Sunday's flight Water C-9 Usage NAS Norfolk, Va. ---------- 11.00 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 11 Oceans, Va. 11:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Usable storage: 9.10 ML - 65% Key West, Fla. 3:25 p.m. 4:40 p.m. Guantanamo Bay 6:20 p.m. 7:20 p.m. Goal: 825K NAS Norfolk, Va. 10:40 p.m. Consumption: 863 K See page 3 I Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 154 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Friday, January 12, 1990 Solution coming, summer 1991 /1 Water, power problems Naval base supports senior class still plague Desal Plant ager, Gitmo III is still in guarded Cuba - Reports out of Havana say By JOC BILL DOUGHERTY condition and must be well cared Cuba accused a Czechoslovak jour- for until repairs, upgrades and nalist of broadcasting "distorted Three power outages in as many renovations are completed on the and provocative" reports, and days have reminded Guantanamo resi- plant. ordered him out of the country. Radio dents they are still a long way from Prague International confirmed the resolving the present water and power "We have antiquated equip- expulsion. problems at the Desal Plant. ment and controls and we are in the "We had a major power outage for process of replacing them during Panama - Military officials say approximately one hour on Tuesday," the next two months," said Nye. about 2,000 more GI's who served in This ispartofavarietyofwork Panama are about to come home. said Chief Petty Officer Joe Nye, Desal that will take place at the 25-year- The 2,000 paratroopers are Plant manager. "We've been testing scheduled to jump form 20 C-141 our electrical relays and there was an old deal plant during the next two "Starlifters" at Fort Bragg, N.C., inadvertent short in one of the relays years. The aging facility will re- today, unless the winds are too that resulted in the outage." ceive two reverse osmosis units strong. More than 600 paratroopers Twootherpoweroutages lasting 20 which should be operational be- Anthony Cordova (center), senior class president, and Ray returned to Fort Bragg Monday. to 40 minutes also took place Wednes- tween April and May, about 30 Castro, co-committee chairperson, sell Capt. John Boyd, naval base commander, the first ticket to the Senior Class day and Thursday because a safety days later than anticipated. Ireland -Ireland's foreign minister Dinner. The event is Saturday, connection came loose from boiler "The contractor needed some Jan. 27, starting at 5 p.m. at is to meet with Secretary of State additional time to meet the re- the Barrel Club. The tickets are $5 for adults and $2.50 for Baker Friday to discuss develop- vibration and shut the boiler down re- quirements and specifications of children 10 years old and under. The dinner is part of a ments in eastern Europe. Foreign sulting in the power loss. series of fund raisers "In each case, Gitmo III, our only the government contract," ex- to support the senior class's trip to Minister Gerald Collins is also the Jamaica in April. new president of the European evaporator was shutdown," added Nye. plained Nye. Council of Foreign Ministers. "We lost use of Gitmo III for approxi- Well drillers should arrive in mately 12 hours which also stopped our two weeks to begin drilling well Colombia - A statement from ability to produce fresh water." holes for the reverse osmosis Gorbachev not letting Lithuania go Leftist rebels in Colombia says the units, according to Nye. The Desal Manager said 600,000 UPI - In diplomatic parlance, may give it, and every republic the group will turn U.S. interests in "Every effort by Public Works gallons of fresh water was depleted it's called a "frank and businesslike right to leave. Columbia into "military Department and our chain of targets." In the statement sent to from storage levels during the outages. exchange of views." And that sums In a whirlwind first day of meet- command is being made to expe- UPI's office in Mexico City, the The loss of stored water dropped cur- up Soviet President Gorbachev's ings yesterday with officials and dite the installation of the reverse group said it had ordered its forces to rent levels from 9.8-million gallons to visit to Lithuania. Lithuanian residents, Gorbachev osmosis units," said Nye. assume "a complete combat dis- 9.3. Lithuania wants independence promised Lithuania unprecedented In addition to work on reverse position" toward U.S. interest. The Public Works Shops Engineer, LL from the Soviet Union, and freedom in anew Soviet federation, reason for the threat was not osmosis units, representatives Cmdr. Robert Merton, said residents Gorbachev is saying, "no." but he made it clear he would not specified. from Bechtell International and needed to take additional water