Mg Ita 1610 16V RecordWishingyouall P, Mirror a record Xmas No. 145 Week -ending December 21, 1963 Every Thursday6d. Registered at the G.P.O. as a newspaper PAGE 1 MEET THE GIRL OF THE YEAR 111 Inside today's special issue... IT'Sthebiggest, bumper-ist,most colourful Record Mirror yet!Packed withfea- tures reflecting the year, crammed with pic- tures mirroring the BIG names of pop. StarsoftheYear? Read allaboutthe Beatles.Girlofthe year? Dig deep on how Kathy Kirby overcame all opposition. In 1963, Rhythm 'n' Bluesmade News! There's a featureset- ting out how the trend has grown. Surprise of the Year? Well,we'll keep it a surprise until you d e l v e inside. There'sasummed -up scrapbook of the year just going-and a sur- vey of the impact jazz had on the pop scene, too. Andthere's space given to predictions . WHO will be the big new stars of 1964? AND plIE fabulous Beatles wish you all a Merry They'vebroughtfreshness,individuality, Stars of the Year?Of course they are! .. there's a survey of chart 1Christmas. But we-the fansof the amiablecharmtothe scene. They've See page three inside.And when the Final fab foursome-should raise our glasses high dominated the business to such an extent Book of Pop Music is written, they'll be worth positions for the year and drink a toast to the Liverpool boys who that even Cabinet Ministers are hard put to several chapters all to themselves. and the past seven gave pop music precisely the shot in the It to make a speech without mentioning the And through the Beatles many other hither- years. arm needed during 1963. Liverpudlian quartet! to unknown Merseyside groups shot to fame. 111C1 Crosby DO YOUHEARWIIATiffe? RECORDS uo WM. I111, E.M.I. RECORDS LTD., E.M.I. HOUSE, 20 MANCHESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W.1 2 RECORD MIRROR, Week -ending, December 21. 196:3 YOUR PAGE ..send us your letters, your views, and yourphotographs ELVIS, HIS LORDSHIP Record Mirror AND THE BEATLES EVERY THURSDAY HOUSE OF LORDS, Editor: JIMMY WATSON Westminster, Assistant to the Editor: NORMAN JOPLING London, S.W.1. Features: PETER JONES 10th December, 1963 Advertising and Circulation: ROY BURDEN Dear Sir, 116 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W.I. I cannot understand this Beatle mania. Telephones GERrard 7460, 3785, 5960 Iappreciatetheyhaveattractive personalities but when it comes to a question of rhythm, Elvis Presley has it all the way. Yours faithfully, Massereene and Ferrard. 41111. Why it wasn't top MARTY would readers say is WHOthemostunder -rated singer in pop music? My bet of our charts.. it Marty Robbins, who is not Lord Massereene and Ferrard. WHAT'S wrong with your only a great balladsinger, charts? The Beatles on a par with Bennett, Boone single "I Want To Hold Your andWilliams,butalsoa Hand" sold 750,000 copies in great song -writer. He wrote a few days of issue but first two -million sellers "El Paso" wentintoyour ratingsat and "WhiteSportCoat," AN AWARD FOR Number 10.Are you going while"Don'tWorry"and to say that all records above "Devil Woman" were on the itsold over 750,000 in that million mark. He is one of week? - J.Stebbing, Corner the few white men to master DEL SHANNON? House, Longfield Avenue, the Hawaiian style of falsetto Wembley, Middlesex. singing. And heisafine QURELY weshouldgive I was astonished that the guitarist. One day recently S Beatles' first entry was only FORGOTTEN Marty was awarded two Del Shannon some award at tenth position. Or do you you remember Bobby singing and one songwriting for his consistent chart just guess at the position of DO entries. Apart from Elvis,I Helms? He had only two awards.- a Triple Crown.-think he is the only Ameri- records?-JamesWightman, hits here - "Fraulein" and DaveConte, 4 Southgate 157 Crewe Road North, "My Special Angel." And the Grove, Hackney, London, can singer to have had ten Edinburgh, 5. follow-ups, "No Other Baby," N.1. consecutivehits.Andnot "Love Me Lady,""Jacque- only has he written nine of Editor'snote:Our charts,rated line," "Schoolboy Crush, them, but a few of the 'B' the most accurateinthe business CHEEK sides,too. - Dorothy Tim- by record companies, are based on "Jingle Bell Rock" and so on mons, 33 Hutchinson Street, ACTUAL sales over the counter in meant nothing.It'sa great GEORGE HARRISON, of retailshops.Rememberthatan shame that people forget so the Beatles, somehow Hamilton, Lanarkshire. advance order onadiscmerely insult relatestoordersfromretailers, easily. I'm keeping my had the audacity to estimating demand,tothewhole- fingers crossed that we may the British record -buying FAILURE salers. The ACTUAL sales of those have a new single from him public.Hesaidthatthe ordersmaytakeseveral.weeks. American taste in pop music Remember,too,thatofficialdate soon-and that Decca might I EAGERLY anticipated that FALL ON KNEES? ofEMI releasesis a Friday, re -issue some of his earlier wasbetterthanour own. giving only two days of half-hourshowbythe SO reader D.G. Stephens sales