No.F.1 (1-46)-SE/E(NG)/20 18 Government ofTripura Directorate of Secondary Education Estt. eN.G.) Section. Dated, Agartala , the 9110120 18. M E M o. Subject :- Offer of appointment to the post of Post Graduate Teacher - Posting thereof. Reference:- This Directorate Memo. of even no. dated 29.6.2018,30.6.2018 and 2.8.2018. 121 persons as per list attached who were offered to the post of Post Graduate Teacher on a fixed monthly pay of Rs. 22,785/-(revised) (Rupees twenty two thousand seven hundred eighty five) only vide Memo. under above reference and who have accepted the offers of appointment are hereby posted 'to the school as noted against each in Column No.3 of the list. 2) They should report for their duty at the places of posting between 29.10.2018 and 3.11.2018 (both days inclusive) and submit joining report to the Head of Office as indicated in Column No.4 against each. The in-service candidates must furnish their "Acceptance of ResignationlRelease Order from their respective Head of Department to the concerned Head of Office at the time of joining the post of Post Graduate Teacher. 3) The appointment is further subject to verification of character and antecedents by the competent authority in due course of time. 4) As per Notification of the Finance Department, Tripura vide No.F.8(1)-FIN(G)/2004(P- 1)/108-305 dated 13.7.2018, the Government Servants joining the service of the State Government on or after 1st July,2018 shall not be governed by the existing Central Civil Services(Pension)Rules,1972( as adopted in the State of Tripura) and orders issued thereunder from time to time. So far as their pension and other retirement benefits are concerned, they will be governed by a new set of Pension Rules, which are being formulated in line with the Contributory Pension Scheme announced by Government of India. 5) The persons concerned are therefore, required to be furnish an undertaking as per specimen enclosed herewith alongwith their joining report. 6) If any of the candidate fails to join his/her place of posting within the period as mentioned above or in the event of submission of wrong/false certificate/information, the offer of appointment issued in his/her favour shall stand automatically cancelled. a T.A.lD.A. will be allowed for joining the post. (l (U,K.Chakrn~ , '0 'Jg- Director of Secondary Education.,..- Tripura. Copy to :- 1) The District Education Officer, West Tripura District/Sepahijala District/Khowai District/Gomati DistrictiSouth Tripura DistrictlDhalai DistrictiUnakoti DistrictlNorth Tripura District for information. 2) The Head of Office for information with a request to send the joining report(s) of the teacher(s) concerned alongwith the undertaking to this Directorate for issuing formal appointment letter. 3) The Branch Officer, 1.T. Cell in office for uploading in our website. 4) Individual concerned (Sl.No. ) for information. 