September 4, 2018 Stop by the Dairy Bar for Hildebrand Dairy’s Flavor of the Fair By Donna Sullivan, to pick the winning flavor, ished product. viding soft serve mix to the ing with Kansas Dairy,” all of dairy across the state Editor Hildebrand Dairy will fea- Hildebrand’s first be- fair about four years ago. Reed said. “It’s really cool and what they do with that As prominent a display ture salted caramel as the came involved with pro- “We just love partner- how they try to promote booth.” of the Kansas dairy indus- first-ever Flavor of the Fair. Hildebrand Dairy was try as you’ll find anywhere Melissa Hildebrand Reed started by Arnold Hildeb- is the Dairy Bar at the says the family dairy will rand in the 1920s, and con- Kansas State Fair. Locat- provide about 65 gallons of tinued to grow and expand ed underneath the grand- the mix to the fair, which with the family, until in stand, the facility received will be served as long as September of 2008 they a facelift that was com- it lasts. The Flavor of the opened an on-site bottling pleted last year, a project Fair was another brainchild plant. Hildebrand Farms spearheaded by Stephanie of Eckroat’s, and she ap- Dairy now carries seven Eckroat, executive director proached Hildebrand’s to varieties of milk in more of the Kansas Dairy Asso- see if they would create than 120 stores around the ciation. With a 1950s old- a flavor just for the fair. state. They also have an on- time soda shoppe feel, the “She’s always trying to site store that carries a wide renovated Dairy Bar also think of something differ- variety of products. features five large televi- ent that people can only Using their dairy as a sion screens with a video get at the fair,” Reed said. tool to connect consum- loop depicting the Kansas The family went to work ers to agriculture, Hil- dairy industry. Additional getting feedback from their debrands host numerous serving lanes and another Facebook audience on pos- events throughout the soft-serve ice cream ma- sible flavors and doing test year that have been very chine were other additions batches. well-received. Their latest, designed to better serve the The ice cream base is a “Moo-vie Night,” saw more than 300,000 visitors their own proprietary recipe hundreds of people fill the it will host each year. that they’ve been working dairy’s parking lot to watch The raw materials for the on for the past eight years the movie Ferdinand out- treats served at the Dairy in pursuit of the perfect va- side under the stars. Long Bar are purchased by the nilla soft serve. Rather than lines kept the family busy Kansas Dairy Association the vanilla extract flavor- all evening serving up their from Kansas-based sup- ing, they will add the salted ice cream in the form of pliers, like Dean’s Foods, caramel, which comes from cones, floats and sundaes. Hiland Dairy, Hildebrand a company that specializes That fresh-from-the- Dairy, Alma Cheese and in ice cream flavoring. farm taste from Hildeb- of course, Kansas State The flavor coming in rand’s and the other Kan- University’s Call Hall ice second in the poll was Or- sas suppliers is what will cream. ange Dreamsicle, followed prompt fair-goers to flock About 1,500 gallons of by Mint Chocolate. Pump- to the Dairy Bar at the State ice cream move through kin made an appearance, Fair. Just as agriculture is the Dairy Bar each year. as did Red Velvet, but the showcased throughout the Twenty different flavors of salted caramel rose easily fair, the Kansas Dairy As- hard pack ice cream are to the top. sociation will make sure featured, and Hildebrand They made one test their message is just as Dairy in Junction City sup- batch that was sold in their sweet and satisfying as the plies close to 500 gallons farm store and was very tasty treats that generations of vanilla soft-serve mix well-received. That test The Kansas Dairy Association welcomes Kansas State Fair attendees to the of Kansas State Fair-goers and about 300 gallons of batch also allowed them to Dairy Bar, located underneath the grandstand. New this year is the Flavor of the have come to anticipate chocolate. tweak the ratios just a little Fair, salted caramel flavored soft serve ice cream provided by Hildebrand Dairy year after year. This year, after a contest to further improve the fin- near Junction City. Photo by Stephanie Eckroat USDA announces details of assistance for farmers impacted by unjustified retaliation Last Monday U.S. Sec- hard, and are the most pro- ant to note all of this could remaining 50 percent of tion marketed during the farmers.gov/mfp or con- retary of Agriculture ductive in the world, and go away tomorrow, if China the producer’s total 2018 full calendar years of 2011, tact your local FSA office, Sonny Perdue announced we aim to protect them,” and the other nations sim- actual production