PT Astra International Tbk Laporan Tahunan Annual Report 2019 Mengelola Tantangan, Menginspirasi Bangsa Embracing Challenges, Inspiring the Nation Daftar isi Contents 75 Profil Komite-Komite | Committees Profile 78 Struktur Grup Astra | Astra Group Structure 02 80 Anak Perusahaan, Ventura Bersama 286 dan Entitas Asosiasi Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures and Associates 87 Lembaga Penunjang Pasar Modal Tata Kelola Ikhtisar Capital Market Supporting Institutions Perusahaan Highlights Corporate 88 Governance 1 Tema | Theme 288 Tata Kelola Perusahaan 2 Ikhtisar Keuangan Corporate Governance Financial Highlights Sumber Daya 316 Laporan Komite Audit 4 Ikhtisar Saham Audit Committee Report Stock Highlights Manusia 6 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi Human Capital Awards and Certifications 8 Peristiwa Penting 2019 344 2019 Event Highlights 90 Sumber Daya Manusia | Human Capital 101 Digitalisasi di Grup Astra Digitalization in Astra Group Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan 12 Corporate Social 106 Responsibility Laporan Manajemen 346 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Management Reports Pembahasan dan Corporate Social Responsibility Analisis Manajemen Management Discussion and Analysis 14 Laporan Dewan Komisaris 367 Board of Commissioners Report 20 Dewan Komisaris | Board of Commissioners 108 Tinjauan dan Prospek Ekonomi Makro 22 Laporan Direksi | Board of Directors Report Indonesia 36 Direksi | Board of Directors Indonesia’s Macroeconomic Review and Laporan Keuangan 38 Tanggung Jawab Laporan Tahunan 2019 Outlook Financial Report Responsibility for Annual Report 2019 110 Struktur Bisnis | Business Structure 111 Tinjauan Bisnis | Business Overview 112 Otomotif | Automotive 116 Grup Mobil | Automobile Group 367 Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian 40 146 Sepeda Motor Honda 31 Desember 2019 dan 2018 Honda Motorcycles Consolidated Financial Statements 31 December 2019 and 2018 152 Produsen Komponen Otomotif Automotive Component Profil Perusahaan Manufacturer 158 AstraWorld | AstraWorld Company Profile 164 Jasa Keuangan | Financial Services Panduan Umum: Harap diperhatikan petunjuk dalam membaca laporan 168 Pembiayaan Kendaraan Bermotor ini, ‘Perseroan’ dan ‘Astra’ mengacu pada PT Astra International Tbk sebagai perusahaan induk. ‘Grup’ dan Automotive Financing ‘Grup Astra’ mengacu pada PT Astra International Tbk, 182 Pembiayaan Alat Berat anak perusahaan dan perusahaan afiliasi. Laba bersih 42 Informasi Perseroan | Company Information mengacu pada laba yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik Heavy Equipment Financing entitas induk. 46 Motto, Cita-Cita, Filosofi, Misi dan Visi 190 Jasa Perbankan | Banking Services Motto, Aim, Corporate Philosophy, General Use of Terms: 200 Asuransi | Insurance For guidance when reading this report, please note the term Mission and Vision ‘the Company’ and ‘Astra’ refer to PT Astra International Tbk 48 Sekilas Grup Astra 210 Alat Berat, Pertambangan, as the parent company. ‘Group’ and ‘Astra Group’ refer to PT Konstruksi dan Energi Astra International Tbk, subsidiaries and affiliates. Net income Astra Group at a Glance refers to profit attributable to owners of the parent. Heavy Equipment, Mining, 50 Produk dan Jasa/Segmen Usaha Construction and Energy Products and Services/Business Segments Sangkalan: 228 Agribisnis | Agribusiness Laporan Tahunan ini berisi pernyataan-pernyataan 52 Tonggak Sejarah | Milestones yang beberapa diantaranya dapat dianggap sebagai 234 Infrastruktur dan Logistik pandangan masa depan (forward looking statements), 60 Profil Dewan Komisaris Infrastructure and Logistics yang memiliki prospek risiko dan ketidakpastian, dan Board of Commissioners’ Profile perkembangan aktualnya dapat secara material berbeda 248 Teknologi Informasi dengan apa yang dinyatakan. 66 Profil Direksi | Board of Directors’ Profile Information Technology Disclaimer: 72 Struktur Organisasi | Organization Structure 256 Properti | Property This annual report contains statements that some of them may be considered forward looking statements, which 268 Tinjauan Kinerja Keuangan have the prospect of risk and uncertainty, and their actual Financial Performance Overview development may be materially different from what is stated. Highlights Management Discussion and Analysis Management Reports Corporate Governance 1 Company Profile Corporate Social Responsibility Human Capital Consolidated Financial Statements 2019 Mengelola Tantangan, Menginspirasi Bangsa Embracing Challenges, Inspiring the Nation Perkembangan iklim bisnis pada tahun 2019 memberikan tekanan pada kinerja beberapa lini bisnis Grup Astra. Menghadapi tantangan tersebut, Grup senantiasa membangun keunggulan melalui kapabilitas sumber daya manusia yang profesional dan berintegritas, kemampuan organisasional untuk ‘make things happen’, serta mempertahankan reputasi sebagai ‘partner of choice’. Sementara itu, dalam menghadapi tantangan bagi pertumbuhan