ALL siiili BED BANK and Sonooiidinj Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Bias %m yOLUME LXI, NO. 34. RED BANE, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939. Hospital Auxiliary Clarence Bettman Rumson Acts To Church To Observe Cke To Address Two Hears Dr. Podell Elected Chairman 85th Anniversary . Washington Trip, Dr. Alfred A. Podeli was guest License All Dogs In celebration of Its 89th anniver- speaker at a luncheon meeting of sary, the Navcslnk Methodjst ehur.ch Meetings Wednesday Fair Haven auxiliary of Rivervlew Of Curb Exchange In The Borough will bold a family reunion of the Approved ByBoa^l^ hospital Monday afternoon at the members Tuesday evening at the Episcopal parish house. Dr. Podell, I Navestnk fire house. Dinner will be who is a member of the staff at Rumson Resident Unop- Pamphlets on Rabies to served at 7:30, after which speaking Red Bank Presbyterian and Keansburg Rivervlew, spoke to the group on and other entertainment will be pro- Leonardo High School Senior Class To hospital activity. ' posed Candidate for Re- Be Distributed to Every vided. -.- , . Mrs. John Ivins presided at the A feature of the evening will bo a : Methodists to Hear Racing Opponent meeting and announced that seven sponsible Position Home There history of the church prepared by Make Annual Excursion May'1,-2 anirJ^|i new members had joined the auxil- Miss Nornm Swan and read by the iary. They are Mrs. Jerome Ricei pastor, Rev. Wayne Archer. The Rev. Lester H.Clee, pastor of the Mrs. Richard Tice, Mrs.-John J. Ken- Clarence A. Bettman of Ridge Steps for a borough-wide distribu- story of the church's first SO years Tie dates of May 1, -&u&il Second Presbyterian church of New- Chamber Board nedy, Mrs. Edward Leddy, Jr., Mrs. Road, Rumson, was elected first tion of pamphlets on rabtes and for was originally written and given by Rotaiians To Hear approved Monday nighf:bjrJtSil ark and state senator from Essex Frederick W. Op'per, Mrs, Raymond chairman Tuesday of the Curb Ex- a house-to-house canvass by police the late Webster W. Swan at tho 50th dletown- township,board of 6w|L_ county, will address meetings at Bed VanHorn and Mrs. H. D. Desotolon- change in New York. Mr. Bettman, to license all dogs wero taken, by the anniversary in 1904. Nell Johnson, for the annual Washlngton'-^^H Bank and Keansburg Wednesday af- who was the un-opposed candidate Rumson. mayor and council at the president of tho trustees, will act as Rev. John A. Hayes the senior class of the MgilJ^T Endorses Entire go. Special awards were gfven to at Leonardo. May 9 -was alsj'^ ternoon. Rev. dee is a leading op- Mrs. Frederick Barker and Mrs, Law- for chairman of tho board of gover- regular meeting Thursday. Speaking toastmaster. nors 6f the Curb Exchange, la the of the outbreak of rabies in certain proved as the date for tHi'iijH ponent of. the race bill amendment rence Schilling. Mrs, J. Paul Posten Is chairman of first chairman of that organization communities Mayor James C. Auch- junior class- trip to. New ;Torl(tj|, to be submitted to tl» voters of the Committee Listing Others attending were Mrs, George the reunion and members of the com- At Today's Meeting state at a referendum June 20. It under the new administrative set-up. Jncloss said: "I do not want to get board also gave its approval'*f«||| T. Llnton, Mrs. Carl Schwenker, Sr., mltteo are Mr. and Mrs. Nell John- group of music studenU to attoaffll is expected that the legislator will The regular, members also elected nlafmed, but it is a serious situation son, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson, Mr. President Theodore D. Mrs: T. D. Brewster, Mrs. Richard a new board of governors, all tho and wo must take every precaution." Speaker Last Week Ca Walter Damrosch recital:•-'$*"»' devote a greater part of both addres- McAllister, Sr., Mrs, John P. Mulvl- and Mrs. Donald Johnaon, Mrs, Mur- ses to an attack upon legalized bet nominees being unopposed. Tho Jere J. Carcw, borough clerk, In- York Friday of next week ipr.:j hlll, Mrs. Henry Westdyke, Mrs; Jos- iel MaWhlnney and Mrs. Mattic Here in His Own Plane G. Pate, superintendent Of"0$m ting. '•,-'• './-•• :' • ,• •••;• Moore Held First Execu- chairman and tho board take office formed the council, he had written eph Knight, Mrs. J. L. Moll, Mrs. Thursday, February 23. Under the to Trenton for -dOfl copies of the pam- was given permission to•••tfStt'ijfg§ Senator Clee's first address will be Leon VanBrunt, Mrs. J. J. Knddell, —Wonderful Talk annual convention of the'N4 given at 2:15 o'clock at the SSrd an- tive Meeting Tuesday new administrative set-up the board phlet issued by the state on rabies. Mrs. Joseph Piccolo, Mrs. Wallace B. will name a salaried president as the These will