DISEGNARECON volume 13/ n. 24 - June 2020 STREET ART. DRAWING ON THE WALLS ISSN 1828-5961 Iryna Kuznetsova Candidate of Technical Scienc- es (PhD), Doctor of Art Criti- cism, Professor at the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». She was the founder and editor of the collection of scientific works “Theory and Practice of Design” in 2012- 2018. Research interests: the relationship of mathematics, design, art, architecture, in- terior. Igor Dudnyk Candidate of Art History (2019), Lecturer at the Nation- al Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, School of Visual Communications. Freelance journalist in the field of media design. Research interests: history and font theory; art of an old printed book of the XVI- XVII centuries, engraving. National and globalization features in sculptural, pictorial and font compositions of modern street art in Ukraine Oleg Lilchitskij Lecturer at the National Acad- Analysis of street art of Ukraine revealed the clas- Illustrative and font compositions made by emy of Fine Arts and Architec- sification features of objects, including pictorial street artists have five main subject lines con- ture. Research interests: street and font compositions, determined by the vol- nected with globalization processes. art, reflection of sports life in the objects of architecture, de- ume, size of the occupied area (proportionality), National features in their fine arts are manifest- sign, art. the presence of artistic education of performers, ed as much as possible during the period of ac- the purpose of creating compositions. tivation of national consciousness. Professional Classification of Ukrainian street art objects can artists most often use national or globalisation be made on two different signs: according to for- features in their murals according to social order. mality of object execution and object volume. It National and international features in font com- is proposed to classify three-dimensional objects positions of modern street art in Ukraine are de- made by officially recognized sculptors depend- fined. The protonation form of font compositions ing on the purpose of object creating. The main takes over the “globalization” aspect in Ukrainian characteristic of the past three-dimensional street art. National features are reflected in cur- street art of Ukraine is excessive politicization. sive, international - in Gothic compositions. The modern look of the sculpture was created with the help of appropriate expressive means of postmodernism, points to the characteristic Keywords: features of Ukrainians: irony and cardiocentrism. Ukrainian street art; national; globalization The most vivid national features are expressed in the sculpture on Ukrainian mythological subjects. http://disegnarecon.univaq.it DISEGNARECON volume 13/ n. 24 - June 2020 STREET ART. DRAWING ON THE WALLS KUZNETSOVA - DUDNYK - LILCHITSKIJ 13.2 ISSN 1828-5961 National and globalization features in sculptural, pictorial and font compositions of modern street art in Ukraine 1. INTRODUCTION the context of the relationship between two fac- tors: the image and the font composition. National and globalization factors in this article The aim is to identify the main features of mod- are considered in the aspect in which they are ern street art in Ukraine with an emphasis on studied in relation to design by Ansley J. (Ans- font compositions and the specificity of display- ley, 1993). The rector of the Kharkiv Academy of ing national and globalization features. Design and Arts Danilenko noted that the arche- typal components of the Ukrainian mentality in- 2. THE CURRENT STATE OF THREE-DIMENSION- clude the following: emotionality; cardocentrism, AL STREET ART IN UKRAINE. loneliness; lyricism, the ideal of inner and outer harmony; household aestheticism, individualism; Objects of street art of Ukraine can be classified pluralistic ethics; attraction to freedom; the de- on two grounds. The first classification feature is sire for equality, biased attitude to power struc- determined by the executor of the object. The offi- tures (Dany`lenko, 2005). Based on these compo- cial performer of a street art object in Ukraine, as nents, an artistic image is created not only of the a rule, has the appropriate art education. An offi- designed street art objects but also of a holistic cial performer invited from abroad usually has a perception of the urban street space. well-known name in the field of street art. This direction in the aspect of perception is dis- An unofficial performer (or group of performers) played quite complete in (Kuznetsova, 2006). In the can be amateur artists or graffiti enthusiasts. most cited works on a national design in Ukraine The second classification feature is determined by (Dany`lenko, 2005) and (Kosiv, 2019) have no in- the volume of street art objects. Two sets of objects formation about street art. Existing review publi- are considered here: planar and three-dimensional. cations dedicated to Ukrainian street art have an Let’s analyze the three-dimensional objects in