S 8304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 14, 1995 She then turned professional and in at Stanford University and chose to di- Lane Kirkland's presence at the helm her first year reached the final 16 at rect her talents to public service. She of American labor will be sorely both Wimbledon and the U.S. Open. worked on Lynn Yeakel's campaign for missed. As the New York Post con- During her professional tennis career the U.S. Senate in her native Penn- cluded: that spanned a decade, Kathy won sylvania and then returned to Califor- His retirement marks the departure from seven Grand Slam titles. nia, where Palo Alto had become home. the public arena of a larger-than-life figureÐ Kathy earned a reputation as a tough Kathy joined my staff in 1993 as field an able, courageous and principled individual and tenacious competitor. And, as she representative for the northern Califor- whose shoes will be difficult to fill. defeated one challenger after another, nia region of the State. I extend my thanks to Lane Kirkland Kathy proved she was one of the best She has been one of the most out- for his dedication to working men and players in the world and climbed to a standing staff persons I've worked with women, and I wish him the best of luck ranking of No. 5. In just 1 year, she over the last 2 years. in the future. went from being No. 23 in the world to Kathy assumed her field responsibil- being No. 5. ities with an incomparable level of f During that time, Kathy beat Chris compassion, intelligence, and dili- Evert in straight sets at Wimbledon in WAS CONGRESS IRRESPONSIBLE? gence. And just as she did on the tennis THE VOTERS HAVE SAID YES 1983, reached the finals of the 1983 Aus- court, Kathy has shown a fierce deter- tralian Open, and then went on to mination to fight for what is right. Mr. HELMS. Madam President, one knock off Pam Shriver in the quarter- She redefined the title ``field rep- does not have to be a rocket scientist final of the 1984 Wimbledon singles resentative'' and was quickly promoted to realize that the U.S. Constitution championship to reach the semifinals. to the role of field director, overseeing forbids any President's spending even a Kathy would later be described as projects for me statewide. dime of Federal tax money that has Chris Evert's top nemesis, beating her As a representative of over 20 coun- not first been authorized and appro- three times. ties, she was my eyes and ears for priated by CongressÐboth the House of Martina Navratilova, too, felt the northern California. She identifies a Representatives and the U.S. Senate. sting of Kathy Jordan's passing shots. problem andÐmore importantlyÐhelps So when you hear a politician or an Not only did Kathy beat her in singles, figure out how to solve a problem. editor or a commentator declare that but it was the team of Kathy Jordan She has been a tireless advocate for ``Reagan ran up the Federal debt'' or and Liz Smylie that pulled a huge dou- the issues and concerns of the residents that ``Bush ran it up,'' bear in mind bles upset and ended the 109-match and elected officials in her jurisdiction. that the Founding Fathers, two cen- winning streak of Navratilova and I frequently have county supervisors turies before the Reagan and Bush partner Pam Shriver in the Wimbledon and others approach and thank me for Presidencies, made it very clear that it final of 1985. Jordan and Smylie won by the work she has done and the results is the constitutional duty of Con- a score of 5±7, 6±3, 6±4. It was sweet vic- accomplished. gressÐa duty Congress cannot escapeÐ tory for Kathy, who had lost 3 of the At a time when many feel alienated to control Federal spending. They have last 4 years to Navratilova and Shriver and are looking to the government's not for the past 50 years. after winning the Wimbledon cham- representatives to help them and re- It is the fiscal irresponsibility of pionship in 1980 with partner Anne spond to their needs and problems, I CongressÐof Congress!