be distributed as soon as Educational auocSatlin at Cleve nual convention of the Presbyterian Rankin, Mrs. W. J. Nielson, Mrs. Saturday, February 25. .'V'sfSSf Brotherhood of New Jersey to be The Board of Directors of the Red chief executive officer. they arrive. Mayor Auchindoss rec- Dr. Tho officers and members of tho David LeRoy, Mrs. Edgar V. Dcntsc,) ommended joining with Fair Haven held in the Presbyterian church. He Bank Chamber of Commerce met Mrs. Robert Cadman, Mrs. Howard' Red Bank Rotary club , have- been The transportation comiijltisw is expected to complete bis address Tuesday morning in executive ses borough in the employment of a dog looking forward with much pleasure David Sohnoor, George Rupla«I)fi S. Hlgginson, Mrs. L. Ai GrIHIn, Mrs. catcher. In tho house-to-house can- Dies Suddenly at 2:45 o'clock and will proceed to sion with Theodore D. Moore, the R. E. Ackerman, Mrs. Annie McGec, to entertaining Rev. John Alexander Frank Wadsworth reporteaiWflt Keansburg to address a session of newly elected president of the cham- vass for licenses, police will first no- Hayes, pastor of tho First Presby- temporary arrangement "for; "_'' Mrs. George B. • Moxley and Misses tify dog owners that all dogs must be porting Mlddletown chiuireai tiS the annual roll call of the Keanaburg ber and unanimously endorsed all of Margaret Tobln, Elizabeth Scoworoft, At Eatontown terian church of Red Bank, who will Methodist church at i o'clock, Mr, Moore's committee, appoint- licensed. The licenses aro lssuod at bo tho club's guest speaker at today's Keansburg school was working! Lillian Flannery and Mary Emma the borough clerk's office. Later a tho satisfaction of the committee*! ments. Hendrlckson. mid-day meeting, Brotherhood Convention. - check-up will be made by the police Retired Dentist Served It was voted to contlnua the i rncnt for another month. G. Howard Lippincott.'president of and summonses Issued to those who havo not compiled with the Jaw. 12 Years As Borough Sickles and Dr. George S. the state organization will call the refusodjo vote on the matter;}; Presbyterian Brotherhood conven- Mention Sterner Councilman Robert G. Ilaloy, chair- tion to order at 9:30 o'clock in the man of the fire committee, submitted Clerk at Eatontown A petition was rocolved from," a report from the fire chiof and ldents of Port Monmouth asking 1 morning. The first order of busi- : ness will be the registration of visit- For Governor At members of the fire department that a police officer be' stationed at i the shed on the Paul Pazlcky prop- Dr. George M. Whltflold of Main Intersection of Main street and i ing members by a committee beaded streot, Eatontown, a retired dentist, by Lewis R. Lowry of Little Silver. erty does not cconstltuto a flro haz- highway No. 38 at Port Mo; Lincoln Dinner died suddenly Tuesday morning ; Other members of the committee are ard, Mrs. DeWltt Scott, whose homo to help children acros«rthe Mg .about 7:30 o'clock at his homo. Dr. before and after schcool and dur. Dr, Lawrence Burdge, Major C. A. la, near the shed, told officials the Whltflold, first borough clerk of. that Osborn, H. Russell Blackman, Jr., W. shed had been on fire twice. the noon recess, The petition 300 Attend Republican municipality, tendered his resigna- referred to tho Mlddlotown) Albert Doremus and Harry c. Fay Borough Attorney William A. Stev- tion to. th« governing body of that Worden. ens said If any. action Is taken polico department with a,')r)^ Gathering Here — New place December 22, 1937, effective that If possible- men be placi^| A song service will be held at 9:30 against tho owner, the borough must January 1; 1938, after sorvlng falth- follow a definite procedure under tho various dangerous crossings in „ B. m. with Allan R. Woolley leading Deal Spending Rapped , fully for 12 consecutive yoars, He township before and after school i and William H. Crawford at the or- ordinance. Following a written no- was 77 years old. gan. The opening prayer will be pre- tice to the council from the build- during tho noon recess for tl The name of State Highway Com- His sudden death came as a shock sented by Rev. Robert B. Betger of Ing Inspector that a fire hazard to residents of that borough. Dr. lection of school children. V' Ma.ta.wan. Rev. John A. Hayea, pas- missioner E. Donald Sterner for gov- exists the clerk muat give notice to Lawrence A. Carton, Jr.,.': ernor was mentioned before 300 per- Whltfleld had been in poor health tor of the Red Bank church, will ex- all parties Interested of a hearing bo- at tho tltno of his resignation an board attorney, has been confined •< tend a welcome to the combined sons at the ninth annual dinner of CLARENCE A.
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