A F T DEPARTNENT OF THE ARMY CiiEHXCAL CORPS ADVISORY COUNCIL Army Chemica Center, Md. CMLAC 31- l962 SUBJECT8 R€prt8 and Recowndations To: Medmra, ,Chemical Coxpa Advisory Counoil Associate Msmbers, Chemical Corps Advlaory Co&il 1, Ths inclosed reports and recommendations, nrde by the Conmittees of the Chemical Corps Adaory Counoil during the period 1 January 1962 to 31 May 1962, will be considered by the Council at its 18-19 Jam 1962 .nmting, 2, In the rewrt to be given on the oombined meeting of the Agqtnta and Engineering and Production Committees, the Agent8 Committee will report on Observations 70, 9- and 10162, and Recomnendation8 3- and 84. T?rs Engineering and Produation Codttee will report on Observations 8- and 11.62, and Recomnendations I-, So, 6- and 7-62. 3. Council members are advised that tb time alloted for preparing the observations and reconrmendations for preesntstion to the chief Chem%aal Officer is limited to tm, hours, Therefore, meadPers should brin&$L draft copy, with any changes or suggestfons noted thereon, to thecounc meeting. 4, Thb copies furnished to Asaoahte Hembers are for informtion and should be brought to the meeting for referenee purpose^^^ 1 Inel AC-62-c-6 Info eytor Pers, OCCmlO Log Dir, OCCmlO Dr, Glassman G91 C z r w- I. , NCLRSSlFl ED 4 REPORTS AND RZCOMMEIIIDATIONS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEES OF THE CHEMICAL CORPS ADVISORY COUNCIL Schools and Wainha Committee 23-24 February 1962 9 Agents and Engineering & Production Comndt tees 8-9 March 1962 6 Protective Committee 3-3 April 1962 12 Dissemination & Testing Committee May Field 17-18 1962 16 I Medical Committee 24-25 May 1962 20 This document consists of . 23 pages. copy -34 of copies 1 Incl ' UNCLASSIFIED - i f J 1 .c UNCLASSIFIED SCEOOLS & TRAINING COMMITTEE Aberdeen Proving Ground and Army Chemical Center, Maryland 23-24 February 1962 Committee Members: Dr. Thomas H. Whitehead, Chairman Dr. Frederick Bellinger Dr. Walter E. Miller Dr. James W. Duckett Dr. Joseph R. Wilkinson Dr. James E. Greene, Sr. Dr. Peter A. S. Smith Col. Donald E. Yanka (U) The Schools and Training Committee of the U. S. Amy Chemical Corps Advisory Council met at Aberdeen Proving Ground and Amy Chemical Center, Maryland on 23-24 February 1962. All members were present except Dr. Peter A. S. Smith. Dr, Frederick Bellinger was in attendance 24 February only. I (U) At Aberdeen Proving Ground on 23 February the Committee was welcomed by Brig. Gen. R. E. Peters, Commanding General of the Otdnance Training Command. He briefed the Cornnittee on the Training Command's mission, organization, facilities, and programs. Following this introductory remarks were made by Brig. Gen. Adam U. Meetze and Dr. Thomas H. Whitehead. Gen. Meetze expressed his appreciation for having the opportunity to meet with the Ordnance Training Comand and stated that the Chemical Corps and Ordnance Corps have been co-partners in the overall mission of the Department of Defense for quite a number of years. He outlined the mission and structure of the Chemical Corps Advisory Council and specifically the Schools and Training Committee. Lt. Col. Raymond Hansotte (Ordnance Guided Missile School, Redstone (U) ' Arsenal, Alabama) made a presentation on the Guided Missile School Training Program and Development of Doctrine. (U) The Committee then:heard presentations on Maintenance and Control of Doctrine in Courses and Functional Approach to Families of Courses by Mr. C. 0. Gray (Educational Advisor, Ordnance School) and Capt. J. W. Kirby (Ordnance Guided Mis s i 1e School) respectively . (U) The Committee viewed an exhibit of audio-visual aids and programmed learning facilities at the Ordnance Training Command after which, at the request of Dr. Duckett, Mr. Gray reviewed a study on morale problems in the recruitment of Ordnance School staff and faculty personnel, This was followed by an open discussion. (U) The Committee was briefed by Dr. Thomas E. Shaughnessy (Educational ' Advisor, Ordnance Training Command) on the "Workshop in Effective Writing" being initiated by the Ordnance School. UNCLASSIFIED 2 UNCLASSIFIED (U) At Army Chemical Center on 24 February Brig. Gen. Meetze reported on Observations 16, 17, 18 and 19-61 and Recommendation 13-61 after which a status report on CCR 15-9 was given by Dr. C. B. Marquand. This was followed by a status report on the Chemical Corps School and Training Command by I Col. L. A. Parks. (U) Gen. Meetze and Lt. Col. B. M. Whitesides briefed the Committee on the Army Reorganization as it affects the Chemical Corps. (U) The Committee then met in executive session and reported their findings and conclusions to Chemical Corps personnel. (U) As a result of this meeting the Committee made the following observations and recomendations: (U) OBSERVATION NO. 1-62: The Committee appreciated the opportunity to meet with the Ordnance Training Command. It found that many problems