C OUN T Y CHRONICLE @ VOL. 6. =ASS CITY, MICH., ~RIDAY, AUOUYT 5, :9o4. NO. 1:2. FOREYTER~ BASKET PICNIC A ~W STYLI 01= ORGAN. DiED VERY SUDDENLY BUSINESS MEN'S EXCURSION. g Something new in organs is now on An Enjoyable Time Is Promised. Lot oi Joseph ILvan and Leslie Purdy, nf exhibition at Lenzner's Furniture Firs. Eleanor FlcKim Died ~londay After an @ Prizes For the Various Events. Hour'5 illness. Ga~etown, were in town Wednesday. @ Store. The instrument has no carpet Tuesday is ttm day of the Forester These ~entlemen are anxious to have @ treadI~s, no long row of stops or small Mrs. Eleanor McKim, mother of @ basket picnic and arrangements are a business men's excursion to Bay keyboard flint you find on an ordinary Elias andAndrew MeKim, died very about o~mpleteft for the event which Port thisyear, arid lmve beam corres- ;abinet ~rgan, but, is equipped, witl~ suddenly from lmarL disease Monday will be held in Mrs. Orr's grove. A evening about twelve o'clock at the ponding witl~ Supt,. Sanford in regard ~even and one-third octaves of keys, to arranging for such an exettrsion @i Ni -{;,mmar ball game is oneof the principal events home of Elias McKim. Sire was in has an action comrolled by two knee- on the morning program. It starts for all towns ab,ng the P. O. & N. levers wt~icl~ is mos~ simple, and has her usual healtl~ all the evening and at ten o'clock and is between Kings- ~[r. Sanford has fallen in with tlle the finish and appearance of an up- did nut complain oF feeling ill. She ton and Ubly for a purse of $30. idea an:l ires promised his assistance right piano in every respect, The in- retired about the usual hour and a aS,,, Twenty dollarsg0es to the winner and in tim project. IIe has otrered to put strument is called the Lehr piano- lit, tie after ten o'clock Mr. McKim ten dollars to the losing team. up a purse rot a~ ball game between o ~tyle organ. Very few, if any, of went into t~er room to see if she was After dinner the literary program Pontiac and a nine along tim road, ,;hose instruments have made their alright and found her sleepin~ peace- * OPENS SATURDAY, will be rendered. High Chief Ranger fully. About an hour afterwards probably Cass City. Another game ~ppearance in this section. is mentioned between Kingston and Brown of Lapeer is the orator of the Mrs. Elias McKim was aroused by North Branch and a band to furnish -@, JULY 23,.. day and Roy. J. W. Fenn is the chair- moans and on investigation it was @ BASE BALL NOTES. music= may come from some other man. A cordial invitation is given to found that the elder Mrs. McKim all fraternM societies and the general was very ill, and all efforts to help town along tim line. Mr. Sanford You know the meaning of the An(~tller game was played llere public to attend tile picnic. were useless. She passed away just suggested Aug. t6 as a possible date. above headline. You know it Wednesday afro:noon between tim The athletic games will be held in at the midnight hour. Several of Cass City's business men - means the banner bargain event ! Aeme Quality team of Detroit and have expressed themselves in favor of the afternoon. Thefollnwing a~e the Her maiden name was Eteanar the locals. The Acmes had several )f the year, in which the nimble events, prizes and prize-givers. Bourne, her birthplace being Man- a day's outing and ttmre Is little new players with them this trip and doubt but what every business place ~ixpence and the mighty dollar ,~ Standin~ broad jump--lst, .$1 in chester, England. She was sixty-nine the game proved even more interest- will close here if tim project mater- ~ravel long distances. * merchandise by H. L. Hunt; 2nd, 75e years of age and forty-nine years ago ing than the firs~one. The locals lost ializes. The Chronicle expects to in merchandise by J. C(,rnelius. she was united in marriage t,o David Weeks--yes, months~ofstudy tlm game through errors in the give more definite information in our Sack raee~lst, 75c in merchandise MeKim at Lanark, Ont., who died fourth inning which allowed the visi- next issue. Messrs. I{yan and Purdy --of effort, have been given to by G. W. Goff: 2nd, 50e in merclmn- sixteen years ago. T¢ tl~em were tors to run in their seores--l~ve in all. visited North Branclt Wednesday and make this sale the greatest of i disc by W. Faliis. born nine children, mx of whom are Dolby pitched a good game for Cuss they found tim business men