-ft?' <r. 'i-vu . % - * ',/ « ■■ ' , ' ", f *■ * - ^ * * ', '•■' *’ ^ ' ''■ * J- ^ .h • • • ' .■ > . t ^ ^ lU ksa cm auuam K for the Month of May, IMS 5 , 2 5 1 Membo^ of the Audit Bureau of Urealatloaa. V0L.Ln<^N0.222. (ChMoUled AdrertUbiK on FOfo 10) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, JUNE 19,1933. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS KIDNAPED BREWER Five KiUed Jn ]$[ansas Qty Massacre n RETURNED UNHURT w;2 S t Paul Millionaire Released REGISTER VOTE France Belieyed BehRid Piaii After Ransom 'le ss Than Stock Prices Advance ' • ■« im O O O ” Is Paid by His TOMORROW ON to Adjoom Economic Par­ RelabVes. DROEPEAL As The Dollar Slumps ley Until the Stablization of Correncies Can Be Set­ New York, June 19.—(AP)—^News, , The British pound sterling ad­ S t Paul, June 19.—(AP) — Wil­ Expect Big Vote as Both that the. admlnistratioq ^ d not vanced more than 7 cents to above liam Hamm, Jr., kldpaped mil­ favor an immediate dollar stabiliza- 34.14 and European gold currencies tled— France Declares lionaire brewery head, was released Sides Organize to Get ticm plan which would interfere with made substantia] gains. early today near Wyoming, Minn., rising prices on American markets Wall street came to work in a Eyerytbing Rests With >and euTived at his home imharmed. was received enthusiasticadly in mood exatetly opposite to that which Turned loose 45 miles north of Electors to Polls — How speculative quarters today. prevailed about tee middle of last Stocks soared |1 to around 36 a week when it appeared momentari­ Washington. - here, he came home with Police share in active trading on tee New ly teat a dollar control arrangement Chief Tomas E. Dahill and Detec­ Vote Reads on Machines. York Stock Exchange as the dollar was near completion. Traders hast­ tive Thomas Brown. slumped afresh in foreign exchange ened to replace commitments which London, Jime 19.—(AP) — Ad- Dahill and Brown sped out of trading. Cotton Jumped |1 to 31.25 a bad been lightened against a possi­ town to get Hamm as soon as word Manchester will go to the polls bale. Rubber and sugar futures ad­ ble “i>egging” of American currency Joummjtot of tee world economic of the release came from William tomorrow to register its convic­ The scene in the plaza of tbe Union Station at Kansas City, Mo., after atiesperate attempt by gangsters to vanced in active deaUngs here. and tee stock ticker quickly fell conference until tbe question of tions on the repeal of the Eight­ free Frank Nash, notorious Oklahoma outlaw, from officers returning him to Leavenworth Penitentiary. Blocks of 1,000 to 10,000 shares several minutes in arrears. stabilization of currencies can be Armed with three machine guns they poured a deadly hall into the party, slaying four of the police, and Nash. were numerous at tee Stock Mar­ With adminlst.'ators of the Na­ eenth Amendment. The polls will Two of the victims are shown between the autos; Nash and the other two are in the car at the right. settled was advocated today in tee ket’s opening. Anqerican Telephone tional recovery program already at conference headquarters lobby by be in the Municipal building as cUmbed 33 to 3128.75, U. S. Steel work on making effective tee gov­ usual, and they wiU be open from Common 32.87'‘to 356, American Can ernment’s plans for large-scale busi­ the European gold bloc. seven in the morning until seven 32.25 to 390.25, General Motors 31.12 ness revival, buyers paid particular It was understood tee French in the evening, daylight saving CROSS DISCUSSES to 327.37, New York Central 31-25 to attention to .mtocks of companies were fostering this program on tea time. Attorney William J. Shea ARRANGE EXAMINATIONS 33.75, Sears Roebuck 31.75 to 333.87, which they felt should benefit by ground that no progrress was possi­ WiU be moderator. Bethlehem Steel 31-75 to 334: Chrys­ prospective orders. In this classifica­ ble on other lines until some form of Quiet Campaign ler 31-50 to 329-50 on an initial tion fell eqnities of cement, ship­ stabilization had been achieved. POLIUCAL METHODS transfer of 10,000 shares, Dupont 33 building, steel, building construction Tlie adjournment talk was entire­ Both repeallsts and anti-repeal- OF DISABLED VETERANS to 375; Case 35-75 to 381- and related lines. ly unofficial but it was so persistent ists have been active in a campaign and far-reaching teat it was being to get out the vote tomorrow. The <s>- privately discussed by the heads of campaign has been quiet, the drys Says Uninformed Educated the important delegations. having held one rally in High Reviewing Boards to Be Set In tbe gold bloc group, whicb is school baU be'-e and pubUc debat­ DRY LAW COMES UP headed by France, a month to six ing being limited to tbe Open Man Plays Into Hands of AMERICANS DENY STORY weeks was mentioned as the proba­ Forum columns of this newspaper. Up to Study Various However, there wiU be an active ble length of the adjournment. oig:anlzation for botb sides a t work IN THREE STATES Dishonest Politician. France and her adherents assert­ at the polls tomorrow. Republican Cases Before Compensa­ OF DISCORD IN RANKS ed that everjrthtog rests with Wash­ and Democratic leaders have unit­ ington and that there is no use try­ <&- ing to continue the conference until ed In' this campaign and will co­ ' Cambridge, Mass., June 19.