were common both to the Chemical Corps and to the Ordnance Corps. It hopes that additional I meetings can be arranged with other organizations which have problems similar / to those of the Chemical Corps Training Command and School. (U) OBSERVATION NO. 2-62: The Committee appreciated the briefings given by Gen. Meetze, Col. Parks, and Lt. Col. Whitesides on the current Department of the Army reorganization and how it might affect the mission of the Training Command and the work of this Conunittee. (U) OBSERVATION NO. 3-62: The Committee notes with approval the progress made in information retrieval at CRDL and at the Chemical Corps School. In view of the Army reorganization, ihformation retrieval systems will take on even greater importance. (U) OBSERVATION NO. 4-62: The Committee observes with pleasure the expansion ! of the radiological facilities (1000 remotely controlled, 15 curie sources) at the Chemical Corps School. (U) OBSERVATION NO. 5-62: The Committee is pleased to note that the new wing at the CmlC School has the highest priority with some assurance that'it might exist in 1964. UNCLASSIFIED 3 UNCLASSIFIED (U) OBSERVATION NO. 6-62: The Committee observes with regret the loss of 44 out of 104 officers at the Chemical Corps School, without replacements as yet. Also,the loss of 5 combat officers will be a serious blow if they are not r ep laced. (U) It is recommended that: (U) RECOMMENDATION NO. 1-62: Recommendations 5-6w and 13-61w be r'eemphasized. (U) *RECOMMENDATION NO. 5-60: Chemical Corps Technical Committee action at the time of establishment of an end-item project include provisions for the furnishing of selected end-items to the Chemical Corps School and the CBR Orientation Course. EXPLANATION: The training and orientation schools of the Chemical Corps (specifically the School at Fort McClelian and the CBR Weapons Ori en tation Course at Dugwayj have an urgent need for certain new items of Chemical Corps equipment which are under development by the U. S. Army Chemical Corps Research and Development Conmand. These items are needed for instruction and the timely presentation of current trends. They are also needed so that preparation of material to be used in future manuals and instructioaal material may reflect up-to-date technical advancements. The early supply of selected new end-items will offset the present disadvantage of the relatively long interim between standardization and actual issue of items. These items should be included in the procurement for Engineering and User Tests. The need for each item should be considered on an individual basis, and those items selected for the School and the Course will be prin- cipally those destined for general issue to troops or for special issue to Chemical Corps troops. (U) MRECOMMENDATION NO'. 13-61: Funds be immediately provided to implement previous Recommendation No. 5-60 which was accepted by the Chief Chemical Officer. EXPLANATION: It was learned that although a workable scheme had been provided for obtaining these items, no money is currently available for them and they are not being received. UNCLASSIFIED 4 UNCLASSIFIED EXPLANATION: On several previous occasions, such as when Recommendation No. 13-61 was reported on at the meeting on 24 February 1961, the Committee was assured that a suitable mechanism had been established whereby prototype items would be obtained for teaching purposes at the Chemical Corps School. However subsequent conversations with personnel on the staff of the Director for Military Operations give the impression that this, in fact, is not the case. Apparently, prototype items for the School can be purchased with Rm&E funds, since this is done at the Ordnance School. Such procedures should also be available to the Chemical Corps School. (U) RECOMMENDATION NO. 2-62: The Chemical Corps School avail itself of the opportunity to obtain the script and the film used in the Ordnance School / "'Workshop in Effective Writing". EXPLANATION: The Committee has, on many occasions, been concerned with the techniques employed at the Chemical Corps School to further effective writing and speaking. It was most favorably impressed by the 'Workshop in Effective Writing" developed by Dr. T. E. Shaughnessy of the Ordnance Training Command. Though the initial cost of the film used in the Workshop is high, prints will shortly be available at moderate cost. Such segments which are applicable should be incorporated into courses at the Chemical Corps School. UNCLASSIFIED 5 i 1 .I .b UNCLASSIFIED JOINT MEETING OF ENGINEERIN & PRODUCTION AND AGENTS COMMITTEES: Army Chemical Center and Fort Detrick, Maryland 8-9 March 1962 Agents Cornittee Engineering & Product ion Comi t tee Dr . Thomas P. Carney, Chairman Mr. Robert A. Shurter, Jr., Chairman Dr. Howard Adler Dr. Weldon G. BroWn Dr. Halvor 0. Balvorson Mr. Thomas S. Carswell Mr. Thomas W.
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