Jb-GB-28/10 OUR VISION: ALL THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD LEADING THEIR LIVES AUTONO- MOUSLY IN DIGNITY AND JUSTICE – FREE FROM HUNGER AND POVERTY. Our organisation Our work Welthungerhilfe was founded in 1962 as part of the We enable people in developing countries to take con- pioneering global „Freedom from Hunger Campaign“ trol of their own lives now and in the future. Our years Mama Zemzem Shita (40) under the umbrella of the United Nations‘ Food and of international experience as a large German aid or- and the other women in Logo Agricultural Organisation (FAO). Today our organisa- ganisation have resulted in success stories in Africa, settlement (Ethiopia) are tion is one of the largest non-governmental aid orga- Asia and Latin America. We are also politically active delighted with the new well. nisations in Germany, independent and with a broad in campaigning for changing the conditions which basis in German society through our members‘ organi- lead to hunger and poverty. We mobilise people in sations, donors and supporters. We stand for courage, Germany for our vision. joie-de-vivre and humanity in fulfilling our mission. ! Our approach Cut along this line Our goals Our holistic concept is quality-focussed and outcome- We campaign for food security for people everywhere, and impact-oriented. Our activities range from rapid for rural development and the conservation of natural response to disasters through reconstruction to long- resources. We are convinced of the power of dreams, term development projects. We work as equal partners which motivate people and are powerful political in- with the people affected; we are competent, reliable struments both for improving living conditions for the and transparent. We support partner organisations poor and malnourished, and for securing our joint fu- in our project countries, ensuring that structures are ture. This motivates us to link partners in Germany strengthened from the ground up and guaranteeing and our project countries in a dynamic global network, the long-term success of our projects. so development cooperation becomes a shared expe- rience. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Welthungerhilfe was awarded 1st place in 2009 for its Mukeshimana Clarisse (22) transparent reporting and excellent information presenta- from Ruhango (Rwanda) tion. harvests geraniums for oil production. ! Welthungerhilfe, Sparkasse KölnBonn, Sort Code: 370 501 98, Account No:1115 Everything at a glance at www.welthungerhilfe.de Cut along this line Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V., Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 1, D-53173 Bonn, Tel. +49 (0)228 2288-0, Fax +49 (0)228 2288-333, www.welthungerhilfe.de STRUCTURE II would like to learn more Yes! about Welthungerhilfe’s work. Board of Trustees Please use WelthUngeRhilfe 2009: Facts & FigURes The honorary Board of Trustees advises the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board adequate on questions relating to public relations work, publicity and policy/positioning. It sup- Please send me, without obligation, further information CONTENTS PREFACE DIE WELTHUNGERHILFE ports Welthungerhilfe’s networks such as circles of friends or business partners and esta- about Welthungerhilfe’s work postage blishes new contacts to individuals, companies, institutions and networks which promote Welthungerhilfe’s concerns by profiling it in society at large or through financial contributions Please correct my address (see below) and access to public and private funds. The committee consists of important figures in public life. It comprises a maximum of 25 members. I am principally interested in the following subjects: By the end of 2009 Welthungerhilfe has supported In Germany, public involvement on behalf of Welthunger- Imprint 2 Preface Members of the Board of Trustees n Dear Readers, Executive Board Ernst Elitz, Director, Deutschlandradio with € 2.03 billion: hilfe included: n Professor Dr. Dieter Feddersen, lawyer Published by: The Executive Board comprises of the Secretary General as Chief of the Executive Work abroad n Dieter Thomas Heck, show host and producer n 4.201 self-help projects n 250,600 private donors Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. Board, the Executive Director Programmes and the Executive Director Marketing. It runs 2009 was a year to be remembered by Welthungerhilfe, be- Welthungerhilfe’s affairs in compliance with its statutes and the decisions of the General n Peter Hesse, Chairperson of the Peter Hesse Foundation Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 1 4 Africa n n 1.046 projects for children and young people n 38,000 children and young people in 170 “run for Assembly and the Supervisory Board. It reports to the Supervisory Board on a regular basis. Dieter von Holtzbrinck, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group Sender: D-53173 Bonn Emergency aid project in Zimbabwe: The fight against cholera cause for the first time, the number of malnourished people n Dr. Volkert Klaucke, entrepreneur n n Tel. +49(0) 228 22 88-0 Dr. Wolfgang Jamann Mathias Mogge Martina Dase Wolfgang Kroh, former board member of KfW Bank 1.000 emergency aid programmes in life” events Interview: Things have taken a