- course on the Pilatus PC-7 with the only P-3 simulator in Europe. NAS Valkenburg: VSQ2 (the training RNLAF at Woensdrecht AB, Íbllowed by The Royal Netherlands Navy cur- squadron), VSQ320 and VSQ321 (the a twin-engine course on the Beech 200 rently has sixteen P-3C crews: VSQ320 two operational squadrons). After the King Air with a civilian flying school. has ten crews, VSQ321/OVALK can RNLN's Breguet SP-13A Atlantics were After an initial training period all pilots, form five crews, and the MARPAT phased out in 1984, all three squadrons FEs,IFTs, TACCOs, NAVCOMs, sensor detachment at Hato AB (Curacao) has operated the P-3C-II1/2 Orion. Originally operators and observers receive addition- one crew which is stationed there for a period of three years. The latter is aug- mented by two crews from VSQ320 and/or VSQ32l/OVALK on a rotational basis. To keep the instructors current, VSQ321/OVALK crews frequently take part in exercises like JMC, and rotate through the Hato and Keflavik detach- ments. The Aircraft The RNLN took delivery of its first P-3C-lI1l2 Orion on 5 November 1981. This aircraft was Ílown to NAS Jack- sonville and later augmented by the next three RNLN Orions. These four aircraÍï were used during the initial P-3 conver- sion training, which was given by USN's VP-30. After four crews had successfully completed the training course they fenied the first four RNLN Orions from NAS A RNLN P3c-llll2 Orion taxies through the rinse rack at RNLNAS Valken- Jacksonville to RNLNAS Valkenburg in burg (Marco Borst) The Netherlands on 2l July 1982. Upon entering Dutch airspace the first aircraft the Orions were owned and maintained al training with a crew, under operational was welcomed by the RNLN's last opera- by VSQ320, while VSQ2 made use of circumstances. VSQ321/ OVALK is also tional SP-2H Neptune of VSQ320 and an these aircraft for training sorties when responsible for the training of ground and SP-13A Atlantic of VSQ321. These air- required. A reorganization within the maintenance personnel as well as for all craft arrived over RNLNAS Valkenburg Marineluchtvaartdienst (the Royal MARPAT Group-related technical publi- in close formation. The introduction of 45 Maritime Patrol Aviation total VONOVI 2000 carries out 252 coast guard missions for the MARPAT Group. The crew checks every contact with the Lloyds Register of Ships which is avail- able on a laptop computer onboard the Orion. On every mission a police or cus- toms officer is aboard to take down the evidence in case a ship is breaking the law. The majority of the RNLN counter- drug operations is carried out in the Car- ribean in close cooperation with US Navy and Coast Guard units. Besides that. the RNLN is responsible for the Coast Guard Netherlands Antilles and Aruba (Kust- wacht NA&A). In December 2000 the crew of a MARPAT Orion located a sus- picious ship 300 miles off the CuraEao coast, enroute from Colombia to an unknown destination. A US Coast Guard Netherlands Customs officer onboard an Orion during a coast guard mission cutter was directed to the suspicious ship by the Orion's crew. Investigation aboard the P-3C-II1/2 went smoothly. From the the big red danger from the 'East is no the vessel led to the discovery of a ship- start of the RNLN P-3 program the Dutch longer considered to be our potential ment of 5000 kilos of marijuana. The ves- crews gained recognition and respect for enemy, but nations like Iran have taken sel's crew was arested, and the ship was their outstanding results during interna- delivery of submarines based on old brought into Puerto Rico for further tional exercises. In June 1983 a Dutch Soviet technology over the last few years. investigation. With this catch, the total detachment of four Orions took part in It is of importance to know where these result of RNLN and Coast Guard counter- exercise Ocean Safari, and booked the submarines are; they are the proverbial drug operations in 2000 was 13,468 kilos best results of all participating units! needles in a haystack if you don't have an of confiscated drugs. VSQ320 was declared fully operational up-to-date maritime patrol platform like Another interesting new mission for in 1984. The l3th and last Orion was the P-3 Orion available. This is why the MARPAT Group was the deployment delivered on 14 September 1984. NATO still needs a large MPA fleet, and oi lhe Orion as an airborne-reconnais- MARPAT established a permanent anti-submarine warfare is still an impor- sance platform over land in support of detachment at NAS Keflavik, Iceland on tant part of the workload for MPA crews. NATO's operation Eagle Eye over Koso- 18 October 1985. The single Orion sta- But after the end of the Cold War the vo. Things went fast after the Orion was tioned at this NATO base is operated in maritime patrol fraternity also accepted a chosen as the most suitable platform for close cooperation with the USN's number of new tasks for which the Orion this mission. In November 1998 the PATRONKEF. Cunently, the USN duty is an excellent platfom. The Orion fleet RNLN launched a modification program patrol squadron deploys only four Orions oi the MARPAT Group is no exception. for three aircraft. These were modified to Keflavik so, with one aircraft, the Over the last few years Dutch P-3C-Il1l2 with the FLIR Systems, Star Safire, elec- MARPAT Group comprises 207o of the Orions started to conduct coast guard tro-optical sensor and a Pioneer relay sys- PATRONKEF Orion fleet. missions, counter drug operations and tem for real-time transmission of Star even overland-reconnaissance operations Safire video and photo images. Further- The Missions next to their traditional ASW missions. more, these aircraft were equipped with "Compare the hunt for submarines The most important coast guard missile-warning receivers and chaff/flare with the search for a couple of pennies on activities for the MARPAT Group are dispensers for self-protection. The modi- a soccer field. A tough job, but it can be surveillance flights in support of fications were done by the USN at NAS done. When you know that the number of VONOVI 2000 (VerkeersOnderzoek Patuxent River and after completion of pennies on the field is smaller than before Noordzee Visuele Identificatie - Traffic thejob and a quick training course for the it does not mean that the search is easier. Investigation North Sea Visual Identifica- first crew, the MARPAT Group succes- On the contrary...in fact there's more tion). VONOVI 2000's goal is to collect fully deployed the first Orion to NAS work to do in the same area." Speaking position, course, name and type of ship Sigonella on 13 February 1999. Two days was CDR Warner Borgeld, Executive and cargo, of traffic in the North Sea. later this aircraft conducted the RNLN's Officer of the MARPAT Group. His For this mission the North Sea is divided fi rst overland-reconnaissance mission. comment on the ongoing decrease of the into nine areas which will get attention Ever since, the MARPAT Group fre- number of Maritime Patrol Aircraft with- from the Orion crew lour times on e\ery quently deploys an Orion to NAS in NATO is clear and true. It is a fact that day of the week (28 missions per area). In 46 Maritime Patrol Aviation sively modified with a new hydraulic- motion system and daylight vision. These modiÍications will be done between Sep- tember 2001 and March 2002 by CAE of Canada, the company that built the simu- iator.
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