SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1949 THE PHOENIX INDEX, PHOENIX, ARIZONA PAGE SEVEN Lynching Ballad To Be Sung By Racially Mixed Chorus Paul Robeson To A PAIR OF KINGS Appear As Soloist NEWS OF THE THEATRES * NEW YORK—(ANP)—The first gan to determine (hemes for it, and 'performance of a unique choral after Miss Chapin traveled to Los composition. “Anri They Lynched Angeles to discuss her poem with Him on a Tree.” the joint creation him. a musical setting begun al- They Plan Calvacade Os Negro Theatre Calvacade Os of William Grant Still and though theme, after theme was dis- ' Katherine Garrison Chapin, whose carded before tne compos tion » Poem the young composer set to reached materialization. Negro Theatre music, will be presented at Tile story is as follows: , Lewisohn Stariuim here June 24 In a with a white and Negro Chorus, a “It is night clearing by among turpentine To Be Staged symphony orchestra, a .soloist and the roadside the by headlights a narrator taking part in the pro- pines, lit the from CHICAGO -<ANP)— What will parked cars, a Negro just been duction . has be the most gigantic Negro stage lynched. The white crowd who spectacle the “Cav- Approaching ever conceived, a state production hanged him and those who watch- alcade of the Negro Theatre”, is * in - ed, now, in its scope, the ballad was are breaking up going i. oil g prepared for presentation at spired by the tragedy of mob law- home. They sing together, get in- ihe American Negro Exposition in lessness and its particular v acial to their cars and drive away. llie t ig Coliseum auditorium scat- expression in the United States Darkness falls on the road and ii g I.persons, it was announced The poem was not intended as the woods Then slowly the Ne- : this week hv Truman K Gibson, propaganda or as problem verse. groes ceme out from hiding to find .. r.. executive director. Miss Chapin says. But rather, she the body of their friend. Written by Arna Bontemps and declares, it was written as a pure- GROPE FOR TREE Langston Hughes, two of the race’s ly human document, inspired by “Among them is the mother of ; most brilliam authors, Cavalcade her conviction that lynching is a the man who was hanged In 1 will dramatically portray the entire of Negro theatre, begin- "serious flaw in the fabric of carkness they grope for the tree; .story the American democracy " when they find it. the mother sings ning with credo and other festivi- and immediately after ROBESON AS SOLOIST her dirge. Tne Negro chorus joins ties; beir.ie the Civil war to ’swing” and the On the same program, when Mr her and they retell the story of the Armstrong, his victory | mode n colored show. Henry welterweight champion, celebrates Still’s most recent composition h a s man’s life and rehearse the trage- FEDERAL AID ASSURED in leading Calloway's or its premiere, Paul the dy iis humble and broke, but over Paul Junior Boston recently by Cab Robeson, Sne presentation will have the distinguished baritone, will appear they ll sing together, This chestra at the Southland in Boston while the king of Hi-De-Ho looks as a white full cooperation of the federal the- soloist. He will voices the Negroes.’ the the e.s sing the “Ballad joining atre. Although orders had gone out on approvingly Armstrong established a new attendance record at for Americans,” he song strong for which was becomes in its im- for the disbanding of this group, Boston Garden while Cab broke all house records during his five weeks* so widely praised after it was partial protest. when Col. F. C. Harrington, WPA engagement at the Southland a fortnight ago. heard on the “Pursuit of Happi- administrator, script he % “This is a human document sung taw the ness” radio program. Earl Robin- enthused he put through a rhtyhmic was so son and John Latouchc composed in expression of poetry special order for the Chicago proj- the music and text of this selec- through music and thence to the ect to continue through Sept. 2. tion . hearts of people," Miss Chapin says. This means ihac fume 75 Negro ac- “And They Lynched Him to a “It is the heart, the intelligence, tors, singers and musicians will be Tree” was brought to the attention that overcomes and eliminates in- available for supporting roles in the of Mr. Still by Dr Alain Lovke of tolerance and (he blew of intoler- extravaganza. land,” Howard university. Thrilled by the ance upon the she con- One idea, the composer immediately be- cludes. Principals are bung selected. of them is Eria Moten, noted sing- radio, .lig stal of stage, screen and mixo will have a