will be 2012, and 2013. Dairy op- which can be found at details of actions the U.S. said Perdue. ply correct their behav- subject to the second MFP erations are also required www.farmers.gov. Department of Agriculture These programs will as- ior. But in the meantime, payment rate. to have been in operation Background on Food will take to assist farmers sist agricultural producers the programs we are an- MFP payments are on June 1, 2018 to be eligi- Purchase and Distribution in response to trade dam- to meet the costs of dis- nouncing today buys time capped per person or ble for payments. Payment Program: age from unjustified retal- rupted markets: for the President to strike legal entity at a combined for hog operations will be The amounts of com- iation by foreign nations. USDA’s Farm Service long-lasting trade deals to $125,000 for dairy produc- based off the total number modities to be purchased President Donald J. Trump Agency (FSA) will admin- benefit our entire econo- tion or hogs. Payment for of head of live hogs owned are based on an econom- directed Secretary Per- ister the Market Facilita- my. dairy production is based on August 1, 2018. ic analysis of the dam- due to craft a short-term tion Program (MFP) to pro- Background on Market off the historical produc- MFP payments are age caused by unjustified relief strategy to protect vide payments to corn, cot- Facilitation Program: tion reported for the Mar- also capped per person or tariffs imposed on the agricultural producers ton, dairy, hog, sorghum, MFP is established gin Protection Program legal entity at a combined crops listed below. Their while the administration soybean, and wheat pro- under the statutory au- for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). For $125,000 for corn, cotton, damages will be adjusted works on free, fair, and ducers starting September thority of the Commodity existing dairy operations, sorghum, soybeans and based on several factors reciprocal trade deals to 4, 2018. An announcement Credit Corporation (CCC) the production history is wheat. and spread over several open more markets in the about further payments and administered by FSA. established using the high- For more information months in response to long run to help American will be made in the coming For each commodity cov- est annual milk produc- on the MFP, visit www. • Cont. on page 3 farmers compete globally. months, if warranted. ered, the payment rate As announced last month, USDA’s Agricultural will be dependent upon USDA will authorize up Marketing Service (AMS) the severity of the trade to $12 billion in programs, will administer a Food disruption and the period Keep on the sunny side... consistent with our World Purchase and Distribution of adjustment to new trade Trade Organization obli- Program to purchase up patterns, based on each gations. to $1.2 billion in commod- producer’s actual produc- “Early on, the Pres- ities unfairly targeted by tion. ident instructed me, as unjustified retaliation. Interested producers Secretary of Agriculture, USDA’s Food and Nutri- can apply after harvest is to make sure our farmers tion Service (FNS) will 100 percent complete and did not bear the brunt of distribute these commod- they can report their total unfair retaliatory tariffs. ities through nutrition as- 2018 production. Begin- After careful analysis by sistance programs such as ning September 4th of this our team at USDA, we The Emergency Food As- year, MFP applications have formulated our strat- sistance Program (TEFAP) will be available online at egy to mitigate the trade and child nutrition pro- www.farmers.gov/mfp. Pro- damages sustained by our grams. ducers will also be able to farmers. Our farmers work Through the Foreign submit their MFP applica- Agricultural Service’s tions in person, by email, (FAS) Agricultural Trade fax, or by mail. Promotion Program (ATP), Eligible applicants $200 million will be made must have an ownership available to develop for- interest in the commodi- eign markets for U.S. ag- ty, be actively engaged in ricultural products. The farming, and have an av- program will help U.S. ag- erage adjusted gross in- ricultural exporters iden- come (AGI) for tax years tify and access new mar- 2014, 2015, and 2016 of less kets and help mitigate the than $900,000. Applicants adverse effects of other must also comply with the countries’ restrictions. provisions of the “Highly Taking the message of agriculture to the masses has been Greg Peterson’s “President Trump has Erodible Land and Wet- mission since he was in college and, along with his brothers and sister, began been standing up to China land Conservation” regu- producing musical parodies to illustrate life on the farm and its importance to and other nations, send- lations.
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