r I REPORT ON NAXALBARI STRUGGLE DEVELOP PEASAKTS' CLASS STRUGGLE FOLLOW THE RoAD OF THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION MARXISM-LENINISM & THOUGHT OF MAO TSE.TUNG ARE 'ONE FIGHT IMPERIALISM, FIGHT REVISIONISM COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONARIES MEET Vol. 2, No.1 November 19ti8 LIBERATION Notes: 3 -One Eventful Year -Follow the Road of the Octobe1"Revolution -Reaction's Offensive -"Problems Ahead for Vietnam" The People Are Rising In Rebellion 16 Develop Peasants' Class Struggle Through Class Analysis, Investigation and Study-Charu Mazumdar 17 Soviet Revisionists-Enemies of Soviet Workers 21 Communist Revolutionaries Meet 22 Lackeys of Indian Reaction 27 Report On the Peasant Movement In the Terai Region-Kanu Sanyal 28 Resolution Adopted At the Convention of Revolutionary Peasants 54 Advance Courageously Along the Road of Triumph-People's Daily, Red Flag and Liberation Army Daily 56 To Fight Imperialism It Is Necessary To Fight Revisionism-M. L. 63 Marxism-Leninism and Thought of Mao Tse-tung Are One-Asit Sen 74 Editor-in-Chief Susbital Ray Cbaudhury L 1 :MOTES 6 LIBERATION important strategically, due to revisionist cODspiracies' tiona.ry parties is almost complete, the sham communists, but in the world as a whole the revolutionary' tide will~ Marxists and socialists 'of various brands have stepped far from receding, continue to advance. Before it the into' the breach to stabilise the present system, as E. M. S.' worl<i-wide front set up by the imperialists, revisionists Na.mboodiripad himself said in his interview with the and other reactionaries to oppose the new world front Washington Post correspondent ( see People's Democracy, of revolution led by Socialist China and Socialist Albania January 14, 1968). To serve faithfully their masters, the is bound to collapse. nativ~ and foreign exploiters, they are striving hard to' At such a historic hour Liberation dedicates itself divert the wrath of the people along the parliamentary to the cause of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution channel. But the process of their own isolation from the in this country. To accomplish this revolution it is people is quite rapid, for all the sham fight they are putting necessary to 'fight both the enemies without and the- upagainst the Congress Party can hardly conceal their enemy within. Revisionism is the enemy within us, arid true features as lackeys of the ruling classes. without eliminating its influence we cannot hope to I The. year has witnessed the triumph of the great win' victory in the revolution. Liberation takes the pledge J Proletarian Cultural Revoluti.on in China. This epoch:" to carry forward the struggle that has just started in' this making v.ictory has strengthened and made impregnable ,- ' country against revisionist policies and influences.. the base of the world revolution and provided inspiration . We are grateful for the sympathy and support of the and strength to the revolutionary struggles now sweeping international communist movement that we have received through Laos, Thailand, Burma and various other countries. in an abundant measure from the very beginning. On The.v:ictorious Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China is this occasion we greet all comrades, both in India and also. inspiring the proletarians and the youth of the me- abroad, who have unstintedly given us their valued suppo;t tropolitancountries like the U. S. A. and France to rain arid help. We also send our revolutionary greetings to an powerful blows on the imperialist-bourgeoisie. In the comrades and people who are today valiahtly fighting under countries ruled by' the revisionist renegades, Marxist- the banner of Chairmlltn Mao's thought for the overthrow Leninist parties and groups like the Stalin Group in the- of the enemies of mankind-imperialism, modern revision-· Soviet 'Union and the Communist Party of Poland are ism and all other reaction. uniting the people for a decisive fight again the traitors. The invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet social-imperi- ~ -- ---, alists has sharpened the contradictions between the people FOLLOW THE ROAD OF' -and the ' revisionist renegade cliques and hastened the THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION disintegration of the revisionist camp. The events of the , Fifty-one years ago the October Revolution led by year have proved that in this period of revolutionary up- Lenin and his party ushered in anew, great era in 'the s':l-rge,when capitalism cannot hope to regain its stability, history of mankind. For the first tim~ on earth this when iII}.perialismis heading towards its total collapse and revolution of a new type ended the exploitation (:jf man by; when socialism is marching towards world-wide victory, the man and set up the dictatorship of the proletariat in a vast revolutionary movement knpws no waning. There may be country and challenged the entire capitalis t-imjlElrialist terp.pprary ~t-backs in a pl!