Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 7-15-1959 Easterner, Vol. 9, No. 28, July 15, 1959 Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College, "Easterner, Vol. 9, No. 28, July 15, 1959" (1959). Student Newspapers. 1154. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/1154 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Education Department To Move. Into Martin Hall Headquarters A major move ls brewing The remodeling of the the second floor and the care­ for the EWCE campus with the builtlmg will be held to a min­ tcria adjacent will be used for whole education department imum this first year so final due to pack up am] leave Sho­ plans can be arrived al on the large gathermgs wiilter Hall after the post- ses­ drawing board before much re­ When remodeling rs com­ sion and settle down in its new plO(jel!ng work is done. pleted and all c!.lucation classes home, Martin Hall. "\\lhile Martin Hall has been are hemg conducted In "the Completion of the new cam­ supplanted as a laboratory Bul\dlng, Martin hall will be pus elementary school this school It ls an extremely nex­ "wired for sound" with ctosod­ summer w11J make the move rble bulldlng," Pr. -Patmore crrcuu TV conduits installed possible. said. so that in the future observa­ \Vith the exception of the Unlike many new bujldj'pgs, tions of elementary school gmynasium and the auditor­ only the outside walls arc cad­ classes may be conducted with· ium, which will be adapted for carrying wall so all lnt'1riof out the college students leav­ use by the youngsters from partitions can be removed or mg Martin hnl\. the new school, all of Marlin changed to (it department One temporary benefit of . hall will be devoted to depart­ n!)erts. the lack of remodellng Is the ment acllvllics. CHURCH m•de of pipe knots handcut with • minulo 1croll Tt1� present plans for Mar­ henl\hful exercise the college uw wa1 displayed by Mrs. M. J. Mikel11m of Spokane as she A commlltee headed by Dr. tin hall call for groups of pf­ students wlll gel !n t?c wash­ told how her hu1b�nd b�ilt lt u his hobby. Mn. Mikelson i1 Lovell Patmore has been mak­ rtcce to brlug together 1n cjose rooms. ing plans for some time for faking a 1peoch course arid tho project wa1 to hlk ebout 1cmo· knit ypi\s the psyc�ology, With facilities scaled for the thing she cculd demonstralo. ' utilization of the bulldlng. Oth­ g�/dilpc!l and student tcachjng elementary school children it jlt members of the comm!tte seciions. will be a case of "Bend down, are 1'1!iS$ Amscl parton, Dr. A f!!W parti(ions will be re­ brethren and slstren" when Johp G. Churcp and Dr. Ger- moved to all!l)'r' for large class­ the college students wash their ald Mercer. r Intricate Church rooms. The present library on hands. Model Displayed The EASTERNER An intricate', hand-made knots with a fmc scroll saw Gothic church, came to sbhool for the materials. Eastern Washington College of Education last week to serve as a topic The Rev. Mikelson has re­ in a speech class conducted cently retired as a Lutheran VPJ..UME 9 CHENEY, WASHINGTON JULY 15, 1959 NUMBER 28 by Miss Alice Moc. pasto and is serving as interim Mrs. M. J. Mikelson of 1309 Pastor In this area when S. Willo'.)'e!l Drive, Spokane, called. Assist,lnt Russian Lecturer Coming brought the church mooq1 to Mrs. Mikelson related that Maurice Hindus, Russian­ the Cheney cam'Pus. her husbnnd began bullding affinity for his native land and The model was built by her Grants Need born writer and lecturer, will its pciople, wlll d1sc14sa devel­ churches as a hobby while he speak on "\\/ho will win the husband in about one year of was serving � church In Bill­ opment of Stberla. Far from l1obby time, cutting pine Applicants being a wilderness flt only for ings. The Sunday school need­ concenlratlon camps. it ls ed a birthday bank so he pro­ ceeded to make one of ply· A graduate asslstanship for bemg changed Into a land "Iar wood. more rich than was America's Driver Training research in secondory school One led to another and admlnistortion has been wild west," he says. He has while he was cutting out one awarded to Clarence R. Bun­ visited Russta twice stnce the Workshop Topic of Ids early churches he sawed gay by the gtadua1e councll war. the only foreign corres. through a pine knol and was pondent to do this al EWCE. Driver education was the struck by Its beauty