Index Abnormal banding regions (ABRs), 98 9-Aminocamptothecin (9-AC), 29, 37 9-AC (9-aminocamptothecin), 29, 37 Aminophylline, 3 Acantholytic carcinoma, 141 Aminopterin, 125 Ac1arubicin, 214 Amiodarone, 52 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Anabolism, fluoropyrimidine, 73-74, (AIDS/HIV), 137, 139, 145 84-86 Actinic exposure Androgen, 164, 167, 174 basal cell carcinoma and, 145 Angiogenesis, protein kinase C Merkel cell carcinoma and, 152 regulation of, 8-9 squamous cell carcinoma and, Anthracyc1ines 137-138 protein kinase C inhibitors and, 11 Actinic keratosis, 138, 141 taxoid compounds and, 185, 186, 193, Actinomycin D resistance, 97 198-199,203 Acute leukemia, 125 Antiandrogens, 170 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 17 Antifolate therapy, 115-127 Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), 56 Antilymphocyte globulin, 217 Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), Aphidicolin, 98 57,61 APUD (amine-percursor, uptake, and Acute myeloid leukemia, 59 decarbolytion) system, 152, 156 Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia Ara-C, 17, 18 (ANLL), 49-50 Arsenic, 138, 145 Adenoic basal cell carcinoma (BCC), Aspirin, 3 147 Autologous bone marrow Adenosine deaminase (ADA), 100-101 transplantation, 185,209,210,213, Adenovirus 2,166 217,219 Adriamycin, see Doxorubicin AIDS, see Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Balandol, 15 AJCC (American Joint Commission on Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) , 137, 138, Cancer) staging system, 142, 149 143,144, 145-151 ~-Alanine, 76, 80-81 adenoic, 147 D-Alanine, 125 keratotic, 147 Albinism, 138, 145 pathology of, 145-147 Alkylating agents, 139,209 presentation of, 145 American Joint Commission on Cancer primary control of, 147-151 (AJCC) staging system, 142, 149 risk factors for, 145 Amine-percursor, uptake, and solid,147 decarbolytion (APUD) system, Bazex syndrome, 145 152,156 BCC, see Basal cell carcinoma 227 B-celllymphoma, 8 Carboplatin B cells, 12 peripheral blood progenitor Benign prostatic hypertrophy, 164 autografting and, 209, 211-212, 5-Benzyloxybenzyluracil, 87 218,219 Bilirubin, 60 resistance to, 45 Bisindolmaleimides, 15 Carmustine resistance, 45 Bladdercancer,37 Casein kinase II, 9 Bleomycin Catabolism, ftuoropyrimidine, 74-78, basal cell carcinoma and, 148, 150, 85-86 151 CD33 cells, 212 resistance to, 45 CD34 cells, 59, 212-213, 216, 217 squamous cell carcinoma and, CDDP, see Cis- 143-144 diamminedichloroplatinum(lI) Bone marrow transplantation, cDNA autologous, 185,209,210,213, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, 217,219 77-78 Bowen's disease, 141, 142 protein kinase C, 10-11 Breast cancer CED-3 gene, 127 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase in, Cell adhesion molecules, protein kinase 83-84 C regulation of, 8-9 estramustine phosphate and, 163, Cervical carcinoma, 18, 33 178-179 CGP 41251,8,15 ftuoropyrimidines and, 71 CHzFH4 , see 5-10 gene amplification and, 102, 103 Methylenetetrahydrofolate leucovorin and 5-ftuorouracil for, 115 Chloramphenicol resistance, 96 5-10 methylenetetrahydrofolate and, Chlorpromazine, 19 121 Cholyl-CoA-bile acid N- multi drug resistance and, 50-51, acetyltransferase, 76 58-59,61 Chronic granulocytic leukemia, 125 peripheral blood progenitor Chronic leukemia, 105 autografting