Byzantine coadjutor archbishop installed at Cathedral By REBECCA C. M ERTZ I'm com ing back to m y home in Pennsylvania, Before a congregation of some 1800 persons. m arked another milestone in the history of the PITTSBURGH - In am elaborate ceremony where I have so many friends and where I've Archbishop Dolinay, 66, was welcomed into his faith of Byzantine Catholics. Tuesday at St. Paul Cathedral, Byzantine Bishop spent so m uch of m y life," Archbishop Dolinay position w ith the traditional gifts of hospitality, "Today we extend our heartfelt congratula­ Thom as V. Dolinay of the Van Nuys, Calif., said at the close of the cerem ony. bread, salt and the key. tions to Bishop Dolinay," Archbishop Kocisko Diocese was installed as coadjutor archbishop of As coadjutor. Archbishop Dolinay will have the The papal "bulla" appointing Archbishop said, "as we chart the course of the archdiocese the Byzantine Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pitt­ right of succession to Archbishop Kocisko. The Dolinay was read, and Archbishop Kocisko through the next m illenium .” sburgh. with Archbishop Stephen J. Kocisko, new archbishop, a native of Uniontown, was or­ recited the prayer of installation, and led A r­ During the liturgy that followed the installa­ the present leader of the Pittsburgh Archdiocese, dained to the episcopate in 1976. Before serving chbishop Dolinay to the throne. tion ceremony, Bishop Daniel Kucera, OSB, a officiating. in California, he was first auxiliary bishop of the In his welcom ing serm on. Archbishop Kocisko form er classmate of Archbishop Dolinay's at St. “I'm overjoyed in this appointment because Passaic, N .J. Diocese. said the appointment of Archbishop Dolinay (Continued on page 2) 146 Year, CXLVI No. 11 25 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, June 1. 1990 Reflection leads 50th Eleven diocesan to understanding priests are observing their 50th year in the priesthood. Complete biographical inform a­ of Confirmation t i o n o n t h e g o l d e n By FR. M. ERIC DISKIN jubilarians is printed in Director, Office of Evangelization this week’s Pittsburgh and Christian Initiation C a t h o l i c . As w ith the other sacram ental rituals of the Catholic Church, m uch historical and theological reflection has recently contributed to a renewed undertanding of the sacram ent of Confirm ation. A t the heart of this understanding is the recognition that Confirm ation is not a "self-contained" sacrament but is rather part of an ensemble of P a g e 1 4 sacram ental deeds known as the Church's "sacram ents of initiation” — those sacred gestures by which a person enters a special relation­ ship w ith Christ by being received into the com m unity of the Church. H i s b o d y . ------------ -- ----------------------------------- Understanding Confirm ation today requires appreciation of this sacram ental context. -------------------------------------------------- W e know from the accounts of the earliest disciples that baptism was practiced as the prim ary gesture of acceptance into Christ. Of Confirmation on South Side course, those w ho were baptized were then welcom ed into that other, ongoing gesture of solidarity with Christ: the "breaking of bread", Bishop Wuerl officiates at the confirmation the deaf community. Bishop Wuerl confirms eating and drinking at the table of the Lord. Thus, participation in the of seven m em bers of the Pittsburgh Catholic Chris Holt. His sponsor, Jam es Kritzo (left), Eucharist was understood as the ultim ate act of Christian initiation. Deaf Community in ceremonies recently at witnesses the event. For an explanation of The process of “incorporation” into Christ was seen as graphically St. John Evangelist Parish. South Side. Confirmation, see story on left. sealed in the sharing of His body and blood. (Incorporation means "to — Photo by John C. Keenan com bine in one body.") Father Alfred Cicola (far right) interprets for Moms (Continued on page 2) T h e ‘ ‘ M o m s I n By REBECCA C. M ERTZ corporating their personal and they cannot be "divorced ability to do great things, the Touch" prayer group PITTSBURGH — Public values into their public respon­ from their religious bishop said, they c a n n o t was formed one year figures have a duty to be sibilities does not threaten a antecedents." answer the question "ought we ago by members of St. faithful in both word and ac­ pluralistic society. " T o attempt to empty to do everything we can do?" M aurice Parish in Forest tion to