C C Zambezi River Authority Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2024 Page i of 90 “To be the Model Organisation in Dam and Water Resources Management in the Zambezi river basin” ©2020_Zambezi River Authority This Corporate Strategy is accessible online through the Authority website, http://www.zambezira.org/ All rights reserved. The contents of this document may be quoted but may not be reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. LUSAKA OFFICE (Head Office) KARIBA OFFICE HARARE OFFICE Kariba House 32 Cha Cha Cha Administration Block Club Chambers Nelson Mandela Avenue Road 21 Lake Drive Pvt. Bag 2001, P.O. Box 30233, Lusaka Zambia P.O. Box 630, Harare Zimbabwe Kariba Zimbabwe Tel: +260 211 226950, 227970-3 Telephone: +263 24 2704031-6 Fax: +260 211 227498 Tel: +263 261 VoIP:+263 8677008291 :+263 E-mail: [email protected] 2146140/179/673/251 8688002889 VoIP:+2638677008292/3 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] i | Page KRA1: “To be the Model Organisation in Dam and Water Water Storage Infrastructure Resources Management in the Zambezi river basin” KRA2: Institutional Governance KRA3: Integrated Zambezi River Basin Management ©2020_Zambezi River Authority KRA4: Change Management This Corporate Strategy is accessible online through the Authority website, KRA5: http://www.zambezira.org/ Partnership Relationship Management All rights reserved. The contents of this document may be quoted but may not be reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. KRA6: Performance Management LUSAKA OFFICE (Head Office) KARIBA OFFICE HARARE OFFICE Kariba House 32 Cha Cha Cha Administration Block Club Chambers Nelson Mandela Avenue Road 21 Lake Drive Pvt. Bag 2001, P.O. Box 30233, Lusaka Zambia P.O. Box 630, Harare Zimbabwe Kariba Zimbabwe Tel: +260 211 226950, 227970-3 Telephone: +263 24 2704031-6 Fax: +260 211 227498 Tel: +263 261 VoIP:+263 8677008291 :+263 2146140/179/673/251 E-mail: [email protected] 8688002889 KRA7: VoIP:+2638677008292/3 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Financial Sustainability ii | Page i | Page Zambezi River Authority Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2024 Page i FOREWORD FOREWORD The Council of Ministers (CoM) for the Zambezi River Authority (the Authority) would like to present the Authority’s Corporate Strategy for the period 2020-2024. The Corporate Strategy will enablehe Council the Authority of Ministers to effectively (CoM) for execute the Zambezi its mandate. River Authority (the Authority) would like to present Tthe Authority’s Corporate Strategy for the period 2020-2024. The Corporate Strategy will enable the Authority to effectively execute its mandate. InIn pursuit pursuit of ofobtaining obtaining maximum maximum benefits benefit froms thefrom Zambezi the Zambezi River for Riverthe socio-economic for the socio development-economic of thedevelopment two Contracting of the States, two the Contracting Authority has States, continued the to Authority implement has programmes continued aimed to atimplement maintaining existingprogrammes and developingaimed at additionalmaintaining water existing storage and infra-structure. developing additional The Corporate water Strategystorage includes,infra- amongstructure. others, The measures Corporate for Strategy ensuring includthe long-termes, among safety others, of the measures Kariba Dam, for developmentensuring the oflong the-term Batoka Gorgesafety Hydro-Electric of the Kariba Scheme Dam, development (BGHES) and programmesof the Batoka aimed Gorge at upliftingHydro-Electric the livelihoods Scheme of (BGHES) the riparian communities.and programmes aimed at uplifting the livelihoods of the riparian communities. ……………………………………… ……………………………………... Chairperson - Council of Ministers Co-Chairperson - Council of Ministers Hon. Fortune Chasi, MP. Hon. Mathew Nkhuwa, MP. Minister of Energy and Power Development, Minister of Energy, Zimbabwe Zambia ©March 2020 ©March 2020 Pageiii ii| Page Zambezi River Authority Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2024 FOREWORD PREFACE PREFACE The Council of Ministers (CoM) for the Zambezi River Authority (the Authority) would like to present the Authority’s Corporate Strategy for the period 2020-2024. The Corporate Strategy will ver the years, the Zambezi River Authority (the Authority) has continued to make strides in fostering Over the years, the Zambezi River Authority (the Authority) has continued to make strides in enable the Authority to effectively execute its mandate. socio-economic development in the Contracting States through improved and intensified utilisation O fostering socio-economic development in the Contracting States through improved and of the waters of the Zambezi River. In that regard, strategic planning has been at the heart of the systematic intensified utilisation of the waters of