INSIDE: 16 VOICes 26,000 COPIES Please Deliver Before FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 Vol. 33 | No. 38 | 3 Sections |32 Pages A touch of class Ford continues to give all during final year at Main Street School BY SCOTT E. KINNEY Cyan EDITOR, 16 VOICes EXETER | While the school year has just begun, when the final Magenta day of school does arrive it will also mark the retirement of one of Exeter’s finest educators. For 13 years now Paul Ford has headed up the Main Street School. And when he leaves on that last day, the school will be Yellow missing much more than a principal. It was nearly 21 years ago that Ford first came to the Exeter School District. It was then that he began as principal of the Lincoln Street School back when that school was kindergarten through Black third grade. The two schools would exchange properties with the third grade remaining at Lincoln. That was 1992. The previous year Lincoln Street School was home to 830 kids. “It was really, really tight and really, really busy,” said Ford. “That move really evened out the population.” Ford looks back on the swap of the schools fondly because it allowed him to utilize an educational tool that has been the basis of his career and made him popular with students, parents and teach- ers alike; getting to know the students better. Knowing the students allows for a better education, espoused Ford. “You get to know the family, the students likes and dislikes and their strengths and weaknesses as a person that way we can serve them better,” he said. “I love teaching. There’s nothing more pro- FORD on 12A• ‘To fallen soldiers let us sing…’ BY LIZ PREMO 1998 MERCURY ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER HAMPTON | Gray skies with a potential MYSTIQUE LS for drizzle made for a solemn canopy overhead Auto, Leather, Sunroof, as Hampton’s American Legion Post #35 con- Loaded!, #5462B ducted their Global War on Terrorism monu- NEW LOWER PRICE ment dedication on Tuesday evening, the sixth ONLY anniversary of 9-11. Because of the weather, a good portion of BACK TO the ceremony was moved indoors and upstairs $ SCHOOL in the Legion Hall. Post #35 members wel- 4,395 SPECIAL! comed families, Veterans, several color guards, GARYBLAKEMOTORCARS.COM and guest speakers to the standing-room-only 84 PORTSMOUTH AVE., EXETER, NH 03833 venue. SERVICE Scores of onlookers, however, willingly AND SALES 866-838-3377 HOURS: MON-FRI: 8AM - 6PM • SAT: 9AM - 5PM SOLDIERS Continued on 14A• Client: Gary Blake Motorcars File Name: GaryMC3.3x3AN_091407 Paper: Atlantic News Size: 3.3 x 3 Run Date: 9/12/07 Artist: nm Proof: 1 Color: 4 color Sent: Confirmation: PAGE 2A | ATLANTIC NEWS |SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 | VOL 33, NO 38 ATLANTICNEWS.COM . WEATHER THE WEEKEND FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 BEAUTIFUL DAY, SHOWER AT NIGHT CLOUDY AND BREEZY SUNNY BUT COOL MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH: 73° LOW: 58° HIGH: 68° LOW: 48° HIGH: 64° LOW: 47° HIGH: 66° LOW: 50° Tides provided by www.MaineHarbors.com Cyan NEWBURYPORT’S HAMPTON HARBOR’S PORTSMOUTH HARBOR’S DOVER HARBOR’S Magenta 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES 10 DAY TIDES HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM DATE AM PM AM PM Yellow 14 FRI 1:28 1:41 7:55 8:17 14 FRI 1:36 1:49 7:58 8:20 14 FRI 1:44 1:57 7:43 8:05 14 FRI 2:55 3:08 8:53 9:15 15 SAT 2:05 2:15 8:28 8:55 15 SAT 2:13 2:23 8:31 8:58 15 SAT 2:21 2:31 8:16 8:43 15 SAT 3:32 3:42 9:26 9:53 16 SUN 16 SUN 16 SUN 16 SUN 2:44 2:52 9:04 9:35 2:52 3:00 9:07 9:38 3:00 3:08 8:52 9:23 4:11 4:19 10:02 10:33 Black 17 MON 3:25 3:32 9:42 10:19 17 MON 3:33 3:40 9:45 10:22 17 MON 3:41 3:48 9:30 10:07 17 MON 4:52 4:59 10:40 11:17 18 TUE 4:10 4:18 10:25 11:09 18 TUE 4:18 4:26 10:28 11:12 18 TUE 4:26 4:34 10:13 10:57 18 TUE 5:37 5:45 11:23 - 19 WED 5:01 5:10 11:15 - 19 WED 5:09 5:18 11:18 - FIRST QUARTER 19 WED 5:17 5:26 11:03 11:53 19 WED 6:28 6:37 12:07 12:13 20 THU 5:58 6:07 12:05 12:11 20 THU 6:06 6:15 12:08 12:14 WEDNesDAY, SepTEMbeR 19 20 THU 6:14 6:23 11:59 - 20 THU 7:25 7:34 1:03 1:09 21 FRI 6:58 7:08 1:05 1:12 21 FRI 7:06 7:16 1:08 1:15 FUll MOON 21 FRI 7:14 7:24 12:53 1:00 21 FRI 8:25 8:35 2:03 2:10 22 SAT 7:57 8:08 2:05 2:12 22 SAT 8:05 8:16 2:08 2:15 WEDNesDAY, SepTEMbeR 26 22 SAT 8:13 8:24 1:53 2:00 22 SAT 9:24 9:35 3:03 3:10 23 SUN 8:51 9:03 3:00 3:10 23 SUN 8:59 9:11 3:03 3:13 23 SUN 9:07 9:19 2:48 2:58 23 SUN 10:18 10:30 3:58 4:08 3WEATERS SPECIAL OFFERS! (ANDBAGS LIONEL TRAIN $235.00 *EANS #OMEINFOR STARTER KIT! 4OPS With locomotive, 3 cars, caboose, 3LACKS 4HE.EWEST play mat, truck & LOTS MORE! 3KIRTS &ALL&ASHIONS *EWELRY The AXE CP just got better - Ask &OOTWEAR !RRIVING$AILY about the special !CCESSORIES rebate offer! ,AFAYETTE2OAD (AMPTON6ILLAGE .