what they profess to “To speak out against racial political decisions of their “That answer comes from Hills. Mary Ufner believe. Bishop Wuerl told discrim ination, social injustice m oral and ethical content and principles far m ore fundam en­ (above) was one of the judges and lawyers during the or abortion is not to force to ignore or suppress their tal to our very being." he said. founders of the group first annual St. Thom as More values upon our society." the religious faith foundations is to “Those answers come from our which meets weekly to Lecture on M ay 24. bishop said, “ but rather to call reduce the law to em pty, eter­ soul — from our religious con­ hear Scripture and to our society to the recognition of nal norms divorced from the viction — from our faith. Only "To stand by and watch the p r a y . Bishop talks its own, long accepted, m oral very soul of the people," the there do we find sufficient public decision-making pro­ principles and com m itm ent to bishop stated. guidance to correctly answer cess driven solely by pragm atic defend basic hum an rights.” Trying to divide personal the perennial question. 'Is considerations is to empty ......................... P a g e 9 Law cannot be separated m orality from political life is what I can do. what I ought to to attorneys words of their m eaning and the from morality and ethics, schizophrenic, the bishop said. d o ? " ' process of m oral content,” the Bishop Wuerl told h i s "It is an unnatural and The St. Thom as More Socie­ bishop said. "Conscience about duty a u d i e n c e . unhealthy condition for the in­ ty is an association of Catholic demands that we carry out in “Since the law is the voice dividual and society so to attorneys. There are approx­ our actions what we proclaim and guideline of public policy, decompartmentalize our most im ately 200 m em bers locally. Dies with our lips." there is no rational way in firm ly held convictions that The lecture commemorated F r . H e r m a n Speaking in the City-County which it can be separated from they are not allowed to affect the 55th anniversary of the Baumann, former Building. Downtown, t h e the m oral and ethical values of our public lives,” he said. "It is canonization of St. Thom as pastor of St. Oonrad bishop told an audience of ap­ the people who live under it," devastating to the person, and More, defender of Church Church in Meridian, proximately 60 judges and h e s a i d . to society.” teachings w ho was executed in Butler County, and a lawyers, members of the St. Law s express our m oral con­ While technology a n d 1535 on orders from King prisoner of war during Thom as More Society, that in­ victions, the bishop continued, science have given society the Henry VIII of England. World W ar II, died of heart failure. See com ­ plete biographical infor­ m ation inside. Claims apparitions are ‘authentic* P a g e 1 3 Yugoslavian archbishop answers Bp. Zanic on Medjugorje EDITOR'S NOTE — Retired Ar­ A. I didn't read the article, but y o u ever seen anything chbishop Frane Franic of Split. from the title I see what is in the n e g a t i v e ? Yugoslavia, spoke last week at article and it is m y opinion that it A. I have been there 20 times St. Nicholas Church in Pitt­ is absolutely wrong! I'm sorry a n d I never saw anything sburgh and disputed Bishop that anything like that could be negative, and I always got some Pavao Zanic o f the M ostar-D u vno said, especially from the bishop spiritual benefit for m yself. Diocese on his claims that the ( Z a n i c ) ! 9 . W hat is prejudicing Bishop alleged Marian apparitions at 9- Is it w rong for Bishop Zanic Zanic’s opinion? Medjugorje are false. The ar­ to make statements like that A. Th at is false! A. He is arguing with the Frail chbishop is outspoken about his while the com m ission is study­ 9- If you were to write an arti­ciscans, and trying to take control beliefs that the apparitions at i n g i t ? cle about Medjugorje. what of all their parishes. M edjugorje is Medjugorje are authentic. A. He has no responsibility for would your headline be? a Franciscan parish. Because of A. The apparitions in M edjugor­ By THOM AS RUTKOSKI this; they took the responsibility these differences, he cannot look je, in m y opinion, are authentic! 9- W hy did they take the from him to declare something at M edjugorje objectively. W hat m ain point would you responsibility to investigate the like this: that is wrong — that is 9 9 .
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