American Mineralogist, Volume 7l, pages845-847, 1986 NEW MINERAL NAMES'T FnaNx C. H,c,wrHoRNE,PETE J. DuNN, JoBr, D. Gnrco, Jlcnx Puzrnwtczo Jlvrns E. Snrcr,Bv Doyleite* G.Y. Chao, J. Baker, A.P. Sabina,A.C. Roberts (1985) Doyleite, An average of three typical microprobe analyses gave ZnO a new polymorph of Al(OH)r, and its relationship to bayerite, 19.75,CUO 0.02, FerO, 10.81, AlrO3 24.97, AsrO' 31.91, MoO, gibbsite, and nordstrandite. Can. Mineral., 23,21-28. 1.08, HrO (rce) 11.25, sum 99.79 wt0/0,corresponding to (Zno {(AsOJ (OH)r}, or ideally (Zn,Fe)- Doyleite is a new polymorph of AI(OH), that occurs at rrFeo,r)(Al,roFeo ro) | (Al,Fe)r{(AsO.) (OtDr}. Isomorphous replacement of (Zn,Fe) and Mont St. Hilaire and at the Francon quarry, Montreal, | Quebec, (Al,Fe) is indicated. The valence state ofFe is uncertain owing Canada.Wet chemical analysisgave NzO3 65.2,CaO 0.48, HrO to the small amount of pure material available. The mineral is (rcr to ll00'C) 35.76, sum 101.44 wlo/o,corresponding to insoluble in HCl. rce shows a dehydration reaction between 460 AlorrCa"o,(OH)roo.Trace amounts of Na, Fe, Mg, and Si were and 520t with a weight loss of approximately I I wto/o. detected by electron-microprobe analysis. The mineral is not Indexing of the X-ray powder data (Guinier camera) led to a attackedby 1:I HCl, HrSOo,or HNO3 at room temperature.rcA small triclinic cell with lattice constants a : 5.169(5), b : showed a weight loss of 25.630/obetween 280 and 410qCand a 13.038(9),c:4.93r(4) A, a:98.78(7f, B:100.80(6)",r: further gradual loss to I 000€, giving a total weight loss of 35 . 7 60/0. 78.73(6)',2:2.The spacegroup is uncercainowing to the lack The infrared spectrum showed bands due to OH-stretching (330G- of suitable singlecrystals for X-ray study. The strongestlines (38 3700 cm-'), OH-bending(700-1 100 cm-'), and AlO-stretching given) are 12.771(010X100),4.801(001)(40), 4.220(030X40), (20G{00 cm-') and is similar to but simpler than thoseofgibbs- 3.878( 1 I 1X50),3.63 | (02r,r2I), and 3.I 40(1I 1X50). ite or nordstrandite. The mineral occurs as a secondaryphase in deeply oxidized Single-crystal X-ray study shows the mineral to be triclinic, ore specimens from Tsumeb, Namibia. It forms spherulitic ag- spacegroup Pl or PI (PI from morphology),unit cell a : 5.002(I ), gregatesof tabular crystals up to 3 pm in size and approximately b : 5.r75(r), c : 4.980(2)A, a : 97.50(l)',0 : t I 8.60(l)", : r 1 pm in length. Associatedminerals include hematite, quartz, 104.74(lf, Z:2. The strongestlines (35 given) are scorodite,powellite, betpakdalite,and kaolinite. Gerdtremmelite 4.794(100X0 r 0), 2.360(40X I 0 t), t.972(30)(22 I 1.857(30X1I I ), ), is yellowish brown to dark brown. It is transparent with an ada- and r.8a2Q0)(122). mantine luster, a white streak, and no fracture or visible cleavage. At Mont St. Hilaire, doyleite occursas rosettesof platy crystals Mean refractive index 1.73-1.74, high birefringence.No fluo- with calcite and pyrite in a vug in albitite veins in nepheline rescenceunder ultraviolet light. D*" 3.66 g/cm3. syenite. At the Francon quarry, it is found sparingly in vugs with The name is for Dr. Gerd Tremmel who first recognized the weloganite,calcite, cryolite, qtafiz, and other minerals in sili- mineral. Type material is preserved at the University of Hei- cocarbonatitesills. Here it is finely Crystalsof doyleite $anular. delberg,Germany. J.E.S. are tabular on (010), showingforms {010}, {l0l}, {l0l-}, and occasionally{100} and {001}. They are white, creamy white to bluish white, transparentor translucent to opaque with a white streak.Luster vitreoqs, pearly or dull. H, 2Vy3. D,2.a8(l) (hV- Arsenogoyazite* drostatic suspension),Dd" 2.482 g/cm3. Cleavageis perfect on K. Walenta, P.J. Dunn (1984) Arsenogoyazit,ein neuesMineral {010}, fair on {100}. Inert to LW or SW fluorescentlight. Op- der Crandallitgruppe aus dem Schwarzwald. Schweiz. Mineral. ticallybiaxial, positive, a : 1.545(l),I : 1.553(l), : 1.566(l), r Petrogr.Mitt., 64, I l-19. 