Bungay, who lives al W.1516 subJoct of a workshop ln scs­ The church winch was used Mission, Spokane, ls a grad­ slon during the week of July as a speech demonstration was uate of Washington State col­ Sludenls May See 6-10 i11 room JOI in Mnrtin completed in Uillings nnd was lege. Hu taught social studies hall. Planned primarily to help entered, with another similar and Span1$Ji. at R!vcrsldo high Baseball Tonight present and future teachers church, in the hobby division scJ10ol last year, whcru he was or driver education, the work­ of the Montann state fair. also jun!or varsity basketball shop ofrercd 1 hour of crcclil The churches were awarded It's besebau tonight as the or could bu tuken without first nnd second prize, only be· nnd track coach. EWC campus Invades the Spo­ The as.�lstantshlp cans for a credit. ceusc the Judges could not knne Indians ball park. Tick­ gfve two first prizes to the stipend of $1500 for the aca­ EJ!.lon Engel, mstruct9r in Maurlco Hindus ets to the bleacher section will same person. demic year and a minimum be presented all students with !.lriving cllucation at Eastern Most intricate work in bmld­ work load of 10 hours. Bun· race for supremacv, America or Russia?" next Tuesday at student body cards. hod charge or organizing the mg the church was in the gay wlll also be working lo· Spokane tangles v.ith the workshop and was assisted by scrollwork on the windows, the war!.l a mafter of education 0:15 p. m. In Showalter audl· Vancouver Mounties several outside spuakers whn degree. torlum. front entrance and decora­ Hlmlus, who has a grent Just report td the bleacher are l!XJ)tirls In various ph11•ies tions over the entrance and Several othCr graclunte as­ gate on fairgroun!.l road, show uf driver training education. on the front towers. sistantships are also available. your student ticket and you're C. Koch, chief examinC!r or · The windows. cut In rmlta­ Dr. )Valier L. Powers, acting Lifesaving Shots in free. Participuting were Roher\ lion of leaded windoWs. have director of graduate study an· Are Real Bar�ain Old time dancmg will be on cul into one the word, Falth nounced. dr111crs' license di11ision. Wash­ the menu at the Island lounge ington slate patrol; Harr)' L. and the other, Love. Polio vaccine shots are svau­ tomorrow evening from 8 tu An assistantship is available able at the college !nflrmary Halstad, dii'ector of sp�cial Over the front entrance is in guidance and counseling JO p, m. Square dances, folk services, stale department of an open Bible symbolic of ser­ for those who have not com­ dunces, polkas, circle mixers. and one In Instructional mater· ptetcd the! course or lnnocula­ public lnslrudlon; Russell \V. vice to the world. lals. Others arc being consid· llon. Just all types or old lime danc­ Van Rooy. aslstant manager Rich in symbolism, the ing will be your pleasure. Ll11e cred in other areas not !lnally Only cost ls 50 cents to ccv­ automobile club of Was!ung­ church rovccrs the extent of determtned. er the cost of the serum. Any music will back�round the ton; Marvm Powell, monaging the work, only by extended To secure an assistantship shot in the program can be scene with "Hap' Frandsen, director, Washington State study. a student must be a graduate given. jovial EWC custodian doing safety council: Arthur Peter­ The church is not a replica the calling. working toward An MA. The Vncci'nations are given Mon· son, All State lnsurance com· of any existant church. Mrs. work Is done as an assistant day through �'r1day !.luring the Scheduled for Thursday af­ pany, and John H. llammond, Mikelson said. lier husband to directors of the spccml de· day. ternoon Is a tour of the JnlAnd managing d1rccj.or, Wcs!l!fn designs them "from the portments 01· areas in which Empire Paper company ln MU\­ State� lnsur,111cc Information ground up." the student is granted the as­ wood. Cars will leave LA hall �ervlcc. Seattle. sistantship. at 12:30 p. m. MarionelfesWill Softball games have proven Graduation exciting as the EWC Sutton Perform al Con Studs have racked up six wins i\lumni Name 3 against no defeats. Eastern Family Life Ritefor140 This Morning state hospitol. and Battery "A" A tolnl of 140 �tudents are freshmen for and "B" ,uf the Nike base have Workshop candldntes for d�grees this Don George and his mar­ been the victims.
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