Lord, Let Glasgow Flourish by the preaching of Thy Word and the praising of Thy Name APRIL 2015 JOURNAL OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF GLASGOW 70p Ogilvie 400 Prayer across Glasgow pages 8 –9 Jean Vanier Spiritual champion pages 4 –5 Poorer but purer, Sin eclipsed we must rebuild by Son’s rising God’s household Archbishop sets out vision for diocese TASKED by Pope Francis By Vincent Toal to bring the joy of the Gospel to contemporary realism about available re - society, Archbishop Leo sources, at the heart of Archbishop Cushley’s pas - Cushley has set out his toral letter is an invitation to vision for the Arch- come closer to Jesus, to diocese of St Andrews deepen the encounter of faith and Edinburgh. through the Eucharist and strengthen the Church’s wit - Like Glasgow, which shares ness in society. some of its borders, the arch - diocese is facing up to the Rediscover changed pastoral realities with “It is not enough for us sim - fewer priests and declining ply to implement structural re - Sunday Mass attendance, yet organisation with heavy hearts the same number of churches or dull pragmatism,” he said. and parishes as 40 years ago. “We must set about rebuilding Within five years, God’s household with hope Edinburgh will only have and with joy. about 33 diocesan priests yet “We need to rediscover the has 111 parishes. While early Church’s vision of evan - 165,000 people within the dio - gelical holiness, missionary cese’s territory were identified fervour and commitment to as Catholic in the 2011 practical charity. Scottish Census, weekly “Like the Church of the first Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, and from the gloom of sin, Sunday Mass attendance is few centuries, we are called to ablaze with light from her eternal King, leading them to grace less than 30,000. be poorer but purer, to cope with fewer material resources let all corners of the earth be glad, and joining them to his holy ones. Realism but at the same time increase knowing an end to gloom and darkness. In Glasgow, similar statis - our spiritual resources.” This is the night tics show some 44,000 attend - In January, the Archbishop This is the night that even now, throughout when Christ broke the prison-bars of death ing Sunday Mass out of an outlined proposals for amalga - the world, and rose victorious from the underworld. estimated Catholic population mating parishes from existing of 225,000 (2011 Census fig - clusters with a view to having sets Christian believers apart from worldly ure). While there are 90 six parishes in each of the five vices (From the Easter Proclamation) parishes – three closed in the deaneries. past year – there will be only While similar plans in 45 diocesan priests below re - Glasgow have involved wider I tirement age by 2025. ALSO INSIDE: Family Synod · General Election · Gorsilaure update · Youth 4 Life While reflecting practical Continued on page 2 2 NEWS APRIL 2015 • FLOURISH Archbishop ’s Passionists ‘retreat’ from Townhead THE Passionist commu - APRIL 2015 St Mungo’s retreat, more suitable accommoda - Although its boundaries right, next door to St nity which has served St tion, it added: “The house has cover Townhead and Sight- diary Mungo’s Church Holy Thursday (2nd): Mungo’s parish, Town- become too big, almost im - hill, many people travel from Chrism Mass, St Andrew’s head, for 150 years is on possible to maintain and un - further afield to participate in the move. suitable for those who live in its sacramental ministry. As Cathedral (11am); Mass of it – especially the older men. well as daily Mass at 10am the Lord’s Supper, St But, while vacating their “Consequently, a new prop - and 12.15pm, there are ex - Andrew’s Cathedral (7pm) spacious ‘retreat’ next door to erty has been acquired in tended periods for confession St Mungo’s church for a more Bishopbriggs, where the and spiritual counsel in the Good Friday (3rd): Liturgy manageable property in priests serving the parish will morning and late afternoon of the Passion, St Andrew’s Bishopbriggs, the priests will live, while maintaining a con - every weekday. Cathedral (3pm) continue to serve the pastoral stant presence in St Mungo’s.” One of the oldest parishes in and spiritual needs of the While there are no immedi - the archdiocese, it was Holy Saturday (4th): Easter parish. ate plans for the extensive founded in 1850 and has been Vigil, St Andrew’s Cathedral In a joint letter from four-storey building and ad - served by the Passionist (8.30pm) Archbishop Philip Tartaglia joining halls, the Archbishop Congregation since 1865. and Fr Pat Duffy, Provincial and Provincial assured that Many well-known priests and Easter Sunday (5th): Mass Superior of the Passionists, “any plans which are consid - brothers have passed through of Easter Day, St Andrew’s parishioners were assured of ered