• DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. WORCESTER. 1079 COMBBRTON, GREAT-Hopkins, frolD 'Coventry Arms,' REDDITCH-Hicks, from' Old Greyhonnd,' wed. &sat. at 3 wed. &: sat. at 4 RIPPLE-Tomkins, from' Old Greyhound,' sat. at 4 COMBERTON, LITTLE-Fletcller, frolD 'Old Greyhound,' ROUSELENCH-J. Green, from' Talbot,' Sidbury, wed. & sat. at 4 sat. at 4 CRADLEY-Davis, from' Pheasant,' daily at 6; PanteIl, SALE GREEN-Hughes, from 'Old Greyhound,' wed. & from' Goldeu Lion,' sat. at 4 sat. at 4 CRowLE-Davis, from' Old Greyhound,' sat. at 4; Kings, SALWARPE-Munslow, from' Holly Bush,' sat. at 5 from' Fish,' wed. &: sat. at 4 SAPEY-Freeman, from Honess's, Nicholas street, sat. at DEFPoRD-Cockbill, from Union inn, Union st. sat. at 4 4; Barnett, tram Bridge inn, sat. at 2 DROITwIcH-Langford, from 'Horn & Trumpet,' mono SAPEY (LowER)-Danton, from' Peacock,' Trinity, wed. wed. & sat. at 3.30; Hicks, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. at 3, sat. at 3.30 & sat. at 4; Hunnybull, from 'Old Peacock,' wed. & SEVERN STOKE-Pitt, from' Pack Horse,' sat. at 4; Tom­ sat. at 4 kins, from 'Old Greyhouud,' sat. at 4; Colwell, from ECKINGToN-Hawkes, from' Old Peacock,' sat. at 4 , King's Head,' Sidbury, wed. & sat. at 4 ELMLEY CAsTLE-Rogers, from' C<Wentry Arms,' sat.at 4 SHELsLEY-Barley, from Worthington's, The Butts, sat. EVEsHAM-Russell, from' White Hart,' wed. & sat. at 4 ; at3 Faulkner, from' Horse & Jockey,' wed. & sat. at 4; SHRAwLEY-Bunce, from' Horn & Trumpet,' wed. & sat. King's, from' Fish,' wed. & Sftt. at 4 at 4; Knight, from' Swan with Two Necks,' sat. at,'); FECKENHAM-Hicks, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. Goodman, from' Horn & Trumpet,' wed. & sat. at 4 at 4 STANFoRD-George Haires, from' Holly Bush,' sat. at 4; FLADBuRY-Hundley, from' Golden Lion,' wed.& sat.at 4 Perry, from' Old Greyhound,' flat. at 4 FLYPORD FLAVEL-Hluck, from' Coventry Arms,' sat. at STIFFORD'S BRIDGE-Davis, from' Pheasant,' New st. 4; Clarke, from 'Coventry Arms,' sat. at 4; Ewins, daily at 6 from 'Talbot,' sat. at 4 STOCK GREEN-Bredon, from 'Old Greyhound,' wed. & FROOME'S HILL-Daves, from 'Pheasant/ daily at 6; sat. at 4; Hughl:'s, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. at Firkins, from' Reindeer,' wed. & sat. at 3 4: Baker, from Pheasant inn, New street, sat. at 4 GRAFTON-Hul{hes, from' OldGreyhound,' wed. &sat.at 4 STOUJ.ToN-Reeves, from' Fish inn,' Friar st. wed. & sat. GKIMLEY & HALLow-Gornm, from' Horn & Trumpet,' at 4 mono wed. & sat. at 4; Tyler, from • Horn & 'l'rumpet,' STOURPORT-Hoclges, from 'Horn & Trumpet,' Angel wed. & sat. at 4 street, mall. wed. & E;at. at 4, calls at' Queen's Ht'ad,' H\NBuRY-Hunnybun, from' Old Peacock,' wed. & sat. Tything; Davis, from' Peacock,' Trinity, man. wed. & at 5; Hicks, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. at 4; sat. at 4, calls at ' Queen's Head,' & 'George & Dra~on,' }Ioore, from' Plough,' wed. & sat. at 3.30 Tything, at 4.30 HANLEY CASTLE-~criven, fi'om ' Plough,' wed. & sat. at STRENSHAM-Long, from' Coventry Arms,' Friar street, 3; Kent, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. at 4 sat. at 4 HUL CROoME-Tomkins, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & STUDLEy-Hicks, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. &sat. at 4 sat. at 3.30; Smith, from' Coventry Arms,' sat. at 4 SUCKLEY-Walker, from 'Reindeer,' wed. & sat. at 3; HIMBLETON-Hughes, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. Davis, from' Pheasant,' wed. & sat. at 2; Packwood, from at 4; Bredon, from' Old Greyhound,' sat. at 4 'Golden Lion: sat. at3; Walton, from' Hope& Anchor,' HOLT-Gomm, from' Horn & Trumpet,' man. wed. & sat. wed. &sat. at 4; Box, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. at 4 at4 HUDDINGTON-Hughes, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & TENBURY BROADHEATH-Barnett, from 'Brioge inn,' sat. at 4 sat. at 4 INKBERRow-Marshall, from 'Kin~'s