• ^^yp'z^ .-•7, ,-• v ;/'V ' v «- •••:' -r"i? i~: -> CHRQNICLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBi» 16, 1DM Shop and Buy in ?i> Cranford 7f*» •.»**• WHEN YOU PATRONIZE STORES GARWOOD KENILWORTH Vol._LXI. No. 48. : EntrrrtJ nM urond clnvv m^ii nuttt-r til • - ISSUING •.'./• \ - •• =4= CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY,^ DECEMBER 22, 1954 Thr Pout Officr at Cranford, N. J. 26 Pages — 10 Cents Two Teacher Early publication Again Next Week Conrnnunity Groups Coapmattiig to MakeReport Gives Resignations Tfie Citizen and Chronicle will", United FundDAve be published Wednesday mdrn- Miracle of Christmas Come True for AltWater Plan in« next week instead of-Thurs- Police'Sijt. William J. Gassmnnn, Ac< day. •-•"'• who for years has served a:; Cran- Deadlines for news* items and ford's official Santa Claus. reports Timetable Exceeds Its Gci The resignations of two elemen- advertisements for the Decem- Santa Will Be in Town Again Tonight umers tary teachers were accepted last that he is having the busiest sea- A draft ofjh'e report of .Malcolm The 1!)54 goal of $20,000 set by the^ Cranford United Fund ber 2!) issue, in order to insure night by the Board of Education son ever this year, and his reports Pirnie Engineers of New York on campaign lias been exceeded, Harry T. Sutherlin, executive chairrnan publication, have been advanced" of a new hi^h in Christmas spirit , at a meeting in Cleveland School, ffll detailed stud.y of the dislri.butio.il for this year's drive, today announced. '• ' . ' ~* and a secretary for the guidance are borne out by the activities of ! The1 annual drive help's to support the Cranford Welfare Asso-" -Church news, 9 a.m^ Monday. local individuals and organfc'a- ; •jysteft) * of the Plainfield-Union department of Cranford High Clubs and organizations (ex- Water Company conducted by the ciation, Cranford Visiting Nurse Association and Boy and Girl Scouts. School was appointed. tion";, many of them workinj; : ccpt^those meeting Monday and through-.the Cranford Welfare As- i engiileeriiiu firm lor the- Inlei- While exceeding the goal, the The resignation ofMrs. Lynorc Tuesday) Mondity inorninK. soeiation and the Department of • Muhicipal Writer Committee .was drive »rraeh<:d $20,000 by the nar- ; • A~ gheehon, • a second , grade , Pictures,! M«>n(layi,noon. Welfate. uimed at m»kin£ : sure ] ai'ceptcd;'"' subject i to "'suggested teacher in Cleveland School, is lowest o1 margins.', The Jotal col-( Classified advertisements, 10 that everyone, young or old, rich changes, at a meeting of the School ing Stamps .effective as of the first of the year. a.m.' Tuesday. lected was $20,033.06. In thu 18 or poor, has a brighter and hap- group's executive committee in the She cite,d-home responsibilities as Food store advertisements, pier holiday than ever ^before! districts throughout thp town, the the reason for leaving the Cran- Wcstfield in u n i e i p a 1 building Ceremonies Tu'-'sday morning. campaign netted $1SV-Ol3.96. The RUMDREDS ford school .system: Santa Holds Court • . • Thursday night. Late news items will be ac- repiaindcr of $5^02.0 came from Mrs. Blanche Virsoco, kinder- Santa, who has been holding •JviavOr Fred P. Andersen, a rnem- ct'|)ted on Tuesday. .....;.- :&r- l»tal—organza-—4? fjaftcn teacher at Brookside Place in"Kis traitfc)r Wnrf- TJeT Begin Today Cooperation - of organization TnT rxpeuuvi! connTnTrnxr, With a- cyrjjergtone - laying' School, will leave the school sys- Office under sponsorship of the said the report presents a. complete out-of-town businesses and publicity chairmen anil adver- ceremony-this morning at- 10:30 trm on or before February' 6 to tisers in getting their ccpy in as Cranford Business Association, survey of physical improvements employes of -Western Electric^ will conduct last-minute .confer- at the Brookside Place School,! loin her husband, who has been early as possible for next week's N necessary to bring PlainfU'ld- Kearny. These Cranford Stores Issue Consumers Green Trading Stamps ences with his young friends on the Board of Education will begin ' assigned to Fort Benning, Ga., by issue will be. appreciated. Union's distribution system up to Albert. E. Johnson, president of the Army. the subject of "what I Want for required standards to eliminate a series . of thru'.' events in "con- ' the Citizen and Chronicle of-' nection with the opening of its the United Fund, today- 'expressed Hired as >secretary for the high Christmas" from 7 to 9 o'clock tor water shortages and low pressure In Appreciation of Your Valued Patronage (lee will be closed all day Fri- two new elementary schools. his appreciation to Mr. Kutherlin school guidance department was days, December 24 and 31. night. He will distribute gifts to reas.and also a detailed