February 2004 FBYC Web Site: http://www.FBYC.net From the Quarterdeck and concerns in their area David Hazlehurst, Commodore of responsibility. While the Board is respon- Our club is on the threshold of a sible for day to day man- new era with the planned purchase agement, we are depend- of over 2 acres of land and 68 feet of ent on other committees waterfront from the old Stull estate. for other aspects of our This has to be one of our most excit- ongoing operation. For ing moves, and will allow us to ex- example the Finance com- pand many of our programs. mittee forecasts income and expenditures, both By the time you receive this issue of short and long term, and is the Log you should have received a a key contributor to main- Waddy Garrett , Commodore Hazlehurst and letter explaining why the Board taining our fiscal health. Strother Scott With $50,000 Check for Land Purchase voted to approve this purchase. Ad- January of last year Dick Cole ditional details are also provided in The Long Range Planning commit- asked the Long Range Planning the minutes of this month’s Board tee addresses facilities needs and committee to produce a plan for the Highlights. Those of us who have works closely with the Finance development of our club through been involved in making this pur- committee to insure we don't over- 2015. As a result, we have a clear chase happen see it as a major event spend. idea of what changes we want to in the development of the club, and make over the next 10 years. Some one that will benefit all members for We also have a Membership Com- of these changes will happen the foreseeable future. We hope you mittee that meets with applicants to sooner, some later and some per- will all share in our enthusiasm. discuss mutual needs, and insures the candidates know how our club haps not at all, depending on And as a supplement to my letter, it operates. Other committees are ap- changing needs and availability of seems appropriate to provide some pointed from time to time to ad- funds. background on the way the club is dress shorter term needs, for exam- So much for what our officers and managed. We have a Board with the ple the new Fishing Bay dock and members listed on the inside cover Land Ac- (Continued on page 3) of your Yearbook. If you have a yen quisition, for detail you can read more about and the the responsibilities of this group at Land Use the back of the yearbook. Suffice it commit- to say, the Board is responsible for tees. the day to day operation of the club. And they meet monthly, at which Let me time members report on progress give you some re- Board Highlights........................... page 2 cent exam- Membership .................................. page 2 ples of One Design 2004 Plans ................ page 4 how these Event Notices................................ page 5 commit- Cruising Class 2004 Plans............ page 5 tees oper- History .......................................... page 6 ate. In FBYC’s Planned Acquisition Will be 2.1 Acres 1 Board Meeting Highlights SECRETARY – John Wake reported a Membership membership meeting was held on Janu- FINAL APPROVAL: January 15, 2004 ary 5, 2004. Mr. & Mrs. James D. (Jim & Shirley) TREASURER – Mason Chapman, The meeting room at Wachovia Bank is reporting for Paul Howle, discussed the Gillespie; Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. (Frank no longer available for our use; there- financial statements for the periods & Elizabeth) Johnson; Mr. Marcus C. fore, the Board will meet on the second ending November 30, 2003 (end of (Trey) Jones; Mr. & Mrs. R. Blackwell Thursday night of each month begin- 2003 fiscal year) and December 31, (Blackwell & Alice) Nottingham; Mr. ning with the February meeting in the 2003. & Mrs. David P. (Dave & Karen) Board Room at Retreat Hospital. Soule. HOUSE – Lud Kimbrough, reporting Meeting called to order at 6:00p.m. by for John Koedel, Jr., advised that John Mr. Edward A. (Ned) Stone, 302 Ros- Commodore David Hazlehurst. and Brandy Kennard have prepared a lyn Road, Richmond, VA, 23226. Ned list of things that need to be fixed or moved up from Family Membership of REAR COMMODORE – LUD repaired and they are also working on William W. Stone, Jr. Ned’s parents KIMBROUGH the description of services for the Outer joined FBYC the year before he was Banks maintenance contract which will born so he has been a member all of his be renewed by the end of January for life. He graduated from W&L University in June 2003 and is currently working on 2004 2004. FBYC Officers a Masters in European Economics at the DOCKS – Allan Heyward reported that College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. Commodore Richard Callis will begin repairs on the Ned expects to graduate in June 2004. David Hazlehurst Jackson