LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS Selected and prepared by THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION VOLUME XI LONDON PUBLISHED FOR THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 194.9 Price 5s. ad. net - ---- --- LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS I SELECTED A~ PREPARED BY THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION One of the aims of this series of Reports is to relate in summary form the course of the most important of the proceedings taken against persons accused of committing war crimes during the Second World War, apart from the major war criminals tried by the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals, but including those tried by United States Military Tribunals at Nuremberg. Of necessity, the trials reported in these volumes are examples only, since the trials conducted before the various Allied Courts number well over a thousand. The trials selected for reporting, however, are those which are thought to be of the greatest interest legally and in which important points of municipal and international law arose and were settled. Each report, however, contains not only the outline of the proceedings in the trial under review, but also, i?- a separate section headed" Notes on the Case ", such comments of an explanatory nature on the legal matters arising in that trial which it has been thought useful to include. These notes provide also, at suitable points, general summaries and analyses of the decisions of the courts on specific points of law derived primarily from a study of relevant trials already reported upon in the series. Furthermore, the volumes include, where necessary, Annexes on municipal war crimes laws, their aim being to explain the law on such matters as the legal basis and jurisdiction, composition and rules of procedure on the war crime courts of those countries before whose courts the trials reported upon in the various volumes were held. Finally, each volume includes a Foreword by Lord Wright of Durley, Chairman of the United Nations War Crimes Commission. continued inside back cover LAW REPORTS OF TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS Selected and prepared by THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION Volume XI PROPERTY OF U. S. ARMY TJ.lE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S SCJ.lOOL LIBRARY LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR 'THE UNITED NATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1949 CONTENTS PAGE FOREWORD BY THE RT. HON. THE LORD WRIGHT OF DURLEY viii THE CASES:­ 59. TRIAL OF TANABE KOSHIRO Netherlands Temporary Court-Martial, Macassar (5th. February, 1947). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 1 . 1. THE CHARGES 1 2. FACTS AND EVIDENCE 1 3. THE JUDGMENT 2 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 2 1. The NATURE OF THE OFFENCES 2 2. VALIDITY OF RULES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN DUTCH LEGISLATION. 3 3. EVIDENCE OF THE ACCUSED'S PERSONAL GUILT.. 4 4. DECREE OF THE ACCUSED'S RESPONSffiILITY 4 60. TRIAL OF MARTIN GOTTFRIED WEISS AND THIRTY-NINE OTHERS General Military Government Court of the United States Zone, Dachau, Germany (15th November-13th December, 1945). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 5 1. THE CHARGES 5 2. EVIDENCE FOR THE PROSECUTION .. 5 (i) General Conditions in the Camp .. 5 (ii) Organisation and Responsibility of the Accused in Running the Camp 6 (iii) Specific instances of Ill-treatment and Killings ., 7 3. EVIDENCE FOR THE DEFENCE 7 4. FINDINGS AND SENTENCES 8 iii (87288) A2 iv CONTENTS PAGE B. NOTES ON THE CASE 8 1. QUESTIONS OF JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE 8 (i) Jurisdiction .. .. 8 (ii) Definiteness ofthe Charges 10 (iii) Motion for Severance of the Charges 11 (iv) Witnesses' Immunity from Testifying in War Crime Trials 11 (v) The Right of Cross Examination if the Accused makes an Unsworn Statement .. 12 2. QUESTIONS OF SUBSTANTIVE LAW 12 (i) Common Design 12 (a) The Evidence Necessary to Establish Common Design 12 (b) Nature and Definition of" Common Design" .. 14 (ii) Special Findings of Group Criminality and Subsequent Proceedings Against Members of the Group .. 16 61. TRIAL OF GENERALOBERST NICKOLAUS VON FALKENHORST British Military Court, Brunswick (29th July-2nd August, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 18 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 23 1. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHARGE SHEET .. 23 2. THE DEFENCE OF SUPERIOR ORDERS 24 3. COMMANDO OPERATIONS AND SABOTEURS 27 4. THE ISSUING OF AN ILLEGAL ORDER WITH NO PROOF OF COMPLIANCE .. 29 5. THE POSITION OF THE DEFENDANT AS COMMANDER-IN-CamF, NORWAY 29 6. DENIAL OF QUARTER 29 62. TRIAL OF MAX WIELEN AND 17 OTHERS British Military Court, Hamburg, Germany (lst July-3rd September, 1947). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS ',' 31 1. THE COURT 31 2. THE CHARGES 31 3. THE CASE FOR THE PROSECUTION .. 33 4. THE CASE FOR THE DEFENCE 36 5. SUMMING UP OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE 39 6. FINDING AND SENTENCE ON CHARGES (i) AND (ii) 40 CONTENTS V PAGE 7. EVIDENCE ON CHARGES (iii)-(ix) .. 