CONFIDENTIAL August 24, 1933 BULLETIN NO. 3 THE SILVER SHIRTS : THEIR HI5TCRY, FOONDER AND ACTIVITIES I. THE SILVER SHIRTS ;atos of the Union, with Posts in every community. The membership age is 18 yeara or over, and the fee of $10.00, plus $6.00 The organization is headed by Billian Dudley Pelley and has its headquar- ters at Achevilla, N, C. Through special appeals in the official publication of the T'S i ' '/•.'?L -J'in_;n! s1! 'j i.d i.-.r"i1! "!i c ~<'..i -^?ii~ iL.Z '—-\I", t^rs so^."t "to prospective mated. Special enrollments are also solicited for the Galahad Extension Fallow- II. THEIR AIMS , tia, this government to be administered by people of the Christian faith and Sliver Shirt ideals. They olaim that President Franklin D. Roosevelt has set aside the Consti- tution, which thay desire to restore. charge, the Jews are leading the country. They propose to ward off the Honey Power wielded by outstanding leaders of the "predatory people", the Jews. They want "a people who constitute only £»5 per cent of the population to •9 held down to a £.5 per cent influence in "the American government, and we III. WHO IS WILLIAM DUDLEY PBLLBY1 The son of a Methodist minister, William Dudley Pelley was born in Lynn, :ssachusetts, in 1885. Pos ised of only a public school education, he edit- 1 the "Philosopher Magazine at Fulton, N, Y., at tha age of 24. He today • -•''yn f- .n iiti98lf as 9 Congre£ "Vh Who in America", the v England towns in 1913 and 1914. Y. U. C. A. iciation of i I film- >rld. In an "Official Despatch" of tha Silver Shirta, the claim is made that in 1929 ha "set aside his former occupation, that netted him an income of $25,000 a year", to found the League for the Liberation, with headquarters at Washing- ton, D. C. In the same year 1929, he published a book, "Seven Minutes in Eternity", in which hr told how his soul was detached from his bodv for a period of seven minutes, which were spent in eternity- This book sold hundreds of thousands of sopies, gaining for him a wide hearing and following. He then became Ed- N. C, undertakings that failed. In 1931, he organized the Foundation of Christian Economics, laying the basis for the spread of hia principles. Through it and the Galahad Extension try, upon the payment of an enrollment fee. Ha is jrgan of the "Silvi Shirts" psyshic sychic messages, particularly the "Esoteric Doctrine3 of the Liber- atian Enlightenment" and the "Liberation Scripts", which set forth the Christ Govsrnment he is to establish. IV. "LIBERATION", OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OP THE SILVER SHIRTS The League fo: of the "Silver Shirts", and appears weekly, (it Ltions: "The Hew Liberator leekly" and "The Idber- ation Monthly".) The material in 1. Special attacks against the Jew. The nature of these attacks la indicated In the next t if this bulletin. ^positions of the Christ Democracy. Prx The planks of/^Ms Christ Democracy an a. A Referendum on all legislation. The government shall mall to evi every bill passed by Congress, < only upon a 51$ favorable vote, making the people legis^ b. c. The organization of the United States into a "Colossus and a Preferred Stockholder. "sometimes known as Tolerance", the debauohers within the social body will be emasculated and America re- established on a basis where this spoliation can nev- er again be repeated. •la, will be put into political office. •ation", ad "a Journal of Prophecy". Tfr if the vastness of Uosmos the Psychic Antenns 4. A pace by the Treasurer appealing for contributions and oi matters far extending the membership and subscribers. V. PELLEY'E VIEW OF THE 3EJ1S IN 1931 In 1931, Pelley was publishing "Th i positive pur- it." (The Hew The type of teaching Pelley was promoting in 1931, may be pel the following statement on the contents' page of the June 1931 iss "The contents of this magazine, unless otherwise designated, - 4 - ceived 'clairaudiently' via the Psychic Radio• f roni Great Souls who graduated out of this Three-Dimensional world into other areas of Time and Spacs." VI. PBLLEY'S REFERENCES TO TUB JEB IH 1932 1931 that Jew and Gentile are serving "a constructive positive purpose in the Divine Plan1 • and that hs 'Ajin. ^ QQ£ulQG¥6u u'i'th no cresd - suddenly turns on the Jew, and begins preaching a doctrine of hat@> In Octobsrj lv3S| in his publicationt "LibsratIon", the successor* to "The termty of Libsrators 'to &ss j.s t The Christ in His wort for peace"* 1932, he advises individuals to readt tional raca conspiracy", b. The speeches, in Congress, of Representative MacFadden of Pennsylvania. tian goverm^ents, so tnat certain groat int9rn&tlonal banksrs may ejCDloit rja— tional resources to their financial and racial