Pl'UcfedIlIY, oi tile 7t11 lutei uctionu! WUihlllU Couteieu:« 0/1 Stcn ed-prol uct Piotecuou - VOIUIJlf 1 A list of insects on stored traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) materials in Shandong Province, China 1 2 2 3 LIU GUllm , Ye Baohua'. LI Zhaohui", Liang Xlaowcn • LlU Yonglt • Kong Fanhua and Zhou Hongxu' Ab~/mct Host every kind of TCM matenals B Corrodentia Insects on the stored uaditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) Liposcelidae materials were investigated in 26 regions at Shandong Province from 1993 to 19LJ6 100 species at msects 2 LIPO~Cell' bo~fJ uchoptnlu-. Badonnel Drstnbution all regions collected belonging to 10 orders and -1--1-tarmhes were identified, among which there were 8-1-species of msect pests belongmg Host e\ ery kind of TCM matenals to 5 orders and 3-1-fanuhes and 16 species of msect enelmes Atl'Up/(lae L belonging to 7 orders and 10 farmhes 22 species at insects 3 Tmgllilll pul-atcn 111111 were newly recorded m Shandong Province The Distnbution all regions collected distribution and the hosts of 100 species of insects were also Host everv kind of TCM matenals descnbed C Lepidoptera Gelechudae -1- Slfotmga cereulella (Olrvtei l Distribution all regions collected Host malt. nee sprout. the seed of lob's tears. the fi urt Introduction of Chinese wolfbeu v, Chmese waxgourd seed. etc Tineidae Traditional Chmese medicinal (TCM) materials are subject 5 TII/ea /I/gill uili-; Meynck " to attach by a lot of pest insects (mcludmg nutes) FOl tlus Distnbution Zaozhuang reason. many researches at insects on stored TCM matenals Host ground beetle were can led out m Chma TCM matenals resources ate Gallerudae abundant m Shandong Provmce. Chma but up till now the 6 Aplionu« Uli/eo I' Zeller studies of msects on stOl ed TCM ma tenals hm e not been DlstnbutlOn lmmg. Changqmg reported yet The authors carned out an all-round research Host the seed of lob's tears. malt mto the msects m TCM matellals warehouses tram 26 PhYCIttdae legIOns m the Pronnce from 1993 to 19lJ6 IUU speCIes of 7 Plod ICI III tel plilictelia (Hubner) msects on 231 hmds of TCM matenals were found The DlstnbutlOn all legIOns collected re~ults were tiS follows (A speCIes With ~ IS newly Host JUJube. frUIt of hawthOln. malt. the lOot of recorded hom Shandong Provmce ) membranous nulk vetch. dangshen (Codonopsls ptlosula) • the root of balloonflowel. the lOot of the narrow-leaved The Pests polvgala, etc 8 Eplte,tlCl ((( II/ella (Walkel) Insecta DlstnbutIon Tatan. Qmgdao. Lalwu and Rongcheng Host the seed of lob's tears. the seed of boat-frUIt A Thvsanura stelculta. chmabellv. dangshen. dunese angelICa. the Leplsma tldae root of membranous nulk \ etch, etc 1 Ctfllolepl'lJla I'llIo"a FabnclUs <) Eplle,/1Cl tlC}/(ll/el/a Gregson DlstllbutlOn all regIOns collected DlstnbutlOn Yanzhou. Zhucheng Host the ft Ult of citron Pvraltdae I[)epdrtmenl "f Plant 1'",teLtI< Ill. '-,handong I\gm ultur,tl lhllvep'lt'. Idian 2710 lb. "hangd"ng. Chilli! IU Pillall' teo I/Iall' (L ) 'I "Idn lradillon,tl Chllll'e Medlcllldl Matulal "Idll"n, Llldn271001. DlstnbutlOn Changqmg. Latvang. Rongcheng "hand"ng. Chllld Host the loot-tuber at aromatIC tmmenc. the membrane Idldn Planl P]()tectl"n "tett,,'n 1man 27100() , "hilndong, ( hllla at a ducken's glzz2rd 98 Pruceedll/c/" uf ti,e 7t11 lutei natioua! WOIhlllY CUllfeu'llce UII Stin ed-prcduci Piotection - Volullle 1 II Punih-. Lleillywll' Zeller fruit-rmd of Chinese tnchosanthes, dangshen , the root of Distribution Hcze , Qmgdao , Yanzhou lar g-flowered skullcap, etc Host monkshood, sickle senna seed Ci ytophagidae 12 Aylo\\o dinnduita (Haworth) 21 CI IftopllllgU" del/tat w, (Herbst) Distnbunon Qmgdao Distribution Rizhao , Heze HO'3t tougucao (Speranskia tuberculata ) Host JUjube, the seed of Job's tears D Coleoptera 22 Atonuu i« 11'11'1\1 Reitter Ostomatidae Distribution Laiwu 13 Teuetnoule-. /)IUln itau « u-; (L ) Host the rhizome of onental water plantain Distnbution Jmmg. Taian. Omgdao , Heze , Changqing , Piphylhdae Zaozhuang, Larwu , Yucheng , Zhucheng , Liaocheng , 23 Ci uptoptnl n-. iuteqe, (Heed Lmvi, Yanzhou , Zhangdian , Yantai, Weihai Distribution Taian Laiyang , Heze , Changqmg , Dezhou , Host the Inut-rmd of Chinese tnchosanthes , the seed ot Rizhao , Wetfang , Zhucheng , Liaocheng Job's tears, the root ot Dahunan angelica. Clunese Host the seed of Job's tears, the seed of Oriental angelica. the root ot straight ladvbell , rhizome ot arborvitae, the flower of honevsuckle , jmgjie , ASiatic chuanxiong , etc plantain, the root of membranous nulk "etch, etc Silvarudae Cudae 1.+ ()llf;:;ocpllllu~ 'In 1l1U1l/CII"I" (L ) 2.+ CI" IIl1hayell"I" Nobuchi et wada Distnbution Immg , Tatan, Lalwu, Jman, Changqmg, DlstnbutlOn Tatan Dezhou, BIllZhou, Zhangdlan, Qlllgdao, Yantal, Welhal, Host glossy ganoderma LIllVl, Rlzhao Hlstelldae Hust JUjube, the frUlt-nnd of Chmese tnchosanthes, 25 Cen ClllOp;, qllatf lIo/(lec 11I1;,tIlUt II' stephens dangshen, the root of led-rooted sahla, lUCIdasparagus, Dlstllbutlon Talan, Qmgdao, Zaozhuang, Dezhou the pud of Clunese scholartree etc Host residue IS /1/10"/'('/11,' (I(I1'CIIa (Walt!) 26 Delldwplllllu" l'O 1'11'11Marseul DlstllbutlOn Jmmg, Yanzhou, Tawn, Heze, Latwu, DlstnbutlOn Tawn DeLhou, Yucheng, Zhangdlan, Dongymg, Chanqmg, Host residue Weltang, Bmzhou, LmYl, Qmgdao Nltldulldae Host dark plum, fermented soya beans apneat hernel, 27 On JJOpllllll' !leiluptci u~ (L ) the flower ot c1uysanthemum, dandehon, ASiatic DlstnbutlOn Jmmg, Lmvl, Zhangdlan, Welfang plantam, dangshen, lucid asparagus, etc Host orange peel, JUjube 16 Mo/(otollw ])1(/ IX;, Herbst 28 Cenpupllllu" dllJudlUf/(~ (FabnclUs) DlstllbutlOn Welfang, Bmzhou Dlstllbutlon LIllYI, Bmzhou, Rlzhao, Qmgdao, Latyang, Host the root bark of Chmese wolfbell v , Clunese Talan, Zhangdlan waxgourd seed Host the itUlt ot hawthorn, the root of Zhejlang flgwort. 17 Sill'IWII" hldellfaflh FabnclUs dangshen, the lOot of membranous milk vetch, the frUit DlstllbutlOn DeLhou of gmgko Host zedoary tUlmellC 29 OI/poplllill" ob;,olefll' Enchson Cucujldae DlstnbutlOn Jmmg, Rlzhao l!