....: .. , ... i. _..... -·- ~ ~-· ·- .. ~·.. Bakersfield College · . .. -~ .. ------,.-renegau.e.. - ····-- ·.... ---· ·--· ----·-··_--- --··-- ---·. --·- ---~------~----- ·· ... ·' .. ~ . ·VOLUME XXXVIll ·. FRU)A.Y ,.FEBRUARY 7, 1975 NUMBER 19 . .... ' - .. : -~- -.. _ -. ·,· - {"'""..,,,,,~~~"";-~""..,~""'=~~..,..,r~~..,~-""'J. ·: : ~ - . ·. · A~~mn1· _Bask~~~all Nig~_t. _- · ~ Blac1( HiStory Week~· Begins .. Bakersfiel~ College Alumni ~as~etball ·Nighi Vrill be next . ·. - ~ . ' . .·.· Friday; Febtiiary 14 at 6 p.in~ in ihe'BC Gym. ·.. .. ·. Co-sponsors for the festivities are the Associated. Studehi .. : - -~ Body, and ttie Bakersfield College Alumni Association .. '. · _. · · ' '· .. · Rip staff writer ·' ·· ·. •- ·. · . The Facul~y vs. Student &dy game will b~~n at 6: 15 p.~., . ·..• iB-lack H(st'oiy Week/; acc'ording t~. · Southern,'.· Baptist .· .. prea.cher-~~ator' , : T~esday, i=ebruary'·i'1 . · toir~ience :.. First·. Woman President·. ·. with the preliminaries of the Free:l}lrow contest held during Black_ Student Union Presiden't DVright : (named SCLC Pre$idenrwhen his close<' · :f 30 _a}n: -: -~ev.: F_reddie_ Tho111a's -< . Cof' Bakersfield' Branch<-.:.... Co-chair . _ intermission. Sign up now in Campus.Center 4 for this event · Rollins, "is ·to' help· Blacks recognize .. friend. ~1artiri. Luther. King,)~;. 'tlien .·.· . Minister '-:·Jerusalem· Mission Youth .: .•. ··. "persori of the 16th Senatorial District. ·. ·._· ·. that. pits members. of various charteie1 clubs a'gainst one. --:·" ~ - . ':}and . take-prideiii-1~ tn,ei(-herUage:-'-· It:·-:;:: SCLC, :President;-' 0 : was ~'.".assinated)· -·.·~-,Tra~g Center:'..:.·,- --~-C:_;: +: ....... ~, ..... _·:..-~ ~..:: Fireside Room..:.:,~·:-::..,.. ' ,_,·: .,:.:..,;.:.:...,.. ~.:. ;., .. .. another for- trophies donated by Kem Trophy,, BC WJ.11 host · -. > · brin'gs',to ,ih(auention of: everybody_ .:. ..:.'..:. ~oridemns :gove'mrneht . poli_cies'~'that _." _ '.~St.' Jo_!tn'.Bap:tis!JJ1ucchY9j1Jh j:Jroir..,. :~_ io: 30. a:rn: ;-:.;-AfrO:AntericaJ" 0Jltu~e • ·. the. Pasadena. Lancers-at 8 pm. with the finals of the free - .· --:: · -: /t,he fact that Blacks ?re' not:sat1sl1ed benefit. the wealthy few- .indtfie"''ffis ~-:::-::::-·Firesidel{oom. ... _ , _ -:-s-oc1ety of~ehich'ap1Prison ...:.-Fites1de· hroWcomffiitionarnalf.Hffie. be!f!g second;: they're going fo inove -· of : . America .:.racism, .. poverty,: •11 :}O :....· REV. RALPH'ABERNATHY . Room . .· . ah~ad.-whether racis·m exis1s··or. noL" . militarism and violence.'' :. · .· . ..::. ·., PRES.iDENT/ O_F.: SOlf[HERN. ·. i 2:30; p.m. '. _;_- Film.: . "SING·· SING ·- .. ·. :1n i926Dr:CarterG .. Woods~n,ihe·: . CHRISTIAN°'.. LE:ADERSHIP. THANKSGIVING»-·CoricertFilm .C.: . ''Father<of Nc°gi~ History" foun·ded ;. .The banquet Tuesday e~ening, held . ·'cONFERENCE ~ Outdoor Theater B.ri: KING, JOAN BAEZ; ..:.. MIML · Black History Weel<:....-10 be ihe week of , .· _by students in ho_rior o~ Abeiriathy', is.·· 5:00 'p.rn. -:-' Banquet - Dinner _::_ In.. _FA Ri NA;•. VOICES .. OF.· EAST . Ab.raham Lincoln's .· birthd~y; .. not ope'n to the public. ·. .. Honor of Rev. Ralph Abernathy.- HARLE~t.:....- Foru~ East ; Forty,iwo . :years .· laiei; -·j~ 196(' .