December 2016 All In His Family Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church Advent Devotion When Schubert Isn’t Really Schubert From Pastor Jeff Even the most casual of television just the same. watchers can see the interest we Ameri- What the lin- cans have with our family ancestry. Web- eage of Jesus sites like Ancestry.Com help the curious demonstrates is trace their family trees back many gener- something you ations. Now you can even send in a small may already know, namely, that God uses sample of your DNA from a mouth swab, weak and human vessels of clay to car- CHRISTMAS and within a few weeks, get your racial ry out His great purposes. Granted, there WORSHIP SCHEDULE background, discovering if you are really were powerful kings and rulers in Jesus’ as much a German as you thought. Lots of line. There were also plenty of common surprises await those that use this service! folks, average, everyday people. But they Christmas Eve Worship A few years ago, a relative I never had something in common: They were Saturday, December 24 knew existed (in California) called me frail, sinful human beings just like you and 1 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, with the news that she traced my family me. 7 PM, & 9 PM tree (which included hers) and said she Jesus: The God-Man. Holy and with- would send me the results. She added, out sin as the Son of the Living God. Yet, there was a big surprise. The surprise human, born of the Virgin Mary, with a lin- Christmas Day Worship was this: My family name of “Schubert” eage going back to Adam and Eve. Gener- Sunday, December 25 wasn’t always my family name. Apparent- ations of people, culminating in the Great- ly, when my grandfather was a small boy est Family Member of all: Christ the Lord, 9 AM and came over from Europe with his dad the Second Adam. The One who would do (my great-grandfather), they changed it right. their name on Ellis Island from Czubkow- Grace upon grace, we have been ad- Nursery ski (pronounced “Schub---Cow—Ski) to opted into that family by virtue of our Holy “Schubert.” So, the surprise was that I am Baptisms, wherein the Holy Spirit brought Little Lamb much more Polish than I ever thought. us to faith, washed away our sin, and re- Nursery, located She didn’t trace my family tree much past generated us to a new life in Christ. That down in the that—and maybe more surprises could grace extends to the very best and the Divine Daycare Center is open have awaited me. We shall never know. very worst of us….even to the crazy Uncle on Sunday mornings during Maybe that’s a good thing….you just nev- Louies in His family (which may, in fact, worship from 9:15-11:30 AM. er know! actually be us!) We are located down stairs During this Advent season, we will be So, enjoy the ancestral journey this below the Fellowship Hall in exploring the family tree and ancestry of Advent as we trace Jesus’ family tree, and the Divine Daycare area. Jesus. Of course, we know that His Father celebrate the wonderful discovery that we wasn’t Joseph. So, for many, that was a are part of His family as well. That should surprise in and of itself. There were many always surprise us, no matter what our last BAPTISMS surprises on Mary’s side of Jesus’ lineage name happens to be! HARRISON DEVO SUTTON too. Not everyone in Jesus’ ancestry were Making a difference in things eternal, Baptized: November 6, 2016 the best and the brightest of God’s chil- Pastor Jeff Parents: Shawn Sutton & dren. Many were, shall we say, surprising. Kristine Ball a prostitute (Rahab); an adulterer and Sponsors: Robert & murderer (David); a big liar (Jacob); and Chelsea Chandler on and on the list goes. I guess there is always a couple in- MID-WEEK ADVENT REID THOMAS POLCZYNSKI teresting (or even odd) folks in a person’s WORSHIP SERVICES Baptized: November 13, 2016 lineage. We all have our “crazy Uncle Parents: Brad & Erin Wednesdays Louies,” who we sometimes politely avoid 6:30 PM in the Polczynski All In His Family Divine Redeemer Lutheran Sponsors: Kirsten Cooper during family functions. But, hey! They Sanctuary Church Advent Devotion & Eric Rooker are still part of the family, so we love them LIF ELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org December 2016 2 Special Service of Prayer for Healing Some time ago, a special rite of anoint- Pastors Jeff, Seth or Kurt if you have need ing (with oil) was performed. Since that or interest. time, leadership has asked if such a ser- vice could be done on a semi-regular ba- sis