Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists

Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AND PAPERS Dr.A.Alcock, Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England D.F.Allen Esq., Grenna House, Chilson, Oxon,, England; and Mrs Allen Dott.A.Aloni, Via Volta 7, Milano, Italy; and Signora Aloni Prof.Z.Aly, 13 Ibrahim Naguib, Cairo, A.R.E. "New data from the Zenon Papyri" (read by Prof.L.Koenen) 1 Prof.M.Amelotti, Università di Genova, Italy; and Signorina Amelotti "Presentazione di PUG I e annuncio dei PUG II" (Summary) 10 (with dott.L.Migliardi Zingale) Prof.W.G.Arnott, The University, Leeds, England Dott.F.Auricchio, Piazza Donn' Anna 9, Napoli, Italy; and Signor Auricchio Dr.R.S.Bagnali, Florida State University, U.S.A.; and Mrs Bagnali and Alexander Bagnali "Greek papyri and ostraka in the Florida State University Library" (Summary) 10 Dott.C.Balconi, Università Cattolica, Milano, Italy Sig.A.Barbieri, Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy + The Rev.Prof.J.V.B.Barns "Alexandria and Memphis, II" (read by Dr.E.A.E.Reymond) M.J.-N.Barrandon: see under Irigoin W.S.Barrett Esq., Keble College, Oxford, England Prof.A.Bartoletti Colombo, 38 Viale Michelangiolo, Firenze, Italy; and Angelo Bartoletti, Stella Bartoletti and Paolo Bartoletti Dott.G.Bastianini, Istituto Vitelli, Firenze, Italy Rév.Père P.Benoît, O.P., Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem, Israel Prof.L.Berkowitz, University of California, Irvine, Calif., U.S.A. Mme I.Biezuriska-Malowist, Brzozowa 10/4, Warsaw, Poland "La traite d'esclaves en Egypte" 11 Prof.J.Bingen, Université Libre, Bruxelles, Belgium; and Mme Bingen (Representative of the Université Libre, and of the Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth) "Le milieu urbain dans la chôra ptolémaïque" 367 Dr.A.Blanchard, 23 av. Jeanne d'Arc, Antony, France; and Mme Blanchard and Didier Blanchard "Sur quelques interpretations de XMT" 19 Signorina M.Bocchi, Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy Dr.R.Bogaert, Koning Albertlaan 38, Gent, Belgium; and Mme Bogaert Mme D.Bonneau, 17 rue Dantan, St.Cloud, France "Recherches autour de P.Oxy.2847" Dr.Z.Borkowski, Krakowskie Przedmiéscie 26/28, Warsaw, Poland "A new document concerning representation in succession, circa 133-137 A.D.: an analogy to BGU 19" (A full edition in preparation; publication possibly in 2PE) Dott.F.Bossi, Università degli Studi, Bologna, Italy Dr.E.Boswinkel, 2 Platanenlaan, Bloemendaal, Holland "Schulübungen auf 5 Leidener Wachstäfelchen" 25 Dr.A.K.Bowman, The University, Manchester, England "Roman military records from Vindolanda" (For a list of publications on the Vindolanda tablets, see the summary of R.P.Wright below on pp.355-6) Dr.W.Brashear, Schloss-str.70, Berlin, W.Germany "A preview of BGU XIII" Herr G.Braunecker, Anzengrüberstr.30/4, Klagenfurt, Austria P.G.McC.Brown Esq., Trinity College, Oxford, England P.R.L.Brown Esq., All Souls College, Oxford, England Dr.G.M.Browne, Department of Classics, 4072 Foreign Languages Building, University of Illinois, Urbana, III.618OI, U.S.A. (New address) "A panegyrist from Panopolis" 29 Prof.T.F.Brunner, University of California, Irvine, Calif., U.S.A. "The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: papyrological considerations" (This paper is not being published) Herr E.Bruns, Universität, Heidelberg, W.Germany; and Frau Bruns A.Bülow-Jacobsen Esq., Lundsgaade 5,iv, Copenhagen, Denmark Mlle H.Cadell, 53 rue St.Laurent, Lagny-sur-Marne, France "Documents fiscaux et recherches sémantiques" 35 Signorina A.Calabi, 1 via del Caravaggio, Milano, Italy Dott.G.Calvani Mariotti, Università di Pisa, Italy Prof.A.Cameron, 8l Harrow View, Harrow, Middx., England Mrs C.Caravias, 51 Agiou Polycarpou St., Athens, Greece; and Stelios Caravias Dott.A.Carlini, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (Representative of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) "Su alcuni papiri 'platonici' " 4l M.J.