N 84-260 29 NASA Technical Memorandum 83608 Factors That Affect the Fatigue Strength of Power Transmission Shafting and Their Impact on Design Stuart H. Loewenthal Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Prepared for the Fourth International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 8-12, 1984 NASA FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE FATIGUE STRENGTH OF POWER TRANSMISSION SHAFTING AND THEIR IMPACT ON DESIGN Stuart H. Loewenthal National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio ABSTRACT A long-standing objective In the design of power transmission shafting Is to eliminate excess shaft material without compromising operational relia- bility. A shaft design method Is presented which accounts for variable ampll- tude loading histories and their Influence on limited life designs. The effects of combined bending and torslonal loading are considered along with a number of application factors known to Influence the fatigue strength of shaft- Ing materials. Among the factors examined are surface condition, size, stress concentration, residual stress and corrosion fatigue. INTRODUCTION The reliable design of power transmitting shafts 1s predicated on several major elements. First, the fatigue (stress-life) characteristics of the given shaft 1n Its expected service environment must be established. This can be accomplished from full-scale component fatigue test data or approximated, using test specimen data. Some of the Influencing factors to be considered are the surface condition of the shaft, the presence of residual stress or points of stress concentration and certain environmental factors such as temperature or a corrosive atmosphere. Secondly, the expected load-time history of the shaft must be obtained or assumed from field service data and then properly simulated analytically. The effects of variable amplitude loading, mean stress and load sequence are potential Important factors to Include 1n a description of the loading history. Finally, a reliable mathematical model 1s needed which ra- tionally considers both the fatigue characteristics of the shaft and Its load- Ing history to arrive at the proper shaft diameter for the required service life and reliability. One last step 1s to check shaft rigidity and critical speed requirements, since these and other nonstrength factors can occasionally dictate an Increase 1n shaft diameter. This 1s often the case for lightweight, high speed machinery. While the above considerations have often been addressed In fatigue anal- ysis of structural members [1 to 5], their application to the design of powers transmission shafting has only been partially accomplished. Traditional shaft design methods [6 and 7] do consider the effects of combined stress loading, usually through the distortion energy theory of failure, but rarely take Into account the effects of variable amplitude loading, mean stresses or limited life design. More recent approaches [8 and 9] adapt traditional methods to computer-aided design procedures but still neglect some of these other Import- ant factors. The principal objective of this present Investigation 1s to develop a more complete approach to shaft design from a strength standpoint. The proposed method will emphasize the Influence of these aforementioned operating variables on shaft diameter and life. Other application factors such as surface con- dition, stress concentration and size will also be addressed. NOMENCLATURE b slope of the S-N curve on log-log coordinates or fatigue strength exponent (taken as positive value) d shaft diameter m (1n.) dp relative diameter, defined 1n Eq. (23) FS factor of safety K^ theoretical stress concentration factor k-factor product of fatigue life modifying factors, defined 1n Eq. (7) ka surface factor kj, size factor kc reliability factor kg- temperature factor ke fatigue stress concentration factor kf press-fitted collar factor kg residual stress factor kn corrosion factor k^ miscellaneous effects factor LR relative life, defined 1n Eq. (12) M bending moment, N-H (1n.-lb) NL total shaft life 1n cycles Nf number of cycles to failure at of NI number of cycles to failure under load 1 n shaft speed, rpm n^ number of loading cycles under load 1 q notch sensitivity T torque, N-m (1n.-lb) o bending stress, N/m2 (lb/1n2) 2 2 oef effective nominal stress, N/m (lb/1n. ) of corrected bending fatigue limit of shaft, N/m2 (lb/1n.2) of bending or tensile fatigue limit of polished, unnotched test specimen without mean stress, N/m2 (lb/1n.2) ofm bending or tensile fatigue limit of polished, unnotched test specimen with mean stress, N/m2 (lb/1n.2) of true cyclic fracture strength or fatigue strength coefficient, N/m2 2 2 ou ultimate tensile strength, N/m (lb/1n. ) 2 2 oy yield strength, N/m (lb/1n. ) T shear stress, N/m2 (lb/1n.2) 2 2 TU ultimate shear strength, N/m (lb/1n. ) Ty yield shear strength, N/m2 (lb/1n.2) Subscripts: a alternat1ng=(max-m1n)/2 m mean=(max+m1n)/2 max maximum m1n minimum r fully-reversing FATIGUE FAILURE Ductile machine elements subjected