5) Guard file in section. List of Post Grllduate Teachers nested vide Memo No. F.l(I·46)SEIE(NG)f2018 dt.09.10.2018 SI. No Name & Address Qualificntlon Posted to To whom to report 4 I 2 3 5 M;\(BclIgali) Chowmanu School. LTV, Head & 000, I Smt. Rubi Debbarma n.s. er om« 0/0- Hari Kumar Debhannn [tEd Dhalni Chowmanu H.S. School, viu, Singinula, Sub_ Kumalpur, LTV, Dhabi PO· Saloma, Disl· Dhalui, IPIN- 7QQ27& 2 Smt. Bibhu Debi Dcbbanua t,,(A{Benguli) Hoku Twisa I-I.S. School, LTV, Head ofOflicc s: DDO, 0/0· Birulal Dchbarma 11 Ed DII.llui Hoku Twisa 1LS. School. Near Sntyarum CPR Class XII School, LTV, Dhalai Rungacharu, 1'0· Sikari Bari, iOisl' Dhalai PIN· 7992&9 3 Smt. Lipika Dcbbanna ~IA{Bcngali) Gundachuru I-I.S. School, Headerorn« &. 000, DIO· Nirodc Dcbbarma B.EI\ Gandachara Gandachara H.S. School, Halhali, Kamalpur, Gandacham 1'0· Hallmli, Disl· Dhalai, PIN· 7992R6 4 Srnt, Amalu Debbarrna MA{BenguJi) Saloma H.S. School, Kamalpur Head of Office & DOO, 0/0· Joynarayan Debbarma B.Ed Salerna B.S. School, Jayanti Bazar, West Daluchara, Kamalpur PO· Salema, Dist- Dhalai, PIN· 799278 5 Smt. Refsy Nevedita Darlong MA(English) Kabi Guru Rubindra Nath Head of Office &. 000, 0/0· Zonuruhara Darlong H.Ed Smriti H.S. School, Kabi Guru Rabindrn Nath Kathalcherra Ktmc H.S School, Gnndachnrn Srnriti II.S. School, New Kathalcherra, 1'0· Nepaltilla, Gandachura \)ist· OhalHi PIN· 79<)2&8 6 Srru. J harna Marak MA{English) Chailengta H.S. School, LTV, Ikud er ornee &. DDO, 0/0· Prabhat Marak B.Ed Dhalai Chailcngta II.S. School, Arnbassa, Bagmura, LTV, Dhalai PO· Balaram, Dist- Dhalni, PIN· 799204 7 Sri. George Darlong Mt\CHiSlury) Kubi Guru Rabindru Nath Head or Office &. 000, S/O· Piangliana Darlong B.Ed Smriti H.S. School, Kabi Guru Rabindra Nath Near Community Hall, Gandachara Srnriti I1,S. School, N~\V Kathalcherra, PO· Nepaltilla, Gandacharu Dist· Dh~lai PIN· 7992&8 8 Sent. Lovely Saha, (PH) MA{History) Chailengta H.S. School, LTV, Head ofOflicc & 000. 0/0· Late Gyanatosh Saha B.Ed Dhnlni Chailcngta H.S. School, Chawrnanu, PO· Chawmanu, LTV,OhaJai Disl· Dhalai PIN· 79927:1 9 Sri. Uttarn Debnath lv1.Sc(Physics) Kului B.S. School. Kamulpur, Head of Office & 000, S/O· Digendra Debnath I3.Ed Dhalai Kulni B.S. School. Ncar Uttar Lalchari High School, Kamalpur, Dhalni West Lalehari, PO· Bnlaram, Disl- Ohalai PIN· 799204 10 Smt, Rahc] Dcbbarma Iv1.Sc(Bolany) Gandnchara H.S. School, Head ofOt11ce & 000, 0/0· Kshctra Debbarmu B.Ed Gandachara Gandnchara H.S. School, Jmt Complex, Chailengta, Ganduchara PO· Chailcngta, Dist- Dhalai, IPIN. 799273 II Srnt. Reshmi Dcbbanna M.Sc{Zoology) 82 Mile Proper H.S. School. Head of Office & 000, D/O· Kripesh Dcbbarma IUd LTV, Dhuilli 82 Mile Proper H.S. School. Manughat, Chanmari Para, LTY,Ohulai PO· Manughat, Dist- Dhalai, IPIN·799275 q, ~o')8 (U.K«.Clmkmn) _ Director of Secondary Education, Tripuru. Page 1 of 13 Scanned by CamScanner List of Post Graduate Teachers posted vide Memo No. F.l(l-46)SE/E(NG)l2018 dt.09.1O.2018 SI. No Name & Address Qualification Posted to To whom to report I 2 3 4 5 J2 SOlI. Mandira Debbarma M.Sc(Zoology) Kulni B.S. School. Kamalpur, Head of Office & 000. 