40 (i) The Saarbriicken Gestapo Case (Killing of Squadron Leader Bushell, RA.F., and Pilot Officer Scheidhauer, RA.F.) 40 (ii) The Strasbourg Gestapo Case (Killing of Flight Lieutenant Hayter, RA.F.) 41 (iii) The Karlsruhe Gestapo Case (Killing of Flying, Officer Cochran, RA.F.) 41 (iv) The Munich Gestapo Case (Killing of Lieut. Stevens and Lieut. Gouws, S.A.A.F.) 42 (v) The Kie1 Gestapo Case (Killing of Pilot Officer Espelid, RA.F., Flight Lt. Christensen, RN.Z.A.F., Pilot Officer Fug1esang, R.N.Z.A.F., and Squadron Leader Catanach, D.F.C., R.A.A.F.) . 42 (vi) The Case of the Zlin Frontier Police (Killing of Flying Officer Kidder, RC.A.F., and Squadron Leader Kirby-Green, RA.F.) 44 8. FINDINGS ON CHARGES (iii)-(ix) 44 9. SENTENCES ON CHARGES (iii)--(ix) . 44 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 45 1. THE JOINT CHARGES 45 2. THE PLEA OF SUPERIOR ORDERS .. 46 3. THE PLEA OF DtJREss 47 4. THE LLANDOVERY CASTLE CASE. 47 (i) The Facts 48 (ii) The Plea of Superior Orders 48 (iii) Absence of Mens Rea as a Defence 48 (iv) The Defence of puress 49 5. THE DEFENCE OF LEGALITY UNDER MUNICIPAL LAW:-THE CONFLICT BETWEEN MUNICIPAL LAW AND INTERNATIONAL LAW .. 50 6. THE ABSENCE OF MENS REA AS A DEFENCE 50 7. CIVILIANS AS WAR CRIMINALS 51 " 8. CORROBORATION .. 51 9. VOLUNTARY NATURE OF CONFESSIONS 52 vi CONTENTS PAGE 63. TRIAL OF LIEUTENANT-GENERAL KURT MAELZER United States Military Commission, Florence, Italy (9th-14th September, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 53 1. THE CHARGE 53 2. THE EVIDENCE 53 3. FINDINGS AND SENTENCES 53 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 53 1. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT 53 2. INFRINGEMENT OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION ... 54 64. TRIAL OF LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BABA MASAO Australian Military Court, Rabaul, (28th May-2nd June, 1947) A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 56 1. THE CHARGE 56 2. THE EVIDENCE 56 3. THE FINDINGS AND SENTENCE 56 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 57 1. RESPONSIBILITY OF A COMMANDER FOR CRIMES COMMITTED BY TROOPS UNDER HIS COMMAND '.. 57 2. MENS REA .. 60 3. AFFIDAVIT EVIDENCE 60 4. THE BINDING FORCE OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION 60 65. TRIAL OF TANAKA CHUICm AND TWO OTHERS Australian Military Court, Rabaul, 12th July, 1946. A.. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 62 1. THE CHARGE 62 2. THE EVIDENCE 62 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 62 66. TRIAL OF FRANZ SCHONFELD AND NINE OTHERS British Military Court, Essen (1 Ith-26th June, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 64 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 68 1. THE COMPLICITY OF ROESENER, SCHWANZ AND CREMER IN THE OFFENCE 68 2. THE LAW APPLIED BY THE COURT .. 72 3. THE STATUS OF THE VICTIMS 73 CONTENTS vii PAGE 67. TRIAL OF JOHANNES OENNING AND EMIL NIX British Military Court, Borken, Germany (21st and 22nd December, 1945). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 74 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 74 1. THE LEGAL BASIS OF THE CHARGE 74 2. EXTENT OF COMPLICITY IN WAR CRIMES .. 75 68. TRIAL OF HANS RENOTH AND THREE OTHERS British Military Court, Elten, Germany (8th-10th JanuarY,1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 76 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 76 1. THE NATURE OF THE OFFENCE ALLEGED .. 76 2. THE DEFENCE OF SUPERIOR ORDERS 77 3. FURTHER ApPLICATION OF RULES OF PROCEDURE 40 (C) AND 41 (A) 78 4. ADMISSmILITY OF UNAUTHENTICATED AFFIDAVITS 78 69. TRIAL OF ARNO HEERING British Military Court, Hanover (25th-26th January, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS .. 79 B. NOTES ON THE NATURE OF THE OFFENCE ALLEGED .. 79 70. TRIAL OF WILLI MACKENSEN British Military Court, Hanover (28th January, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 81 B. NOTES ON THE PLEA OF GUILTY ., 81 71. TRIAL OF EBERHARD SCHOENGRATH AND SIX OTHERS British Military Court, Burgsieinfurt, Germany (7th-11th February, 1946). A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 83 B. NOTES ON THE CASE 83 1. STATEMENTS MAY BE PUT IN WITHOUT PROOF OF CAUTION ADMINISTERED ' 83 2. A SUBMISSION BY THE DEFENCE OF No CASE TO ANSWER .. 84 3. CRoss-EXAMINATION OF AN ACCUSED REGARDING OfFENCES N9T MENTIONED IN THE CHARGE .. 84 ANNEX. NETHERLANDS LAW CONCERNING TRIALS OF WAR CRIMINALS 86 FOREWORD The trials reported in this volume have the common feature that they deal with offences against prisoners of war. Offences of that class may seem to involve a departure from the old, simple idea of war crimes, that is, crImes committed in the actual operations of war, battle invasion or the like, but since the Geneva Conventions the rights of prisoners of war to fair treatment and the obligations of the belligerent forces to give effect to these rights have been established, and they are indeed an important branch of the law relating to crimes, and crimes which obviously fall within the category of war crimes.
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