ke depan, Grup melakukan pengembangan kompetensi digital secara terencana dan berkesinambungan. Grup berharap berbagai pencapaian maupun langkah strategis yang terekam pada tahun ini maupun di tahun-tahun mendatang dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi individu dan perusahaan di Indonesia, sekaligus membawa Grup Astra semakin dekat pada aspirasinya menjadi perusahaan kebanggaan bangsa. Developments in the business environment throughout 2019 put pressure on the performance of several Astra Group’s business lines. In the face of these challenges, the Group continues to build excellence through the capabilities of professional human capital with integrity, organizational ability to ‘make things happen’, and maintaining the reputation as a ‘partner of choice’. At the same time, challenges for future growth were responded by the Group through planned and sustainable development of digital competency. It is Astra Group’s hope that the various achievements and strategic steps recorded this year and in the coming years can be an inspiration to individuals and companies in Indonesia, as well as bringing the Group closer to its aspirations of becoming pride of the nation. Laporan Tahunan 2019 Annual Report ASTRA 2 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights Angka-angka pada seluruh tabel dan grafik dinyatakan dalam miliar Rupiah dan Numerical notation in all tables and graphs are stated in billions of Rupiah and menggunakan notasi bahasa Inggris kecuali disebutkan lain. in English notation, unless stated otherwise. * 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income Pendapatan Bersih 237,166 239,205 206,057 181,084 184,196 Net Revenue Laba Bruto 50,239 50,769 42,368 36,432 36,710 Gross Profit Laba Tahun Berjalan 26,621 27,372 23,121 18,302 15,613 Profit for the Year Laba yang Diatribusikan kepada: Profit Attributable to: - Pemilik Entitas Induk 21,707 21,673 18,847 15,156 14,464 Owners of the Parent - - Kepentingan Nonpengendali 4,914 5,699 4,274 3,146 1,149 Non-controlling Interests - Penghasilan Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 23,279 28,850 22,592 19,804 16,454 Comprehensive Income for the Year Penghasilan Komprehensif yang Comprehensive Income Attributable to: Diatribusikan kepada: - Pemilik Entitas Induk 19,464 22,623 18,490 16,626 15,276 Owners of the Parent - - Kepentingan Nonpengendali 3,815 6,227 4,102 3,178 1,178 Non-controlling Interests - Posisi Keuangan (Neraca) Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Jumlah Aset 351,958 344,711 295,830 261,855 245,435 Total Assets Aset Lancar 129,058 131,180 121,528 110,403 105,161 Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar 222,900 213,531 174,302 151,452 140,274 Non-current Assets Investasi pada Ventura Bersama dan 45,683 40,358 39,260 33,987 29,640 Investment in Joint Ventures Entitas Asosiasi and Associates Jumlah Liabilitas 165,195 170,348 139,325 121,949 118,902 Total Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 99,962 116,467 98,722 89,079 76,242 Current Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 65,233 53,881 40,603 32,870 42,660 Non-current Liabilities Jumlah Pinjaman 92,301 85,914 74,978 70,910 70,649 Total Borrowings Jumlah Ekuitas 186,763 174,363 156,505 139,906 126,533 Total Equity Ekuitas yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada 147,847 136,947 123,780 111,951 102,043 Equity Attributable to Pemilik Entitas Induk Owners of the Parent Analisis Rasio dan Informasi Lain Ratio Analysis and Other Information Modal Kerja Bersih 1 27,633 19,967 18,600 14,708 15,868 Net Working Capital 1 Laba Bersih terhadap Aset 2 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% Return on Assets 2 Laba Bersih terhadap Ekuitas 3 14% 16% 15% 13% 12% Return on Equity 3 Margin Laba Kotor 21% 21% 21% 20% 20% Gross Profit Margin Margin Laba Bersih 11% 11% 11% 10% 8% Net Income Margin Rasio Lancar (x) 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 Current Ratio (x) Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset (x) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio (x) Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas (x) 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 Liabilities to Total Equity Ratio (x) Saham Beredar (dalam Jutaan) 40,484 40,484 40,484 40,484 40,484 Issued Shares (in millions) Laba per Saham (Rp) 536 535 466 374 357 Earnings per Share (Rp) Nilai Aset Bersih per Saham (Rp) 3,652 3,383 3,058 2,765 2,521 Net Asset Value per Share (Rp) Dividen Interim per Saham (Rp) 57 60 55 55 64 Interim Dividend per Share (Rp) Dividen Final per Saham (Rp) 1574 154 130 113 113 Final Dividend per Share (Rp) Rasio Utang Bersih/(Kas Bersih) terhadap 11.9% 7.5% -1.7% -4.4% -0.8% Net Debt/(Net Cash) to Ekuitas5 Equity Ratio5 * Disajikan kembali sehubungan dengan penerapan PSAK 69 (2015) - Agrikultur. * Restated due to implementation of PSAK 69 (2015) - Agriculture. 1. Piutang Usaha + Persediaan - Utang
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