Creek docks by the end of January and a schedule for the work on APPLICATIONS UNDER CON- the Fishing Bay dock will be worked SIDERATION: out. Dick Cole will also meet with Cal- Mr. & Mrs. John A. (John & lis to discuss the bulkhead repairs and Kristine) Hubbard, 3304 Loxley the hoist area. Slipholders will receive a Vice-Commodore Road, Richmond, VA, 23227. John is a letter from Allan concerning the work John M. Buhl former junior member and is the son of on the docks and possible re-location of FBYC members, Al and Anne Hub- some of the boats while the work is in bard. He has raced a Laser, Sunfish and progress. Flying Scot (along with Kristine) at WINTER PROGRAMS – The first FBYC and crewed for Norwood Davis winter program will be held on Friday, in the 80’s. John was awarded the Rob- Rear-Commodore January 30, at Mary Mumford School erts Bowl in 1978. John and Kristine Lud Kimbrough, III at 7:30 p.m. Bob Handschumacher, have two children, Ellis (age 7) and who has spoken extensively about Anna (age 3). They are interested in cruising in the Caribbean, is the guest spending more time sailing and their speaker. Fishing Bay will host a North children will be involved in the junior Sails Seminar on February 28 in Rich- program when they are older. In addi- tion to sailing the Flying Scot owned mond at St. Joseph’s Villa. A percent- age of the profits will go to the club’s by John’s parents, they also have a Treasurer Junior Program. FBYC members will Sunfish and a Boston Whaler. Spon- Paul W. Howle, III receive a $25 discount on the seminar sors: Norwood H. Davis, Jr.; Philip H. fee. February 21 is the tentative date for Webb. the Bermuda High Party. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. (Dennis & Kay) King, 7609 Cornwall Road, Rich- LONG RANGE PLANNING – Stro- Secretary mond, VA, 23229. Kay’s daysailing ther Scott, Chair of the Long Range John B. Wake, Jr. experience with her family was on Kites Planning Committee, will hold a meet- and Mobjacks. Dennis and Kay have ing at Chip Hall’s house on Wednes- both sailed in the Tidewater area and day, January 21, to discuss the recom- have also sailed at some FBYC events. mendations to the Board for the imme- They own a Flying Scot and even diate steps we should take once we though they are not seasoned racers, close on the purchase, including any they are eager to learn. Sponsors: Robert improvements, road access and/or mov- & Barbara Bagbey; John M. Buhl, Jr. Log Streamer ing the location of boat storage. Steve Gillispie VICE COMMODORE – JAY BUHL (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) 2 IN MEMORIAM TERRENCE M. QUINN 5/9/39 – 1/24/04 Terrence M. Quinn, 4528 Village Run Drive, Glen Allen, VA, 23060, died on January 24, 2004. His wife Joanne; daughter Kathleen Arscott and her husband William; and son Terrence M. Quinn, Jr. and his wife Theresa survive him. The Quinns have been members of Fishing Bay Yacht Club since June 1993. Terry and Joanne were the owners of Silence II, a Morgan 38. In addition to being an avid sailor, Terry also loved snow skiing and restoring antique cars. He belonged to two British car clubs, the Central Virginia British Car Club and the Richmond Triumph Regis- ter. Terry recently retired from Davenport & Company LLC, where he served as first vice president of institutional equity trading. A Mass of the Resurrection was held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 4491 Springfield Road, Glen Allen, VA, on January 28, 2004. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Odyssey Hospice, 2810 North Parham Road, Suite 150, Richmond, VA, 23294. REQUIESCAT IN PACE (Board Highlights continued from page 2) OLD BUSINESS – David Hazlehurst (Membership continued from page 2) OFFSHORE DIVISION – Randy advised the Board of the progress RESIGNATION: Alley has now filled all of the Offshore since the last meeting that resulted in Fleet Captain slots. Mark Wensell has FBYC being able to purchase part of Mrs. Joseph C. Brown; Dr. & Mrs. arranged for J-24 match racing two the Stull property. Strother Scott and Albert E. Smith; Mrs. Eugene B. Syd- weeks before Stingray. Alex Alvis has Waddy Garrett then discussed the ne- nor, Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. George B. three race committee slots to fill. gotiations that had occurred in the last Wheeler, Jr. month. FBYC has the opportunity to ONE-DESIGN DIVISION – Ric participate in a simultaneous purchase Bauer advised that One-Design and wherein FBYC will buy approxi- (From The Quarterdeck cont. from page 1) Offshore have exchanged dates for the mately 2 acres of the Stull property committee members do to keep the Spring Series races the first weekend of and two families, who are friends of May.
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