EASY HITS UKULELE EDITION Produced by Alfred Music P.O. Box 10003 Van Nuys, CA 91410-0003 alfred.com Printed in USA. No part of this book shall be reproduced, arranged, adapted, recorded, publicly performed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. In order to comply with copyright laws, please apply for such written permission and/or license by contacting the publisher at alfred.com/permissions. ISBN-10: 1-4706-3288-8 ISBN-13: 978-1-4706-3288-5 Cover Photos Maestro Mango Tenor ukulele courtesy of Your Perfect Guitar, yourperfectguitar.com. Photographed by Arun Palaniappa 2 movie index ARMAGEDDON THE HOBBIT: THE PINK PANTHER (1963) I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing . .52 THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG The Pink Panther . 88 I See Fire . 56 ARTHUR (1981) QUEST FOR CAMELOT Arthur’s Theme ICE CASTLES The Prayer . .92 (Best That You Can Do) . .6 Theme from Ice Castles (Through the Eyes of Love) . .101 ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES DOCTOR DOOLITTLE (1967) (Everything I Do) I Do It for You . .18 Talk to the Animals . .102 THE KARATE KID PART II Glory of Love . .33 ROCKY DOCTOR ZHIVAGO Gonna Fly Now . 40 Somewhere, My Love THE LEGEND OF TARZAN (Lara’s Theme) . 96 Better Love . 13 SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN Singin’ in the Rain . 94 DR. NO THE LEGO MOVIE James Bond Theme . 66 Everything Is Awesome THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (Awesome Remixxx!!!) . .20 Nobody Does It Better . 82. FOOTLOOSE (1984) Footloose . 26. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: A STAR IS BORN (1976) THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING Evergreen (Love Theme) . .16 FOR YOUR EYES ONLY In Dreams . 62. For Your Eyes Only . .23 SUMMER OF ’42 THE LORD OF THE RINGS: The Summer Knows . 100 THE RETURN OF THE KING FROZEN Into the West . .47 Let It Go . 68 SUPERMAN Can You Read My Mind? THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960) GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) (Love Theme) . .8 The Magnificent Seven . .72 Ghostbusters . 30 THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR (1968) MAMMA MIA! GOLDFINGER The Windmills of Your Mind . 117 Mamma Mia . .74 Goldfinger . 36 TOOTSIE MIDNIGHT COWBOY THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY It Might Be You . 64 Midnight Cowboy . 78. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Main Title) . 38 TOY STORY NEVER ON SUNDAY You’ve Got a Friend in Me . 1. 24 THE GRADUATE Never on Sunday . 80 The Sound of Silence . 98 TOY STORY 3 NEW YORK, NEW YORK We Belong Together . .114 THE GREAT ESCAPE Theme from New York, New York . 10. 5 The Great Escape March . .43 UP CLOSE & PERSONAL Because You Loved Me . .10 THE NOTEBOOK THE GREATEST The Notebook (Main Title) . 84 The Greatest Love of All . .44 WHAT’S NEW PUSSYCAT? What’s New Pussycat? . .122 ONCE THE HAPPY ENDING Falling Slowly . .24 What Are You Doing the THE WIZARD OF OZ Rest of Your Life? . 1. 20 If I Only Had a Brain . 60 PARENTHOOD Over the Rainbow . 86 HIGH NOON I Love to See You Smile . 54. High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, ZORBA THE GREEK PEYTON PLACE Oh My Darlin’) . 50 Theme from Zorba the Greek . .110 Theme from Peyton Place . 108 3 contents Strum Patterns . 4 TITLE MOVIE PAGE Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do) . Arthur (1981) . .6 Because You Loved Me . Up Close & Personal . 10 Better Love . The Legend of Tarzan . 13 Can You Read My Mind? (Love Theme) . Superman . .8 Evergreen (Love Theme) . A Star Is Born (1976) . 16 Everything Is Awesome (Awesome Remixxx!!!) . The Lego Movie . 20. Falling Slowly . Once . 24 Footloose . Footloose (1984) . .26 For Your Eyes Only . For Your Eyes Only . 23 Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters (1984) . .30 Glory of Love. The Karate Kid Part II . 33. Goldfinger . Goldfinger . .36 Gonna Fly Now. Rocky . .40 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Main Title) . The Good, the Bad and the Ugly . .38 The Great Escape March . The Great Escape . 43 The Greatest Love of All . The Greatest . .44 High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin’). High Noon . .50 (Everything I Do) I Do It for You . Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves . 18 I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing. Armageddon . .52 I Love to See You Smile . Parenthood . .54 I See Fire . The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug . .56 Theme from Ice Castles (Through the Eyes of Love) . Ice Castles . 101 If I Only Had a Brain . The Wizard of Oz . 60. In Dreams . The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring . .62 Into the West .. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King . .47 It Might Be You . Tootsie . .64 James Bond Theme . Dr . No . .66 Let It Go . Frozen . 68. The Magnificent Seven. The Magnificent Seven (1960) . .72 Mamma Mia . Mamma Mia! . 74 Midnight Cowboy . Midnight Cowboy . .78 Never on Sunday. Never on Sunday . 80. Theme from New York, New York . New York, New York . .105 Nobody Does It Better . The Spy Who Loved Me . .82 The Notebook (Main Title) . The Notebook . .84 Over the Rainbow . The Wizard of Oz . 86. Theme from Peyton Place . Peyton Place . .108 The Pink Panther . The Pink Panther (1963) . .88 The Prayer . Quest for Camelot . .92 Singin’ in the Rain . Singin’ in the Rain . .94 Somewhere, My Love (Lara’s Theme) . Doctor Zhivago . 96. The Sound of Silence . The Graduate . .98 The Summer Knows . Summer of ’42 . 1. 00 Talk to the Animals . Doctor Doolittle (1967) . 102 We Belong Together . Toy Story 3 . 114 What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? . The Happy Ending . .120 What’s New Pussycat? . What’s New Pussycat? . 122 The Windmills of Your Mind. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) . 117 You’ve Got a Friend in Me . Toy Story . 1. 24 Theme from Zorba the Greek . Zorba the Greek . 110 26 FOOTLOOSE Words by Music by DEAN PITCHFORD KENNY LOGGINS Use Suggested Strum Pattern #1 Moderately fast ### 4 & 4 œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T A 3 5 3 5 3 5 0 3 0 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 0 3 0 3 5 B 5 ### & œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œn œ œ œ œ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T A 3 5 3 5 3 5 0 3 0 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 0 3 0 3 5 B Verse: A D A D 9 21 112 21 112 # ## . Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ & . œ œ . œ œ . 1.Been work - ingœ soœ hard,œ œ I’m punch - ingœ œ myœ card.œ 2.You’re play - ing so cool, o-bey - ing ev - ’ry rule. A D A 13 21 112 21 ### & Œ œ œ j ‰ Œ Œ Œ œ œ j ‰Œ Eight hours œ forœ what?œ Oh, tell meœ whatœ œI got.œ œ Dig way down in your heart. You’re burn - ing, yearn - ing for some, D 17 112 # ## Œ ‰ Œ & ˙ j œ I’veœ gotœ thisœ feel - œing œ thatœ time’sœ justœ hold - ingœ meœ œ. down.œ some - bod-y to tell you life.
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