RVNRC Collecon Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 100 pper wagon body from Fisherground Quarry, Eskdale. Has been built into replica 3 gauge wagon RVNRC 101 2x 3 gauge wheelsets. Have been built into replica 3 gauge wagon with RVNRC 100 RVNRC 102 wheel paern for wagon wheel RVNRC 103 strip rail from Ulpha Copper Mine RVNRC 104 plate rail from Nab Gill Mine, Eskdale RVNRC 105 bridge rail from Nab Gill RVNRC 106 rail chair from Ravenglass (Furness) RVNRC 107 secons of rail RVNRC 108 pipe Furness Railway drain pipe downspout from Ravenglass Staon RVNRC 109 noce from crossing gate (Furness) RVNRC 110 bridge plate Brish Railways 36 RVNRC 111 bridge plate LMS 2 RVNRC 112 bridge plate no.43 RVNRC 113 lamp Adlake no.22 signal lamp c1900 (Furness Railway, London Midland & Scosh Railway, Brish Railways) Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 114 rail chair from Kinneside Mine RVNRC 115 plan plan of landowners from Sellafield to Ravenglass (Whitehaven & Furness Juncon Railway) RVNRC 116 noce to trespassers (Furness Railway) RVNRC 117 linoleum framed sample Furness Railway linoleum RVNRC 118.1 lamp carbide/acetylene Lamp 'ECL' RVNRC 118.2 lamp carbide/acetylene lamp 'ECL' RVNRC 119 Brish Railways transfer RVNRC 120 hammer railway trackman's hammer - used by platelayers to repair permanent way RVNRC 121.1 plate Dalegarth Whillan Beck bridge makers' plate plate Fletcher Jennings 1876 - poss old bridge material accumulated in 1920s from somewhere (ravenglass std gauge bridge?) RVNRC 121.2 plate Ravenglass bridge makers' plate Fletcher Jennings 1876 RVNRC 122 sign sign from Barrow Steelworks RVNRC 123 iron sample on stand Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 124 4x iron sample test pieces RVNRC 125 iron miner's lamp RVNRC 127 2 model figures, miners RVNRC 128 swill basket RVNRC 129 haemate ore RVNRC 130 iron air pipe RVNRC 131 can for oil RVNRC 132 3 jumper head drills RVNRC 133 wheelbarrow wheelbarrow wooden with metal wheel. Has been restored with new wood RVNRC 134 saddle cart horse saddle RVNRC 135.1 wheel brake pulley wheel from Fisherground rope worked incline RVNRC 135.2 wheel brake band for pulley wheel from Fisherground rope worked incline RVNRC 136 pulley Nab Gill incline pulley RVNRC 137 wagon 2 gauge mine wagon RVNRC 138 pulley Nab Gill incline pulley RVNRC 139 rails bridge secon rails RVNRC 140 saw crosscut saw RVNRC 141 sign railway sign 'whistle connuously to crossing' RVNRC 142 electric token machine RVNRC 143 3 gauge ckets in frame (42) RVNRC 144 cket date stamp Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 145 wheel secon of 3 gauge wheel tyre RVNRC 146.a coupling 3 gauge coupling found at Boot RVNRC 146.b coupling 3 gauge coupling hook RVNRC 147 plate enamelled builders plate 3 gauge RVNRC 148 plate cast plate Bristol Wagon Works RVNRC 149 point 3 gauge point ebar and stand RVNRC 150.1 sleeper 3 gauge sleeper RVNRC 150.2 sleeper 3 gauge sleeper RVNRC 150.3 sleeper 3 gauge sleeper RVNRC 151 rail 3 gauge rail dogs and chair (mulple parts) Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 152 metable R&ER Timetable 1884 The English Alps, foot of Scawfell. Wilson Harrison, General Manager RVNRC 153 window panel ex Nab Gill mine office RVNRC 154 swill basket RVNRC 155 churn metal milk churn, Milk Markeng Board RVNRC 156 6 model figures RVNRC 158 basin sink basin from Heywood Duffield Bank sleeping car RVNRC 159 door door replacement from Heywood coach RVNRC 160 door handle RVNRC 161 plan of Heywood saloon coach (re-numbered as RVNRC 696.12) RVNRC 162 Heywood wooden bogie RVNRC 163 end rails from Heywood dining car RVNRC 164 Heywood bogie type coupling RVNRC 165 Heywood wagon coupling RVNRC 166 Heywood wheelset RVNRC 167 point Heywood points RVNRC 168.1 sleeper Heywood cast iron sleeper 15inch gauge RVNRC 169 plate fragment cast plate DBR (Duffield Bank Railway) 13 RVNRC 170 plate cast metal plate from Heywood bogie wagon 'Load 3 tons' Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 171 plate cast metal worksplate 'Duffield Bank Works 1883 3' from open carriage RVNRC 172 plate cast metal worksplate 'Duffield Bank Works 1904' from 3 ton bogie wagon RVNRC 173 plate cast metal worksplate 'Duffield Bank rebuilt 1910' intended for Muriel but never fied RVNRC 174 plate cast metal Heywood locomove nameplate 'Muriel' (River Irt) built 1894 Duffield Bank RVNRC 175 paern wooden paern for Heywood locomove firebox RVNRC 176 whistle locomove component whistle from Heywood Muriel RVNRC 177 Heywood loco tool box RVNRC 178.1 plate cast metal Heywood wagon axlebox cover Heywood axle box covers 'APH 1881' (Arthur Percival Heywood) RVNRC 178.2 plate cast metal Heywood wagon axlebox cover Heywood axle box covers 'APH 1881' (Arthur Percival Heywood) RVNRC 179 Heywood window frames brass RVNRC 180 paern Heywood point frog paern RVNRC 181 wagon Heywood wagon from Eaton Hall Railway RVNRC 182 wagon Duffield Bank 1896 returned to R. Buerell Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 