-i C1Ifptole"fe" plI"III/I'., (Schonherr) Host the tlower of honeysuckle, "anegated coral bean DlstnbutlOn Tatan, LmYl, Zhangdlan bark Host dangshen, the frUlt-nnd of Chmese tnchosanthes MUfl1ududae 19 Cllfpfole;,te, fellllgillell,' (~tephens) 30 Mlillllldll<." "tOlC u" Hmton DlstllbutlOn J uung, Tatan, Heze, Dezhou, Weltang, DlstnbutlOn Zhangdlan Zhucheng, Zhangdlan Host residue Host llce sprout. Chmese catel'pillat fungus, the frUlt- Mycetophagldae llnd ot Chmese tnchosanthes, dangshen, the seed of 31 Tlfplwect "tncol'('(I (L ) cowherb, the flowel of clu ysanthemum, the trUit of DlstnbutlOn Talan, i.alwu, Jlllmg, Yanzhou, Dezhou, hawthorn Welfang, Qmgdao, Zhucheng, LmYI, Rlzhao 20 CllfPfolf,tf" t Iii C IClI,' (Grounlle) Host fermented soya beans, jllljle, malt. penllaseed, the DlstllbutlOn Jmmg, Talan, Qmgdao, Lalwu, Dezhou, capsule ot weepmg forsythia, the rluzome of Chlllese BmLhou, LmYI, Zhangdlan atractylodes, Chmese angehca, etc Host malt. the seed of Job's teats, orange peeL the Lathndudae 99 Proceedinqs of the Tth Internatunuil Wmklllg COl/terence on Stored-prcduct Protection - Yolume 32 M/gneau.ua onentahs Reitter 47 Crupiicus lauusculus Menetnes" Distnbution Dezhou Distnbution Zhangdian Host the seed of cowherb, jmgjie , the flower of Host residue chrysan themum 48 Mesomoi pill!)) millgel Blanchard 33 Holoparamecus capitatus Wollaston Distnbution Taian, Heze , Zhangdian Distribution Taian , Changqmg Host peach kernel, Chinese VIolet, cattail pollen, the Host the root of the narrow-leaved polygala, the fruit- tuber of pinelha, the seed of Job's tears, etc nnd of Chmese tnchosanthes, earthworm 49 Alplutoaiu« diapennus Panzer 34 Holoparamecus depressu; curtis Distribution TaIan, Heze Distribution Immg Host the seed of Job's tears, apncot kernel, Chinese Host dangshen VIolet, the stem prth of the nee-paper plant, subprostrate 35 Holoparamecus ellipticus Wollaston sophora Distnbution Rizhao 50 Alphitooiu: lcemoatu« Fabncius Host the root of membranous milk vetch Distnbution Taian, Heze , Zhangdian 36 Latin ulius berqroilu Reitter" Host apncot kernel, medicated leaven Distnbution Dezhou 51 Tenebrio obscurus Fabricius Host zedoary turmenc Distnbution Taian, Heze, Iman, Liaocheng, Qmgdao, 37 Con mom us coiistrictus (Gyllenhal ) Linyi Distnbution Lmyi Host the root of kudzu vme , the stem pith of the nee- Host black-snake paper plant, the seed of Chmese dodder, etc 38 Cartcdere I'UtICOl/l~ (Marseul) 52 Opatrurn. subaratuni Faldermann Distnbution Taian , Rizhao Distribution Yanzhou, LmYI Host the root of membranous milk vetch, the fruit-nnd Host dned gmger , black-snake of Chmese tnchosanthes 53 Gouocephaluni reuculatum Motschulsky 39 M/cl'Ogm mme sp Drstnbution ZhangdIan, Welfang, Qmgdao DIstnbutIOn. TaIan, RIzhao Host birthwort. the frUIt of Chmese magnolIavme, the Host the root of membranous mIlk vetch, the frUIt-nnd frUIt of summer cypress of Chmese tnchosanthes 54 Lypl'Ops smenS1S Marseul * 40 Ewcmus n//nutu~ (L ) DIstnbutIOn TaIan DIstnbutIOn TaIan Host the root of Dahunan angelIca Host resIdue Anthicidae Tenebnomdae 55 Antllleus sp 41 Tnbolmm .fen·ugllleum FabncIUs DIstrIbutIon TaIan, LmYI DIstnbutIon All regIOns collected Host malt, the root of Dahunan angelIca Host the seed of Job's tears, JUjube, the frUIt-nnd of Dermestidae Chmese tnchosanthes, the frUIt of Chmese magnolIavme, 56 Attagellli5 ull/colm JClponlc/£s Fnvaldszky the root of red-rooted salVia, rhIzome of chuanxiong, the Distnbution TaIan, LaIwu, Heze, Jman, Dezhou, frUIt of hawthorn, peach kernel, etc Qmgdao,
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