American Mineralogist, Volume 69, pages 546-552, 1984 Jerrygibbsite, a new polymorph of Mne(SiOa)c(OH)zfrom Franklin, New Jersey, with new data on leucophoenicite Prrr, J. DUNN Department of Mineral Sciences Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 DoNer-o R. Peacon Department of Geological Sciences University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Wrlrreu B. SruuoNs Department of Earth Sciences University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana 70148 aNo Enrc J. Essexe Department of Geological Sciences University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Abstract Jerrygibbsite, ideally Mnq(SiO+)+(OH)2,is polymorphous with the Mn-humite sonolite, and a probable member of the leucophoenicitegroup. It occurs as intergrown grains with a typical metamorphic texture at Franklin, New Jersey, intimately associatedwith leuco- phoenicite. It is orthorhombic with spacegroup Pbnm or Pbn21and unit cell parametersa : 4.85(1),b : 10.70(l),and c = 28.17(3)4.The strongestlines in the powder diffraction pattern ared (I): 2.557(lN), 1.806(100),2.869(78),2.752(49),2.702(46),2.362 (39). Optical parametersinclude: biaxial negative,2V = 72", a = 1.77?(4),F = 1.7$G), y: 1.789(4);Z : a, X : b, amd Y: c. The color is violet-pink;the Mohs' hardnessis approximately5.5; the observed density is 4.00(2) and the calculated density is 4.045 g/cm3.The name is in honor of ProfessorGerald V. Gibbs of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Chemical analytical data for leucophoeniciteindicate that minor amounts of Ca andlor Zn may sel'veto stablilize leucophoenicite-groupminerals relative to humite-groupminerals at Franklin, New Jersey. Introduction We take great pleasure in naming this mineral jerry- During a systematic survey of the chemical composi- qibbsite in honor of Dr. Gerald V. Gibbs, Professor at tion of specimensof leucophoenicite by electron .i"ro- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, in probe analysis, several sampleswere found to be another, recognitionofhis outstandingcontributions to the science but closely related phase. These samples gave X-ray of.mineralogyandthesocietyof mineralogists.Thenew prior publica- powder diffraction fatterns which, although generally mineral afld the name were approved, to similar to those of leucophoenicite and memUe-rsof tne tion, by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral humite group, were unique and did not match any known Names, IMA. Type material is preserved at the Smithso- species. The powder X-ray diffraction data, combined nian Institution under catalogue numbers C3209 and with the chemical analyses,implied that this material was R.18772(holotypes) and 149037(cotype). a new manganesemember of either the humite or leuco- phoenicite groups. The distinctions between these two Description and physical properties series or families of structures has been described by Jerrygibbsite occurs as a massive mineral in interlock- White and Hyde (1983)and is summarizedin Table l. Our ing anhedralcrystals, up to 0.5 x 2.0 mm, which display a subsequentinvestigation has confirmed that this phaseis typical metamorphic texture; there are no euhedral crys- a new mineral. tals. The hardness (Mohs) is approximately 5.5. The 0003-(MvE4/0506-0546$02.00 DUNN ET AL,: JERRYGIBBSITE 547 Table l. Crystallographicdata and formulae for the leucophoeniciteand humite groups Speci es Ideal formula Spacegroup a D Reference LEUCOPHOEI{ICITEGROUP Jerrygi bbsi te l.lnn(si 0u )o ( 0H ), Pbnm/Pbn2, 4.85 10.70 28.17 90o Presentstudy Present Leucophoenici te Mn7(si04)3(oH)2-tP?,/b - 4.828 I 0.85 11.380 l03.73o study Htl,lITE GRoUP Norbergi te Itsr(si0o)(0H)2 Pbnm 4.7104 10.2718 8.7476 90o Gibbsand Ribbe(1969) Synthetic phase Mnr(si0n)(0H)2 Pbnm 4.869 I 0.796 9.179 900 Francisand Ribbe (1978) ( (1970) Chondrodite l'lgssi o+)z (oH )z -t-P2.lb 4.7284 10.2539 7.8404 109.060Gibbs et al., (1970) Al I eghanyite Hn5(si04)2(0H)2-tP2,/b - 4.8503 I 0.7l98 8.2747 108.640Rentzeperis Hurnite ilsr(si0o)r(0H)2 Pbnm 4.7408 10.2s80 20.8526 9oo Ribbeand cibbs (]97]) Francisand Ribbe (1978) lihnganhunite Mn7(si 04)3( 0H ) z Pbnm 4.815 10.580 21.448 900 Cl i nohumite tlse(si 04 (0H P2,/b 4.7441 r0.2s0r 13.6635l0o.79oRobinson et al. (1973) )4 )2 -t- Sonoli te ilnr(si0o)u(0H)2 -P2. /b 4.872 r0.669 14.287 loo.30 Kato(1978) in t- Ribbe(1980) streak is light pink. The luster is vitreous on both cleav- very similar compositions, but differ slightly in Zn-con- age and fracture surfaces. There is one imperfect cleav- tent. The ratio of lt'f+ ions to siliconis 8.85:4.00(sample age, parallel to {001}. The density, determined using R18772)and 8.78:4.00(sample C3209),Z : 4, both in heavyliquid techniques,is 4.00(2)g/cm3, which compares reasonable agreement with the 9:4 ratio of sonolite, favorably with the calculated value of 4.045 