·· . - . Dr .. Joseph : White, professor; of . ·. Bake;srield Inn: . 9:00 ·. p.m: . - . Dance.·.' :"soui . Bakersfield':C~lleg'e_ began its annual_ .. dinical Psychology· and !)hector-. of .. ~ :00 .. pin: .. REV. ;:· RA~P!f .. PRODUCTION'\- price.SI.SO . observation. - . the Black· Studies Program at the . ABERNATHY -= PRESIDENT OF': ·.. The_moveinent ostensibly.died until .. U~iversity. o( California: ]rvjne, will . ·:sL_· EOADU ETRSI! .HEIRP __ N_.·C: O~,'. FHE'RRE:I N-~_-CTEI._A_ ~ .... ''SOUL FOOD" Menu ' In Main . • the !960's, with. the .. death of Dr: ·s~eak./l11ursday, .February. IJ.,. on ·~ Cafeteria . · Martin L~ther King, Jr. and .Malcolm ''Developing Trends: in_ ·.' Black ' l~door Theate/ : . · · .. "'.-'7X,-· F 'i·.-~ ~1ien"7"if':'exp'e~riem:ed-a~driniltic-,--;---p5yclfologf"- . -- ~ . .............: ..· . ..:.M da b 1..0 . _· rebirth~' :"One thing' his changed 3nd . ' . The. Food Service Dcpartrne'nr\l,;n ... ·.·· Tiiu-~day' FJbi-_u~ry\3. -·..·. ·_. ... : c:r~-B~~a-l- ruary ·- • ,· .· ·. : . : . ~ . t~ai is ihe. attitude thar Black people·• .. join_' in. ~ele.bration'of Black. History. .] 0:30.a'.ni.·-:-- Dr. JOSEPH WHJTE Ph. Haiti Hocks arid Beans : ~- _have. toy,ar~ the~elve~ ... What . its. ·: ,. Week:. by . featuring !i • special ."Soul'. D ·:.:..·Professor o(ciwcaf.P:sychology ... Tumi/Gieens · . a~ -: aboii,t '.. is _the ..a tternp(: no~. to . Food'.'. m·cnu: in ~-addition to. regular and Director:. of. the Black' St~dies . .. _. ex~avate something .. that: has. been ithns :norrroUy, offered at the· main - ." ·. Program at _the _Un°i\'~r~fy of California ._· · T~~s·da;, Feb~;ry'"11- .. · ·'bu·ri~d.":..:James· Baldv..in: .. 0:. · . ·_ ': c·afeteria ... -: ·.. ·: · . - ._ ·. · ._ lr,-ine :-Indoor Theater·, . : _-.: , .. ·.. : '. .. Baking ~owder Biscu.its ... This week/February ·] o_..,. Fct,ruiry . • : 11 :30 .a.m> :.... DL. JOSl;PH .WHIT.E -~. ·. Barbecued Pork on Rice. · . ._· 14, a: numberof'outsta~cting everi'ts ar~ ·. ·. -P.,tonday,' February.JO < _: Ph.D: \ Discussion ":- F_iieside Room : ·-Bla~k Eyed .Peas . .... -: scheduled {see program):The Pageant: 9:oo·:·:a.m.- .:..-: ~d:; ·~UNCLE .. <1:30°:):>m.· -·LFilrri:····"CHISHOLM :: : .. , •..... Revie:....; Feoruaw·:10. Vrill_include Miss<· · FAMOUS''~- Fir_eside Room.·.· ..··· . ' PURSUJNG.JIIE DREAM." ....: Shiiley _ Thu~day·{ Febi:uary'J 3. 0 . Black: · His'tory . Week :· inc( Mr;:·. · w:30 a:m.· ~ c Mr'.. Waiter- Rfcks'.:c. '. _.: chisholm .:..· Conicssw6~n .::: Forum . · Garlic Bread . :_:_. P_ e_· rsonali__ ·_t_·y _candidat_e_s. _ explaining, the·u.. ·.--.Dir.ec-tor·· of.· .. Urban .Center K-.·c-.E.0.C.·· · -· -,W_.est,-.-..: . -·.. ·.. ·.... :·- · · · . -··· ·. :c· =·. · - . ·-· New o· r·1 e_ans. Style_. Red. Beans, . and . Rice. .·.- ,_.· · < -: qualifications.'.·' • •· · .. : ·.· .• , . - -M~. - Pou/ :warre~. ·_ ·- . Heads'tart -: 7:30 p.'m.,.:..-T.tlent and Fa~ion' Sho; ... .· . · ·. Reverertd Di.· )tilph _·, Abe~athy, . · - Director of Kern County _:_ Fireside c-: Indoor-Theater . ·. Friday; February 14 . ~--~· .:..:.P,esi~ent,-o(...:the".'Soiltl!ern.:Chris'tian~Room.. · ......:..;,..Fridayifebniary-14 . ~us.lt Puppies-:.,-_ "'"'_.-·.,_·_··_.-:--:-..,.-.;.~..