tlmre ~hem a11. Worth investigating. Bun eating contest~lst. 75e in mer- living: Mrs. Bergquest and Mrs. City but received rather poor support very much in favor of the excursion. chandise by Mrs. G. W, Goff; 2nd, Hull, of Maple Ridge; Mrs. Gould, of Ready when you are. at times. The visitors came very jackknife by J. B. Cootes Pontiac: Mrs, Eymer. of Sault Ste. @ near makin~ it a shut-,)u~ game, but D[NOcrallc N0~|N[ES. Climbing slack rope--dst, $1 in mer- Marie: and Andrew and Elias McKim, the loeals sueceeded in securing one chandise by C. O. Lenzner: 2nd, strip of this place. She also has eighteen Woodbridge N. Ferris of Big Rapids score in the ninth inning. Score: J. i). CIt0SB S0 , i of bacon by Young & Bfinkelman. gnmdchildren. Mrs. McKim's mother was nominated for governor at the Runnin~ broad ju~p--tst, $1 in ACME QUALITY. democratic conventi(m at Grand Rap- (;ass £ity's Sh0e an~ Clothing Men. AB 11 R E lived to be nearly one hundred years merchandise by F. Lenzner: 2nd, Tri Smitli, 2b .............. 5 l 0 O old. ids Wednesday. Hiram B. Hudson of q~a Iiess, c ................. 5 1 0 o C(mnt.y Chronicle six months' sub- Oswold. 3b ............. 5 ~ 1 0 Twenty-two years ago, she with her Mancelona was nominated lieutenant scriptlon. Faalz, lb ......... 5 3 ] 1 governor; Geo. A. Curry of Ironwood, I|Itvris. e 5 2 1 0 husband and children took up resi- Fat man's race ( to weigh 200 pounds McLellan, 1.2.2;2.22;22 5 t 0 0 dence inMichigan. Mrs, MeKim Ires auditor general; F. O. GaiIney of Lake Benoit, r ............ , 5 O 1 0 ÷+++-b+++++++++++++++-PM-+++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++÷ orover)--lst, $2 in merchandise by Todd. s ................... 5 1 l 0 been an earnest christian for a num~ City, attorney general: Edwin 1R; Crnsby & Son: 2nd, $1 in merchandise Steiger, p .............. 4 2 o 0 ber of years and for some time past Smith of Clinton, treasurer; Jas. T. 44 I1 5 t by Laing & Janes. has been "only waiting" for- the Balch of Kalamazoo, secretary of High kick--lst, .$1 in merchandise CASS CITY. ~tate, AB II R E the summons to come up higher. i)y A. Doerr: 2nd, $1 in merchandise Duneanson, I ........ 5 3 o 0 The funeral services were l~eld in Buckley, 3b ........ ".... 5 0 0 o ~/°Light driving llorse for sale or lO0 000 ibs VOOL WA IED by H. T. Elliott. MeKenzie. lb .......... 4 0 0 1 the M. E. church Thursday afternoon Tu~ of war between teams chosen Knapp. e. .............. 4 a 0 1 ?xchange for stock. Inquire of D. R. Gifford. 2b .......... 4 0 0 ~t two o'clock, and the remains laid At Highest Market Price. hy J. M. Allen and J. D. Tuckey--lst, A. Gifford, cf ........... 4 0 0 to rest in Elkland cemetery beside her Losey, one mile east and one-llalf Cra.vcn, ss ............ 4 0 l 1 mile nortt~.r Cuss City. 7-22-Lf jacket by F. A. Ellis: 2nd, pair of over- t{:Lr~raves, r .. ...... 4 1 0 | husband. alls by W. A. Fairweather. Dolby, p ............... 4 2 • 0 0 The relatives from out of town who Men's rnnning race--over 40--lst, 38 6 1 6 THE CASS CITY OI~AIN CO. Innings .......... 1 2, 3 4 5 ti 7 s 9 were in attendance at the funeral set of whillletrees by W. A, Ander- Acme Quality ...... 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 O .0~5 were, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Hull and CaSsCity ............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1--1 WE SELL THE son: 2nd, order for .$1 in horseslmeing ?hildren, of Maple Ridge, and Mrs. [~l.lys All kinds of grain at the highest market prices. Earned runs~Acme 1, Cuss City 1. First on by J. A. Renshler. badls~off Dotty 3, off Steiger ({. Left on 3ould, of Pontiac. Tim oilier two bases--Cuss City 8~ Aeme 7. Struck out~2bv 100 yard race--free for all--lst, .$1 in Steiger 7, by Dolby 12. Double'plays. Acmo f. laughters were unable to reach imre PARKER horseshoeing by Hews, m & Schnider: n time for the funeral. 2nd, (i0e in merchandise by N. Bi~e- The Cass City team met their first Coal, Lime, and Cement. Sells low & Sons. defeat of the season at tlm llands of MAY NOT WANT IT. 4. Hurdle race--lst..$1.50 in merchan- Brown City Friday afternoon The dise by J. Mater: 2nd, 50c in merchan- game was called early in the afternoon ag tile visitors were obliged to leave on Bay Gity Council Makes riany Ghanges in Delivery wm deliver any thing you buy from us in $ dise by g._P.
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