and, 209, 211, 216, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) , 219 17 phorbol esters and, 9 multidrug resistance in, 61 protein kinase C inhibitors and, 9, 16 squamous cell carcinoma and, 139 serine hydroxymethyltransferase and, Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) , 124-125 17,216 tamoxifen and, 16 Chronotherapy, 84-86 taxoid compounds and, 185-203 Cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(lI) 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid and, 121 (CDDP) topotecan and, 37 basal cell carcinoma and, 151 Broders tumor classification, 139, 141 protein kinase C inhibitors and, 11- Bromovinyldeoxyuridine, 87 12 Bryostatin 1, 5, 8,16-19 Cisplatin, 20 breast cancer and, 9 basal cell carcinoma and, 148, 149, phase I study of, 18-19 150-151 bryostatin 1 and, 18 estramustine phosphate and, 176- CAD gene, 99-100,103 178,180 Calcium, 3, 5, 7,13 hydroxyurea and, 105 Calcium channel blockers, 55-56 irinotecan and, 33 Calmodulin, 16 Merkel cell carcinoma and, 156, 157 Calphostin C, 19 peripheral blood progenitor Camptothecin, 31,107 autografting and, 211, 212, 214 Camptothecin analogues, 29-37 resistance to, 45, 105 228 safingoland,16 (dUMP), 99,115,121-122,123, squamous cell carcinoma and, 138, 124 143-144 Dermatofibrosacroma protuerans, 137 taxoid compounds and, 202 DES (diethylstilbestrol), 170, 173, 179 topotecan and, 36 N-Desmethyl-tamoxifen, 58 13 Cis-retinoic acid, 144 Dexniguldipine, 56 c-jun gene, 12 DHFR, see Dihydrofolate reductase Clear cell squamous cell carcinoma DHPase (dihydropyrimidinase), 75, 76 (SCC),141 Diacylglycerol (DAG), 3-5, 7,10, c-myc gene, 103, 104, 106, 107 12-13,19 Colchicine, 97, 180 Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 170, 173, 179 Collagenase, 8 Differentiated squamous cell carcinoma Colon cancer (SCC),141 9-aminocamptothecin and, 37 Digoxin, 3 estramustine phosphate and, 178 Dihydrofiuorouracil (FUH2), 75 5-fiuorouracil and, 84, 125, 126 Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), 116, irinotecan and, 32 119,127 thymidylate synthetase and, 99, 115 Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene, topoisomerase I and, 30 100,103 topotecan and, 36, 37 hydroxyurea and, 103, 104 Copper resistance, 96 methotrexate resistance and, 98-99 CPT-II, see Irinotecan protein kinase C inhibitors and, 11 Cutaneous lymphoma, 137 Dihydropyrimidinase (DHPase), 75, 76 Cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma, Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase 152-154 (DPD), 72-73, 75, 78-87 Cyclophosphamide biochemical and molecular studies of, basal cell carcinoma and, 150 76-78 estramustine phosphate and, 176 deficiency of, 79-84 Merkel cell carcinoma and, 156-157 development of assay for, 78-79 peripheral blood progenitor genetic polymorphism of, 82-84 autografting and, 211-212, 213- Dmins, see Double minutes 214,215,218,219 DNA resistance to, 45 extrachromosomal, see safingol and, 16 Extrachromosomal DNA Cyclosporin A hydroxyurea and, 105, 107 multidrug resistance reversed with, protein kinase C and, 12, 13 56-58,60,62 thymidine kinase and, 86 peripheral blood progenitor topoisomerase II and, 9 autografting and, 217 DNA-topoisomerase I complex, 29, 30, Cyproterone acetate, 173 31 Cytosar, 216 Docetaxel,185-203 Cytosine, 71 background on, 186-188 Cytosine arabinoside (cytarabine), 