Stevens-Durye- a Automo- Gasoline Engines. biles. n If yoa ara loakiaf far a Gasolia. Eaaiae with few parta ana lata af aawar far us-to-aa-ta a little meaey, Partial asalriaa aa Automobile that writ or aall aa will maka taj-mi- la tripa wil! da wall to aall a n Bee. ewtow E. N. E. N. Sipperley, Westport, Ct. le Sipperley, Westport, Ct. CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1905. TEN PAGES. VOLUME XXVIII. NEWTOWN, NUMBER 52., The Busy Store 1 NO FEE "When Are You Coming In.' s. Keep Your GANGER Until Cured Co., J2ye Several Methods. Abundant References. Fairfield Ave. and middle St., on the Calendar A' r V "'i.e. :2, Successful In nearly all Chronio Diseases. A al . Consultation FREE. B idgeport, Conn And Your Dr.PAULNORWOOD, Thoughts on Wood Box TUMOR 81, Ansonia, Ct for Hen for Pi ruff's Store D. Thoughts DrJA. French,Assistant -- f-' "Tc The store is now to IK M ready 19 and come a youjll out all right in your New Year purchasing i Stormy Day. attend to your you don t put it off too long. Of course with our immense ftock 01 wears for to us NOW la CJ 1st .r 1 Professional Cards. We can help you save money if you come be- New Year by fitting you to a very fine suit of clothes, priced way Men and Boys low their values. Twenty-fiv- e different lines of W. J. Beecher, nghttul Wants. I I and our many things for 1a,Vc . Attorhky-at-La-w, breasted sack suits in this sale handsome V certain single or double 7 of getting what you waut, even at the last moment; but its Koorng 25 and 28, Sanford Bldg, Bridgeport. Scotch mixtures of sizes. Everything in the way of wuuvriauie au around to Office In Newtown open on Saturdays from ( good range a. m. to 3.30 p. m. on sale and useful Gifts now S. M. at Lowest Possible Prices. Spedon, "Get a New York Move On," Is the We Save The who Will as L. M. This Way Entertainer, Appear they say In the metropolis, and make certain of what Albert Schuyler, D., in exactly PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dry Goods and at The Town Hall the Men's you want. Office and house north end Newtown Street. Money. Club Course, Saturday Office hours: to 9 a. m.i 1 to 3 p. m.i 7 to 8 Men's Furnishings. p. m. Reduced $ 8.50 Evening, Dec. 30. Some of the Telephone No. 10. $12.50 Suits to Many Other Things You'll Find: You save money by shop- House 15.00 Suits Reduced to 10.00 coats,, office coats, bath robes, neckwear, underwear, sus- here. recov- 12 ping and industrious. I did not observe Master Nelson Northrop has penders, mufflers, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, gloves, shirts, etc. F. J. M. D., 20.00 Suits Reduced to 50 any act intended for disorder or annoy- ered from an attack of chicken pox. Gale, ance. Much Office In the David Beers Residence, freedsm in going about the room, leaving the room, communi- Miss of Newtown Street. Our Store Is for Clothing Cornelia Caskey Port Jervis, Headquarters The Busy Store Co. cating and studying together was N. Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs Office Hours : 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p m for Boys and Children. noticed, perhaps rather more than R. D. some principals would allow; but such Smithy freedom seemed to be rarely abused P. H. Fennell and family of Brook-fiel- d Dr VValtkb H. and the quality of the work done and E. H. Beers of en- Kiernan, rowrv was Danbury PHYSICIAN AMD ScRGKON, topics. showed that little time wasted. joyed Christmas at the home of Charles The amount of ground covered this E. Beers in Newtown Street. Sandy Hook, Conn. term is 1 m by the various classes mm mt fully turn Office Hours: 9 a. m. ; 1 to 2.30 and 7- -8 p. m. r.KBM MIOM PR A.ISE FOR THE NEWTOWN equal to that covered by classes in the L. C. Nicholson and - MAIN JOHN ST CONN. family spent I 21- Main St., Masonic Telephone: 18-- 3. MM 5RIDGEFORT, man school. larger high schools of the state, and Sunday and Monday in New Fairfield Temple Block, Danbury. the work has been well done. I did with Mrs Nicholson's parents, Mr and I Ladles' Parlor. not see any evidence of superficial Mrs Russell Scudder. Telephone 435. C. N. M. D., BY A KEPRK8ENTATIVK OF THE STATK work in any of the 18 classes 1 visited. Qallup, HOARD OF EDUCATION. Long Hill. Conn. Indeed, I was highly pleased both with It is proved at N. Buckingham & of 177 Ualls promptly attended day or nUht. the amount work done and the ap- Co.'s, State street, Bridgeport, Odice and residence at W. N. HurdTs house, parent thoroughness with