----';......... Leadership C()riference;'will: be here .. -j I :30 a.m> .-:- BlacJ-i msfory. Week 9;30 a,m. '.-:._~ Mrs. Annie ive.rly :;_· ·. Fried fish. ·.' :i:ue~day, Februa_ry .JI;~ The :fiery: .·· Page~t.:...:.R_e~e~-: _ln.doo'r ~~~fer·. ._ Pre~iden~, of. NAACP of Central Arca ·. - ' • . -_...,.._·,·-·... ~- .~~-·-·-,·~-·-~·- . : -;··,:·--;-~ _,>--· . \·. /'-/--.:-.--:-·.·· -.: . -- .. --.... _, ",. --~-- . -... :: . ,IJQR Vote·s fi>r 0ilitftr_···J·<tr;di() Jfh~k ·Co1i~erf' ::. ~m: .. ,·._.·_; ..•. ·1_ - -.: .tori.ighfin°· ' , .. ..• •. By_B9B MEADO_WS ·_ .·· · -: ·ou:iao~ .. tffi~-atte ':tonisl!t the ·Eic' Outdoor Theatre ·- - --:"- -·.· .--~·::~:·:~~; .. -, ·...... .<: : :.· .. ·_· ·:·_, <" ~i:~~n-~'.e~.:-- --~-· ·,· ·. ·.· . : .--~---- .. , will rock to the sound of "Rock and ·. ··:·Byf15:c-0-2.. vote,·_aJTlOtion_was · ': 18L'days.'!'The·uruts would_-be.:. '-ASB ·President •Georgc::Broin · .Ry~;·:fro~ 6 p~: till)l:pJT1;', wh~ . .. pas:sed · t_o' give/ six·. ~nits-·()r ~l:ctive · ._:.. 'no~-ii~nsfer~ble; b~t ofgreat value tq·:· · _rt~ed':':'Sophorno_re'.·.: ~2e·pr~s_jd~.nt · People_ of: the: Tree_· its . credit. to,st~dents who-have. serv.ed in ·.. ' those jiis~ :wishing gra'dlLlt~, from· . 'Keith .Bo~ri to head a·co.rrunittec'tci sporiso!S first to trick coni:ert'ofihe semester'.- . :, : :--~­ the: military service .at last Tuesday's·_ : ·BC.-,' . .. 't.fy 'and p~ll°the ~tio"; th_io~gli the . : "eo':suinng:·:wit(<'Rock_ and ·Ry~~ meet.ins' :of-- .the.:: Boa.rd--\oc. .. - .· . '.· ' Ac_aden~c ~n~te'. /; .:;_ . Y.'ill -'· .. be "Be flips,'' · '_'Hu~ey t. Represenbtfr~:- _\·: : ..-. 'iO' .) ., :_ . · .-A-sur1rey. shows'tlut' 5_4 <>f th.e•69 . · _ : :.•··.i ... and"Staiz/'. .· •.. ~i:i·J~nnso_n, ~dviS?r f~~ th_~_Qffice .·. ·: c~~unity_ ~oileges iri .taiifomia gr_mt :-· . -: . : Bro~; Activities Board Re-p J~;,i/ell :.. _..... ; ·of:Ye!e~ri'Affair~~-spoke to_ tlte B~a!d · . -: credi~ for 0 l)li!i_tary.· -~jvice, wjth ·an : · Bariles,·anct°soph~more president Rick -· ; )ff~con\~~: ~~- ~:·atssion,'rri~· . :on'beful(of ~e--motio_n'onwtiic~· he""--_:·average-:-or ·s.s~units giverC)3C -cinli - - Gmon°d' ·clisius.sed~thetour"given'l:isi'-: ·•· Ad.ded attractions \\-ill-..: be specw .. has W()rkef for_ab~ut a y_ear.}oh_nson .' ··gr~ts. t~O uni_~; _bu}-'. S?.JU:. scJiools ·. ~ .~~-k, thioligh. the new ~Do\lflltO~ ·:-{_ surp_riSe guests and alight show . .'•... -•• . had.alre'a~Y; gone,f?.th~ 'Administ~ativ{ ,: ,~grant : 1"?,\c,i: .mor_e. 0;ru~ ·_of~c,ecij_t: .. ·· . ;.(enter; Ms;.Banies \\'.;i's impressed.with.; ' - . ... ~· .· . ' . .c - : -~0.tlll_~iJ;:~r,~ti}_eiJ_;- iippiov"a.JL~d-...~-ilt. :_ . Bake'~field ··gaye ~efshf'to'.. veteraris. c 'the. facililies:to aid _'the.handi~pp~ :\ . ·. ..·· .... ·. :·' .- . ' -. ·. - .- 5 . -'_. i:t~a~:r,:e::r~!~a~;/i:t:: - : . r~~rrung __rr_~; World _w~.. u ._ : ·--_..- .· ... ·. :: ::;r:roi;;~ 'J:~iso~me~t1!~:;;~~: :rt·. : '::~.:.?_:_:li-~._·_._.p· -.~. _.r·_._:_}_._ MT_:_.ur. ::_,_._.h4_,o~_-. __ Y_ur--.:,.:_-_/:_.~sc_: •...- ~---··--~-·-,·~~--- __ :_·_'·.·. · finaf m~mber of the _tri-partite: ~stem . ... ~J11e,·?n1y_:rB1 a_r~meni y~_u,can · . · t11at ···sij .-nillli~n ._ ~-a~<saved i>r·, ~J-
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