will seek to ensure the the parish which has fostered Cathedral (12 noon) their on-going pastoral care pastoral welfare of the parish - its fare share of priestly and and the future well-being of ioners and of others who fre - religious vocations. Thursday 23rd: Mass of the parish. quent the parish”. As part of its long-estab - Thanksgiving for opening of “The present ‘retreat’ which Sitting on the northern edge lished social care ministry, the has served as the parish house of the city centre, close to the parish hall facilitates the St the new care home, Nazareth as well as the home of the Royal Infirmary and Mungo Day Centre which House, Cardonald (12noon) Passionist Community was Strathclyde University, St provides hospitality, friend - Friday 24th: Mass for built for another time,” the let - Mungo’s is one of the most ship and shared activities for ter stated. visited churches in the arch - older people within the ex - Primary 7 Pupils, St Explaining the need for diocese. tended neighbourhood. Andrew’s Cathedral (10.30am) Monday 27th: Mass for Rebuilding God’s household… Primary 7 Pupils, St Continued from page 1 Andrew’s Cathedral Archbishop suggested that “We ought to be able to that new voca - amalgamations could help offer richer communal prayer, tions to the (10.30am) discussions, the outcomes are create more vibrant parishes more frequently available con - priesthood and Wednesday 29th: Mass for likely to be much the same – with a more dynamic commu - fession, regular Eucharistic religious orders Primary 7 Pupils, St around five parishes within nal life including better spiri - adoration, and more focused will come, as po - each of present nine deaneries, tual and practical support for and better funded pastoral re - tential candi - Andrew’s Cathedral or a parish for every 5000 the young, the elderly and sources of all kinds which dates are drawn (10.30am) nominal Catholics and provi - families. would enable the parish to into a more vi - sion for chapels of ease. “Pulling together into fewer take a lead in local charitable brant commu - Thursday 30th: Archdiocese However, as with Glasgow, but more concentrated parish activity.” nity of spiritual, of Glasgow Mass to mark no conclusions have been centres will enable us to inten - Titled ‘We have found the pastoral and SCIAF’s 50th anniversary, St reached. sify our spiritual and evangel - Messiah’, reflecting St port and promote “an authen - evangelical life,” the Arch- Andrew’s Cathedral (7pm) “Contrary to speculation, no ical activity,” he said. Andrew’s encounter with tically Catholic vision” of bishop asserted. decisions have been taken and “The reduced number of Jesus, the pastoral letter marriage and the family, the In line with the extended no decisions will be taken parish centres need to become stresses the ongoing need for letter suggests young families period of reflection proposed until we’ve had a fully inclu - powerhouses of devotion, cat - “sound and structured catech - will welcome the “mutual re - by Archbishop Tartaglia, ‘We sive discussion across the echesis, care and outreach. By esis” especially for young inforcement that will come have found the Messiah’ Archdiocese,” Archbishop better deploying our priestly people who are called on to from being part of larger might prove a useful resource Forty Cushley stressed. “I want to resources we will also ensure bear witness to the faith in an parish communities” along - for parish groups in Glasgow. hours hear from everybody who has that parish life remains firmly increasingly post-Christian side other Catholic parents. Motherwell and Galloway adoration something to say.” rooted in the Eucharist and the culture. “It is from these renewed dioceses have embarked on At the same time, the sacraments. Proposing that parishes sup - sources of grace and growth similar reviews. Sunday 19th April Holy Name, Mansewood St Flannan’s, Kirkintilloch BarrheadTravel.co.uk VERYVERRYY The Low Cost Travel Provider LIMITED GLASGOW ARCHDIOCESAN AVAILABILITY St Paul’s, Whiteinch FROM ONLY PP PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Sunday 26th April £719 LOURDES Led by the Archbishop of Glasgow Most Rev Philip Tartaglia St Barnabas, Shettleston 2015 BOOK ONLINE & SAVE £10 PER PERSON* *T&C’s Apply News and 16 May 7 nights - Full Board £ Fully Escorted Tour 17 - 24 JULY 2015 | 7 NIGHTS views for • 7 Nights in 3* Hotel In Lourdes £719 Daily Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner pps inc (Full Excursion Programme Included) Full Religious Programme • Full Board in Lourdes • Experienced Lourdes Guide roughout Pilgrimages to Lourdes | Medjugorje | Fatima | Holy Land • Direct Return Flight from Glasgow to Lourdes Shrines of France | Shrines of Italy | Shrines of Poland 0141 226 5898 StStepseps of SSt.t. PPaulaul
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