which it has that quality goods cost no more than next to Postotllce. Charles D. H'no been done. That six of Its last articles of the common run. You will Special attention given to the treatment of Will be More Secrerarv of the year Chroulo Diseases. Nothing State Board of Education graduates entered colleare from the find there six floors of the finest quali- 1905. The New Year. 1906. Telephone, No. 1404-1- 2. school did not surprise me after I saw ty furniture, carpets, rugs, lace cur- Appreciated Than FURS. tne cnaracter of the teaching. Yale. tains, portieres and linoleums at the Smith and Syracuse received its stu lowest prices. It will give them pleas- DR. S. E. ALLEN, all FURS from dents. ure to have you look over fine Possibly vou are alreadv a natron nf hanW If nnt Conn. We might add with propriety McLEAN'S, their thk Hattertown, call for U-R- -S with an THE TEACHING FOROK. assortment. it mifirht be Well A P. O, Address: Route 15, Stepney Depot, Ct. for we are meeting the F abundance to Start in with the New Year trial truJ The comDOsed Drin- - Administer of Magnetic Treatment. Spec- not often found, at prices seldom met and in qualities of excep- faculty is of the Custer G. A. In treatment of heart failure, stomach and two all Post, R., elected the prove mutually profitable. ialist for misses and children. cipal assistants, college Eph-rair- u trouble and headache. tional merit. Furs ladies, and Vassar following officers, December 19: With a to better Terms reasonable. Consultation Free. graduates, Syracuse being Briscoe, Comrade; Charles E. view getting acquainted, we invite you represented. The principal has taken S. V. V. to call. posD-graaua- te Sawley, C; Edward Troy, J. courses at the Universi M. D. New Yexr Gloves. ty of Pennsylvania and Yale and has C; C. Parsons, Adjutant; G. W. Celeste A. Benedict, M. notsur- - Hartford, Dec. 23, 1905 Graham, Q. M.; C. G. Blakeman, Sur- Our Glove Counters are busy spots, and the attractions there ar about completed the work required JV1. and Golf 25c and 50c ; Mi geon; C. Parsons, A. W. Physician Surgeon, Sassed anywhere else In his great Christmas store. Gloves. at Charles H. Northrop, for the dectorace. He is also a teacher Chaplain; 28 State Bridgeport, Oonn Ltned Mochas, $1 and 11.50; Boys' Fleece Lined Gloves, 50c, 75c, $1; In- Newtown. of Peck, O. D.; H. B. Coger, O. G.; C. G. The National Street, Kid a new in (1. several years' experience. One of City Baoik, fants' Gloves, departure glove making, Curtis, S. M.; C. M. Parsons, Q. M. S. 101-103-- Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. Dear Sir: tne assistants nas never taught before 105 Wall Street, Office hours from 10 a n. to 12 m 2 to 4 p. m You will receive herewith this year, while the other had taught report of William B. Ferguson relative one year. Conn. to your high school. That so many of last vear's class Bridgeport, Charles S Platt, McLEAN BROS., MrJferguson commends your school went to college was due to the interest Tsaehsr Or aad Tasary, 221 Main 157 very highly. and labor of ohe principal, a man who Piaao, jam St., Danbury. Telephone At a meeting of the State Board of is doing untold and incomputable good NEWTOWN TONN. Education held 21, . December your in the Enquiries by mail receive our careful attention. was community. school approved for the attend- COURSE) OF STUDY. ance of non-loc- al scholars. "If It's Made of Rubber We Have It. - The school no course Oscar Pitzschler & Son, MfrMMM- The following votes were passed: has printed of & Voted: board under study, but an unprinted one is pretty Barbers Hairdressers, That this the followed. includes Nawtowa, Saady Hook ana Hawleyvttle, provisions of 2239 of the general stat strictly It algebra utes for scnool ana geometry, pnvsiology, physical ge Newtown Shop open every day. HawleyvUle approves tne year and and chem shop open Wednesday afternoon and Sunday Baker's Bedside and 1905-- of the Newtown high school for ography botany.physics morning. Sandy Hook shop open every week the following scholars: istry, geology and astronomy. Ameri day. Only first class work. Town. or can history, English history, Ancient 'shoe POOL TABLE. Tables. jName scnoiar. ana TRADE MARK RCQISTCRED Reading Brookfleld Hamlin Meaievai nistory. English through Harris out the course, three years of German " Maude A. Wilmot ana The best shoe that can DENTAL PARLORS. " Williams rrencn, three years of Greek, four b.
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