profit". VII. "LIBERATION'3" ATTACKS OH THE JEMS IH 1933 Fi"om th& latter part of 1932, ths ixttitude of Pe 11'• y bdOdH VIolont• In ton is taken as complete evidenca of the Jsswish control of the United States. The Jews are accused of plotting the overthrow of this democracy• All the discredited literature of the past, including the "Dearborn Independent" and The following selected items show the character of these attacks: THE FATE AWAITING THE HS3RBTS "It is the ardor of things that those wicked and malignant spirits who have lated in certain sections of the Hebrew race trying to bring the downfall JTOIC Event. That t'onmyt is on—"tfie-TTIJII^S and Hitler's job it has been to do tha advance wort. "But Hitler ia not going to finish that wo.-k. THE FINISH OP IT COMES RIGHT v HERE IH AMERICA!" THE FEDERAL RESERVE BAMK "The Federal Reserve happens to be a chain of banks that have nothing to do wit.i the government excepting to abide by the federal laws governing bankingt This chain of banks is under the indirect but no less effective control of men lika Eugane Meyer, Janes Warburg, and other members of the international Jew- ish money-bund." PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH HONEY-BUND " men who two months ago were fanatical in their support of Roosevelt are now convinced that he has let himself become a mere puppet in the hands of Baruch." "And surely you haven't missed the report, either that tha Gentile Woodin is September 1st." CLAIMS ENDORSEMENT OF INFLUENTIAL 3ROUP rning the predatory elemsi ncng international Jews, investigated and ( dorsed by outstanding busing m over the entire United States,—wight si ished it on the Fatherland!" HETOY FORD'S AFOLOaY "Spaaking of Henry Ford—did anyoni that Mr, Ford apology?" SENATOR MORROW'S DEATH "In America there are hundreds of a 1 who lothinj ixtraordinary that Sen- a tor Morrow 'haDDened' to be stricksn f a ts.lly tha day a Jewish banquet." (Confidential Official Despatch) WHY "THE SILVER SHIRTS" ARE FIGHTING THE INFLUENCE OF THE JEW dona the why 'The Silver Shirts of America Ufa of t ) United States : The The third is the Jen's nomadic character, making him an inter- tion and disappearance of the United States." ray JMITED STATES IS RECOGNIZING SOVIET RUSSIA "There is absolutely no truth in the statement that the United StatB3 19 1 ognizins Sovetia for Trade. Russia will be immediately exterminated." VIII. PELLET'S RELATION TO HITLERISM tho Jows has boon oncouragod by Hitlor1 G ascent to power* and is to seme 1 tent financed Dy Nazi synip&thizers• The following QUOt&tions frou en "official despatch" and from "Liberi aut that observationi fiuary 31, 1933—the day that Hitler came TIONAL ORGANIZATION." "That is not denying, either, that the closest 1 tween the outstanding sponsors of the Hltler-Gei ic idealist Americaj and the men Known or unknown who ai upporting The g me of the highest Hit ething of their forth "The treatment which Hitler received in the United States at the bands of Jewish-controlled agencies of publicity, has done more to arouse Christians to this menace of predominating Jewry than all the books ever published at the expense of a disgruntled motor mag- nate in Detroit." "And on July 25th the Deutsche Zentrale of the Germaniseher-Bund, or Germanic League, whose headquarters a e in Chicago, extended to maliciously undermining the Federal Constitute or a period of about fiv months, Pelley has been holding an ele- nt among his supporters n control—in which heavy numbers of Ger- n Lutherans predominate that has beseeched him to herald a uni- l Ai inst all Jews from Hew York to Los Angel- " ....•.((>*) WILLIAM DUDLHT PELLEX William Dudley Pelley, spiritualist, mystic, red-baiter, Jew-hater, and union buster, founder of the League of the Liberation, Galahad College, the League for Christian Economics, the Silver Shirts, and the Silver Legion, is today- one cf the n»st active and best publicized of American Fascists. At present the head of the Christian Party and tile Councils of Safety, it is his aim to replace American democracy with a regime patterned after Ritler'n Germany. According to V/ho's Kho in America, Pelley was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, on March 12, 1390, the son of a Methodist minister. He was educated in the lo- cal public school and, at en early age, went to work for the Ti'.A.S. Pelley Tissue Corporation in Springfield, a toilet paper msnufacturing firm, filmed by members of his family. He left this firm in 1909 to edit and publish the Philosopher's Magazine in Fulton, New York, lithln a year this venture failed end he returned to the Pelley firm as treasurer and general manager.
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