TOPIC NUMBER TITLE AUTHOR ART 016 Advocating Women’s Rights in Film and Books: The Puerto Cornell Rican Division of Community Education ART 015 Morgue, The Serrrano, Andres ART 020 Another Face: Mexican Masks in El Museo del Barrio El Museo Del Barrio ART 038 Antony Gormley Gormley, Antony LIT 010 Apenas un Bolero Torres, Omar SOCI 015 Barrios and Borderlands Heyck, Denis Lynn Daly LIT 007 Battles In the Desert and Other Stories Pacheco, José Emilio JOURNAL 015 Caribbean Studies (V. 24, No. 3-4, July-Dec 91) Universidad de Puerto Rico MIGR 005 Cesar Chavez, Hispanics of Achievement Rodriguez, Consuelo IMGR 003 Chicanos and Rural Poverty Briggs, Vernon DOC 015 Como un Peruano De La Torre, Celso Pastor ORG 004 Nat’l Directory Hispanic Elected Officials, 1984 Hispanic Caucus Inc., Congressional EDU 006 Counseling for Careers in the 1980’s Feingold, Norman LIT 003 Cruising the Caribbean: US Influence and Interervention in the Fermandez, Ronald Twentieth Century LIT 009 Cuentos de buena tinta Otero, Manuel Ramos LIT 014 Cuentos Hispanos de Los Estados Unidos Olivares, Julian ART 025 Cultural Signs in Contemporary Art Walking Stick, Kay DOC 009 Days of Obligation, An Argument with my Mexican Father Rodriguez, Richard POET 026 De Lengua, razón, y cuerpo Sotomayor, Aurea María ART 035 De Memorias y Recuerdos Hambleton, Toni POET 015 Del Aire Y La Piedra Bejel, Emilio ART 024 Dia De Los Muetos: Homelessness Various POET 011 Direcciones Y Paraisos Bejel, Emilio ORG 005 Directory of Inter-American and Other Associations in the Organization of American Americas States HLTH 004 Divide and Conquer: Responsible Security for American’s Poor Ellwood, David T. SOCI 001 Divided Borders: Essays on Puerto Rican Identity Flores, Juan POET 016 Echolalia; Verse and Vibration Cappas, Alberto O. CU/ITH 011 Empowerment and Family Supports Directory (1990) Cornell ART 018 Endangered Species Various POET 005 Epoch vol. 43,2 94 Series Koch, Michael POET 013 Equivocaciones Firmat, Gustavo Pérez POET 012 Ese Viaje Unico Bejel, Emillio TOPIC NUMBER TITLE AUTHOR IMGR 005 Essays on Legal and Illegal Immigration Pozo, Susan IMGR 007 Farmworker Protective Laws (May 88) Nira, Teresa L. ART 036 Fascinating Slippers/Pantunlas Gronk MIGR 002 Fields of Toil: A Migrant Family’s Journey Valle, Isabel CU/ITH 005 Get a Clue: Guide to Cornell Brown, Kim EDU 020 Guide to P.R. Studies in Institutions of Higher Ed/1985-86 Rodriguez-Faticelli, Carlos REF 003 Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the US: Anthropology Kanellos, N REF 004 Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the US: Literature and Art ed. Lomelf, Francisco REF 001 Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the US: History Kannellos N REF 002 Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the US: Sociology ed. Padill, Félix ART 021 Handbook of the Collections CU Johnson Museum STAT 011 Hispanic America (Editorial Research Report) Barberis, Mary STAT 002 Hispanic Americans: A Statistical Sourcebook 1995 Homor, Louise HIST 008 Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S. Figueroa, Allan JOURNAL 003 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (Nov92, V14, #4) ed. Padilla, Amado HIST 005 Hispanic Presence in the United States Varona, Frank de YRBK 001 