for others who desire anointing with oil BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATIONS: and prayer (an ancient Christian custom.) Such a service will take place on Trina Jashinsky: President Elect January 29 and May 21 at 11:45 AM in the Ward Abbs: Director Sanctuary. Ken Saydel: Director This is not a regular worship service “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for Todd Wenzel: Director but rather for the individuals who are very the elders of the church, and let them pray Paul Wervey: Director ill and would like prayer and the applica- over him, anointing him with oil in the name 2017 ELDER NOMINATIONS: tion of oil during the rite. Please contact of the Lord.” James 5:14 Mike Johnson Tim Martins Andy Portale Kids’ Connection Bios are available in the back Merry Christmas from all of us at Kids It is such a blessing for of the Sanctuary prior to the Connection! the students in Kids Connec- Voters’ Meeting. We are excited to share that Kids tion to be able to share their VOTERS’ MEETING: Connection will be sharing the Christmas musical and acting talents! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 message again this year during the 10:30 During the month of December, we are 11:45 AM • MEDIA CENTER am service in the sanctuary on December collecting non-perishable food items for lo- 18th. Kindergarten through 6th grade will cal food pantries. Also, remember we will perform a complete program at the start of not be having Kids Connection on Decem- the service. ber 25 nor January 1. 3K and 4K will be performing as well! We wish you all a blessed Christmas Their performance will take place on Decem- and a Happy New Year! ber 11 during the 9:15 AM service in the gym. Kids ages 3-12 can join us for a fun night out on January 13 Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church Go online to register at www.drlc.org Dinner, crafts, games, and loads of activities in a safe environment. Doors open at 6 PM and pickup is between 8:45-9 PM Cost is $5.00 per child Parents can enjoy their time while your children are well cared for. It’s going to be a blast ~ the kids won’t want to miss it! LIF ELINES Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School • 262-367-8400 • www.drlc.org December 2016 3 Angel Trees Shoeboxes have left the building! THE ANGEL TREE this Christ- Operation Christmas Child boxes are Once in awhile the boxes mas Season has three separate packed and on their way — thanks to all the don’t arrive until May. opportunities for us to share the volunteers, donations and all who are praying Stay tuned for follow-up Greatest Story ever told about for their safe travel. We don’t have a total num- meetings sometime in January. We will go over Jesus, our Savior, and friend. ber of boxes packed as of the printing time of how the packing party went and what can be 1. Christmas Stockings for the this publication. improved upon. Merry Christmas to everyone children at the SOS Center in The journey for the boxes is sometimes from Operation Christmas Child. God’s richest Milwaukee will include a book more than four weeks but the same message blessings on you and your family. Thank you “The Christmas Story”, along is taught of the rejoicing good news that Jesus for your support! with fresh fruit, candy, treats, is our Savior no matter what time of year it is! etc. A check to DRLC for $10.00 (marked Angel Tree) will cov- er the cost of each Christmas MID-WEEK ADVENT WORSHIP SERVICES Stocking. 2. Men and women released during the winter from Beginning Wednesday, November 30 please join us for our the House of Correction are not All in HIS Family Sermon series presented each week during given warm coats. Gently used our Sunday and Mid-week Advent Worship Services. You will or new men and women’s coats you donate will be delivered to learn about each one of Jesus’ descendants and their role they the LCMS prison ministry. 3. A played in His ancestral lineage. Then pick up the All in His Family mother in the inner city for the devotional booklet for your family Advent devotions. Each day has All In His Family Divine Redeemer Lutheran first time is able to have an apart- a lesson written by a member of Divine Redeemer’s community. Church Advent Devotion ment with her three children. Warm blankets, sheet sets and Advent Season— November 30 thru December 21 towels are needed. The children are involved in the after school program at the SOS Center in the inner-city.
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