BLUB MABK NOTICE A blue mark around this nolicc will call your I NOTICE TO .SUBSCRIBERS attention to your addreas label, which showi that Read the .late on the o.l.lress lal.rl of Ihis paper. it's time to renew. It costs no mSre to pay a year it is Hie dale your subscripiion is paid to. If it ia in advance and saves annoyance for ill concerned. a dale prior I.) the dale of U.is issue, your time la OWELl out and you should renew m Kindly observe Please do this now. and ALTO SOLO [and obliue Hie publhher. VOLUME XXXVI LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 NO. 17 Big Gale Official Meat All That Matters Hits Lowell of Main St. Have You Heard? and Vicinity Paving Job Lowell vicinity had u bad wind Lowell, Michigan, August 27, 1028. The song HIT of the SEASON about "Two storm Friday night, one of the AW Minutes of the Special Meeting of $ worst in its history, in Ihis seldoin DOLOGMEt£Y f' 1\<\ the Cbinmon Council of the Village Little Worms Working in Earnest." Poor wiiid-dislurbcd locality. Only one WHOS 1NTESESTEO \ of Lowell, held August 27, I92H, at life was lost, so far as learned— "IN THAT SORT or 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Council Ernest! Which all brings to mind, Poultry STUFF / f that of a hen on the J. I). Sturges Booms. infected with worms will not EARN and farm in Keene. A special meeting of the Common In view of millions of dollars of Council of the Village of Lowell was what WE want to SAY is that Dr. Hess Worm Y destroyed properly in Florida, il duly called for the purpose of con- seems a shame to speak of it at all, sidering the paving improvement on Powder will rid your FLOCK of the "PROFIT we relatively so fortunate. Main street, as follows: First Lowell people knew about The laying of a sixteen (I(J) foot STEALERS" without throwing them off their Deposit a Few Dollars any unusual doings was when the concrete pavement, that is, eight lights went out at the Strand Theatre feet (8) on each side of the twenty feed. It puts the EARN in EARNEST in and stayed out for perhaps half an and become the possessor of a bank apMunt. (20) foot strip to be laid by the your flock. ATENDAY treatment for FORTY hour. This was due to toppling trees Michigan State Highway Depart- Years hence, if )ou save and bank regularly, and broken wires, which the Lowell ment on Main Street, as a continua- FOWLS only costs seventy-five cents. Will you'll bless the day when you first obtained Light & I'ower company employees tion of State Trunk Line liighway worked all night to remedy and all a pass book. M-21 and running on Main street it PAY to let your flocks DO without? the next day and we guess they are from the east line of Jackson Ave- No matter what walk of life you are in, you working yet. nue to the cast line of Washington The story of the storm in Keene n^ed a bank account. It is one of the things Avenue, and from the west line of is told by the Keene Center corre- Hudson street lo the west line of the LOOK'S DRUG STORE that everybody needs spondent elsewhere in this paper. Pere Marquelle Baiiway right-of- One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores In Lowell E. R. Kniilin's home re 4% Interest and Dependable Banking way, together with curbs, gutters, ceived a startling shock when the intersections, etc. mummoth elm split and crashed Proof of Service of the call on all P. S. You FOLKS that took advantage of Do It Now down upon and crushed the fuel eouneilmen tiled. Meeting called our ROOM lots of WALL PAPER know IT is house, narrowly missing the bed- lo order at 7:30 p. m., at the Council the BEST we ever offered. room. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Booms in the Village of Ixiweii. City State Bank Kniflin were not at home and escap- The following members of the ed the shock. Council were present: A tree also crashed down on the Harry Day, Trustee and President Chris Gehrer home and a large sec- Pro tern. lion of roofing was blown over the Charles Doyle, Trustee. Milo Johnson home and landed in E. it. Kniflin, Trustee. the Held beyond. Boards from the -Grand Rapid Herald. School Items E. A. Thomas, Trustee. Sturges barn roof were blown away Special for Saturday At the request of the Council, the Boya' Wrist Watches and can not be found. $3.50 Michigan State Highway Depart- A big oaJu»n the Methodist charch Girls' Wrist Watches 9.85 Dinner Nut Oleo Banner Nut Oleo Foreman Poultry Wide Pavement ment prepared and furnished to the lot was split and a large section went Council, a plat and diagram of the Fountain Pena 1.00 and up down grazing and damaging a sec- lb. 22c lb. 15c Victors at The on East Main proposed pavement of Main Street Alarm Clocka tion of roofing. 