prominent role. Rehearsals are starting this week and Cavalcade will have its prem- A REPORTER AT LARGE iere several days after the Exposi- McDaniel Takes the Hattie most of tion opens on Juiy 4. Five oper- WELL, NOW THAT THE ‘war hysteria’ has taken scope style to (that ettas, similar in and country and I find diversion seekers becoming more liberal is, at now famous “Swing Mikado” the the grill) I think it's a good time to poke puns at a few of which this group first introduced, bar and worthy who go to make up the ’£ ifth Column. Mine be- Washington By Storm will be presented by the federal my constituents sup- Langston Hughes, left, and Arna Bontempts, rights (he Negro theatre from pre-Civil war days to the performers at various times to ing the first. ? of Cavalcade. WASHINGTON—(A N )—Hattie man theatres, attended by news- authors, discussing Etta Moten, modern swing era and will have a large cast of plement the showing noted with Miss have a breed McDaniel came to Washington men and women and officers of TO DEPICT OLD-TIMERS OF FIFTH COLUMNS; The street corners tendency to famous star of stage, screen and radio, songs for the stars supported liy members of the Federal Theatre last week and promptly proceeded the theatre chain. With so distin- Most of the important shows will the city's worst enemies. Why can’t FDR form some sort of commis- gigantic of the Negro Theatre" to be in Chicago. Miss Moten will be in one of the lead, From informal to take the town by storm. Tne guished a guest. Mr. Harrison him- “Cavalcade be recreated. the in loafers who block the highways and byways been by Congo sion to gather these star of “Gone With the Wind” ar- self supervised the affair at which produced for the American Negro Exposition at the ing roles. The Cavalcade has prepared Sunday cele'otations in there the about numbers that won’t hit'? . Then, too, s square of New Orleans in 1800 by nereiy u> gab . rived on Friday morning to do a .s 'McDaniel occupied literally Chicago Coliseum between July 4 and September '£¦ Hughes and Bontempts, who have previously col- at slaves, through tile historically fa- bar ‘n' grill addict. He’s not satisfied with taking up space the bar week’s personal appearance a t the and figuratively, the center of the This stage presentation portray the history of laborated on stage productions. will mous play, "The Octoroon,” a hit reporter from high in order to get into the s, Lichtman Lincoln theatre on You state. and preventing a getting of 1850; plantation days just be- repoitei street, her first appearance in this At the last show Friday night. 1 spirit of ‘knocking out a column', but, he actually wants the chance to star we always predicted the Civil war; the original Fisk city and the next to the last stop Sigma Gamma Rho sorority pre- j fore Come, now, Franklin SPEAKING OF THE would come for her. When AVIS Jubilee Singers before Queen Vic- to listen to his chatter. on her nation wide Mc- sented Miss McDanel a beautiful contribute to Fifth Column, tour. Miss ANDREWS, nightingale of the toria in 1874; the Richards and c,ADIES: There isn't much they could the Daniel leaves Washington to ap- oasket of flowers and the audience ! vaudeville circuits, sent in her no- Pringle’s Georgia Minstrels of the could me into forgetting about my daily pear Paramount theater in most fash- save, that they persuade at the in responded approved she would be off for her 1880’s and the Black Patti and the for tice that uozen and in their flirtations, wink at me in that winsome way; New York City. ion to Miss McDaniel’s offerings. customary 10 to 15 week fling of the 1390’5, the Caval- Troubadors King Leopold of the Bel- She sang recited, answered ques- the country. .Etsy. give accurate portrait the ladies, I'd make as great a sacrifice as A series of affairs arranged for throughout was cade will an tions, did scenes from GWTW, and promptly pushed in the..star slot. of the Negro theatre in the 19th gians. Or one even greater . • Seriously, I'm beginning to wonder her entertainment completely sur- told interesting stories of hpr Go on out there, lil girlie, and centuryy. No. 1 column do??? prised why they need a'fifth’ column. Can’t this the buxom star. The first screen work. Imitations of Sophie fIIMMknock them right oil their feet., The late 1890’& ana the 20th cen- HOLLYWOOD—(ANP) meriy Les band making \ was a at Harrison’s and Mae LIKE of Hite’s know can do it. and blues were I breakfast Tucker West brought the white we you tury, when jazz success has .
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