CITY OF ELLENSBURG COUNCIL AGENDA Council Chambers 501 North Anderson Street January 21, 2014 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance I. Call to Order & Roll Call 2. Proclamations 3. Awards and Recognitions 4. Approval of Agenda 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and will be enacted by one motion. If separate discussion is desired on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda at the request of a Councilmember or at the request of a member of the public with concurrence of a Councilmember. Requests to remove items should be made under Item 4 Approval of Agenda. A. Approve Minutes - January 6, 2013, Special and Regular Meetings 1 B. Acknowledge Minutes of Boards and Commissions (I) Landmarks & Design Commission - December 17, 2013 8 C. Approve Noise Waiver Application for Central Washington University at 2400 North Alder Street on May 15, 2014 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 9 D. Accept Small Works Quote 2013-30, Doorway Installation Work As Complete 10 E. Accept Small Works 2013-31, Mechanical Assist Filing System As Complete 11 F. Authorize the Director of Energy Services to Accept the License for a Fiber Optic Line Across Railroad Property 12 G. Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Kittitas County Conservation Rebate Agreement 29 H. Authorize the Director of Energy Services to Accept a Professional Services Agreement with Green Rubino for a Natural Gas Utility Marketing Plan at a cost not to exceed $31,500.00 including applicable taxes 36 I. Authorize the Director of Energy Services to Offer Metropolitan Area Network Services Agreement to Public Agencies and Accept the Agreements on Behalf of the City 48 J. Accept the Master Fiber Agreement with Charter Communications and Based on the Least Cost Approach either Accept an Amendment to Exhibit "A" for use of more than 2 Fiber Optic Strands per Site and/or Purchase and Install Hardware to Avoid Higher Lease Costs 57 K. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Interlocal Agreement with Kittitas County for Animal Shelter Services 80 L. Approve University Way Banner Request for Spririt of the West from January 27, 2014 through Febrnary 17, 2014 85 M. Authorize Continuation of Street Use Permits for Ellensburg Rodeo Association at 1318 East Vantage Highway and Community Health of Central Washington at 521 E. Mountain View Avenue 87 N. Authorize Mayor to Execute Easements with McDonalds Corporation 94 0. Approve January 21, 2014 Voucher Listing 107 6. Petitions, Protests and Communications A. Presentation by Kirk Holmes, Kittitas County Public Works Regarding Wilson Naneum Creek Assessment 108 7. Citizen Comment on Non-agenda Issues 8. Business Requiring Public Hearings 9. Introduction and Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ordinance No. 4662 - Cable Television Franchise Renewal 11 O B. Ordinance No. 4663 - Telecommunications Fund 134 C. Proposed Ordinance - Utility Advisory Committee Amendment 138 D. Proposed Ordinance - Franchise Agreement with Bonneville Power Administration 142 E. Proposed Ordinance -Advance Travel Revolving Fund to Amend City-Owned Vehicle Use Restrictions 152 F. Proposed Ordinance -Renew Moratorium on Establishment of Recreational Marijuana Businesses Pending Adoption of Recreational Marijuana Zoning Regulations 155 G. Proposed Ordinance - Duke and Dude LLC Rezone 160 H. Proposed Resolution - Gas Meters and Steel Fittings Sole Source 166 I. Proposed Resolution - Canterberry Estates Division II, Phase 4 Preliminary Plat Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law 168 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business A. Council Assignments to Boards and Committees 173 B. Discussion regarding the Filling of Vacancies and Expired Terms on Boards and Commissions C. Appointment of Interim City Manager 12. Miscellaneous A. Manager's Report 178 B. Councilmembers' Reports 13. Executive Session 14. Adjournment Next Ord. #4664 Next Res. #2014-03 CITY OF ELLENSBURG Minutes of Council Meeting, Special Session Date of Meeting January 6, 2014 Time of Meeting 5:00 p.m. Place of Meeting Council Chambers, 501 North Anderson Street Councilmembers Present: Aronica, Elliott, Lillquist, Miller, Scheffer and Mayor Tabb. Others present were City Manager Barkley, City Attorney Weiner, I-Iuman Resources Director Smith, Energy Services Director Dunbar, Deputy Clerk Keno, and three members of the audience. The special meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Mayor Tabb for the purpose of developing an administrator profile for the City Manager search. Councilmember Morgan arrived at 5:09 p.m. Discussion of City Manager Hiring Process I-Iuman Resources Director Smith reviewed the Hiring Schedule of Events for the City Manager, City Manager's Interview Schedule and Interviewing Candidates Questionnaire distributed to Council. Council briefly discussed the process for appointment of the interim City Manager. Staff recon11nendation is to appoint a director due to having a qualified individual in house willing to serve and the short runount of time the individual is expected to serve as interim City Manager. After discussion, council consensus was to stay with the in-house appointtnent at this time. The appointment of the interin1 City Manager will occur at the January 21, 2014 regular meeting. Council discussed personal traits, business characteristics, co1n1nunication qualities and relationship qualities it would like to see in a City Manager. Council discussed the Hiring and Interview Schedules. Consensus was to change the recap n1eeting currently on the schedule for January 29th to Thursday, January 30th at 1:30 p.m. and start the tour on Januaiy 30th at 8:00 a.m. Administration of Oath of Office to Ne,vly Elected Councihnembers Deputy Clerk Keno adn1inistered the oath of office to newly elected Councilme1nbers Elliott, Lillquist and Morgan. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn at 6:39 p. m. Scheffer Approved Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk -1- CITY OF ELLENSBURG Minutes of Council Meeting, Regular Session Date of Meeting January 6, 2014 Time of Meeting 7:00 p.m. Place of Meeting Council Chambers, 501 North Anderson Street Roll Call Present: Aronica, Elliott, Lillquist, Miller, Morgan, Scheffer, and Tabb. Others present were City Manager Barkley; City Attorney Weiner; City Clerk Reno; Executive Assistant Gigstead; Public W arks Director Akers; Planning Supervisor Bailey; Energy Services Director Dunbar; and approximately 15 members of the audience. Elect Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern Motion to nominate COlmcilmember Elliott as Mayor. Scheffer The nominations were closed. Vote on motion. Affirmed Motion to nominate Councilmember Miller as Mayor Pro Tern. Tabb The nominations were closed. Vote on motion. Affirmed (Miller - abstain) Awards and Recognitions Council recognized Officer Jen Katzer as receiving an award from the Traffic Safety Council for top driving under the influence arrests. Agenda Approval Motion to approve the agenda. Scheffer Affinned Consent Agenda Items listed under the Consent Agenda were distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and were enacted by one motion with separate discussion to the extent any items were removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of a Councilmember. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: Morgan A. Approve Minutes - December 16, 2013, Regular Meeting B. Acknowledge Minutes of Boards and Commissions (1) Arts Commission- September 12, 2013, October 10, 2013, and November 14, 2013 (2) Cable Television Commission-October 16, 2013 (3) Landmarks & Design Commission- November 5, 2013 (4) Library Board- September 10, 2013, October 8, 2013, and November 12, 2013 (5) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-October 2, 2013 and October 28, 2013 (6) Parks & Recreation Commission - November 13, 2013 (7) Utility Advisory Committee- October 8, 2013 and November 12, 2013 C. Award Biel Call 2013-36-Electrical Distribution Transfonners to General Pacific for Schedules A & C for $58,411 and HD Supply for Schedule B for $10,539 D. Accept Bid Call 2013-26- Tree Prnning Contract with Elliott's Tree Care as Complete -2- Ellensburg City Council Minutes January 6, 2014 Page 2 of6 E. Accept Bid Call 2013-11 - Stormwater Decant Facility as Complete F. Approve University Way Banner Request for Ellensburg Youth Baseball & Softball from January 13-26, 2014 and February 10-23, 2014 G. Approve the October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2016 labor agreements with OPEIU Local No. 8 and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreements H. Approve University Way Banner Request for KXLE Home, Business and Garden Expo from February 21, 2014 through March 3, 2014 I. Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract with URS Engineers for Public Safety Building Low Impact Development Parking Lot Retro-fit Design Engineering Services J. Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Consultant Services Agreement with Century West Engineering for Anderson Road Shop Access K. Approve January 6, 2014 Claims Fund Voucher Numbers 116312 Through 116510 in the An1ount of $491,237.94, ACH Direct Payments 680-695 in the Amount of $1,405,874.59, Payroll Fund Check Nurubers 87007 Through 87068 in the Total Amount of $72,753.50, Direct Deposit in the Amount of $211,080.64, and Electronic Fune! Transfer of $3,625.00. Affinned (Miller - Abstain) Citizen Comment on Non-Agenda Issues 1 Patrick Rohan, 901 E. 18 " Avem1e, discussed a possible recycling program for apartments. Public Hearing - Duke and Dude LLC Zone Change Request from Residential Suburban (R-Sl to Light Industrial (I-Ll - Quasi-Judicial Mayor Elliott opened the public hearing to consider the Duke and Dude LLC Zone Change request from Residential Suburban to Light Industrial. Mayor Elliott asked the council members a series of appearance of fairness questions. Council members indicated that there were no appearance of fairness issues. Planning Supervisor Bailey sunm1arized the agenda report. Jeff Slothower, 201 West 7"' A venue, representing the applicant, stated he agrees with staffs report. He discussed Attachment A - the rezone application, Items 1-3 and how the rezone crite1ia are met.
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