to repeated fluctuating stresses above their endurance strength but below their yield strength will eventually fall from fatigue. The Insidious nature of fatigue Is that 1t occurs without visual warning at bulk operating stresses below plastic deformation. Shafts sized to avoid fatigue will usually be strong enough to avoid elastic failure, unless severe transient or shock overloads occur. Failure from fatigue 1s statistical 1n nature Inasmuch as the fatigue life of a particular specimen cannot be precisely predicted but rather the likeli- hood of failure based on a large population of specimens. For a group of specimens or parts made to the same specification the key fatigue variables would be the effective operating stress, the number of stress cycles and volume of material under stress. Since the effective stresses are usually the highest at points along the surface where discontinuities occur, such as keyways, splines, and fillets, these are the points from which fatigue cracks are most likely to emanate. However, each volume of material under stress carries with 1t a finite probability of failure. The product of these elemental probabili- ties (the "weakest link" criterion) yields the likelihood of failure for the entire part for a given number of loading cycles. At present there 1s no unified, statistical failure theory to predict shafting fatigue. However, reasonable accurate life estimates can be derived from general design equations coupled with bench-type fatigue data and material static properties. Fatigue test data are often obtained on either a rotatlng- beam tester under the conditions of reversed bending or on an axial fatigue tester. The data generated from these machines are usually plotted 1n the form of stress-life (S-N) diagrams. On these diagrams the bending stress at which the specimens did not fall after some high number of stress cycles, usually 106 to 107 cycles for steel, 1s commonly referred to as the fatigue limit, of. For mild steels 1t 1s the stress at which the S-N curve becomes nearly horizontal. This seems to Imply that operating stresses below the fatigue limit will lead to "Infinite" service life. However, this Is misleading since no part can have a 100 percent probability of survival. In fact, fatigue limit values determined from S-N diagrams normally represent the mean value of the failure distribution due to test data scatter. Statistical corrections must be applied for designs requiring high reliabilities as will be discussed. Furthermore, many high strength steels, nonferrous materials and even mild steel 1n a corrosive environment do not exhibit a distinct fatigue limit [1]. In view of this, 1t 1s best to consider that the fatigue limit represents a point of very long life (>10& cycles). APPROACH Traditional shaft analysis generally considers that the nominal loads act- Ing on the shaft are essentially of constant amplitude and that the shaft life 1s to exceed 10& or 10? cycles [6]. Sometimes shock or overload factors are applied. However, most shafts 1n service are generally exposed to a spec- trum of service loads. Occasionally, shafts are designed for lives that are less than 106 cycles for purposes of economy. Both of these requirements complicate the method of analysis and Increase the uncertainty of the predic- tion. Under these conditions, prototype component fatigue testing under sim- ulated loading becomes even more Important. Short life design. - Local yielding of notches, fillets, and other points of stress concentration are to be expected for shafts designed for short service lives, less than about 1000 cycles. Since fatigue cracks Inevitably originate at these discontinuities, the plastic fatigue behavior of the mate- rial dictates Us service life. Most materials have been observed to either cycllcly harden or soften, depending upon Its Initial state, when subjected to cyclic plastic strain. Therefore, the cyclic fatigue properties of the mate- rial, which can be significantly different than Its static or monotonlc strength properties, need to be considered 1n the analysis. For short, low cycle life designs, the plastic notch strain analysis, discussed 1n detail 1n [3, 5, and 10] 1s considered to be the most accurate design approach. This method, used widely 1n the automotive Industry, predicts the time to crack formation based on an experimentally determined relationship between local plastic and elastic strain and the number of reversals to failure. Intermediate and long life designs. - For Intermediate and long life designs both total strain-life and nominal stress-life (S-N curve) methods have been successfully applied [3 and 10]. Although both methods provide reasonable fatigue life predictions, only the nominal stress-life method will be outlined here. Obviously, the key to accurate fatigue life prediction 1s obtaining a good definition of stress-life, S-N, characteristics of the shaft material. Mean bending and/or torslonal stress effects should be taken Into account 1f pre- sent.
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