Ðthat ran up Smith. feel proud that I have a staff person the Federal debt that stood at Looking back on the match, Kathy who heeds the call and gets things recounted how she and her partner, $4,903,284,242,955.00 as of the close of done. business Tuesday, June 13. This debt, Smylie, were serving for the match at Kathy is a remarkable person whose 5±4 in the third set. Kathy gambled, which will, of course, be passed on to compassion, respect, and talent for her our children and grandchildren, aver- lunged across to Smylie's side of the work serves as a model for others. court for a volley. They won the point, ages out to $18,612.95 on a per capita I am grateful to have worked with basis. with Navratilova and Shriver looking her and benefited from her service to stunned as the shot whipped by. the U.S. Senate. f ``Pam and Martina were standing Madam President, I stand here to there looking at each other. I'm kinda congratulate Kathy on all her accom- like a roving linebacker and Liz is like plishments, and for the honor being be- THE 220th ANNIVERSARY OF THE a defensive back who sometimes has to stowed her by Stanford University. U.S. ARMY, JUNE 14, 1995 cover behind me in case a ball gets over For all she has accomplished in both Mr. THURMOND. Madam President, my head,'' Kathy said in 1991. the world of tennis and in government exactly 220 years ago today, a proud That roving linebacker attitude is service, it is an honor well deserved. American institution was born, the exactly what made Kathy Jordan a leg- f U.S. Army. I rise today to not only rec- end on the tennis courts. ognize this important milestone in the But, in the 1987 Virginia Slims of LANE KIRKLAND New England, Kathy's career was jeop- history of the Army, but to pay tribute Mr. MOYNIHAN. Madam President, I to all soldiers who have served their ardized with one of the most serious in- rise today to salute my friend, Lane juries an athlete can sufferÐa tear of Nation, both in the past and in the Kirkland, who yesterday announced present. the right anterior cruciate ligament. that he would not seek reelection as ``That's the Bernard King injury. The For more than two centuries, Ameri- president of the AFL±CIO. During his Danny Manning injury. You get scared. ca's soldiers have selflessly and suc- 16-year tenure as head of the AFL±CIO You never really know. A lot of people cessfully protected the freedoms and and his 50 years of service to organized don't make it back,'' Kathy told the ideals of the United States, and Ameri- labor, Mr. Kirkland devoted himself to San Francisco Chronicle in 1990. ca's soldiers have stood tall and fast But, once again Kathy's determina- improving the lives and occupations of wherever they have been deployed. tion paved the way and she once again unionized workers. He accomplished From the Minuteman at Lexington became a potent threat in women's this mission with skill and determina- with his trusty musket who started the tennis. She reunited with her partner, tion. fight for the independence of our Na- An editorial in today's New York Liz Smylie, and once again knocked off tion, to the G.I. equipped with night vi- Post remarked: the expected winners to climb their sion goggles, a Kevlar helmet, and the way into the Wimbledon doubles final We've always hailed his stalwart commit- battle-proven M16A2 rifle on patrol ment to liberal anti-communism and his fe- in 1990. along the DMZ in Korea, our soldiers alty to the concept of a global network of have always distinguished themselves. I've had the pleasure of getting to genuinely free trade unions. It's safe to say, know Kathy over the course of the last in fact, that no one in the United StatesÐ The battle streamers of the Army flag 2 years. apart from President Reagan himselfÐdid stand as testament to the courage, for- After retiring from women's tennis, more to hasten the demise of the Soviet em- titude, and abilities of those who have Kathy finished her undergraduate work pire than did Lane Kirkland. fought under this banner: Valley June 14, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 8305 Forge; New Orleans; Mexico City; Get- sion, they have done so with a sense of sections (b) and (c) maintain this regu- tysburg; Havana; the Philippines; Ver- purpose, professionalism, and patriot- latory authority of local jurisdictions, dun; Bataan; North Africa; Monte Cas- ism. We are grateful for the sacrifices but subsection (d) preempts that au- sino; Normandy; Arnhem; the ``Bulge''; these individuals have made and the thority, and this is what is of vital con- Pusan; Seoul; the Ia Drang Valley; Gre- example they have set for future sol- cern to the cities, the counties and the nada, Panama; Kuwait, and, Iraq rep- diers. With a heritage as proud as the States. resent just a partial list of the places one established by our Nation's sol- Senator KEMPTHORNE and I have a where ordinary men brought distinc- diers over the past 220 years, we know simple amendment.
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