rol. 52, No. 13 ] I March 29, 1940 T N 'J9^BUI9pa«H o/D xoa * r ‘Xjspuis AiBJqn *8*8® ULLBURN and — WRTHILI.S kjnded 1888 • * • • Publi sbed every F r id a y at m i l l b u r n , n j . f i v e c e n t s S fA BOARD MEMBERS of Short Hills - Millburn Independent Board Seeks [lenwood Women’s Republican Club will Candidates meet on Monday, April 1, at 10 A. M. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Continue Cold Low Interest a in Costs Rumery, Barberry lane, Short The Board of Education will lenwood residents and the Hills. Mrs. Gaston L. Chanier, Cold feet even to the verge of undertake to sell by private sale nl Improvement Assessment president of the club will pre­ chillblains seem to have over­ side. taken candidates for Millburn the $20,000 bond issue author­ emission took over Town ized by voters at the last school ★ Township Committee and with 1 Tuesday night filling it to election for the purchase of land ,acity for the first hearing wintry blasts continuing into April residents begin to wonder for a playground for the Wyo­ Van Winckle brook storm T'zco B id For ming School. This was decided in assessments. Sixty per what the May primary will bring forth. at a Board meeting held last of the cost or $30,004 has Thursday evening. charged back against bene- B a ga telle A Ross Meeker is still an Board members felt the offer property. enigma, out of the race seeming­ Millburn’s attempt to elimin­ ly but still subject to draft ac­ of 23V < by the New Jersey hen lists of the property as- ate bagatelle and similar me­ cording to some who claim to Teachers' Pension and Annuity ;ed together with amounts chanical pin games if it was know. The Van Fleet candidacy Fund was too high and that a first placed on view there such by requiring each opera­ simmers and friends of Roder­ better rate Qould be obtained Is a rush of interested proper- tor to obtain a license for a fee ick MacDougall continue io through a private sale. owners to see how they had MISS FRANCES BLAISDELL, of $250, met a set back Monday urge him to again let his name The bonds will be issued as of ed personally and by com- flautist, who will be guest artist evening yvhen two such appli­ come before voters. April 1 with three maturing in •fson with neighbors. The at the Choral concert of the cations were submitted to the Leaders it is said are on the 1942, three in 1943 and two each hest single assessment was Millburn Woman's Club in Mill­ Township Committee at an ad­ trail of one or two as yet un­ year thereafter until 1950 when burn High School auditorium 10 and the lowest $15. The journed meeting. named men so that it may not the entire issue will be retired. rage for the 285 properties Wednesday evening, May 1. The applications accompanied be until the thermometer The average life of the bonds the list was $107. by the required fee were sub- touches 70 if ever, that readers ★ will be five years. In private sale rederick P. Craig called the nuttedtiu’ by two local tavern own­ can know what the political Reception For the bidder will set the Interest sion to order and read the ers who apparently have found harvest may hold. he is prepared to accept. inance covering performance through experience that the Lack of local activity is offset In further business conducted the work and the now ap- “take" on the machines is suf­ by the Hendrickson - Hoffman Hendricksons at the meeting the Board au­ tionment of cost. A secre- battle for the Republican guber- thorized advertisement for bids ficient to cover the license fee. Millburn Republican County •y was on hand to record ob- for general school supplies, for This bears out the statement of (Continued on Page Eight) Committee and Millburn Repub­ tions and objectors but she the attorney who represented the year 1940-1941. Bids will be lican Club will join in holding a s soon snowed under as after the machine distributors at the returnable April 11. e first few had spoken, a line reception for Gubernatorial hearing on the original ordin­ Police Ball A t Candidate and Mrs. Robert C. The resignation of W. W. irmed across the front of the ance, when he said many shop Crawford as director of main­ stjum. all talking at once. Hendrickson, at Glenwood keepers depended on the ma­ Singers'' Grove school on Friday evening, April tenance on account of ill health, As it was perhaps 25 per cent chine revenue to pay the rent 19. This will be a public gath­ was accepted with regret. It was those in attendance took the for their establishments. Despi’e partial destruction of ering, informal and without decided not to fill this position loor. most of the $15 to $50 Chairman Stewart moved that