Leopard Stuart G Porter / Shutterstock G Porter Stuart נמר Leopard Namer The Leopards of Israel ִא ִּתי ִמ ְּל ָבנוֹן ַּכ ָּלה ִא ִּתי ִמ ְּל ָבנוֹן ָּת ִבוֹאי ָּתׁש ּוִרי ֵמרֹ ׁאש ֲא ָמ ָנה ֵמרֹ ׁאש NATURAL HISTORY ְׂש ִניר ְו ֶחְרמוֹן ִמ ְּמעֹנוֹת ֲאָריוֹת ֵמ ַהְרֵרי ְנ ֵמִרים׃ שיר השירים פרק ד The strikingly beautiful leopard is the most widespread of all the big cats. It lives in a variety of habitats in much of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. In former times, leop- be man-eaters in other parts of the world, and are hunted ards were abundant throughout Israel, especially in the as a result. In the first decade of the twentieth century, at hilly and mountainous regions: least five leopards were killed in between Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh; one of them badly mauled a person after With me from Lebanon, O bride, come with me from being shot.3 The last specimen was killed by a shepherd Lebanon, look from the peak of Amana, from the peak near Hanita in 1965.4 Another leopard subspecies that lived of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the in the area was the Sinai leopard, Panthera pardus jarvus. It mountains of leopards. (Song. 4:8). was hunted by the Bedouin upon whose goats it preyed, The leopard of the mountains was the Anatolian leop- and is now extinct. ard, Panthera pardus tulliana, which was found in much of Today, the Arabian leopard, Panthera pardus nimr, is the hilly regions of Israel. After the 1834 Arab pogrom in the only subspecies of leopard to be found in Israel. It is Safed, leopards moved into the destroyed town.1 The Ana- one of the smallest subspecies of leopards, we ighing only tolian leopard was still recorded in the Carmel region in up to about seventy pounds. The Arabian leopard usually 1866,2 and was found in the Galilee until as recently as the preys on ibex and hyrax, and rarely attacks livestock. But 1960s. These were one of the largest subspecies of leopards, it, too, faces extinction. Some leopards of this subspecies weighing up to 170 pounds, and preying on wild boar, por- formerly inhabited the popular Ein Gedi area, and learned cupines, hyrax, and livestock. They were also undoubtedly that an easy source of food was to be found in the dogs dangerous to humans; leopards of this size are known to and cats of the local kibbutz. As a result, two females were 1212 EYAL BARTOV EYAL ְו ַק ּל ּו ִמ ְּנ ֵמִרים ּסו ָסיו ְו ַח ּד ּו ִמְזּ ֵא ֵבי ֶﬠֶרב ּו ָפ ׁש ּו ָּפָר ׁ ָשיו ּו ָפָר ׁ ָשיו ֵמָרחוֹק trapped and taken into captivity, causing the collapse of ָיבֹ ּאו ָי ֻﬠ ּפו ְּכ ֶנׁ ֶשר ָח ׁש ֶל ֱאכוֹל׃ -the leopard population in that area. A DNA study of leop חבקוק פרק א:ח ard droppings, performed in 2006, showed an estimated population size of just five males and three females of the Arabian leopard in the Negev and Judean desert regions. Their horses are lighter thannemerim . (Hab. 1:8) The chances of encountering a leopard in Ein Gedi today The description of the horses tells us that the namer is are so slim that, on the sign warning visitors about leop- a creature that is renowned for being “light.” The defini- ards, somebody once scribbled, “Watch out for polar bears tion of this is a little difficult to pinpoint with accuracy. It too!” could mean “agile.” Leopards are certainly very agile crea- There are also some names of places in Scripture that tures, able to lightly bound up trees and pounce on their are derived from the leopard. There was a fortified city of prey. However, it more likely means “swift.” Leopards are the Tribe of Gad named Nimrah (leopardess),5 and there very fast over short distances; they catch their prey either was a region in Moab referred to as Nimrim (leopards).6 by ambush or by stalking it to within a close range and The Talmud refers to cities named Namer and Nameri.7 then making a very short and fast rush. But this descrip- With regard to names of people, Nimrod’s name may relate tion would certainly far better apply to the cheetah. The to the leopard; but although the lion, bear, and wolf have cheetah, which is described more thoroughly in the fol- long been popular as Jewish names (Aryeh, Dov and Zev), lowing chapter, is able to run much faster than the leopard, the leopard has never received such an honor.8 This may reaching speeds of up to seventy miles an hour over short be because naming people after animals was a European distances. custom, and leopards were absent from Europe. The name namer could not refer exclusively to cheetahs; there are references to the namer