glcm3. which is consistentwith the relation thatjerrygibbsite is a Jerrygibbsite is medium violet-pink in color and light polymorph of Mnq(SiO+)+(OH)2.Although the M2+:Si pink in thin-section. It does not fluoresce when exposed ratio is less than the ideal 9:4, we attribute this to to ultraviolet radiation and there is no cathodolumines- analytical error and not to admixed leucophoeniciteinas- cenceunder the beam ofthe electron microprobe. Grains much as leucophoenicite impurities would increase the typically exhibit lamellar structure, parallel to {001}which ratio to >9:4. and not decreaseit. is defined by lamellae difering in opacity; that is, more transparentlamellae alternate with relatively translucent Table 2. Chemical analysesof jerrygibbsite and lamellae. Aside from this diference, the lamellae are leucophoenicite optically identical. The cause of the ditrerence is not definitely known, but is ascribed tentatively to differ- JERRYGIBBSITE LEUCOPHOENICITE encesin fluid inclusion densities. Optically, jerrygibbsite l,leight Atons per Ueight Atomsper fleight is biaxial negativewith 2V : 72". The indices of refraction percent unit cell percent unit cell percent are a: r.772(4),B:1.783(4) and y: 1.789(a).Jerry- gibbsite pleochroic; si 02 27.1 16.00 26.6 ls.7l 26.2 is not dispersion is moderate to Fe0 0.3 0.15 0.3 0.r5 0.3 strong, r ) v. The orientation of the indicatix is Z = a, t'lgo 1.4 1,23 'II .l 0.97 ?.6 Ca0 0.4 0.25 .0 0.63 5.2 X:b,andI:c. l4n0 64.I 32.05 62.1 3t 05 57.6 Zn0 3.9 1.70 5.3 2 31 5.6 Chemical composition Hzo 2.13* 8.38 2.25* 8.86 2.5+* F 0.0 n.o, n.o. Jerrygibbsite was chemically analyzed with an anr- Total 99.3 98.6 100.0 sruq electron microprobe utilizing an operating voltage * - l{ater detemined by the Penfield rethod. **- l{ater calculated by difference. of 15 kV and a sample current of 0.025 pA, measuredon Accuracyof data: r3t of the amunt present for mior elerents. brass. Water was determined using the Penfield method. standards: hornblende (Si, Fe,lilg,Ca) ; mnganite(Mn); synthetic Zno(Zn); and fluorapatite(F) for sanp'lesRI8772 and 149543. The resultant analyses,together with standardsused, are : synthetic tephroite (Si,l'ln); hornblende(Fe,l'lg,Ca); and (zn). presentedin Table 2. The two jerrygibbsite sampleshave synthetic ZnO 548 DUNN ET AL,: JERRYGIBBSITE X-ray crystallography diffraction patterns were unsuccessful.We subsequently determined that this was due to contamination by other Cleavagefragments from specimensR18772 and C3209 phases.The principal contaminatingphase is leucophoen- have been studied using Weissenberg and precession icite although other Mn-humites such as alleghanyitealso single-crystal techniques,and the results are identical for are found with jerrygibbsite. Indeed, we have been un- all photographs jerrygibbsite crystals. The show that is able to obtain a jerrygibbsite powder pattern which is orthorhombic with space group Pbnm or Pbn21, with entirely free of leucophoenicite contamination. The pat- refined parameters : = unit c-ell a 4.85(l), b 10.70(l),and terns for jerrygibbsite, leucophoenicite, and the Mn- c = 28.17(3)4. This setting of the unit cell translations is humites have many features in common. Becausemulti- used so as to emphasize the relation to the related phase patterns appear to be the rule and not the members group, : of the humite all of which have a 4.9 exception, and because it is difficult to interpret these = andb 10.5A translationsin common; this settingwas patterns even after considerable experience with them, recommended (1969). by Jones The spacegroup identifi- we have gone to some lengths to try to obtain standard, cation is somewhattentative as extinction rules are not as single-phasepatterns of each phase. These patterns were well defined as usual due to the presence of classes of shown to be single-phasein two ways: (l) d-valueslead to systematically weak reflections. For example, very few satisfactory indexing of unit cell parameters, and (2) hOl reflections are observable. We feel that the space reflections known to be characteristic ofother phasesare group as probably determined'is very correct, although found to be very weak (in which case appropriate reflec- there is a possibility that intensities as determined in the tions were subtracted from the pattern) or absent in the course of a structure determination may show that the pattern chosen to be representative of a given single apparent glide-planes are not required in the detailed phase. We have separatelydescribed patterns for allegh- structure. anyite, sonolite,and manganhumite(Winter et al., l9E3) Individual lamellae from the zones defined by translu- and report the leucophoeniciteand jerrygibbsite patterns cency differences noted above were separately studied here (Table 3).
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