Singer’s Grove by fire last week­ speeches. President Harold M. at least for the balance of the neficiaries subsiding when the licenses be granted and end, plans for the twentieth P. Kain of the club and Chairman school year. Mrs. LaVeeda rey realized their good fortune, Committeeman Hill seconded B. A. Benefit Ball, conducted C. Milford Orben of the Commit­ Woodtli, a teacher in the Wash­ he burden of the plaints was the motion but final decision by the Millburn Police Depart­ tee, will welcome the guests and ington School was granted a no benefit” and as one man was delayed one week on the ment. still call for the grove as Senator Hendrickson will re­ leave of absence for the year id later “I never saw so much 1940-1941. She plans to spend request of Committeeman Moore. the location for the affair on spond. loney spent with so little profit The Good Humor Ice Cream the evening of April ’5, accord­ Chairman John D. Clark of this time in South America re­ eemingly” . Company was granted a license ing to Police Chief Wade gen­ the club announces the appoint­ cuperating from ill health. The one outstanding note of to peddle in the Township and eral chairman. ment of members of the finance Beginning next September he evening came when Mrs. A. a contract to supply gasoline for Workmen will have had two committee to handle both the meeting nights of the Board will Scott of Meadowbrook road Township needs was granted to weeks in which to repair the Spring primary and the Fall be changed to Tuesday instead lid she did not know the the Federal Petroleum Corpora­ damage and it is expected the campaign. They are: John Robb of Thursday as has been the mount of her assessment but tion of Newark, The contract for necessary reconstruction will be Montgomery, Dr. Frank B. Jew­ custom in years past. that, ever it was, she was glad to 40,010 gallons called for the completed so that no change in ett, G. Noyes Slayton, Clarence >ay it to redeem the name of posted tank car price minus plans will be necessary. A. Hill, Eugene C. Helnzinger, lenwood as a residential com- one-half a cent. A novel program has been ar­ Henry L. Junge, Ralph R. Ru­ On Overlook Bonn! nunity. For the third successive year, ranged for the entertainment of mery and Leroy S. Badgley. Among objectors were Wil­ guests with two orchestras pro­ the Township was notified that At the annual meeting of iam R. Davis of Oak View ter- viding continuous music, which Essex County authorities could Overlook Hospital held in the ace, F. B. Lincoln, Jr. of Wel- will include both popular and not install a traffic signal at, nurses’ home on Thursday, ington avenue, William J. Mc- barn dance tempos,^ Committee Orben Named the intersection of Millburn and March 21 nine trustees were ;luskey of Woodland road, A. J. chairmen assisting Chief Wade Assemblymen C. M. Orben and Short Hills avenues. Mr. Stew­ elected for a period of three chick of Oak View terrace and are, Felix Pelletier, advertising: Pascoe, Republicans; and Vogel, art stated the light was desired years. These include: James R. 1 H. Astin of Ridge terrace. Mr. Oscar Straub, tickets; Daniel Democrat; have been named by especially to control week-end Strong, Walter A. Staub and -incoln claimed no^ only no Tighe, entertainment and Harry Speaker McClave of the New traffic which is unusually heavy Mrs. James T. Skidmore of Short icnefit but actual damage. T,von, donations; with Lawrence Jersey assembly, as house repre- at this point. Hills. Mr. Staub was named The Commission will now re- Albanese, floor manager. ■.‘ihf'.W'tivjis of a joint legisla­ Bids for the purchase of a vice-president. dew its work in the light of The reception committee will* tive committee to investigate F o r d ,,.coupe, Ford chassis, Mack ompiaints received and the fin- include Commissioner John A. toll charges on Port of New York ★ truclc and garbage body and THE MILLBURN POST OFFICE died assessment list will be for- Stewart, 3rd, Chief Wade and Authority bridges between Sta­ hoist will be received April 8. is seeking bids for the storage vpi'ded to the Township Com- Sergeants Lyon, Smith, Stoeckle ten Island and New Jersey. ★ of its delivery truck as well as nlttee. This latter body will in and Daltggi. Sunday evening Mr. Orben urn hold a formal hearing and THERE WILL BE a slight will talk to the Young Peoples bids on lubrication and any me­ change in plans of the Ladies ★ chanical work which might be s action following this will be PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and group of Christ Church on high­ Auxiliary o f St., Rose of Lima s necessary.
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