May 17, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E861 CODIFICATION OF TITLE 41, Democrat Howard Cannon. He served only the Community Development Block Grant, or UNITED STATES CODE, PUBLIC one term, from 1983 to 1989, having been de- CDBG, program. CONTRACTS feated for reelection in 1988 by Democrat The CDBG program provides direct federal Richard Bryan. He was then appointed am- funding to local governments to make needed HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. bassador to the Bahamas by President investments that improve the quality of life in our communities. These funds are used to OF WISCONSIN George H.W. Bush, and served in that post prevent homelessness, reduce infant deaths, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from 1989 to 1994. At age 77, Senator Hecht passed away on and provide youth enrichment programs. They Wednesday, May 17, 2006 May 15, 2006 due to complications from can- are used to rehabilitate housing, to reconstruct Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speaker, today cer. residential streets, to help fund domestic vio- I am introducing a bill to codify and enact cer- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Senator lence shelters, to provide seniors with snow tain general and permanent laws, related to Chic Hecht for his success in politics and his removal and lawn care assistance, and to fund public contracts, as Title 41 of the United service to his community and his country. He important economic development initiatives. States Code. This bill has been prepared by will be dearly missed by all who knew him. The President has again demonstrated that the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the f his budget priorities are upside down and out House of Representatives as the successor to of step with our communities’ needs by pro- H.R. 4320, introduced in the 108th Congress HONORING THE LIFE OF FLOYD posing a 20 percent cut in formula funding to on May 10, 2004. This bill reflects changes re- PATTERSON, A HEAVYWEIGHT CDBG entitlement communities. But as the sulting from the review and comment process CHAMPION WHO ROSE FROM distinguished Ranking Member of the Appro- that was provided after H.R. 4320 was intro- POVERTY priations Committee, Representative OBEY, duced. All issues raised during that process has pointed out, just looking at this year’s pro- have been resolved to the satisfaction of the HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. posal doesn’t tell the whole story. parties involved. OF MICHIGAN The CDBG program is just one of many im- portant domestic priorities that have been sub- The bill, along with a detailed section-by- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES section explanation of the bill, can be ject to a bizarre pattern in which, year after Wednesday, May 17, 2006 accessed on the Office’s website at http:// year, the President proposes draconian cuts, uscode.house.gov. Anyone interested in ob- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight then Congress restores some of the funding taining a printed copy of the bill and expla- to honor the life of Floyd Patterson, a soft-spo- and declares victory. However, the effect of nation, and persons interested in submitting ken boxer who overcame a troubled childhood this is that after several years, the draconian comments on the bill, should contact Ken to become the heavyweight champion of the cuts are imposed. Since 2001, the CDBG pro- Paretzky, Senior Counsel, Office of the Law world. gram has already been cut by more than 22 Revision Counsel, U.S. House of Representa- Born on January 4, 1935 in Waco, North percent in real dollars. tives, H2–304 Ford House Office Building, Carolina, Patterson grew up poor in Brooklyn, Yet the President wants to reduce these Washington, DC 20515–6711. The telephone New York. Patterson’s father was a manual la- vital resources to our local communities even number is (202) 226–9061. Comments on the borer and his mother took care of Patterson further. According to a Congressional Re- bill should be submitted to the Office of the and his 10 siblings. He had serious learning search Service analysis that I requested, the Law Revision Counsel no later than July 16, disabilities and could not read, write, or speak. CDBG entitlement communities in my district 2006. At age 11, his mother had him committed to would stand to lose $2.25 million next year if the President’s proposed funding cuts are f a school for emotionally disturbed boys. It was at this school where Patterson first picked up adopted. PAYING TRIBUTE TO CHIC HECHT a pair of boxing gloves. As bad as these numbers sound, it is impor- At age 16, Patterson won the New York tant to remember that there are real people HON. JOHN C. PORTER Golden Gloves middleweight title at Madison behind them. During the April recess, two cit- ies in my district, Warren and Southfield, OF NEVADA Square Garden and at age 17, he won a gold Michigan, were kind enough to show me the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medal as a middleweight at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. On November 30, 1956, impact that CDBG funds have had in their Wednesday, May 17, 2006 Patterson became the youngest heavyweight communities. Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to champion in history at the age of 21. They have used these CDBG resources to honor former United States Senator Chic Throughout his professional career, Patter- make a real difference in the lives of countless Hecht for his service to the residents of Ne- son amassed a record of 55 wins, 8 losses, families. I was particularly impressed by the vada as well as the United States of America. and 1 draw. His total earnings from boxing housing rehabilitation programs that represent Mayer Jacob Hecht was born on November reached $8 million. Despite his talent in the the largest CDBG-funded program in both 30, 1928. He is better known by his friends boxing ring, Patterson was known as a gentle communities. These efforts, along with CDBG- and family by the childhood nickname of Chic. and sweet man. Red Smith, The New York funded investments in local parks and roads, Chic was born into a Jewish family in Cape Times sports columnist called him, ‘‘the man have helped maintain vibrant neighborhoods in Girardeau, Missouri. He received a Bachelor of peace who loves to fight.’’ both cities. I ask that summaries of these pro- of Science degree in retailing from Wash- After retiring, Patterson remained in boxing grams be included in the record, but I want to ington University in St. Louis in 1949 before and opened up a gym. He took interest in share with my colleagues just one example of entering the military. young boxers, especially a troubled 11-year- the powerful difference that CDBG funds have Chic attended Military Intelligence School at old who reminded Patterson of himself. He meant to individual families. Fort Holibird and served as an intelligence eventually adopted the boy and became his Through its Residential Rehabilitation Loan agent with the U.S. Armed Forces during the trainer and manager. The special order orga- Program, the City of Warren was able to help Michelle Amburgy and her son. I quote: Korean War, from 1951 to 1953. Chic was a nized by Representative STEPHANIE TUBBS Michelle Amburgy is a single mother em- member of the National Military Intelligence JONES is an appropriate way to celebrate and Association, and was inducted into the Military ployed by a catering service. When her fur- honor this model human being. nace stopped working before Christmas and Intelligence Hall of Fame in 1988. After leav- f she and her son were living without heat, Ms. ing military service, Chic moved to Nevada. Amburgy did not have the resources to pur- His business activities included retailing, the SUPPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY chase a new furnace. She says she, ‘‘... operation of a bank, and interests in hotels. DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT tried everywhere to get money for a fur- He married the former Gail Kahn in 1959. nace. .’’ and was unable to find a program In 1966, Chic was elected to the Nevada HON. SANDER M. LEVIN to help her. Luckily the application she sub- mitted to the City of Warren for a rehabilita- State Senate, the first Republican to represent OF MICHIGAN his predominantly Democratic district in and tion loan was being processed and according IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to her, ‘‘. the City put a rush on it . .’’ around Las Vegas in more than 25 years. He Wednesday, May 17, 2006 in order to get a new furnace so she and her was a State Senator from 1967 to 1975, serv- son could have heat. In addition to the fur- ing as Senate Minority Leader from 1969 to Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in nace, various other improvements were done 1970. In 1982, Chic was elected to the United support of a program that makes an enormous to her home, including an update of the elec- States Senate, ousting four-term incumbent difference in the lives of all our constituents: trical and plumbing systems which she says VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:07 May 18, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17MY8.058 E17MYPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS.
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