Hispanic Yearbook 1991 various YRBK 002 Hispanic Yearbook 1992 various STAT 012 Hispanics: Talent for Americas Future Senate Republican Conference on Hispanic HIST 030 History and Theory, Studies in the Philosophy of History Wesleyan University IMGR 010 Housing Policy Debate vol 4 Issue 3 Mae, Fannie EDU 003 How to Study in College Pauk, Walter POET 020 Huellas/ Footprints Bejel, Emiio IMGR 004 Ideas ‘92 Miami Latin American Studies Program IMGR 009 International Economic Journal Spring 92, vol. 6, no. 1 Rivera-Batiz, Francisco JOURNAL 007 Journal of History of Ideas (April - June 1985) ed. Stone, Harold ART 037 Jump Cut, A Review of Contempory Media Cut, Jump EDU 002 La Educación Organazation of AmericanStates HIST 023 Latinos: A Biography of the People Shorris, Earls ART 040 Latino Resources at the Smithsonian Smithsonian JOURNAL 004 Latino Studies Journal May 94, vol.5 Iss. 2 Padilla, Felix ART 034 Lo del Corazón: Heartbeat of a Culture various TOPIC NUMBER TITLE AUTHOR LIT 006 Made in USA Palau, Silvio Martinez STAT 013 Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies Cornell ART 039 Meeting Place Munoz, Juan HIST 010 Mexican Americans Garcia, Mario T. HIST 006 Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church 1900-1965 ed. Hinojosa, Gilberto M. MIGR 003 Mexican Americans in Transition; Migration and Employment Choldin, Harvey in Michigan Cities MIGR 004 Migrant Farmworkers of Wayne County ed. Lehmann, Joyce Woelfle LIT 008 Mujeres, Memorias, Malogros Glickman, Nora ORG 006 National Roster of Hispanic Elected Officials , 1987 NALEO ART 006 Official Museum Directory 1989, The American Assoc. of Museums ART 009 Out There; Marginalizaton and Contemporary Culture Ferguson, Russell SOCI 012 Outside the Wall: A Puerto Rican Woman’s Struggle Padilla, Felix M. LIT 019 Papiros de Babel Lónez-Adomo, Pedro POET 010 Penqueo en Nicaragua Blanco, Yolanda IMGR 013 Population and Labor Force of NY 1990-2050 Briggs, Vernon EDU 013 Professionalism, Vocationalism & Liberal Education Cornell HIST 007 Puerto Rican and Cuban Catholics in the U.S., 1900-1965 ed. Vidal, Jaime R. SOCI 010 Puerto Rican Youth Employment Hernandez, J SOCI 002 Puerto Ricans: Born in the USA Rodriguez, Clara E. STAT 001 Puerto Ricans in the United States; A changing Reality Rivera-Batiz, Francisco L. STAT 014 Puerto Rico Update of Selected Information Contained in a United States 1981 GAO Report SOCI 009 Race and Class in the Southwest Barrera, Mario EDU 015 Race, Color, and Language: Changing Schools in Urban Fernandez, Ricardo America EDU 016 Reaching Out: New York’s Hispanic Leadership Training Proj Cornell HLTH 005 Reforming Welfare With Work Gueron, Judith M. EDU 004 Reinventing Urban Education: Multiculturalism an dthe Socail Rivera-Batiz, Francisco Context of Schooling EDU 017 Review of Minority Education ART 017 Robert Gober Gober, Robert WRIT 005 Discoveries, Fall '95, No. 1 ART 022 Sacred Artifacts, Objects of Devotion Alexander, John THES 002 Social Organization of Crop Producton, The : Cassava, Saint, William Staver, Jr. Tobacco. amd Cotris om Bajoa. Brazo; ART 003 Border Crossings: Mexican and Chicano Cinema Noriega, Chon TOPIC NUMBER TITLE AUTHOR EDU 018 Technology and Education of Hispanics: The Promise and the Tomás Rivera Center Dilemma IMGR 