0/0- Tnkhi Roy Dcbbarmn B.Ed Dhalai Kulai H.S. School. Ambassa, Vill-Kulai Nnbagrum, Knmalpur, Dhalai PO· Kulai Bazar. Dist- Dhalui, PTN. 7<)9204 13 Sri. Gancsh Debbarma MA(English) Kathalchara T.M.C. H.S. Head of Office & 000. SlO· Surcndrn Debbarma B.Ed School. LT. V. Ohnlni Kathalcharn T.M.C. H.S. Mohanpur Via Sonai, Magunia Para, School, L.T.V. Dhalai PO· Chachu Bazcr, Dist- West Tripura, PfN· 799211 14 Srnt. Dipti Debbarma MA(English) Rangamatia H.S. School, Head ofOmce & 000, D/O· Sunil Debbarrna B.Ed Amarpur Rangarnatia H.S. School, Subalgarh Para, Arnarpur PO· Chachu Bazar, Dist· West Tripura, PIN- 799211 15 Sri. Prasenjit Goswami, (PH) MA(English) Kakraban B.S. School, Head of Office & ODO, S/O· Dulal Goswami B.Ed Udaipur Kakraban H.S. School, Vill-Khayerpur.Chanpur.Agartala, Udaipur PO· Khayerpur, Dist- West Tripura, PIN· 799008 16 Sri. August Debbarma MA(History) Shilachari H.S. School, Head ofOllice & 000, S/O· Nanda Kumar Debbarma B.Bd Karbook Shilachari H.S. School, Abhi Charan Para, Karbook PO· Madhu Chowdhury , Dist· West Tripura, PIN· 799211 17 Snit. Rilla Debbarma MA(History) Natun Bazar Girls' H.S. Head or Office & 000, D/O· Sambhu Debbarma REd School, Amarpur Natun Bazar Girls' II.S. W/O· Niranjan Debbarma School. Amarpur Near Bodhjung Nagar, Vill- Kanta Kobra Para, , PO· Khas Noagaon, Dist- West Tripura, PIN- 799008 18 Sri. Tanmoy Deb M.SC(Physics) Udaipur Eng. Med. H.S. Head or Office & 000, S/O· Tapan Kumar Deb n.Ed School, Udaipur Udaipur fog. Med. H.S. Near Rotaract Club, Chandinamura, School. Udaipur PO· West Bhuban Ban, Dist- West Tripura, PIN· 799002 19 Smt. Tanusree Deb M.SCCPhysics) Chandra pur H.S. School, Head of Office & 000. 0/0- Tapan Kumar Deb 13.Ed Udaipur Chandrapur H.S. School, W/O· Dipankar Das Udaipur Near Kali Madir, North Jogendranagar, PO· Jogendranagar, Dist- West Tripura, PIN· 799004 «'l.ltJ,lfg (U.K.Chakma) -- Director of Secondary Education, Tripura. Page 2 of 13 Scanned by CamScanner List of Pas I Graduate Teachers posted vide Memo No. F.Hl-46)SEIE(NG)f2018 dt.09.10.2018 SI. No Name & Address Qualification Posted to To whom to report I 2 J 4 5 20 Sri. Rajcn Suklabaidya M.SC(Physics) Mirza H.S. School, Gomati Bend of orn« & 000, S/O- Nagendra Suklabaidya B.Ed District Mirz.a B.S. School, Gornati District Syandan Patrika Print Office, Bhulanand Palli, PO- Kathalbagan, Disl- West Tripura, PIN- 799006 21 Sri. Biplab Das M.SC Arnpinagar H.S. School, Head of Office & 000, S/O- Narayan Das (Chemistry) Arnarpur Arnpinagar I1.S. School. Arnarpur Ncar Chanpur Saw Mill, B.Ed Chnnpur (Laxrnipur), PO- Khayerpur, Dist- West Tripura, PIN- 799008 22 Smt. Rajlaxrni Chakma MA(Kok-borok) Taidubari H.S. School, Hend of Oftice & 000, 0/0- Dinesh Chakma a.Ed Amarpur Taidubari H.S. School. W/O- Sudip Chakma Amarpur Kali Krishna Jb School, Jirania , Khuta Mara Para, PO- Birendranagar, Disl- West Tripura, pIN- 799045 23 Smt. Paushali Debbarma MA(Psychology K.B.lnsitution, Udaipur llead of Office &. 000. 0/0- Utpa! Debbarrna ) K.B.lnsitulion, Udaipur Near UBI ATM, Krishnauagar, B.Ed Advisor Chowmuhani, Agarrala, 1'0- Aganala, Disl- West Tripura, pIN-799002 24 Smt. Suniti Jamatia 1\1A(Bengali) Natun Bazar Girls H.S.
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