album character (Bios & Ayokid, 2019 ; Leros & connection with the goals facing the author of Moiseienko, 2018), it does not analyze the typolo- the three-dimensional object. Fig. 1 -Shchors monument. gy. Therefore, this research is relevant. The first type of three-dimensional objects of Since graffiti swept the big cities in the1970s, dur- street art in Ukraine is determined by the propa- in recent 15 years. At present, there is a strug- ing the last fifty years some analysis of existing ganda of the existing system at the moment. gle for the preservation of other monumental street art was made. The basis for the writing of There are few large-scale street art objects left sculptures, on the one hand having aesthetic and this article were publications in the following di- from the times of the Russian Empire. These historical value, on the other promoting the ide- rections: 1) description of street art in certain are busts of prominent cultural figures of the ology of the USSR. As an example of the object cities of Ukraine, for example, Cherkasy, Lviv, time, sculptures on the facades and roofs of of heated discussions we can cite the equestrian etc. (Gavry`lyuk, 2018; Romanenko, Vy`skvarka houses. This subspecies of three-dimensional monument to the commander of the Civil War of & Galy`cz`ka, 2013), 2) personified murals with objects of street art may have the prospects of 1917-1922 Nikolai Shchors, sculptors V. Boro- an emphasis on the metropolitan cities of Kyiv conceptual research: the specifics of artistic dai, N. Sukhodolov, M. Lysenko; 1954 (Fig. 1). and Kharkov (Kolisny` & Ponomar`ova, 2019)[1], images and means of expression depending on To this day, there are almost no sculptures that 3) overview literature on graphic styles, in which the location of the region of the country. reflect certain needs of the ideology of the USSR street art is considered as a phenomenon charac- The next subspecies can be considered the at the moment. For example, these are relatively teristic of the present (Armstrong, 2019; Heller & heritage of the sculptural past of the USSR in primitive plaster sculptures of athletes, pioneers, Chwast, 2011) , 4) mass Internet - excursions on Ukraine, which remained in sufficient numbers. etc. Both of these subspecies did not involve the murals in a popular presentation with a brief de- It is characterized by features of monumentality, active use of national elements. The national fac- scription of objects (Lazurina, 2018) [2][3]). had at the time of creation a certain ideological tor was used mainly in the context of glorifying the National and globalization features of street art content, which was reflected in a large-scale friendship of different peoples that were part of the fonts of Ukraine have not been considered be- majestic plastic form. The sculptural composi- Russian Empire and, later, the USSR. For example, fore. Similarly, the national features of Street Art tions associated with the name of the leader of a monument from the times of the Russian Em- of Ukraine have not been considered before in the Lenin Communist Party have been destroyed pire and a multi-figure sculptural composition in http://disegnarecon.univaq.it DISEGNARECON volume 13/ n. 24 - June 2020 STREET ART. DRAWING ON THE WALLS KUZNETSOVA - DUDNYK - LILCHITSKIJ 13.3 ISSN 1828-5961 National and globalization features in sculptural, pictorial and font compositions of modern street art in Ukraine artists (Utesov in Odesa, Pugovkin in Kharkiv) but also the famous urban characters of the past (plumber, lantern, etc.). The promotion of univer- sal values presupposes interest in cultural figures and objects of the country’s cultural heritage. For example, 87 monuments to the poet and public figure Ivan Franko were erected at different times in Ukraine (round sculpture and busts). There are possibilities for the development of an in-depth classification of this subspecies. The third type of three-dimensional objects of street art is determined by the specifics of the reflection of the modern era of postmodernism. In the squares of Ukrainian cities, in addition to traditional statues that serve to promote a cer- tain ideology, there are often comic sculptures. In Berdyansk it is the Toad, reflecting envy as a vice, in Lviv - the Monument to the Smile. The general idea of such a modern three-dimensional street art of Ukraine in the context of postmodernism is reflected in the landscape alley in Kyiv (Fig. 4). Here the features of the postmodern era co- incide with the characteristic features that modern researchers endow Ukrainians with. This is irony and cardiocentrism. Fig. 2 -Donetsk forged sculpture. Fig. 3 - Monument to the Cossack Mamay Let us return to the first classification feature. Unofficial volume work of street art is repre- honor of the Pereyaslav Soviet of Soviet times are often related to the traditions, interests, folk- sented by one-time actions (fig. 5). dedicated to this, where the key figure is the com- lore, flora and fauna of the regions.
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