The Glengarry News THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Alexandria, Ont., Friday, September 16th, 1949 $2.50 A YEAR Many Activities Planned By Kinsmen Child Drowned Jack Gelineauf Discuss Possibility P.U.C. Setting Up Machinery To In Whey Tank With Boston Bruins Of Buying Arena Pump Water from Mill Pond Fnr Peanut Day Next Thursday ' Local Sportsmen Accident Takes Life (The Boston Herald, Sept.' 9) Would 'Purchase Health Officer Orders Immediate Use Afternoon And Evening Attractions Will Of 2-Year-Old Son Jack Gelineau, former McGill Uni- versity and Montreal Catholic High •Glengarry Gardens Of Pond Water After Inspection Of Include Dollar Day Bargains, A.H.S. Field Day, Of Mr. & Mrs. A. Seguin goalie, will tend the nets for the Bos- Present Supply At Dam, Tuesday ton Bruins this season, according to an Formation of a company which Parade of Floats, Show And Street Dance Tragedy struck the home of Mr. and announcement made by General Man- would purchase the Glengarry Gar- The Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday was ordered to at once sjart Mrs. Albert Seguin, three -miles east of ager Art Ross yesterday afternoon. Peanut Day- in Alexandria, next Thursday, as planned by the sponsoring Alexandria, Saturday morning, when dens from Alex DaPrato is'Being con- using water from the Mill Pond, following a visit by Dr. R. S. Peat of Cornwall, Gelineau succeeds the popular and Kinsmen Club, will offer a full day’s. attractions, which will include special their two-year-old son, Herbert, was sidered by a group of Alexandria district Medical Officer of Health. Dr. Peat is reported to have inspected the efficient Frankie Brimsek, who was Collar Day bargains in many of the stores. drowned after tumbling, unnoticed, businessmen" and sport fans, who met present water supply at the pumping station, now at an all-time low, before sold to the Chicago Blackhawks yes- Starting in the afternoon with the big parade of floats, old cars and other into a large tank of whey. The body Tuesday evening to discuss the pro- recommending immediate use of the Mill Pond water. terday at his own request. Brimmie, vehicles, the day’s program will include the annual Field Day of Alexandria was recovered only after a search of ject. We understand there is a pos- During the past few days a pole line has been erected from the Ottawa as he was affectionately known by the High School. The evening attractions 'will open with a mock fire, when more than an hour about the farm sibility of the building being sold to ^street transformer to a point in rear loyal followers of the Bruins, told the members of the local Fire Brigade willy and in a neighbouring woodlot. outside interests and this has prompted Bruins’ management that he would like of the Garry Fen property> where the demonstrate their ability on the hose It is believed the little boy was play- the discussion as to raising sufficient Fimpralryiiuld! TnIU Rp ilCil)llplrl recently purchased pump will be set -lines. The S.D. & G. Highlanders’ ing about the farm yard and climbed to complete his National Hockey Lea- money in the Alexandria district to May Erect Homes gue career this year with the Hawks. up The fine pipe band will entertain, followed a wooden platform beside the large take over the arena and make it a H6T6 Oil Ssturdsy - ehlorinator ordered some by a big show in Glengarry Gardens On Bishop Street tank half filled with whey. With a Jack Gelineau, the third Bruins’ real community centre. weeks ago has now arrived and there and the grand finale free street dance small dipper he was apparently trans- goalie since 1928,; played four games Much enthusiasm was displayed by should be little delay in setting up ■on the Mill Square. Roland Cholette, proprietor of the ferring the whey to a smaller container last season when Brimsek was absent those attending the meeting and a the new pumping station. Three- because of the defeh of his young son. Throughout the afternoon and eve- Alexandria Sash & Door Factory, is when he lost his balance and fell into committee of eight was named to can- inch. pipe will be used for the intake the large tank. The opposition averaged three goals a vass the district to see how much ning imported clowns will entertain on planning to erect a number of homes and the water will be taken from the ur streets and it is reported there on Bishop street north, we understand. Becoming alarmed at the child’s dis- game against Gel^reau but the Bruins’ support such a scheme would receive. management rates the lanky goalie channel of the pond, 80 feet from Till:be a mule riding contest by/the A representative