" .-WT, ■ > V ‘- ^1: ' ' 1' ■'■ I rf t r 1'. ?.<- '' ,1. .X "' - at. SATUlTDAt,: SEPTEMBER 8, 19W X AveragM^Hp PrcM Run X. i^ndtjeater iEnanlng -X ■.V.-,,. ’ -For the Woekv^Epded ^ FereeSlt at V. •t..l.'lD56- ' V - X. X: ^'Not BO cool 'iealght.' ihg the town's excellent new Hlgb T w o . school, w* must note it is not with, Cotttmet Signed fo r New Regioiud .Schtsol 1,823 x ; 56.' Tnooday, ehsaeo out minor'Slip-ups.. hCeailMXf'Uie Audit Rgfet' a h o w ^ deairUig : .1 J? ■- But the classic one'--|s fileJ Sc1|Ooj[ of Kur»iiig<; 1 otxartreolatlon afternoon. High anmad 76. Heard' Along Main.:StFeet petition they won't* be able to .un­ X /■ « t the 'V.v • V-, • ‘ ‘'x ■ , ‘ fold until toe light fixtrue is n^oved. City d f Village Charm ^ Cbmmtmlty SepUet t«>urch w-lH -Miw Jgifla Koriedh. 1814 Bissau —ir— ^Bt;, end Carpt-X^. Mlehaud, 62 Nor- V 'jmeet Tomd^y^ ® * P ^ ^ At^ Qn Somi of MancheUei^t Side Streets, Too : ' Interviewed Is Utolsnd »t t t » home ef Mr*. George Itobm- . A recent- copy of the . Belfast \^U''enter the Wkterbury LXXV, NO. 290 (SiXl^EN PAGESy MANCHESTER, CONN., M ON^Y, SEmM BER tO, 1959 (CUmflaR ertlallig m Pag* 14) PRICE .IP ^ C E M gM , ji3 Deepwoed Dr^ On the Hememadei Sipw Beetrictieae -ynumeiicei designation,, for the gov Weekly Tsiegrsph which reached' H o ^ a i Schiol ©( Nursing on SatM d*y end Ume, the group h( We received a communication emment' before making wine;- and QUr desk pontaj^ an itent in the jdpnday. The clasa, comprising 73 ' eraSwlonel end bue^neiw women column headed, .’’Calling AH \' from the Treasury Department’s she Wasn’t stingy with the results students, will be among toe flrtt W ll'lseet with *tr«. George M, of her'labors. .She vvajs rn hospit*. Exiles." which concerns.>frs. Mar­ K o a iii^ W Autumn St. On Ttiee- Internal Revenue Serrice the other garet J,'McKee, 240 Oak St., widow to utilise toe educatlohel facilities State Plans •V ' itajr pm»., the Afternoon day. dnd w’e feel^ws ougM to pass able pri-son, and offered her wine, pf the new wing of the- school of which wes deep red, veCji: sweet of James McKee,; who is at present it along aa requested by iTeasur)'. visiting her natl'Ve Belfast after an nursing, which,will be dedicated, on ’ Oroli wHrmett et the perapnege It states that Haroid 1. Henne^ and. to my tasic. very delicious, ’ • : s with Mr* Jphn R. Neu^bert, 577 B. absence of 31. years. Sunday. Sept. M. berry, assistant regional to any guests who visited. Wine Arrivingxin April, the has’ spent, •Ihe eludenti nurses and toelf Extra xQuiz eUr S t-A ll manibers of the commissioner. Alcohol and Tobac­ vyasn't something to'be-rgriricte'd. drclee \ere xUrSed .to bring moet of the'^Ume re-dlscovertng the parents'wUt be welcomed at atoia ling to w r k upon for the co JTtk, with offices at 55 Tremont td family cpnaumption. city which she knew so 'well,' but by toe faculty and i^identjrady St., , B ^ o n 5, wants attention But .where the language of the ^•zetf Seturdey, O ct 6;. which she says has Changed almost on Monday. In toe e v e n ln g ,^ J a ^ . called to an Internal Revenue law ’Treasury Depa iment's message out of atr' recognition.- and com­ 'supper-will be fpUqvr*<l by^^oke OfRuotolos goveniing the production ot‘ wine indicates .(hat the law requires , The pu^Mc le<cordleUy Invited pares favorably-'■with.. American party. The S tu dent'A a^ will en- for end by families. that Miiy the “ head of a family’’ citiea in beauty and a'nienities.' terialn. toe neWly-arrived atudeiitg to "open h o w ’' the lAitz Mu- As'm lghl be expected, the Treas­ produce the wine- in that respeirt, Hamden, Sept. 10 (P)—An ■eum to m oitow '^ m S to 6 p.m. Mrs. McKee, who. plans to re-: at a picnic at.Laurat Ledge; I*ake' ury boys have this.practice hedged we vi-ere obejing the law. Grandma main in Belfaat until the late fell, Quaseapaug oamp/ror. Watertury investigator in the Cynthia » t the Weddell Sehool. Those un- in with all kinds o f restrictions in was the head of the house, no ques- ■Me to attend et thet lime will, has had an unusual opportunity to Hospital. nubses/ »n Thursday. Rubtplo kidnaping said today this. law. First of ail, at least five Uon about , that. rediscover not crnly that city, but he-plans further questioning find the nraiseiun opeirpn Monday, days before a family even picks And, in addition, she never pro-, Sept 10, from 3 to 5 p.ip>Bntrence many of th« noted scenic spots all .a grape, it has ,tb file a registrar duced more tluui 200 gallons of over the Emerald Isle. She has of the infant's parents- and to the museum is from the>grking ticm fomi, in duplicate, with Hen- wine. ’The vine in the-' backyard made her headquarters' wnth her their neighbor. lot et the east basement «diioor at neberry. probably didn't, provide for pro­ brother-in-law and sister Agnes. State’s Atty. Abraham .8. Ullman the school. \\-X ’Then, although the wine cen.be duction of even 20 gallons.'