conser- On the first day of a three-day accept any unilateral secession by Israel Desalination Engineering vation measures to try and help regain visit to the baltic republic, Gor- Lithuania, or any one else. (continued.page 3) are in Guantanamo to plan work the loss of water from storage. bachev rejected calls for Lithuania's Gorbachev went to Lithuaniato for sub-contractors to demolish "We've also had several water immediate secession, but says a facedown a revolt by therepublic's breaks, the Point Loma and Gitmo I some of them major," said Nye. draftlawinanew Sovietconstitution communist party. "The breaks have affected our ability to evaporators. They will also con- improve waterstorage levels and it also tract work for clean-up, concrete USA affected the water consumption figures bases, structural and electrical Using direct ddeposit pays shown daily in the newspaper." work and plumbing. The sub-con- News Some leaks aren't spotted until tract work is being planned as part By JOSN C. CORBIN- LES's for the Guantanamo Bay area thousands of gallons of precious water of the contract to install two, one- KRUER by deadline; therefore, paychecks have been wasted. million gallon, multi-effect were cut using information from the Washington - Defense Secretary "It's important for all of us to be evaporators. The evaporators are Personnel who are not on direct last LES received. Cheney says fiscal realities and observant wherever we are on the expected to be operating by the deposit will not be receiving the Due to the fact that the 1990 "changes in the nature of the base," explainNye. "Look for standing summer of 1991. 1990 increase on today's paycheck. LES didn't arrive on time, person- threat around the world" means water or green spots and if you see According to the Officer in nel will see the increase Feb. 1, U.S. Defense Budgets are going to them, report For those lucky future Gitmoi- Charge of the Personnel Support when they will receive the full be leaner in the years ahead. The it, don't wait thinking tes who arrive after the summer of Detachment here, Lt. Gary S. Man- amount. comment came Thursday as some else has done it. We'd much 1991, they'll gus, "personnel who are on direct Cheney announced new Pentagon rather spend time checking on possible never realize the The 1990 LES's arrived Thurs- management reform plans aimed at leaks than fixing a leak that has been trials, tribulations and sacrifices deposit will automatically receive day morning. cutting 42,000 people from the losing water for hours or days." suffered by their predecessors their 1990 increase because they are "This can be avoided by using military and civilian payroll. According to the desal plant man- during the past three years. paid straight out of Cleveland." direct deposit," concluded Lt. Man- PSD didn't receive the 1990 gus. Milwaukee - An autopsy on a baby born in Milwaukee shows she was born with enough alcohol in Gitmo's NSGA holds change-of-command ceremony her bloodstream to make her legally drunk. The baby died By JOSN USA M. ENLOE executive officer and twice as a Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Tuesday, five weeks after her birth. rifle company commander. Serv- 1943. The mother hada blood-alcohol Marine Lt. Col. Edward Hall re- ing invarious staff positions, Hall Some years later, a separate spe- level of point-38 percent at the has held billets in all four Marine cial operations unit was formed con- time she gave birth. lieved Marine Lt. Col. D. G. Simon as Commanding Officer, Naval Security divisions. sisting solely of Marines. It was also He also served as a detach- Chicago - Chicago police are Group Activity (NSGA), Guantanamo located at Radio Range for several searching for the mother of a nine- Bay, Cuba, today during a change-of- ment commander for a multina- years but later relocated to Wendall year-old girl who was found command ceremony at the top of John tional, tactical signal intelligence Bunker. In 1961, Navy personnel stabbed to death. A message Paul Jones (JPJ) Hill. During the cere- operation in West Germany. were assigned to the special opera- scrawled in blood and signed mony, Simon received a Meritious Hall's personal decorations tions unit, and Marines were gradu- "her mother" was found on the Service Medal. include two Navy Achievement ally phased out. In 1973, the reverse wall near thechild's body in an Guest speaker was Capt. R. A. Medals, a Humanitarian Service occurred as all Navy personnel were abandoned south side building. Carpenter, Director Naval Security Medal and the National Defense replaced by Marines. The activity's The message also said "nothing Group Medal. Marine manning continued until can hurt her anymore." Atlantic.
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