Head,' wed. & sat. TIBBERTON-Hod~es, from 'Plou~h,' Silver street, sat. at 4; Smith, from, 'Coventry Arms,' sat. at. 4; Bluck, at 4; Hughes, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. & sat. at 4 from' Coventry Arms,' sat. at 4 TWINNING-Passey, from' Horse & Jockey,' sat. at 4 KEYPSEY-I,ampitt, from' White Hart,' wed. at 4, sat. UPToN-oN-SEvERN-Parcel Mail Cart, daily, from Pack­ at 5; Gammond, from' Coventry Arms,' daily, at 4 man's, Corn Market; Pitt, from 'Pack Horse,' wed. & KI~GTON-Ryland, from' Coventry Arms,' sat. at 4 sat. at 4 ; Griffin, from' Old Greyhound,' wed. &sat. at 4 ; KINNERSLEY-Castle, from' Reindeer,' wed. & sat. at 3 Colwell, from' King's Head,' Sidbllry, wed. & sat. at 4; KNIGHTWICK-Lloyd, from' Boar's Head,' wed.& sat.at 4 Wiimore, from Angel ho~el, Sidbllry, wed. & sat. at 4 LEIGH & LEIGH SINToN-Packwood, from 'Golden UPTON SNODSBURY-Smlth, from • Coventry Arms,' sat. tion,' sst. at 3; Pantell, from 'Golden Lion.' sat. at 4 at 4; Bluck, from' Coventry Arms,' wed. & sat. at 4 LONDoN-Sutton & Co. (parcels), from 17 New street, WELLAND-Hodges, from ' Plou~h,' sat. at 3.30; Green, daily; J. Sprang, agent from' Boar's Head,' wed. & sat. at 4 LULsLEY-Banner, from' Boar's Hearl,' wed. & sat. at 4 WHITBOURNE-Timms, from' Boar's Head,' wed. & sat. ~IALvERN-Dawes, from' Pheasant! daily, at 6; Parcel at 4; Bradbourne, from' Hope & Anchor,' wed. & sat. .Mail Cart, Packman's, Corn market, daily; Moseley, at 4 from 'Royal George,' HyIton l!ltreet, sat. at 4; Webb, WICHENFoRD-Tyler, from' Horn &Trumpet,' wed. & sat. trom 'Rising- Sun,' Bank street. !cat. at :>; Hare, from at 4 , Horn & Trumpet,' sat. at 3.30 WITLEY-Gomm, from' Horn & Trumpet,' Angel street, MALVERN WEsT-Webb, from' Rising Sun,' Bank street, mono wed. & sat. at 4 sat. at 5 WooDHAMPToN-Davis, from' Horn & Trumpet,' wed. & ~IARTLEY-Barndt, from Bridge inn, sat. at 4.30; Row­ sat. at 3 lev, from' Green Drag-on,' Newport street, man. wed. & @at.at4; Tyler, from' Horn & Trumpet,' wed. & sat. at4 CARRIERS BY WATER. l!ATHoN-PanteIl, from' Golden Lion,' sat. at 4 . The Severn ~ Canal Carrying Shipping ~ Steam N~YNTON BEAUCHAMP- Stephens, from ~ Red. LIOn,' I Towing Co ' ::Sldbury, sat. at 3; G. Clarke, from Talbot If\n, Sldbury, BIRMINGHAM-Needham & Walker Lowesmoor daih- sat. at 4 ., 'd BRISTOL. GLOUCESTER, NEWPORT,' CARDIFF,,.~WAN· OLD HILLs-SmIth, from ,Phea~ant, w~ . & sat. at 4 . SEA, CORK, HEREFORD, BIRMINGHAM, STOUR- O'lBERSLEY-~ane, from. P~ck. Horse, wed.& sat. at 5, BRIDGE, WOLVERHAMPTON, & other places in tht> Powell. from Golden LIOn, High street, wed. & sat. at Midland & Western Counties & South Wales 4, calls at 'George & Dragon'; Nutt, from • Pack HOf8C,' man. wed. & sat. at 4; Rhodes & SYlchampton, COACHES FROM WORCESTER. from 'Three Tuns,' wed. & sat. at 4; Evam, from Green I Dragon inn, sat. at 4; Green, from Green Dragon imf, CLIFTON-ON-TEME-Smith's van, from • Ro)al Georg-e,' 1st. at 4 sat. at 4.30 p.m PEoPLBToN-Ganderton, from' Union,' wed. & sat. at 4 HUNDRED HOUSE-Omnibus, from' Pack Hor8C,' wed~ & PERSHoRE-Kings, from' Fish,' wed. & sat. at 4 ; Hopkins, sat. at 4.30 p.m from' Coventry Arms,' wed. & sat. at 4; Pratt, from KEMPsEY-Omnibus, from' Talhot,' j;at. at 1 & 6 p.m Union inn, Union street, sat. at 4 OMBERsLEy-Omnibus, from' Pack Horse,' sat. at 4 p.m PIRToN-Hampton, from' Talbot,' Sidbury, wed. & sat. UPToN-oN-SEVERN-Angel, sat. at 4 p.m at 4 WITLEY-Omnibus, from' Pack Horse,' wed. & sat. at POwICK-Kent, from' Horse & Jockey,' wed. & eat. at3.30 4.30 p.m PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Abell W. Clemens, 4 Rainbow Hill ter Aldridge William, 2 Brunswick terrace, Abel Mrs. 18 81. George'e equare Adcock Richard, Lansdowne road Malvern road Abell Martin, Bankcross AdlamJsph. Shrub Hill villa, Shrub hI Alforth Matthew, 2 Oak villas, Bri­ AbeD Mrs. Fair view, Battenhall road AdJington Rev. John, St. John's tannia square.
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