( -ON ^4UE7ED 4HUR ^&RI3AT The Hobby Shop at Times Square (603) 379-8043 #LOSED3UNDAY 14 Lafayette Rd. (Unit 1), North Hampton, NH !#LASSY,ITTLE"OUTIQUE &REEMUNICIPALPARKING BEHINDTHESTORE Open: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-6; Tue 10-7; Sat 9-5; Sun 12-5 ATLANTICNEWS.COM VOL 33, NO 38 | SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 | ATLANTIC NEWS | PAGE 3A . NEWS Design charrette focuses on town land ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL BY LIZ PREMO will focus on the land that nities engage in sound, com- input — will have been com- ATlaNTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER runs from the town hall to munity-based planning.” piled. The presentation of this HAMPTON | Town- the uptown fire station on Arriving onsite next Fri- plan will be conducted that owned land situated along Winnacunnet Road. day morning (September 21) afternoon at 2:30 p.m., again one of Hampton’s most uti- According to Town Plan- a volunteer team of design in the selectmen’s meeting lized roads will be the focus ner James Steffen, the town professionals will spend time room. of an extensive planning ses- of Hampton received a grant touring the area. Then, two Finally, a booklet summa- sion traditionally known as a from Plan New Hampshire, a public sessions — the first at rizing the work (including “design charrette” on Friday non-profit planning organi- 2:30 p.m. and the second at 7 plans and other drawings) and Saturday, September 21- zation, in order to host such p.m. — will be conducted in is scheduled to be delivered 22. a session for this particular the selectmen’s room in the to the town in the next few Input from Hampton resi- area. town office building in order weeks. dents will play a major factor PlanNH is “a statewide to solicit ideas from Hamp- All members of the Hamp- in this effort. non-profit community plan- ton residents for future use ton community are encour- Described as “an inten- ning organization comprised of the land. aged to attend the charrette sive, weekend-long com- of professional planners, By the time the charrette in order to present their input munity planning and design architects, engineers, land- concludes the following day and ideas for the future of session to devise the best scape designers, builders and (September 22), a conceptual this land. For more informa- Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani (center) is strategies for local planning others who volunteer time plan for the future of this area tion, call Town Planner James pictured here with Hampton supporters Fred Rice (left) and and design,” the charrette and expertise to help commu- — based on the community’s Steffen at (603) 929-5913. Bob Roughsedge (right) at a recent gathering at the home of State Campaign Chairman Wayne Semprini in Newcastle. Rice is the chairman of the Rockingham County Veterans for Giuliani, while Roughsedge is the co-chairman of the Liberty grows in Hampton Falls Hampton Giuliani Campaign. — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo BY LIZ PREMO gives an account of the his- communities “to commemo- ATLANTIC NEWS STAFF WRITER tory of Boston's Liberty Tree rate our country's founding HAMPTON FALLS | The (an American elm which and its freedoms and help Blood drive beauty of America is that it served as the rallying place restore the American elm to Cyan is firmly rooted in liberty for the Sons of Liberty in the landscape by planting needs donors and freedom. This ideal will the American Revolution).
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