1.00 and up in the Village of Lowell, Michigan, Damage and destruction of trees Watch Braceleta 1.00 and up State Fair About Done that is, the laying of a 16-foot pave- about town was general. Among Thrn we have Baef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Chicken, Frcah White Leghorns and Barred Rocks The laying of cement on the wide ment, 8 feet on each side of the 20- Pocket Knivea .50 and up others visited by the big wind were raised on the Foreman Poultry farm paving two blocks east of the brick foot strip in the middle of Main Eveready Flashlights and Pickled Fiah, Saranac Creamery Butter, all kinda the Denny, Howard, Levi Edson, 1.00 were pronounced by the judges to be pavement to the Baptist church has Street, lo be laid by the Michigan Bert Myers, Will Burl. R. T. Ford Athletic Supplies Wateh Repairing Smoked Meats, Home Made Bologna, Sausage and the outstanding birds at the Michi- been completed and the work on Slate Highway Department as a con- and James Muir homes. gan Slate fair poultry exhibit. The the State M-21 job is progressing tinuation of Slate Trunk Line High- Hamburg. Some pranks were also played at honor of being the best individual in rapidly to the east with a large way M-21, from the east line of Runciman's elevator by Old Man R. D. STOCKING the entire show was given a Fore- gang of men ' and the usual big Jackson Avenue to the east line of Our Motto—'"Service and Quality" Wind and things were tossed from man Strain leghorn pullet that equipment of road, making machin- Washington Avenue, and from the Your Jeweler each side of the road to the other. weighs 5% lbs. and placed first in ery. Work on catch basins, etc., west line of Hudson Street to the There was much destruction of the pullet class. Foreman Poultry is now proceeding. west line of the Pere Marquette W. J. Gibson's Cash Market fruit trees and fruit in the vicinity, farm registered one of the most com- The long season of detouring and Baiiway right-of-way, together with The Market Where Your Children Get as indicated by the large amount plete victories in competition with cluttered and rough streets is due curbs, gutters, and inter-sections, the Same Service You Do. of unripe fruit offered since in the I^well market. the leading breeders of the State for an early completion and temp- and of the work and locality to be that was ever nude in any large orary inconvenience can be endurel improved and an estimate of the A Red Cross subscription list has poultry show of Ihis kind. In win- with patience and good humor. cosljQf such improvement. Th'.* es: Looking been started in Lowell to help in ning every possible first prize on Lowell tax payers are congratu- the Southern tornado relief work timate of the proposed work ^o fur- White Leghorns and bfest vplay oir lating themselves that the state has and is being generously signed. nished was 89,000. Barred Bocks, Foreman Pdjpbry farm saved them about $10,000 on Ihis for Frank T. King has the local work Trustee Thomas moved that these in charge. accomplished somclhing^ihat has job. * diagrams, plans and said estimate of probably never been attuined by any the cost, be filed with the Village Signs of individual poultry farnl or breeder. APPRECIATION BY H U D SO N OLD TIME PICNIC AND REUN- Clerk for inspection. Chick orders from large cpmtuiT- MANUFACTURING CO. Trustee Kniflin seconded the mo- Bargain Priced Cars ION. cial poultry farmert f^ftighoul'We The I-owell ledger, Last Tuesday the farm home of lion. ' / Friendliness Slate are already being placed for Lowell, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie C. Austin was Yeas 4. Nays 0. Motion unani- 1929 delivery and a record year is Gentlemen: the scene of a very enjoyable mously carried. being anticipated. Practically every We were very much interested in How eagerly a stranger in a school and community picnic and Said maps, plans, diagrams and 1927 Hudson Brougham Ix-ghorn chick sold by Foreman the write-up of the Hudson dinner reunion with about fifty present. estimate filed with the Clerks community looks for signs Poultry farm in 1929 will be sired lo the l-owell Board of Trade, and Those from the more distant places Trustee Thomas moved the adop- 1925 Hudson Coach by a grandson of the World's record surely want to compliment your were Mr.
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