of the Mutual Life appearance, Mrs. Seguin searched the Those present at the • meeting, held downs during the parade of floats. Assurance Co. was in town last week farm yard and buildings and sum- highly. Brimsek’s average for 54 in the Hub hall, envisaged completion shore, it is expected. Heading the parade will be the big endeavoring to interest local builders moned her husband who, with neigh- games was 2.72 goals for the opposition. of the rink’s interior with adequate Members of the P.U.C. met some handsome Planter’s Peanut float, and prospective owners in a scheme bors, was searching the nearly woodlot Gelineau is almost as well known to seating and flooring. The rink could •three weeks ago when the decision carrying the- Peanut Queen, and there whereby almost the entire cost of when Mrs. seguin found the body of followers of high school hockey in then be used for year round activities was made to use the water from the will Bê a cash prize for guessing the erection of homes would be financed her child in the tank. * Greater Boston as, he is to Bruins’ fans. and with business-likê management -it pond. Heavy rains immediately after number: of peanuts on the float. Three by his company and the provincial Dr. G. L. Latour of Alexandria, was He played his first hockey in Boston in was felt the Gardens could become a the meeting are given as the reason valuable prizes are also to be won in and federal governments. called, but efforts at resuscitation the Arena as goalie for Montreal money-making proposition. for delaying implementation of that connection with Dollar Day purchases The number of homes to be erected proved unavailing. Dr. D. J. Dolan, Catholic High against the Greater As a real community institution, It decision, but expected rainfalls failed in the co-operating stores, which will will depend on the demand, but it is coroner, has declared no inquest will Boston All Stars. Howie Morenz, Jr., was felt, the Gardens could as well be to materialize and conditions now are ■carry distinguishing posters in their reported five or six homes are in be held. was a teammate. a great impetus toward organizing such that the move- can not longer windows. prospect. * Mr. and Mrs. Seguin hâve one other Gelineau was the outstanding goalie juvenile sport in the district. be delayed. The Commissidn is to Big activity of the day by the Kins- —o — child, a 10-months-old son. in college hockey during the three Lloyd McHugh - acted as chairman meet tonight, to further dispuss the' men and their young assistants will o years he starred for McGill University. of the meeting and Laurier Sabourin situation. be the sale of peanuts, and pur- He is more related in the nets than was secretary. chasers will be counted on to give Maroons Eliminated Police Chief Lamothe Brimsek, but whether he can ap- —o generously for the nuts. All proceeds proximate the greatness of Frigid go toward the children’s playground In Final Period Is Resigning Post Frankie remaihs to be seen. HR. A. CLARENCE MacPHEE, To Manage Arena project. He is 10 years younger than the Many Attended who died at Bremmerhaven, Germany, o Police Chief Alcide Lamothe has 33-year-old Brimsek and if he can do September 1st, as the result of a fall Alexandria’s Maroons bowed out of At Peterborough handed in his resignation to Town anywhere near as well as his prede- and whose funeral is to be held here, the lacrosse play-offs at Cornwall, Funeral Mrs. Fraser Council and expects to leave at the cessor did after succeeding Tiny Saturday morning. The body was ex- Friday night, but only after coming J. Walter Smillie of Maxville, was end'of the month for Quebec City, Thompson, the Bruins’ management The funeral service for the late Mrs. pected to arrive in Alexandria last To Call Tenders heartbreakingly close to winning the appointed manager of the new Civic where he has accepted a position. and followers will be more than satis- Finlay T. Fraser of Tisdale, Sask., night, and the funeral will be held at deciding' game and eliminating the Arena at Peterborough, Ont., at- a Members of the Police and'Fire com- fied. He has one mark of greatness whose death followed a motor accident 10. o’clock Saturday morning, leaving For New Sewers Cornwall squad, which had lead the meeting of the board of management mittee of Council are to meet this that characterizes all top goalies. He near Melfort, Sask., on September 3rd, the Marcoux & Morris Funeral Home loop all season. last week. Mr. Smillie recently sold week to consider action on the secur- never goes down tb'make a save unless was held to St.
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