183 signal signal Basse-Lowke style RVNRC 184 radiator radiator ex Lanchester ICL No 2, formerly Ella RVNRC 185 frame frames of Ella RVNRC 186 frame frames of Kae. Have been rebuilt into working locomove RVNRC 187 tanks sidetanks of Muriel RVNRC 188 sign sign 'To the Eskdale Line' RVNRC 189 sign Ravenglass' sign wood RVNRC 190 sign 'Next Train' sign, would have been aached to rear of train RVNRC 191 clock Next Train Departs clock RVNRC 192 Narrow Gauge Rlys ckets x23 RVNRC 193 NGR trespassers poster RVNRC 194 poster RER 1920s poster RVNRC 195 poster RHDR greatstone poster Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 196 lamp LMS plaorm lamp RVNRC 197 leaflet leaflet Visit Eskdale by the world's smallest public railway, Narrow Gauge Railways Ltd, John Wills General Manager RVNRC 198 R&ER carriage account form RVNRC 199 NGR order form RVNRC 200 NGR passenger form RVNRC 201 leaflet leaflet Visit Eskdale by the world's smallest public railway. W. Gillon, General Manager. Line guide and 1935 metable RVNRC 202 drill rock drill Climax DV2 RVNRC 203 rock drill RVNRC 204 Murthwaite Quarry substaon sign RVNRC 205 plate Sandycro crusher plate RVNRC 206 granite with drill-hole RVNRC 207 granite sets RVNRC 208 signal blasng signal RVNRC 209 rock drill bits RVNRC 210 pram RVNRC 211 child's hoop RVNRC 212.a knife R&ER xylo handled table knife Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 212.b fork R&ER nickel table fork Dalegarth tearoom 1920s Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 212.c fork R&ER nickel table fork Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 212.d spoon R&ER nickel tea spoon Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 213.1 plate R&ER ceramic large plate Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 213.2 plate R&ER ceramic large plate Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 213.3 plate R&ER ceramic large plate Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 214.1 plate R&ER ceramic side plate Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 214.2 plate R&ER ceramic side plate Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.1a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.1b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 215.2a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.2b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.3a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.3b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.4a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.4b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.5a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.5b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.6a teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 215.6b teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.7a teapot R&ER teapot lid Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 215.7b teapot R&ER teapot Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 216.1 bowl R&ER ceramic sugar bowl Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 216.2 bowl R&ER ceramic sugar bowl Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 217.1 jug R&ER ceramic milk jug Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 218.1a cup R&ER ceramic coffee cup Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 218.1b saucer R&ER coffee cup saucer Dalegarth tearoom 1920s RVNRC 219 menu Dalegarth Cafe menu, printed 1927 Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 220 sign Ravenglass staon maroon enamel sign Brish Railways RVNRC 221 sign Ravenglass staon maroon totem sign, Brish Railways RVNRC 222 wood sign 'warning before crossing' RVNRC 223 plan R&ER gradient profile plan NGR Ltd. drawing no. 704/3 15th Jan 1916 RVNRC 224 waing and refreshment room' sign RVNRC 225.1 sign enamel staon waing room noce sign, Brish Railways RVNRC 225.2 sign enamel noce sign Staon Master, Brish Railways western region RVNRC 226 headboard River Mite 21st Birthday Limited headboard 1967 - 1988 RVNRC 227 sign wooden RERPS sign, made by Neal Glover RVNRC 228 Silver Jubilee poster RVNRC 229 prinng plates - ckets RVNRC 230 metable metable LMS 1941 RVNRC 231.1 sign Furness Railway gate noce enamel sign RVNRC 231.2 sign Furness Railway gate noce enamel sign Record number Object simple name Brief Descripon Image RVNRC 232 fire warning sign RVNRC 233 plate Poultney cabside plate RVNRC 234 plate fragment of stamped metal cabside worksplate from Basse-Lowke Colossus locomove 1913 RVNRC 235 plate metal granite wagon worksplate Theakston R2019 1920s RVNRC 236.1 plate metal granite wagon Theakston worksplate small R1794 1920s RVNRC 236.2 plate metal granite wagon Theakston worksplate small R2738 1920s RVNRC 237 plate Far Toering & Oystercreek worksplate RVNRC 238 clippers cket clippers LMSR RVNRC 239 Sir Aubrey's wagon RVNRC 240 side door granite wagon RVNRC 241 wagon 2 ton Theakston granite wagon RVNRC 242 coach 16 seat bogie open coach.
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