and com- all the children calling on hint, end i plete plan siiHfjesting not only im- Following today's program, a and to the many other workers Mrs. Charles.Mott of 7 Wobdlawn who combined to maki. the drive START TODAY! CONSUMERS PROFIT SHARING WAY! j.venue. Dr. Howard R. Best,_sup- there will be a photographer on', provements but also the chronolo- dedication ceremony for -1 h e hand to take pictures which par~! gical order in which they should Brookside place buildinK an<l the successful. Mr. Johnson also ex- crintendent of schools, said this is : be made. tended his appreciation to the a new position. Christmas cnts may purchase if they wish. Walnut Avenue School will be One of the highlights on Santa's i ~"The report in its final form was held January 13 nt the WainvTt businesses whit'tt contributed in No appointments were made to schedule this wetrk a-;is his ap- to be delivered to representatives uvenue structure, to be followed specjal ways to the campaign.- • lill the' two vacancies. Mailing Rush pearance Monday night at a party of all communities affiliated with the next day by a cornerstone lay- It was announced by. Mr. John- M.' L. Taliafcrro, chairman of the h«;ld by the Lions Club for 40 un- the Inter-Municipal Committee ing event for that building. • son that the annual meeting of the teachers.' committee, "reports that derprivileged children • at the this week, after which it will, be Under the direction of the stu- fund will be held in March to hear , a new third, grade class in Walnut Sets Records -presented to the ,committee as a a- full repo'rt on the campaign as ' Praising the -efficient- handling Coach and Four. Gifts were pre- -whole at a meeting-schediiU'd for dents of the school, today':; pro- Avenue School will not be formed sented to the guests of honor and «ram will consist primarily of var- well as one on the financial status until a teacher can be hired,' It of the^ huge volume of mail by January 18. .' regular workers and c x t-r a refreshments were served. Dr. ious '.speakers -including Mayor «>.i the organization. At the same 'wiis originally planned to split one George Angen was in charpe 'of With the olh<T members of'Hie Fred P. Andersen, Dr. Howard R. meeting, off.icer-"' s .wil"l Lb e •-•--«—elected• . Paul's DelicatesseJ Cranford Variety Store Martin Jewelers »1' the third grade classes in the helpers. Postmaster Arthur F, executive c o m m it 1 e e, Mayor The date of' the annual meeting Baron's Drug Store Metz reported today that this arrangements, and other members Charles P. Railev of Westfii-lrl »>>^ Best; superintendent of schools, ntfw school after the first of the of the club present to help the nno' Louis G. Troutmnn, president will be announced later, Mr, John- year. Christmas Reason has broken all Maytir CarlyleCrane of Plainfield. son .said. records for incoming and outgoing children enjoy themselves were leaving their municipal offices at «»f.-the Board of Education. Sixth' 1 Mr. Johnson congratulated the Groceries -"-: Cold Cuts — Soda '. Toys. Games. Dry Goods Prescriptions, Drugs. Cosmetics Jewelry, Watches, Repairs mail at the- Cranford Post Office Albert J. Davies, president; Police the clrtsi of thi' year. Mayor An- grade students will speak . on Capt. Lester W. Powell; Manning topics which will spell out Brook- residents of CYanford -for achiev- v . • From December ' 10 to Monday dersen will, be the only remaining Warning inclusive, the postmaster reported Rowitz, Robert Gooilrich,. Henry member of the group's, executive side School. ' ing another successful campaign. there were 562,830 cancellations Lovett, Arthur Williams. Robert committee ami it.is expected that A highlight of. the prograijjwill Collections by districts follow: 5 EASTMAN ST. CRANFORD 34 EASTMAN ST. AVE, W. CRANFORD CRAWFORD 27 NO. UNION AVE. CRANFORD or 36,052 more tha.n last year's Connors and August Tlicrmann. Jr a reo'rgiinziatinn and election of a be the 'presentation of an Ameri- District Amount On Toys figure of 526,778 for the same new executive committee will.take can Hag to the school by Mrs. V. 1 $ 453.55 , Theatre o place at th<- January moetine. Leroy BrinkerhotT, president of the In issuing a plea today to local period. Santa Claus also" will be pres- 2 ' 585.00 Lynn Shaheen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Shaheen Mayor AruicW-n said it was. de- Ladies' Auxiliary of Capt. Newell 3 ,. 1.816.50 residents to. taKe proper precau- During the . 10-day period the ent as the Lions Club entertains V tions in purchase and use of holi- of 182 Locust drive, is shown having a confidential chat with cided Thursday night that contin- Hodney F'iske Post 335, Veterans -4 1,000.75 local office handled 223 more bags an..expected.
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