the Zambezi River. In that regard, strategic planning has dischargebeen of at this the statutory heart of themandate. systematic discharge of this statutory mandate. In pursuit of obtaining maximum benefits from the Zambezi River for the socio-economic st development of the two Contracting States, the Authority has continued to implement It is noteworthyIt is noteworthy that 31st that December 31 December 2019 marked2019 marked the close the ofclose a five-year of a five cycle-year ofcycle the ofAuthority’s the Authority’s Corporate programmes aimed at maintaining existing and developing additional water storage infra- StrategyCorporate which subsisted Strategy fromwhich the subsisted year 2015. from To this the end,year the 2015. Authority To this engaged end, the MaCoTra Authority (Pvt) engaged Limited of structure. The Corporate Strategy includes, among others, measures for ensuring the long-term ZimbabweMaCoTra in July (Pvt) 2019 Limited for the ofprovision Zimbabwe of consultancy in July 2019 services for the regarding provision the of process consultancy of formulating services the safety of the Kariba Dam, development of the Batoka Gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme (BGHES) Corporateregarding Strategy the forprocess the period of formulating 2020 to 2024 the Corporate through facilitation Strategy for of strategicthe period planning 2020 to workshops.2024 through facilitation of strategic planning workshops. and programmes aimed at uplifting the livelihoods of the riparian communities. Following extensive consultations with the Authority’s stakeholders, the Corporate Strategy for the period 2020-2024Following has been extensive formulated. consultations The Authority with the recognises Authority’s the stakeholders, dynamic internal the andCorporate external S environmentstrategy for in whichthe itperiod operates. 2020 Therefore,-2024 has in been formulating formulated. this TheCorporate Authority Strategy, recognises the Authority the dynamic has positioned internal and itself to continueexternal delivering environments on its inmandate. which it Tooperates ensure. Ttheherefore, set goals in formulatingare achieved, this the C orporateIntegrated Strategy, Results theBased managementAuthority (IBRM) has positioned performance itself managementto continue delivering system willon itsbe mandate. utilised inTo the ensure rollout the of set the goals Corporate are Strategy.achieved, the Integrated Results Based management (IBRM) performance management system will be utilised in the rollout of the Corporate Strategy. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to the formulation of this Corporate Strategy.We Wewould value like your to express contribution our sincere and look gratitude forward to toall futurewho contributed interactions to inthe our formulation quest to makeof this the Corporate Strategy. We value your contribution and look forward to future interactions in our Authority a world class organisation. quest to make the Authority a world class organisation. ……………………………………… ……………………………………... Chairperson - Council of Ministers Co-Chairperson - Council of Ministers Hon. Fortune Chasi, MP. Hon. Mathew Nkhuwa, MP. Minister of Energy and Power Development, Minister of Energy, Zimbabwe Zambia ………………………….................. ……………………………............. Chairperson – Board of Directors Co-Chairperson – Board of Directors Mr. Trevor Kaunda Dr. Gloria S. Magombo Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Power Development, Energy, Zimbabwe Zambia ©March 2020 iv | Page iii | Page Zambezi River Authority Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2024 Page iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY n 31st December 2019, the Authority’s Corporate Strategy for 2015 - 2019 came to an end. To this end, Othe Authority engaged MaCoTra (Pvt) Limited of Zimbabwe in July 2019 for the provision of consultancy services for the formulation of the Corporate Strategy through facilitation of strategy planning workshops. The Zambezi River Authority (the Authority) held several workshops from September 2019 as part of the process for the formulation of the Authority’s Corporate Strategy for the next five years from 2020 to 2024. In that regard, the Consultant conducted desk research after which they facilitated initial stakeholder consultation workshops simultaneously in Lusaka and Harare on 4th September 2019, attended by the Authority’s employees, Board Members and external stakeholders. These workshops were meant to gauge stakeholders’ knowledge base of the Authority’s operations and the Authority’s engagement with them in various fora. Through these workshops, the Consultant obtained critical insights into the opportunities that the Authority could exploit both during the Corporate Strategy formulation
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