— operate in getting out tbe vote to­ tion Is Cut. Connectkot, New Hampshire President Roosevelt Issues final to- morrow. (AP)—The need for an imder- londoa Newspapers Print structions to the American dele­ Judge Ra3nnond A. Johnson is standing of tee political a^cture NO BEER ON SALE gates. tbe district leader named by the re- Washington, June 19.—(AP) — and Idaho to Vote Tomor­ and machinery of government, par­ This development came Just as pealists state organization. He has Plans to set up boards early in July ticularly in tee smallest units of SensatioDal Reports That the conference committees adjourn^ organized a group of workers to ro w -W ets ConlideDt ON ELECTION DAY ed for the day until 11 o’clock tomof- act a t the polls. Judge William S to review cases of veterans whose its organization, were stressed to­ row morning. William Hamm Hyde, chairman of the RiepubUcan disabilities are presumed to have day by Governor Wilbur L. Cross D eleptes Disown Work town committee and.John F. Lim' originated in the service were being of Connecticut 'FRANCE OBJECTS. Dunn, Hamm’s business associate, New Haven, Jime 19.—(AP)— In an address, prepared for ddiv- who was in Duluth. erick, chairman of the Democratic laid today by the veterans adminis­ of Thehr^wn Experts. Lomlon,, June 19.—(AP)—Plat town committee, have united for Tbe Connecticut electorate ran the ery to tee Harvard Chapter of Phi State liqnor Cnamiston Is- opposition to President Roosevelt’s Dunn, leading figure in the re­ tration, to carry out tbe Roosevelt Beta Kappa, in wfaidi hr discnssea tomonow polling asd will have program for liberalizing benefits to gauntlet at Seventh hour exhorta­ pries raising pn^fram was laid by lease negotiations, bad been in tee opportunities for public service teS.fM afo before the world econom­ a group at work cbei^ng the lists former soldiers from the reductioim tions today before it goes to tbe ^ „ lUondon, J um \9.—(APJ~Wbllc snes on the New Duluth since late Saturday, a short KDd telephoning , by college graduates,. ic inference today. time after the tBBsomrrdQ-AinouDt -made, by the ecdiKnny'lam,- . j poUa -torooBBOw- to -tuns- - f9umb«lf<Crtta sdia tharthe 'sections of the British'press were ftev. w; Dr -W66dwSltr rttired down on the 18th Amendment. They urged the world to adopt Jest than the 110U,0(K^ orighutlly de­ Veterans administration’^officials, ucated man, equally with tee un­ printing sensational storiea today to 3.2 Beremfe. governmental agreements regulst- manded—bad been/Kicked from a ‘minister, i i chairmon of the local who have worked almost constantly With two other states, New learned, “played directly into tee Citizens Against Ratification. Clar­ tee effect that American del^jtes ing tbe production and exportation Theodore Hamm Brewing Company since Friday to prepare the^program Hampshire and Iowa, this state bands of the unscrupulous polltl- of basic raw material. csr between Pine (3ty and Rush ence P. Qtdtnby, local High schodl attached to tbe independent offices prepared to choose del^fates to a cimi.” to* tee world economic confereiice City. principal, is a candidate as a dry supply bill by Congress, smilingly convention, which will record for­ were disowning tee work of their Hartford, June 19 — (AP)— This policy was set forte to a delegate. Tbe comrfttee against Must Be Watohful memorandum presented by Robert The money, delivered in accord­ explained they have been too busy mally its dedslcn whether the pm "He, to do him Justice, makes it own experts, important ■ American Sales of beer tomorrow wcnild be . J»| ratification will -also have head­ posed 21st Amendment to the Con­ Coulondre, assistant director of po­ ance with instructions from the kid- yet to get down to exact details. bis business to be consistently delegation quarters emphatically de­ illegal under a ruling banded down litical and commercial affairs of tbs m^>ers, was kicked out 20 milSs quarters at tbe polls for soliciting They could not say whether tbe stitution, which would repeal pro­ well informed on tee macUneiy of nied there was a rift within their the dry vote.
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