>rticularplace or country, quite 8 LIBERATION 'NOTES 9 system. The world after the October Revolution was But, to quote Chinese comrades, no longer the same as the world before it. The socialist "During World War II, at the same time as it achieved system, the system that was to embrace the whole world tremendous growth the international communist movement -in future, had its birth in one-sixth of the world. And produced its own opposite-an adverse current of counter- the salvoes of the' October Revolution awoke the revolu- revolutionary revisionism. The main characteristic of this tionaries everywhere to Marxism and brought into adverse current was the rejection of violent revolution and existence a world front of revolution against the imperialist the advocacy of the parliamentary road. It brought bourgeoisie. As Comrade Mao Tse-tung said; "The tremendous losses to the international communist move- October Revolution has opened up wide possibilities for ment. Typical were the setbacks in the French and the emancipation of the peoples of the world and opened Italian revolutions." up the realistic paths towards it; it has created a new The modern revisionists, the collaborators of the front of revolutions against world imperialism, extending imperialist. bourgeoisie, disrupted or sought to disrupt from the proletarians of the West, through the Russian revolutionary struggles in. different countries-France, revolution, to the oppressed peoples of the East." The Italy, Greece, Burma, India, even in China. But all the land of the Soviets, the first proletarian state in the world, , .attempts of China's Khrushchov to make the Chinese became the base, the centre, the hope, of the world ·Communist Party lay down its arms and opt for the parlia- revolutionary movement fighting for the overthrow of mentary road after its victory in the Anti-Japanese War imperialism and its stooges. were foiled, and the Chinese revolution led by Comrade It Was a grim struggle that the Soviet Party and Mao Tse-tung achieved its world-shattering victory. But people guided by Lenin and Stalin had to wage against the modern revisionists succeeded in seizing leadership of their enemies, both internal and external, in order to the Party, the state and the army first in Yugoslavia and preserve the gains of the revolution and build socialism then, after Comrade Stalin's death, in the Soviet Union itself. in a. country encircled by hostile capitalist states. The With the capture of power by the revision!st renegades, victories they won with the sympathy and active support darkness descended on the first socialist country of the of.the people of the world, particularly in the war against world. What had been the base, the centre, of world revolu- Hitlerite fascism, are almost legendary: they are as specta- tion ',became a base, a centre, of world counter-revolution. cular as they are inspiring to the toiling people By using the state machine, the Soviet revisionist everywhere. renegade clique, headed by Khrushchov and his .successors, The Chinese revolution led by the Communist Party of Kosygin and Brezhnev, has restored capitalism in the Soviet China and Comrade Mao Tse-tung followed ·the road of Union and itself practises neo-colonialism. The invasion of the October Revolution, the road of.violent revolution, and Czechoslovakia conclusively proves that this clique has, as l\>chieveda victory that· struck terror into the hearts of all Comrade Chou En-Iai declared, degenerated into social- imperialists and reactionaries. And, following China, fascism and social-imperialism. While swearing by almost the, whole of South-east Asia unfurled the banner Marxism- Leninism, the modern revisionists repudiate of the. October Revolution and embarked on the road of ·every Marxist-Leninist doctrine. They oppose violent violent revolution. revolution with 'their theory of peaceful transition to 10 LIBRRATI0~. .O~E!! 11 socialism and laud the parliamentary road to the skies. They repudiate the dictatorship 'of the preletariat and a.nd scabs including .suharto, Tunku, Indira Ga.ndhi, Ne replace it by the dictatorship of the entire people, which Win, Sato is being led by the neo-colonialists of Wa.shington amounts to the dictatorship of the new bourgeois stratum. a.nd Moscow. Today, the world front of revolution led by In the name of the state of the entire people, they have- China and Albania faces the world front of imperialism, changed the proletarian state into a capitalist state. They revisionism and all other reaction, headed hy the U. S. distort 'the Leninist principle of peaceful co-existence and, imperialists and the Soviet revisionist renegades. anxious to restore capitalism in their country, they try to, . The brave peasants of Naxalbari, who have embarked snuff out the flame of revolution everywhere. Their peace- on the road of the October Revolution, have given to the ful co-existence with capitalism amounts to collaboration Indian people their rightful place within the front of world and collusion with U. S. imperialism to redivide the world revolution.
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