006 Chicano Worker, The Briggs, Vernon EDU 005 Condition of Education, The National Center for Education Statistics EDU 008 Education of Hispanics: Status and implications, The Council of La Rza LANG 009 “English Plus” Project, The LULAC LIT 016 Mexican-American Border Region, The Femandez, Raul A. CU/ITH 009 Origin and Development of The Seneca &Cayuga Tribes of Niemczychi, Mary Ann NY, The Palmer CU/ITH 008 Peopling of Tompkins County: A Social History, The Kammen, Carol EDU 010 Scholarship Book, The Cassidy, Daniel MIGR 001 State of Chicano Research in Family, Labor, and Migraton Stanford Center for Studies , The Chicano Research EDU 007 State of Hispanic America, The Natioanal Hispanic Center for Advanced Studies and ART 023 Unpainted Portrait, The STAT 005 Towards a Puerto Rican-Latino Agenda for New York City Institute for Puerto Rican Policy, Inc. LIT 005 Uno de sus Juanes; y otos cuentos Glickman, Nora IMGR 008 U.S. Immigration Policy Reform in the 1980’s: A Preliminary ed. Rivera-Batiz, Assessment Francisco ANTH 004 Women’s Work and Chicano Families Zavella, Patricia WRIT 001 Writing with Style Trimble, John R. JOURNAL 014 Caribbean Studies (V. 24, No. 1-2, Jan-June 91) Universidad de Puerto Rico JOURNAL 012 Caribbean Studies (V. 22, No. 3-4, July-Dec 89) Universidad de Puerto Rico JOURNAL 010 Caribbean Studies (V. 22, No. 1-2, Jan-June 89) Universidad de Puerto Rico JOURNAL 013 Caribbean Studies (V. 23, No. 3-4, July-Dec 90) Universidad de Puerto Rico JOURNAL 011 Caribbean Studies (V. 25, No. 1-2, Jan-July 92) Universidad de Puerto Rico IMGR 011 Housing Policy Debate vol 3 Issue 2 Mae, Fannie JOURNAL 008 Journal of History of Ideas (Oct. - Dec. 1986) ed. Stone, Harold LIT 011 English Only Restaurant, The Palau, Silvio Marinea POET 014 Aposentos Blanco, Yolanda YRBK 003 Hispanic Yearbook 1993 various JOURNAL 002 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (May93, V15, #2) ed. Padilla, Amado JOURNAL 001 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (Feb93, V15, #1) ed. Padilla, Amado ENCY VOL I Reference Library of Hispanic America Vol. 1 Editor: Kanellos, Nicolás ENCY VOL 2 Reference Library of Hispanic America Vol. 2 Editor: Kanellos, Nicolás ENCY VOL 3 Reference Library of Hispanic America Vol. 3 Editor: Kanellos, Nicolás TOPIC NUMBER TITLE AUTHOR YRBK 004 Hispanic Yearbook 1995 various FICT 021 Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories Cisneros, Sandra SOCI 005 Ethnic Myth, The Steinberg, Stephen ANTH 021 Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives Oboler, Suzanne FICT 010 Life on the Hyphen: The Cuban American Way Firmat, Gustavo STAT 010 Dominican New Yorkers: 1990 Rivera-Batiz, Francisco CU/ITH 001 Century At Cornell, A Margulis, Daniel REF 006 Supervisors Desktop Library Garofalo, Gene HIST 018 Walls and Mirrors Gutierrez, David STAT 004 Statistical Yearbook for Latin America/Caribb/95 ed. United Nations STAT 016 Econ Survey of Latin American & Caribbean (1994-95) CU/ITH 010 Centers, Institutes, Lab, Prog. Directory/1996 Cornell University HLTH 008 Latino Health in the US: A Growing Challenge Molina, Carlos & Aguirre, Marilyen IMGR 012 Immigration & Ethnic Communities Rochin, Refugio YRBK 007 Ethos 1996 Yearbook LIT
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