that do not match the Leopards, Tigers, and Cheetahs Identification cheetah at all. As we shall see later, the Mishna describes the namer as being brazen, which can only refer to the leop- There is both a strong tradition and clear evidence that the ard; cheetahs, being relatively weak animals, are wary and namer of Scripture (pronounced nah-mehr) is the leopard. shy. It seems most likely that the term namer is a generic This animal is often cited in Scripture as one of the great term for both leopards and cheetahs. The very name of predators in the Land of Israel, along with lions, bears, and the leopard in Hebrew appears to refer to the variegated wolves, which is indeed the status of the leopard. The coat coloring of its coat, which would also be applicable to the of the namer is described as spotted; as we shall see later, cheetah. The Mishna uses the termhamenamer to describe perhaps “blotched” is a more accurate translation, and this someone who sows his field in uneven patches, which is perfectly describes the leopard. There is also evidence for explained to be based on the word namer: the leopard from cognate languages; in Akkadian and Ara- bic, the leopard is known as nimr (plural, nimrin). The Ara- “Hamenamer” – that he sows in various places in the field, maic name for the leopard is nimra. like the appearance of the skin of a leopard, which is However, today there is some confusion regarding spotted. (Rambam, commentary to MishnaPe’ah 3:211) the term namer. Beginning in at least the nineteenth cen- tury, and possibly earlier, the word namer was commonly understood to refer to the tiger.9 Illustrations of the Mish- na’s maxim that one should be “as bold as a namer” some- times depict a tiger instead of a leopard. Even in Modern Hebrew today, the word namer is often used for the tiger, despite the fact that tigris is the more correct term.10 How- ever, tigers are natives of central and eastern Asia and are not found anywhere near the Land of Israel. They would not therefore be the subject of discussion in Scripture. There is one reference to thenamer in Scripture that might not refer to the leopard. It occurs in the context of a prophecy describing the terror of the Chaldeans: DR. JEFFREY M. LEVINE 13 In the historic Rymanow synagogue, the namer is This Arabian leopard is poised on a hill in the Judaean Desert illustrated as a tiger instead of a leopard is used elsewhere to refer to a stain.12 Others relate it to ֲה ַי ֲהפֹ ְך ּכ ּו ׁ ִשי עוֹרוֹ ְו ָנ ֵמר ֲח ַבְר ֻּברֹ ָתיו ַּגם ַא ֶּתם ּת ּו ְכ ּלו ְל ֵה ִיטיב ִל ֻּמֵדי ָהֵר ﬠ׃ the term chabura, “wound,” and explain that it refers to the ירמיה יג:כג mark left by a wound.13 Thus, this particular verse seems to specifically refer to the bruise-like blotching of the leopard Cheetahs and leopards are basically similar in terms rather than the more perfect circular spots that a cheetah of their coloration; although cheetahs have spots and possesses. leopards have blotchy markings, both would certainly be described as variegated in their coloration. However, it is The Greek Leopard interesting to note the wording of the famous verse that Symbolism refers to the leopard’s markings: One of the most intriguing appearances of the leopard in Can the Cushite change his skin, or the leopard his Scripture is in a prophetic vision of Daniel: blotches (chavarburotav)? So too, can you, in whom Daniel told the following: “In my vision at night, I saw evil is ingrained, do good? (Jer. 13:23) the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea. Four The word used to describe the leopard’s markings,cha- mighty beasts, each different from the other, emerged varburotav, is conventionally translated as “spots,” but this from the sea. The first was like a lion . and behold, is not a precise translation. Amongst the traditional com- another beast, a second one, similar to a bear. After- mentators, some translate chavarburotav as ketem, which wards I beheld, and there was another, similar to a leop- “Afterwards I beheld, and there was another, similar to a leopard, which had upon its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it.” (D(Dana ieel 7:7:11––66)) 14 Steve Creitz Steve ָּב ַאתר ְ ּד ָנה ָח ֵזה ֲהֵוית ַו ֲא ּרו ָא ֳחִרי ִּכ ְנ ַמר ְו ַל ּה ַּג ִּפין ַאְר ַּבע ִ ּדי עוֹף ַﬠל ard, which had upon its back four wings of a bird; the ַּג ַּב ּיה ְו ַאְר ְּב ָﬠה ֵר ׁ ִאשין ְל ֵח ְיו ָתא ְו ׁ ָש ְל ָטן ְי ִהיב ַל ּה׃ beast also had four heads; and dominion was given to דניאל ו:ו (it.” (Dan.
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