-M.Carrié, Palazzo Farnese, Roma, Italy M.P.Cauderlier, 48 rue Pierre-Brossolette, Neuilly-sur-Marne, France; and Mme Wacquet-Cauderlier Dott.G.Cavallo, Università, Roma, Italy "Proposte metodologiche per una nuova raccolta di facsimili di manoscritti greci letterarì" (With Prof.M.Manfredi) 47 Sig.S.Cerasuolo, Villa Vittoria, Arco Felice, Italy The Very Rev.Dr.H.Chadwick, Christ Church, Oxford, England "The Penitence of Jannes and Jambres: the origins of the Faust legend" Sig.E.Cingano, Via Conservatorio 15, Milano, Italy Dr.F.H.Coates, Ashenmeade, Minster-in-Thanet, Kent, England Dr.W.Cockle, University College, London, England "The odes of Epagathus the choral flautist: some documentary evidence for dramatic representation in Roman Egypt" 59 Prof.G.M.Cohen, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.; and Mrs Cohen Dr.R.A.Coles, Papyrology Rooms, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England; and Mrs Coles Signorina A.Concolino, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy; and Signorina B,Concolino Prof.C.Coppola, Università degli Studi, Salerno, Italy xi Dr.D.Crawford, Girton College, Cambridge, England (Representative of the University of Cambridge) Prof.J.Cvetler, Botanickâ 29, 60200 Brno, Czechoslovakia (New address) "Some remarks on notaries in the light of Byzantine sources" (Publication in JJP) Dr.S.Darcus, Department of Classics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, Canada (New address) Prof.S.Daris, Piazza Sansovino 2/1, Trieste, Italy} and Signora Daris and Luca Daris (Representative of the Università degli Studi di Trieste) "Nuove riflessioni sul papiro milanese dell1 Athenarum Encomium" 67 Prof.A.Davies, Somerville College, Oxford, England V.Davies Esq., Department of Egyptian Antiquities, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG (New address) Prof.C.Dedoussi, University of Ioannina, Greece "The New Comedy prologue of Pap. Argentor. Gr. 53s its interpretation and authorship" 73 Prof.D.Del Corno, Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy; and Signora Del Corno "La letteratura popolare nei papiri" 79 Dott.L.Del Francia, Università di Roma, Italy Signora A.Dell1 Acqua, Università Cattolica, Milano, Italy; and Sig.Angelo Dell1 Acqua and Sig.Enrico Dell1 Acqua Mlle S.Demougin, 104 rue du Théâtre, Paris, France Prof.V.Den Boer, De Laat de Kanterstraat 15B, Leiden, Holland "Trajan's Deification" 85 Dott.G.Derenzini Maccagni, Università degli Studi, Pisa, Italy; and Signor Maccagni M.J.-D.Dubois, 58 rue Madame, Paris, France "Coptic fragments on N0Y2" 357 (Summary) 28 Mlle F.Dupont, Le Manoir, Yvetot-Bocage, Valognes, France Dr.I.E.S.Edwards, British Museum, London, England Prof.M.A.H.el Abbadi, 27 Abdel Hamid Badawi St., Alexandria, A.R.E. "P.Flor.50 reconsidered" 91 Mme M.H.Eliassen, Universitetet, Oslo, Norway Mrs A.El-Rouby, Wolfson Court, Clarkson Road, Cambridge, England Dr.A.M.Emmett, Macquarie University, Australia; and Mr Emmett and Laurence Emmett "A fourth-century hymn to the Virgin Mary? Psalmus responsorius: P.Barc.l49b - 153" 97 Prof,J.A.S.Evans, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (Representative of the University of British Columbia) Herr M.Fackelmann, Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Vien, Austria Mlle M.Falletti, 51bis rue Hénon, Lyon, France Signorina M.Favini, Università degli Studi, Milano, Italy; and Signorina P.Favini Professor R.O.Fink: see under Woodall Mr B.Fosse, Wiers Jenssensvei 33c, Landaas, Norway; and Mrs Fosse xii Professor W.H.C.Frend, University of Glasgow, Scotland "Some Greek and Latin papyri of the period 50 B.C. - 50 A.D. from Q'asr Ibrim in Nubia" 103 Dr.J.Frosén, Porthania, Helsinki 10, Finland Dr.R.Führer, Schleissheimerstr.186, München, W.Germany Prof.I.Gallo, Corso Garibaldi 148, Salerno, Italy Herr E.Gamillscheg, Universität Wien, Austria M.J.Gascou, I.F.A.O., Cairo, A.R.E. (Representative of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo) "Grandes propriétés et administration municipale à l'époque byzantine" (Publication in JJP) Dr.A.Geissen, Universität zu Köln, Germany Prof.G.Geraci, 3 via De Brocchi, Imola, Italy; and Signora Geraci, Luca Geraci and Claudia Geraci "Nuovi documenti dell' Egitto tolemaico e romano a Bologna" 113 Prof.G.Giangrande, Birkbeck College, London, England "Hypsipyle's children: Bond" (Publication in Museum Philologum Londiniense) Prof,M.Gigante, Via Mezzocannone 16, Napoli, Italy (Representative of the Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti di Napoli) "Philosophia medicans in Filodemo" 121 Prof.J.F.Gilliam, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. (Representative of Columbia University) Dr.K.Godecken, D-2000. Hamburg 64, 10 Updeworth, W.Germany Sr.A.Gonzalez Perez, Bravo Murillo 18, Madrid, Spain "Le lexique des papyrus dans le Dictionnaire Grec-Espagnol" Signorina B.Griletto, Viale Campania 29, Milano, Italy Prof.S.Groll, Department of Egyptology, Wie Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Prof.H.-G.Gundel, Universität Giessen, W.Germany (Representative of the Justus-Liebig-Universität zu Giessen) Dr.D.Hagedorn, Universität zu Köln, Germany Dr.U.Hagedorn, Universität zu Köln, Germany "Beobachtungen zum Gebrauch makedonischer Monatsnamen in römischer Zeit" 127 Prof.E.W.Handley, University College, London, England "Some new fragments of Greek Comedy" 133 Mrs A.E.Hanson, 176 The Western Way, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. "Poll tax in Philadelphia and P.Mich.inv.887" 149 Prof.B.F.Harris, Macquarie University, Australia (Representative of Macquarie University) "Biblical echoes and reminiscences in Christian papyri" 155 Dr.M.Haslam, University College, London, England "Phoenician Women decapitated" I6l Prof.H.Heinen, Universität, Trier, W.Germany Dr.J.Hengstl, Universität, Marburg, W.Germany Dr.H.Hofmann, Kavalleriestr.26, Bielefeld, Germany "A new interpretation of certain aspects in Mehander's Samia" 167 xiii Mr.P.Hohti, Kangaspellontie 5B, Helsinki, Finland Dr.L.Holford-Strevens, 115 Kingston Road, Oxford, England Herr R,Hühner, Universität zu Köln, Germany Dr.W.Huss, Geschw.-Scholl-Pl.l, München, Germany ìtoie G.Husson, 1 rue Gerson, Mont St.Aignan, France; and M.Emmanuel Husson "Un sens méconnu de SupCç et de fenestra" 177 Prof.J.Irigoin, 132 av. Victor Hugo, Paris, France "Nouvelles techniques applicables à l'étude du livre de papyrus" (With J,-N.Barrandon and G.Schiffmâcher) (Read by Prof,J,Scherer) 7 Dr.S.F.Johanson, University of Richmond, Va.23173, U.S.A.

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