turn for the better worldwide rose to over one billion. This dramatic develop- n Fax +49(0) 228 22 88-333 Chief Executive Board, Executive Director Programs Executive Director Marketing Frithjof Leufen, Treasurer of Welthungerhilfe (retd.) n Fritz Raff, Director of Saarland Radio and Deputy Chairman of ARD n [email protected] 6 Asia ment reflects the fact that the people in developing coun- Secretary General Name, first name 70 countries 18 Action Groups and 2 Circles of Friends in n Hajo Riesenbeck, Riesenbeck-JC GmbH www.welthungerhilfe.de Disaster prevention and reconstruction in Tajikistan: tries are those most severely affected by the effects of global n Professor Dr. Markus Schächter, Director of ZDF Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. Germany are the pillars of our volunteer network n Dr. Theo Sommer, editor-at-large, DIE ZEIT Responsible for this report: So the rain doesn’t wash away all progress climate change, which is having increasing impacts on the Members of Welthungerhilfe n Professor Dr. h.c. Dieter Stolte, journalist, publisher and Chairperson of the Board of Helga Engelke Patron of Deutsche The General Assembly decides on the guidelines for the activities of Welthungerhilfe. It is Dr. Wolfgang Jamann, Secretary General, Chief Executive Board Interview: Water is life Trustees Street, house number In 2009, 314 projects were carried out in the daily fight against hunger and poverty. Yet the large indus- Welthungerhilfe e.V. and responsible for electing the Supervisory Board, passing the financial plan and approving the n Hans Hermann Thiesse, former Member of the Board of Directors of Hertie Waren- und Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 1 Editor: annual accounts on the basis of the auditors’ report. The members of Welthungerhilfe include following sectors: For funding its projects in 2009, Welthungerhilfe 8 Latin America trialised countries – those primarily responsible – failed to President of the Federal Republic of Kaufhaus GmbH Patricia Summa Development cooperation in Latin America: the President of the German Parliament, the leaders of the parties represented in the lower n Katharina Trebitsch, film and television producer respond adequately at the UN Climate Conference in Copen- Germany, Dr. Horst Köhler house and also churches, associations and other organisations. They send delegates to the n n 140 projects for rural and regional development received: Production: Carsten Blum Dr. Ludolf-Georg von Wartenberg, member of Presidential Board of the Federation of D-53173 Bonn Protecting nature is protecting people General Assembly which is convened once a year. German Industries (BDI) Post code, town Concept and design: hagen in December 2009. Natural disasters such as long-term ! n 58 projects to restore basic infrastructure n € 31.9 M in donations Interview: The future is green MediaCompany GmbH droughts or flooding continue to deprive the poorest of the The members Programme Advisory Committee (schools, roads etc.) n € 101.1 M in public grants Printed by: DCM Meckenheim 10 10 Millennium villages: On the way to the future (permanent representative in brackets) Welthungerhilfe’s Programme Advisory Committee consists of 19 honorary members. It advi- Cut along this Germany Printed on FSC paper by an FSC-certified printer little they have, while water shortages and the loss of fertile n ses Welthungerhilfe’s Executive Board on issues of programme policy and the funding merits Email President of the German Parliament Dr. Norbert Lammert, Member of Parliament Millennium village (Anosikely) in Madagascar Jb-GB-28/10 n Honorary Supervisory Board (Dr. Ulrich Schöler) of programmes and projects abroad and in Germany which are in accordance with the sta- 28 projects in the area of “social integration and Photos: Chaperon (35), Dörr (14), Ecken (19), Frommann (2,3,34), land is leading to conflicts over living space and resources. The Supervisory Board which operates on an honorary basis is elected by the general assembly line n CDU/CSU, Chairperson Volker Kauder, Member of Parliament tutes. By this means, independent external expertise from science and practical technology Grossmann (4,5,16,17,32), Jungeblodt (15,34), Kopp (8,9,18,33), Administration expenses accounted for 1.8 % of total Work in Germany for a period of four years. It consists of the president, vice-president, chairperson of the (Sibylle Pfeiffer, Member of Parliament) contributes to safeguarding the quality of our work. In addition, in their role as central points education” finance committee and up to four other members. The Supervisory Board represents Welthun- Please complete in block letters. Krebber (28), Kropke (11), Lohnes (12), Ludwig (14), Ohlenbostel n SPD, Chairperson Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Member of Parliament of contact for regions, sectors and policy areas or for development policy public relations 12 Promoting policy which satisfies hunger n expenditure; costs of advertising and general public (7), Thielker (14), Tsegaye (10), Riehle (15), Rübensaat (34), Well- Climate protection is a special focus of our projects. We gerhilfe externally, it convenes the board of directors and the members of the Program Adviso- (Dr.
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