-Be­ Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wright, 5 WANDELL■ 9 did not say apecifirally when hc- Mamf Vote produced without any. tax being sides. she Just liked to halia'wine Ravenhill St., Belfast. He is re­ ■%rill talk with M rX and Mri. Meets Area Emblem Club, No. 5, tmder the paid if the proper ra^tratlon Is on hand for special occasion^ phd tired, has an auto and they have Building Stephen Ruotolo and Mra,; paul Re- thiIrmaniAip of Mrs,' Marion It filed' the wine can be Used only by i taken her around. Her youngest burci. The la'tter accompanied Mrs. vVasn't catering a Roman banquet. \. rrledrich, will sponsor a buffet :s o f the immediate family, As we said, we’ro not sure the aoit^. Norman, 'n-ho is a draftsman ^ftteoefor Ruotolo sOn the Sept, 1 shopping Democrats ~ suppor and dance at the -Elks ‘and llt^hiwst • not be eold or fur­ law was in effect in those days, so at th'h- Pratt A Whitney. Aircraft, trip duri n ^ D Tch the 6-W4tki^Id Home, RockvUIe, tomorrow l^ m 5 nished to pther persons.’’ It> can’t ,maybe we Weren’t guilty of vio- took a<)yMtage of the opportunity RtiM ^ldXM m«reM I baby diaappeared from her, ,car- to 9. Kebrick's Orchestra will pro- be remov^. from the premises, laUng it. After all, what use would last.-iponto-for an airplane trip to riaga in a department store foyer.. Vida ,ihusic for dancing during the rither, without Henneberiy’s au­ there have bieen for such a law Europe, and . visited with his Alf«roti<^RM i^^iti9 qiicBtihriMl Before In Hartford -Mra. Ruotolo,jva8 questioned- for above hour* , thority. during Prohibition? mother, aunt ahd uncle for. several Also, after coihplying with the days, and did some sightseeing in ‘ ‘Business more than thiee hours last 'thuri- the' city and kurroundlng area. day after' "the body of the little Portland, Maine, Sept. 10 Mias Vyrting JN. Griswold, 151 above,, the head of'^ * family can Green Paeture Customer Satisfaction^’ ^Hartford, Sept. 10 (A V - Walnut and David H. Taylbr, produce “not more than two hun­ girl vi'aa found in .Lake Whitney (/P)—^Very heivy voting in 10'Crass S t, will be.uhit^ in mar­ dred (300) gallons of wine each Story-., reached the desk this Lsndmark. Rased — * X. RuU Insurance Coveragt^ here. ,X< Adlai Stevenson flew into in­ week about a certain unusual chain A Main St. landmark, the. little Andover, Sept, (Special)—Signing-contracts for construction of *a new''$1.63-^31 regional lUgh Ruotolo and Mrs. , RebUccl have brisk, clear weather was re­ dustrial New England tfiday riage this evening at 7 o’clock, year, which begins Jiily 1.’’ Any­ TeI,Ml!)-3038 ported at mid-morning today la Emanuel ljutheren Church one needing the Form 1541 can get of incidents which happened at the W’hite house on Main dt at Steriing school in Hebroii are from toe left, John H. Yeomans, chalnnan of toe Regional/District 8 Board 'of After 5:00 P. M. alao been questioned several other and said that the rising c6st with rsceptloa Mlowing in the it by writing to Supervlsbr-dn- South End o f towm. PI, was razed this week to nuOte Education: Louis J. Drakos, West Hartford, architect; and Joseph S, Nasin, op^the J. S. Naaln Co.,''‘ times, ■ in Maine’s first*in-the nation of living signals a t h r ^ of church pariors. < chargc, Alcohol and Tax, Post Of­ Seems that a ground mole was way for toe new' Church of the' .Wiliimantl'c, contractors. Work on the achool will begin Monday, according t o ^ e contract. The class-. 82 BALDWIN ROAD As Ullman announced hie plana room completion date is set for September, 1957, with other faclliUea to Iw ^bstahtially completed by ; election which will determine inflation. fice Etox 35. Hsrtford l: or call in in the area and he was having a Nazarene to'be erected in.the fu­ M a n c h e s t e r , CON N . ’.'-V for renewed, interrogation -of the the second term hopes of.
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