be- discs. - Michael Jones, 366,Thatisrubbish. We have Beatlesafter"Juke Box fore the charts for that week are Rotherhithe New Road, Ber- some very good talent here suggests thatall we R compiled.Thereispositivelyno at Jury" on BBC TV. Butitand B fans should fall down guessworkaboutour charts-they mondsey, London, S.E.16. at home insuchstars wasafailure,through no are factualtotheclosest possible Kathy Kirby, Dusty Spring- faultof their own.Itcan, on our knees and worship degreeand,tothebestofour field,KennyLynch.And, the great gods of Liverpool knowledge,aretheonlyaudited don't the however, only damage theirfor bringing new lifeback ones available. And El"s and LP's FREE RECORDS thinking about it, reputation as they have arenutincluded Inthesingles Readers letters can win Beatles always get to num-reached the stage where the tothe R and B scene.I chartsbecause separateratings remind him that many pop exist for them . and EP's and you Free EPs or LPs ber One?-Harry Cohen, 34 supply of adulationand GIRLS ? of your choice. Higharn Station Avenue, writers visualised this trend LI''sarc NOT singles. Chingford, London, E.4. adorationmustbenearly being ledby Fats Domino RFADER Alan Wych raised exhausted. The microphones and Ray Charles-insteadit WHY ? the question of girls and were faulty,thecamerais Chuck and Bo who are the best sellers in last week's focussed on Paul and George coming out ontopfora WHY do Ray Charles' Record Mirror.I would like instead of John - and the change.TheBeatlesmay fans buyhisrecords? to take hisletter a stage s cr e a ming audience didhave speeded it up, but why His latest,"Busted,"isthe further and ask all the boys GREETINGS nothing to improve matters.should we have tofall on poorest he's ever made. Thewho buy recordsto make - Eric Buckland, 32 Long- voiceispoor, the orchestra1964 a year for girls in the fellow Road, King's Norton, our knees and thank them To all Promoters, everytimeweplayour is awful-do the fans buy his charts. Birmingham, 30. Chuck, Bo and Muddy disc simplybecause his My own favourites are Brenda Editor'snote: M anyot her Lee, name is on the label?-Per Lee,KathyKirby, Helen Managers, viewershavewrittenexpressing Waters' discs?-Martin disappo'ntment with the production 3 Mill Grove, South Shields, Dalbro, Glennevelen 46, Hal -Shapiro and Susan Maughan. Agents and Groups side ofthis show. County Durham. den, Norway. George Watt, Bromley, Kent. FOR PENFRIENDS anywhere PENFRIENDS, home and from SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS in the world, any age, write abroad.S.A.E.fordetails: forfreedetailstoITCM, European Friendship Society, Martin Yale Agency ASPIRINGVOCALISTSre- FABULOUS MATADOR tech- Grindley Hall, Choriton, Burnley. quired for Coaching/Manage- nicolour wallpanels.Excit- Manchester 21. RECORDS BOUGHT, 45s, EPs, 30a St. Peters Avenue, ment/Recordings. - Chiswick ingbullfightposters,pic- LPs.-Fowler,264 Vauxhall 4895. tures. Free brochure: ROMA "FRIENDSHIPS" oppositeBridge Road, S.W.1.(Callers Cleethorpes. BEATLES in technicolour & Publications, 12 (C) Mowbray sex.Society World Friend-only.) scope. 10 exciting minutes at Street, Nottingham. ship. Members all ages, "RECORDS BOUGHT" Singles everywhere!-DetailsS.A.E., Phone 63098-63114 CLASSIC cinemas. From 1/6 - 2/-, EP's 4/6, LP's 12/6 December 22at,BakerSt., MC 74 Amhurst Park, in good condition. - Details Notting Hill Gate, Stockwell, London, N.16. to'Pop Parlour,' 4, Skinner Martin Yale Productions Ltd. Manchester, Sheffield, "IN MEMORIAM" Street, Gillingham, Kent. Southampton. LITTLE RICHARD - Official Weightman, Stan, in ever Fan Club - photos, news- RECORDS from 3,- each BEATLES intechnicolour- loving memoryofmy sheetssend 7,6d. to RowlandthroughRecordCollectors' TOP POP FromDecember 22.News belovedhusband who Hill,12 Millard House, Roe-Club, Lyndum House, Peters- and Cartoon cinemas at Vic- left me so suddenly on hampton, S.W.15. field .-S.A.E. Details. TOP JAZZ toriaStation, Leeds, Belfast December 22, 1962. RHYTHM & BLUES TOP FOLK and Grafton Dublin. "Through My Grief and LYRICS WANTED. All kinds, GAZETTE 2,6d. USA LP Cata- CHARLIE CHESTER CLUB. Loneliness"Yourlove by Music Publishing House, logue, 272 pages5/-.Either TOP C & W Girls18/21 wanted urgently shines immortal.PIP, 11St. Albans Avenue, Lon- from Lyndum Ilouse, Peters - TOP FOREIGN as penpals for servicemen.- 27 Nassau Road, Barnes, don, W.4. field. JosieVeen, 72 Clarence S.W.13. ALL AT LONDON'S TOP RECORD STORE 11LARY BLAIR BUREAU. In- ROLLING STONES FAN Avenue, Clapham Park, Lon- CLUB. S.A.E., Annabelle Open Daily Until 6 p.m. don, S.W.4. troductions everywhere. De- tails free. 52 ShipSt., Smith, Radnor House, 93-97 ZODIAC RECORDS CHUCK BERRY APPRECIA-HAVE YOUR SONG . Brighton. Regent Street, London, W.I. 19 GERRARD STREET, W,1, TION SOCIETY, 5 Eaton VOICE . GROUP RE- THE SWINGING BLUE Place, 'Belgravia, London, Gerrard 8806 CORDED. We require talent PENFRIENDS at home and JEANS' FAN CLUB.
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