45, as first-line chemotherapy, 190-193 214 phase I and II clinical trials of, 188-190 as second-line chemotherapy, 193- DAG, see Diacylglycerol 198 Daunorubicin resistance, 61 Double minutes (dmins), 97,102 cyclosporin A and, 56-58 defined,101 gene amplification and, 97 hydroxyurea and, 103-104, 106 Death genes, 127 methotrexate resistance and, 98, 99 1-Deazauracil,87 Doxorubicin, 150-151, see also Dectinomycin, 157 Doxorubicin resistance 2' -Deoxyuridine-5' -monophosphate basal cell carcinoma and, 149 229 breast cancer and, 186, 187,201,202 estramustine phosphate and, 178, 180 camptothecin analogues compared topoisomerase II and, 9 with,30 Epirubicin resistance, 50, see also estramustine and, 165 Epirubicin Merkel cell carcinoma and, 156-157 calcium channel blockers and, 56 peripheral blood progenitor cyclosporin A and, 57 autografting and, 214 quinidine and, 58-59 as protein kinase C inhibitor, 15, 16, Episomes, 101 19 EPOCH (etoposide/prednisone/ safingol and, 16 vincristine/cyclophosphamide/ squamous cell carcinoma and, 143 doxorubicin),56 taxoid compounds and, 201, 202 Erythroplasia of Queyrat, 141 topoisomerase II and, 9 Estradiol, 165, 168, 178 Doxorubicin resistance, 20, 61, see also 17-~-Estradiol, 163, 166, 167, 169, 179 Doxorubicin Estradiol benzoate, 170 breast cancer and, 187 Estramustine, 163-180 calcium channel blockers and, 55 clinical pharmacology of, 167-169 cyclosporin A and, 57,60 clinical studies of, 170-179 gene amplification and, 97 experimental studies of, 169-170 liposomal carriers and, 47 mechanism of action, 163-166 multiple myeloma and, 50 metabolism of, 166-167 progesterone and, 58 Estramustine binding proteins protein kinase C and, 10 (EMBPs), 164-165, 168, 170 taxoid compounds and, 187 Estramustine phosphate, 163-164, 165, DPD, see Dihydropyrimidine 170, 179-180 dehydrogenase clinical pharmacology of, 167 -169 Drug resistance, 95 -108, see also for malignancies other than prostate Multidrug resistance cancer, 178-179 to estramustine, 165-166 metabolism of, 166-167 extrachromosomal DNA and, see with other agents for prostate cancer, Extrachromosomal DNA 176-178 gene amplification and, see Gene as single, primary therapy in prostate amplification cancer, 170-174 hydroxyurea and, see Hydroxyurea as single agent in hormone-refractory protein kinase C inhibitors and, prostate cancer, 174-176, 179 10-12 Estrogen, 163, 166, 169, 170 to taxoid compounds, 187-188 Estrogen receptors dUMP, see 2' -Deoxyuridine-5'­ estramustine and, 163, 164, 165, monophosphate 178-179 protein kinase C inhibitors and, 9 Estromustine, 167, 168, 169-170, 178 Estrone, 168, 179 Edatrexate, 120 5-Ethynyluracil (5-EU), 87 EGF (epidermal growth factor), 4, 5 Etoposide EGR1 gene, 12 cyclosporin A and, 57 EMBPs (estramustine binding estramustine and, 178, 180 proteins), 164-165, 168, 170 extrachromosomal DNA elimination Endothelin, 5 and,107 Epidermal growth factor (EGF) , 4, 5 irinotecan and, 33 Epidermal keratinocytes, 138 Merkel cell carcinoma and, 156, 157 Epidermodyslasia verruciformis, 139 peripheral blood progenitor Epidoxorubicin, 186 autografting and, 209, 211, 212, Epirubicin, see also Epirubicin 214 resistance resistance to, 57, 61 230 topoisomerase II and, 9 irinotecan and, 33 topotecan and, 36 leucovorin and, 115 5-EU (5-ethynyluracil),
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