2V:77" (Na lUht). Moderately strong dispersion, r > y. The structure of doyleite is similar to gibbsite, bayerite, and Arsenogoyazite, a member of the crandallite group and the nordstrandite, with layers of AI(OHL octahedra. The polymor- arsenate analogue of goyazite, is a new mineral of secondary phism in AI(OH)3 is a result of different ways of stacking octa- origin from the Black Forest region of Germany. Microprobe hedral layers. analysisgaveSrO 10.1,CaO 2.8, BaO 6.5, FeO 0.2, Al2O330.9, The name is for Mr. E. J. Doyle who first found the mineral AsrO,25.3,PrO5 8.9, F 3.6,HrO (by difference)13.2, total 101.5, at Mont St. Hilaire. Type material is preserved at the National lessO: F 1.5,sum 100.00/0.This correspondsto (SronCa"rpa"r,- Museum of Natural Sciences,Ottawa, Ontario (NMNS 48932), Feoo,)- roAl, on[(AsO),,o(POo)o ur]r,.rr[(OH)o roFo *]r, . s'1.22H2O, at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario (M41025), and or ideally, SrAl(AsO.)r(OH)s. HrO. at the Geological Survey of Canada,Ottawa, Ontario. J.E.S. X-ray study shows the mineral to be hexagonal, space group R3morR3z, unit cella:7.10,c:17.16 A,Z:3,or a^: 7.04 A, a : 60.60",Z : | (calcttlatedfrom the powder pattern). Gerdtremmelite* The strongestX-ray lines (22 gven) are 5.84(70)(1011),3.56(80) K. Schmetzer, O. Medenbach (1985) Gerdtremmelite, (1 1 20), 3.03( l 00)(022 r,r r23),2.3 | (40)(2r-3t), l. 93 3(50) (Zn,Fe)(Al,Fe),t(AsO)l(OH)r), a new mineral from Tsumeb, (3033,0333). Namibia. N. Jb. Miner. Mh.. no. l. l-6. The mineral forms crusts on quartz and barite in association with malachite, brochantite, olivenite, barium-pharmacosiderite, * Minerals marked with asterisks were approved before pub- and sulfate-free weilerite. The crusts have a renifofln appearance. lication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names Indistinct rhombohedronJike crystal faces can be observed on of the International Mineralogical Association. the surface of the crusts. In the case of small tabular crystals, 0003{04xl86/0506{845S02.00 845 846 NEW MINERALNAMES (0001) is also present.Arsenogoyazite is intimately intergrown n[(Mg,AlXOH)r]-A new mineral. Mineralog. Zhurnal, 6(5), with the weilerite in one instance.The mineral occursat the Clara 91-97 (in Russian). mine near Oberwolfach in the Central Black Forest. It is white, Microprobeanalysis (3 given)gave V 32.48,S 32.93,Mg 10.17, yellowish, or pale greento grayish gteen; translucent;luster vit- Al 5.66, O 19.89,H 1.26,sum 102.48(O and H calculatedon reous;with no cleavagebut conchoidal fracture.H about 4. D-*" the basis of structure). 3.35 + 0.05 g/cm3(hydrostatic suspension), D^.3.33 g/cm3. Electron diftaction study shows the mineral to have hybrid Mean index of refraction 1.64(variations within rangeof +0.03); structureconsisting ofbrucite la: 3.06(l), c: 11.3(1)Al and isotropic or weakly birefringent. sulfide a:3.20(l), c : ll.3(l) A] layers,analogous The name is for the chemical composition and the relationship [hexagonal, to valleriite. with goyazite. Type material is at the University of Stuttgart. X-ray diffraction pattern of the mineral was indexed on a hex- J.E.S. agonalcell (P3ml?, a = 3.21,c = ll.3 A). fne strongestX-ray lines (16 given, most of them broad) are 5.68(10X0002), 2.76(6X10I0),1.596(4Xll20), 1.575(6X1121,1016). IR spec- Phyllotungstite* trum of the mineral is discussed.The formula V'-"S' : given valleriite. K. Walenta (1984) Phyllotungstit, ein neues sekundiiresWol- n[(Mg,AlXOH),1(n 0.612) is by analogy with pinkish frammineral aus der Grube Clara im mittleren Schwarzwald. The color is violet; in reflectedlight, anisotropic;strong red N. Jb. Miner. Mh., 1984,no. 12,529-535. bireflectance. Isotropic sections and fragments are orange with weak lilac tint. Anisotropic fragments have tints from red Microprobe analysisgave CaO I .8, PbO 2. I, FerO, I 3.3, WO, lilac to pinkish dark gray. No internal reflections. In polarized 72.7, HrO (by difference) 10.1, sum 100.00/0,corresponding to light, strong red anisotropic effects,similar to those of covellite. Ca"u,Pbo,rFe!.f;Ws e3H2r 1rO34, or idea[y, CaFer]I(WOo)u'lOHrO. Reflectancemeasurements (nm, Roo/o)gave 440, 26.0; 46Q,22.4; X-ray study shows the mineral to be orthorhombic, spacegroup 480, 19.0;500, 17.6;520, 17.8; 540, 18.7; 560,20.7;580, 23.3; : P222,Pmm2, or Pmmm, unit cell a:7.29, b 12.59,c: 19.55 600,26.4; 620, 29.6; 640, 32.8; 660, 35.7; 680, 38.2;700, 40.1 ; A, Z:3. The strongest X-ray lines (50 given) are 720,41.5;740, 42.3. 6.33(70Xr r 0,020), 3.25(80X006), 3. r 3(I 00)(220,040,22r,04r), Very soft, plastic. Microhardness2-6'9.81 MPa (9.81 mN 2.92(70)(204,r34,r | 6), 2.45 (7 0)(225,045,008,05 2), and load),Mohshardness < l.
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